• The Influence of Stellar Chromospheres and Coronae on Exoplanet Transmission Spectroscopy

    Authors: Perdelwitz V., Chaikin-Lifshitz A., Ofir A., Aharonson O. (2025), Astrophysical Journal Letters. 980, 2, L42
  • Mars Without the Southern Perennial CO2 Cover

    Authors: Vos E., Aharonson O., Forget F. (2025), Geophysical Research Letters. 52, 3, e2024GL113
  • The Effect of Ground Ice Redistribution on the Martian Paleo-CO2 Cycle

    Authors: David E., Aharonson O., Vos E., Schörghofer N. (2025), Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 130, 1, e2024JE008
  • Characterizing Jupitera' s interior using machine learning reveals four key structures

    Authors: Ziv M., Galanti E., Howard S., Guillot T., Kaspi Y. (2024), Astronomy and Astrophysics. 692, A251
  • Substantial Extension of the Lifetime of the Terrestrial Biosphere

    Authors: Graham R. J., Halevy I., Abbot D. (2024), Planetary Science Journal. 5, 11, 255
  • Planetary Geologic Maps: Essential Tools for Scientific Inquiry and Space Exploration

    Authors: Luna J. W., Iqbal W., Bernhardt H., El Bilali H., Krasilnikov S., Krasilnikov A., van der Bogert C., Pondrelli M., Frigeri A., Massironi M., Ivanov M., Basilevsky A., Kumar P. S., Dhingra D., Ruj T., Xiao L., Ji J., Aharonson O., Rothery D., Hiesinger H., Skinner J. A., Head J., Ernst R., Osinski G. (2024),   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • ULTRASAT: NASA's role in mission development and science

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  • UV to near-IR obser vãtions of the DART-Dimorphos collision

    Authors: Ofek E. O., Kushnir D., Polishook D., Waxman E., Tohuvavohu A., Ben-Ami S., Katz B., Gnat O., Strotjohann N. L., Segre E., Blumenzweig A., Sofer-Rimalt Y., Yaron O., Gal-Yam A., Shvartzvald Y., Engel M., Cenko S. B., Hershko O. (2024), Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 527, 4, p. 10507-10521   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • NeuralCMS: A deep learning approach to study Jupiter's interior

    Authors: Ziv M., Galanti E., Sheffer A., Howard S., Guillot T., Kaspi Y. (2024), Astronomy and Astrophysics. 686, L7
  • Depth Dependent Dynamics Explain the Equatorial Jet Difference Between Jupiter and Saturn

    Authors: Duer K., Galanti E., Kaspi Y. (2024), Geophysical Research Letters. 51, 6, e2023GL107
  • An Efficient Observational Strategy for the Detection of the Oort Cloud

    Authors: Ofek E. O., Spitzer S. A., Nir G. (2024), Astronomical Journal. 168, 4, 147
  • Morphometric constraints on the formation of new terrestrial analogs for planetary pits

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  • A search for Kuiper belt occultations using the Weizmann Fast Astronomical Survey Telescope

    Authors: Nir G., Ofek E. O., Polishook D., Zackay B., Ben-Ami S. (2023), Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 526, 1, p. 43-68
  • Jupiter Science Enabled by ESAs Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer

    Authors: Fletcher L. N., Cavalié T., Grassi D., Hueso R., Lara L. M., Kaspi Y., Galanti E., Greathouse T. K., Molyneux P. M., Galand M., Vallat C., Witasse O., Lorente R., Hartogh P., Poulet F., Langevin Y., Palumbo P., Gladstone G. R., Retherford K. D., Dougherty M. K., Wahlund J. E., Barabash S., Iess L., Bruzzone L., Hussmann H., Gurvits L. I., Santolik O., Kolmasova I., Fischer G., Müller-Wodarg I., Piccioni G., Fouchet T., Gérard J. C., Sánchez-Lavega A., Irwin P. G., Grodent D., Altieri F., Mura A., Drossart P., Kammer J., Giles R., Cazaux S., Jones G., Smirnova M., Lellouch E., Medvedev A. S., Moreno R., Rezac L., Coustenis A., Costa M. (2023), Space Science Reviews. 219, 7, 53   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • The Shape of Jupiter and Saturn Based on Atmospheric Dynamics, Radio Occultations and Gravity Measurements

    Authors: Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Guillot T. (2023), Geophysical Research Letters. 50, 6, e2022GL102
  • The Westward Drift of Jupiter's Polar Cyclones Explained by a Center-of-Mass Approach

    Authors: Gavriel N., Kaspi Y. (2023), Geophysical Research Letters. 50, 19, e2023GL103
  • Jupiter's interior from Juno: Equation-of-state uncertainties and dilute core extent

    Authors: Howard S., Guillot T., Bazot M., Miguel Y., Stevenson D. J., Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Hubbard W. B., Militzer B., Helled R., Nettelmann N., Idini B., Bolton S. (2023), Astronomy and Astrophysics. 672, A33
  • Observational evidence for cylindrically oriented zonal flows on Jupiter

    Authors: Kaspi Y., Galanti E., Park R. S., Duer K., Gavriel N., Durante D., Iess L., Parisi M., Buccino D. R., Guillot T., Stevenson D. J., Bolton S. J. (2023), Nature Astronomy. 7, 12, p. 1463-1472
  • Gas Giant Simulations of Eddy-Driven Jets Accompanied by Deep Meridional Circulation

    Authors: Duer K., Galanti E., Kaspi Y. (2023), AGU Advances. 4, 6, e2023AV000
  • Astrometric detection of binary asteroids

    Authors: Segev N., Ofek E., Polishook D. (2023), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 518, 3, p. 3784-3795
  • From science questions to Solar System exploration

    Authors: Dehant V., Blanc M., Mackwell S., Soderlund K. M., Beck P., Bunce E., Charnoz S., Foing B., Filice V., Fletcher L. N., Forget F., Griton L., Hammel H., Höning D., Imamura T., Jackman C., Kaspi Y., Korablev O., Leconte J., Lellouch E., Marty B., Mangold N., Michel P., Morbidelli A., Mousis O., Prieto-Ballesteros O., Spohn T., Schmidt J., Sterken V. J., Tosi N., Vandaele A. C., Vernazza P., Vazan A., Westall F. (2023), Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061. p. 65-175   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • A Reappraisal of Subtropical Subsurface Water Ice Stability on Mars

    Authors: Lange L., Forget F., Vincendon M., Spiga A., Vos E., Aharonson O., Millour E., Bierjon A., Vandemeulebrouck R. (2023), Geophysical Research Letters. 50, 21, e2023GL105
  • Paleo-Evolution of Martian Subsurface Ice and Its Role in the Polar Physical and Isotopic Layering

    Authors: Vos E., Aharonson O., Schörghofer N., Forget F., Lange L., Millour E. (2023), Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 128, 10, e2023JE007
  • Juno Spacecraft Measurements of Jupiters Gravity Imply a Dilute Core

    Authors: Militzer B., Hubbard W. B., Wahl S., Lunine J. I., Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Miguel Y., Guillot T., Moore K. M., Parisi M., Connerney J. E. P., Helled R., Cao H., Mankovich C., Stevenson D. J., Park R. S., Wong M., Atreya S. K., Anderson J., Bolton S. J. (2022), Planetary Science Journal. 3, 8, 185   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • Stratigraphic and Isotopic Evolution of the Martian Polar Caps From Paleo-Climate Models

    Authors: Vos E., Aharonson O., Schörghofer N., Forget F., Millour E., Rossi L., Vals M., Montmessin F. (2022), Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 127, 3, e2021JE007
  • An Accurate 3D Analytic Model for Exoplanetary Photometry, Radial Velocity, and Astrometry

    Authors: Judkovsky Y., Ofir A., Aharonson O. (2022), The Astronomical journal. 163, 2, 90
  • Jupiter's inhomogeneous envelope

    Authors: Miguel Y., Bazot M., Guillot T., Howard S., Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Hubbard W. B., Militzer B., Helled R., Atreya S. K., Connerney J. E. P., Durante D., Kulowski L., Lunine J. I., Stevenson D., Bolton S. (2022), Astronomy and Astrophysics. 662, A18
  • Juno spacecraft gravity measurements provide evidence for normal modes of Jupiter

    Authors: Durante D., Guillot T., Iess L., Stevenson D. J., Mankovich C. R., Markham S., Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Zannoni M., Casajus L. G., Lari G., Parisi M., Buccino D. R., Park R. S., Bolton S. J. (2022), Nature Communications. 13, 1, 4632
  • Dynamical Regimes of Polar Vortices on Terrestrial Planets with a Seasonal Cycle

    Authors: Guendelman I., Waugh D. W., Kaspi Y. (2022), Planetary Science Journal. 3, 4, 94
  • Ice giant system exploration within ESAs Voyage 2050

    Authors: Fletcher L. N., Helled R., Roussos E., Jones G., Charnoz S., Andre N., Andrews D., Bannister M., Bunce E., Cavalie T., Ferri F., Fortney J., Grassi D., Griton L., Hartogh P., Hueso R., Kaspi Y., Lamy L., Masters A., Melin H., Moses J., Mousis O., Nettleman N., Plainaki C., Schmidt J., Simon A., Tobie G., Tortora P., Tosi F., Turrini D. (2022), Experimental Astronomy. 54, 2-3, p. 1015-1025   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • The oscillatory motion of Jupiters polar cyclones results from vorticity dynamics

    Authors: Gavriel N., Kaspi Y. (2022), Geophysical Research Letters. 49, 15, e2022GL098
  • Combined magnetic and gravity measurements probe the deep zonal flows of the gas giants

  • Solar-system-wide significance of Mars polar science

    Authors: Smith I. B., Calvin W. M., Smith D. E., Hansen C., Diniega S., McEwen A., Thomas N., Banfield D., Titus T. N., Becerra P., Kahre M., Forget F., Hecht M., Byrne S., Hvidberg C. S., Hayne P. O., Head, III J. W., Mellon M., Horgan B., Mustard J., Holt J. W., Howard A., McCleese D., Stoker C., James P., Putzig N. E., Whitten J., Buhler P., Spiga A., Crismani M., Aye K. M., Portyankina A., Orosei R., Bramson A., Hanley J., Sori M., Aharonson O., Clifford S., Sizemore H., Morgan G., Hartmann B., Schorghofer N., Clark R., Berman D., Crown D., Chuang F., Siegler M., Dobrea E. N., Lynch K., Obbard R. W., Elmaary M. R., Fisher D., Kleinboehl A., Balme M., Schmitt B., Daly M., Ewing R. C., Herkenhoff K. E., Fenton L., Guzewich S. D., Koutnik M., Levy J., Massey R., Łosiak A., Eke V., Goldsby D., Cross A., Hager T., Piqueux S., Kereszturi A., Seelos K., Wood S., Hauber E., Amos C., Russell P., Jaumann R., Michael G., Conway S., Khayat A., Lewis S., Luizzi G., Martinez G., Mesick K., Montabone L., Johnsson A., Pankine A., Phillips-Lander C., Read P., Edgar L., Zacny K., McAdam A., Rutledge A., Bertrand T., Widmer J., Stillman D., Soto A., Yoldi Z., Young R., Svensson A., Sam L., Landis M., Bhardwaj A., Chojnacki M., Kite E., Thomas P., Plaut J., Bapst J., Milkovich S., Whiteway J., Moores J., Rezza C., Karimova R., Mishev I., Brenen A. V., Acharya P., Chesal J., Pascuzzo A., Vos E., Osinski G., Andres C., Neisch C., Hibbard S., Sinha P., Knightly J. P., Cartwright S., Kounaves S., Orgel C., Skidmore M., MacGregor J., Staehle R., Rabassa J., Gallagher C., Coronato A., Galofre A. G., Wilson J., McKeown L., Oliveira N., Fawdon P., Gayathri U., Stuurman C., Herny C., Butcher F., Bernardini F., Perry M., Hu R., Mukherjee S., Chevrier V., Banks M. E., Meng T., Johnson P. A., Tober B., Johnson J. C., Ulamsec S., Echaurren J. C., Khuller A., Dinwiddie C., Adeli S., Henderson B. L., Lozano L. R., Lalich D., Rivera-Valentín E., Nerozzi S., Petersen E., Foss F., Lorenz R., Eigenbrode J., Day M., Brown A., Pajola M., Karatekin Ö., Lucchetti A., Cesar C., Newman C., Cave T. G., Tamppari L., Mischna M., Patel M., Streeter P., Stern J. C., Dundas C. M. (2021), European Bulletin of adapted physical activity = Europäisches Bulletin für Bewegung, Spiel und Sport in Rehabilitation und bei Behinderung = Bulletin européen en Activité Physique Adaptée. 53, 4   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • Jupiter's Temperate Belt/Zone Contrasts Revealed at Depth by Juno Microwave Observations

    Authors: Fletcher L. N., Oyafuso F. A., Allison M., Ingersoll A., Li L., Kaspi Y., Galanti E., Wong M. H., Orton G. S., Duer K., Zhang Z., Li C., Guillot T., Levin S. M., Bolton S. (2021), Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 126, 10, e2021JE006
  • Micro cold traps on the Moon

    Authors: Hayne P. O., Aharonson O., Schörghofer N. (2021), Nature Astronomy. 5, 2, p. 169-175
  • Keys of a Mission to Uranus or Neptune, the Closest Ice Giants

    Authors: Guillot T., Fortney J., Rauscher E., Marley M., Parmentier V., Line M., Wakeford H., Kaspi Y., Helled R., Ikoma M., Knutson H., Menou K., Valencia D., Durante D., Ida S., Bolton S. J., Li C., Stevenson K., Bean J., Cowan N., Hofstadter M., Hueso R., Leconte J., Li L., Mordasini C., Mousis O., Nettelmann N., Soderlund K., Wong M. (2021), Bulletin of the AAS. 53, 4   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • Evidence for Multiple Ferrel-Like Cells on Jupiter

    Authors: Duer K., Gavriel N., Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Fletcher L. N., Guillot T., Bolton S. J., Levin S. M., Atreya S. K., Grassi D., Ingersoll A. P., Li C., Li L., Lunine J. I., Orton G. S., Oyafuso F. A., Waite J. H. (2021), Geophysical Research Letters. 48, 23, e2021GL095   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • A Simplified Photodynamical Model for Planetary Mass Determination in Low-eccentricity Multitransiting Systems

    Authors: Yoffe G., Ofir A., Aharonson O. (2021), Astrophysical Journal. 908, 1, 114
  • Microwave observations reveal the deep extent and structure of Jupiters atmospheric vortices

    Authors: Bolton S. J., Levin S. M., Guillot T., Li C., Kaspi Y., Orton G., Wong M. H., Oyafuso F., Allison M., Arballo J., Atreya S., Becker H. N., Bloxham J., Brown S., Fletcher L. N., Galanti E., Gulkis S., Janssen M., Ingersoll A., Lunine J. L., Misra S., Steffes P., Stevenson D., Waite J. H., Yadav R. K., Zhang Z. (2021), Science. 374, 6570, p. 968-972   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • New Approaches to Lunar Ice Detection and Mapping

    Authors: Hayne P., Paige D., Ingersoll A., Aharonson O., Byrne S., Cohen B., Colaprete A., Edwards C. S., Foote E. J., Greenhagen B. T., Hendrix A., Hermalyn B., Horanyi M., Liu Y., Lucey P. G., Malphrus B. K., McCord T. B., Poston M. J., Sanders G. B., Schörghofer N., Siegler M. M., Staehle R. L., Zimmerman W. (2021), Bulletin of the AAS. 53, 4   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • Theory of Figures to the Seventh Order and the Interiors of Jupiter and Saturn

    Authors: Nettelmann N., Movshovitz N., Ni D., Fortney J., Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Helled R., Mankovich C. R., Bolton S. J. (2021), The Planetary Science Journal. 2, 6, 241
  • Constraints on the Latitudinal Profile of Jupiter's Deep Jets

    Authors: Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Duer K., Fletcher L., Ingersoll A. P., Li C., Orton G. S., Guillot T., Levin S. M., Bolton S. J. (2021), Geophysical Research Letters. 48, 9, e2021GL092
  • The number and location of Jupiters circumpolar cyclones explained by vorticity dynamics

    Authors: Gavriel N., Kaspi Y. (2021), Nature Geoscience. 14, 8, p. 559-563
  • Temporal and Spatial Analysis of Forward and Backward Microbial Contamination in a Mars Analog Mission

    Authors: Yair Y., Reshef L., Shopen-Gochev C., Yoffe G., Azulay G., Aharonson O., Sorek-Abramovich R. (2021), Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. 8, 589147
  • Toward an Understanding of the Structure of Jupiter's Atmosphere Using the Ammonia Distribution and the Transformed Eulerian Mean Theory

  • The depth of Jupiters Great Red Spot constrained by Juno gravity overflights

    Authors: Parisi M., Kaspi Y., Galanti E., Durante D., Bolton S. J., Levin S. M., Buccino D. R., Fletcher L. N., Folkner W. M., Guillot T., Helled R., Iess L., Li C., Oudrhiri K., Wong M. H. (2021), Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science). 374, 6570, eabf1396
  • The emergence of a summer hemisphere jet in planetary atmospheres

    Authors: Guendelman I., Waugh D. W., Kaspi Y. (2021), Journal Of The Atmospheric Sciences. 78, 10, p. 3337-3348
  • A mascon approach to estimating the depth of Jupiter's Great Red Spot with Juno gravity measurements

    Authors: Parisi M., Folkner W. M., Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Buccino D. R., Oudrhiri K., Bolton S. J. (2020), Planetary and Space Science. 181, 104781
  • Resolving the latitudinal shortscale gravity field of Jupiter using Slepian functions

    Authors: Parisi M., Galanti E., Folkner W. M., Kaspi Y., Buccino D. R. (2020), Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 125, 11, 2020JE0064
  • Ice Giant Systems: The scientific potential of orbital missions to Uranus and Neptune

    Authors: Fletcher L. N., Helled R., Roussos E., Jones G., Charnoz S., Andre N., Andrews D., Bannister M., Bunce E., Cavalie T., Ferri F., Fortney J., Grassi D., Griton L., Hartogh P., Hueso R., Kaspi Y., Lamy L., Masters A., Melin H., Moses J., Mousis O., Nettleman N., Plainaki C., Schmidt J., Simon A., Tobie G., Tortora P., Tosi F., Turrini D. (2020), Planetary and Space Science. 191, 105030   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • How Well Do We Understand the Belt/Zone Circulation of Giant Planet Atmospheres?

    Authors: Fletcher L. N., Kaspi Y., Guillot T., Showman A. P. (2020), Space Science Reviews. 216, 2, 30
  • Superrotation in Planetary Atmospheres

    Authors: Imamura T., Mitchell J., Lebonnois S., Kaspi Y., Showman A. P., Korablev O. (2020), Space Science Reviews. 216, 5, 87
  • Comparison of the Deep Atmospheric Dynamics of Jupiter and Saturn in Light of the Juno and Cassini Gravity Measurements

    Authors: Kaspi Y., Galanti E., Showman A. P., Stevenson D. J., Guillot T., Iess L., Bolton S. J. (2020), Space Science Reviews. 216, 5, 84
  • The Range of Jupiter's Flow Structures that Fit the Juno Asymmetric Gravity Measurements

    Authors: Duer K., Galanti E., Kaspi Y. (2020), Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets. 125, 8, e2019JE006
  • Measurement and implications of Saturn's gravity field and ring mass

    Authors: Iess L., Militzer B., Kaspi Y., Nicholson P., Durante D., Racioppa P., Anabtawi A., Galanti E., Hubbard W., Mariani M. J., Tortora P., Wahl S., Zannoni M. (2019), Science. 364, 6445, eaat2965
  • Saturn's Deep Atmospheric Flows Revealed by the Cassini Grand Finale Gravity Measurements

    Authors: Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Miguel Y., Guillot T., Durante D., Racioppa P., Iess L. (2019), Geophysical Research Letters. 46, 2, p. 616-624
  • Atmospheric dynamics on terrestrial planets: the seasonal response to changes in orbital, rotational and radiative timescales

    Authors: Guendelman I., Kaspi Y. (2019), Astrophysical Journal. 881, 1, 67
  • The Zwicky Transient Facility: Science Objectives

    Authors: Graham M. J., Kulkarni S. R., Bellm E. C., Adams S. M., Barbarino C., Blagorodnova N., Bodewits D., Bolin B., Brady P. R., Cenko S. B., Chang C., Coughlin M. W., De K., Eadie G., Farnham T. L., Feindt U., Franckowiak A., Fremling C., Gezari S., Ghosh S., Goldstein D. A., Golkhou V. Z., Goobar A., Ho A. Y. Q., Huppenkothen D., Ivezic Z., Jones R. L., Juric M., Kaplan D. L., Kasliwal M. M., Kelley M. S. P., Kupfer T., Lee C., Lin H. W., Lunnan R., Mahabal A. A., Miller A. A., Ngeow C., Nugent P., Ofek E. O., Prince T. A., Rauch L., van Roestel J., Schulze S., Singer L. P., Sollerman J., Taddia F., Yan L., Ye Q., Yu P., Barlow T., Bauer J., Beck R., Belicki J., Biswas R., Brinnel V., Brooke T., Bue B., Bulla M., Burruss R., Connolly A., Cromer J., Cunningham V., Dekany R., Delacroix A., Desai V., Duev D. A., Feeney M., Flynn D., Frederick S., Gal-Yam A., Giomi M., Groom S., Hacopians E., Hale D., Helou G., Henning J., Hover D., Hillenbrand L. A., Howell J., Hung T., Imel D., Ip W., Jackson E., Kaspi S., Kaye S., Kowalski M., Kramer E., Kuhn M., Landry W., Laher R. R., Mao P., Masci F. J., Monkewitz S., Murphy P., Nordin J., Patterson M. T., Penprase B., Porter M., Rebbapragada U., Reiley D., Riddle R., Rigault M., Rodriguez H., Rusholme B., van Santen J., Shupe D. L., Smith R. M., Soumagnac M. T., Stein R., Surace J., Szkody P., Terek S., Van Sistine A., van Velzen S., Vestrand W. T., Walters R., Ward C., Zhang C., Zolkower J. (2019), Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 131, 1001, 078001   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • Impact Dynamics of Moons Within a Planetary Potential

    Authors: Rufu R., Aharonson O. (2019), Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets. 124, 4, p. 1008-1019
  • Analysis of Jupiter's Deep Jets Combining Juno Gravity and Time-varying Magnetic Field Measurements

    Authors: Duer K., Galanti E., Kaspi Y. (2019), Astrophysical Journal Letters. 879, 2, 22
  • Dynamic and isotopic evolution of ice reservoirs on Mars

    Authors: Vos E., Aharonson O., Schorghofer N. (2019), Icarus. 324, p. 1-7
  • The Zwicky Transient Facility: Data Processing, Products, and Archive

    Authors: Masci F. J., Laher R. R., Rusholme B., Shupe D. L., Groom S., Surace J., Jackson E., Monkewitz S., Beck R., Flynn D., Terek S., Landry W., Hacopians E., Desai V., Howell J., Brooke T., Imel D., Wachter S., Ye Q., Lin H., Cenko S. B., Cunningham V., Rebbapragada U., Bue B., Miller A. A., Mahabal A., Bellm E. C., Patterson M. T., Juric M., Golkhou V. Z., Ofek E. O., Walters R., Graham M., Kasliwal M. M., Dekany R. G., Kupfer T., Burdge K., Cannella C. B., Barlow T., Van Sistine A., Giomi M., Fremling C., Blagorodnova N., Levitan D., Riddle R., Smith R. M., Helou G., Prince T. A., Kulkarni S. R. (2019), Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 131, 995, 018003   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • Determining the Depth of Jupiter's Great Red Spot with Juno: A Slepian Approach

    Authors: Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Simons F. J., Durante D., Parisi M., Bolton S. J. (2019), Astrophysical Journal Letters. 874, 2, 24
  • The 2019 analog Mars mission season at the Desert Mars analog Ramon Station

    Authors: Rubinstein H., Abramovich R. S., Barnett D. L., Shikar A., Helmann Y. Y., Nevenzal H., Vizel N., Paz Y., Dahan D., Bainberg S., Yoffe G., Henn N., Ryazanskiy M., Mauda S., Kushnir N., Orlov Y., Margulyan K., Schenker E., Aharonson O. (2019), Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC. 2019-October, IAC-19_A5_   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • The Robo-AO-2 facility for rapid visible/near-infrared AO imaging and the demonstration of hybrid techniques

    Authors: Baranec C., Chun M., Hall D., Connelley M., Hodapp K., Huber D., Liu M., Magnier E., Meech K., Takamiya M., Griffiths R., Riddle R., Dekany R., Kasliwal M., Lau R., Law N. M., Guyon O., De Pater I., Wong M., Ofek E., Hammel H., Kuchner M., Simon A., Moore A., Kissler-Patig M., Van Dam M. A. (2018), Adaptive Optics Systems VI.   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • The Global Atmospheric Circulation of Saturn

  • Jupiter's atmospheric jet streams extend thousands of kilometres deep

    Authors: Kaspi Y., Galanti E., Hubbard W. B., Stevenson D. J., Bolton S. J., Less L., Guillot T., Bloxham J., Connerney J. E. P., Cao H., Durante D., Folkner W. M., Helled R., Ingersoll A. P., Levin S. M., Lunine J. I., Miguel Y., Militzer B., Parisi M., Wahl S. M. (2018), Nature. 555, 7695, p. 223-226   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • The Role of Multiple Giant Impacts in the Formation of the Earth-Moon System

    Authors: Citron R., Perets H. B., Aharonson O. (2018), Astrophysical Journal. 862, 1, 5
  • Measurement of Jupiter's asymmetric gravity field

    Authors: Iess L., Folkner W. M., Durante D., Parisi M., Kaspi Y., Galanti E., Guillot T., Hubbard W. B., Stevenson D. J., Anderson J. D., Buccino D. R., Casajus L. G., Milani A., Park R., Racioppa P., Serra D., Tortora P., Zannoni M., Cao H., Helled R., Lunine J. I., Miguel Y., Militzer B., Wahl S., Connerney J. E. P., Levin S. M., Bolton S. J. (2018), Nature. 555, 7695, p. 220-222   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • An Axisymmetric Limit for the Width of the Hadley Cell on Planets With Large Obliquity and Long Seasonality

    Authors: Guendelman I., Kaspi Y. (2018), Geophysical Research Letters. 45, 24, p. 13213-13221
  • A suppression of differential rotation in Jupiter's deep interior

    Authors: Guillot T., Miguel Y., Militzer B., Hubbard W. B., Kaspi Y., Galanti E., Cao H., Helled R., Wahl S. M., Iess L., Folkner W. M., Stevenson D. J., Lunine J. I., Reese D. R., Biekman A., Parisi M., Durante D., Connerney J. E. P., Levin S. M., Bolton S. J. (2018), Nature. 555, 7695, p. 227-230   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • Prediction for the Flow-induced Gravity Field of Saturn: Implications for Cassini's Grand Finale

    Authors: Galanti E., Kaspi Y. (2017), Astrophysical Journal Letters. 843, 2, L25
  • Decoupling Jupiter's deep and atmospheric flows using the upcoming Juno gravity measurements and a dynamical inverse model

    Authors: Galanti E., Kaspi Y. (2017), Icarus. 286, p. 46-55
  • A Martian origin for the Mars Trojan asteroids

    Authors: Polishook D., Jacobson S. A., Morbidelli A., Aharonson O. (2017), Nature Astronomy. 1, 8, 0179
  • Galileo probe interpretation indicating a neutrally stable layer in the Jovian troposphere

    Authors: O'Neill M. E., Kaspi Y., Fletcher L. N. (2017), Geophysical Research Letters. 44, 9, p. 4008-4017
  • Jupiter's interior and deep atmosphere: The initial pole-To-pole passes with the Juno spacecraft

    Authors: Bolton S. J., Adriani A., Adumitroaie V., Allison M., Anderson J., Atreya S., Bloxham J., Brown S., Connerney J. E. P., DeJong E., Folkner W., Gautier D., Grassi D., Gulkis S., Guillot T., Hansen C., Hubbard W. B., Iess L., Ingersoll A., Janssen M., Jorgensen J., Kaspi Y., Levin S. M., Li C., Lunine J., Miguel Y., Mura A., Orton G., Owen T., Ravine M., Smith E., Steffes P., Stone E., Stevenson D., Thorne R., Waite J., Durante D., Ebert R. W., Greathouse T. K., Hue V., Parisi M., Szalay J. R., Wilson R. (2017), Science. 356, 6340, p. 821-825   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • The effect of differential rotation on Jupiter's low-degree even gravity moments

    Authors: Kaspi Y., Guillot T., Galanti E., Miguel Y., Helled R., Hubbard W. B., Militzer B., Wahl S. M., Levin S., Connerney J. E. P., Bolton S. J. (2017), Geophysical Research Letters. 44, 12, p. 5960-5968
  • Estimating Jupiter's Gravity Field Using Juno Measurements, Trajectory Estimation Analysis, and a Flow Model Optimization

    Authors: Galanti E., Durante D., Finocchiaro S., Iess L., Kaspi Y. (2017), Astronomical Journal. 154, 1, 2
  • Dynamics of Massive Atmospheres

    Authors: Chemke R., Kaspi Y. (2017), Astrophysical Journal. 845, 1, 1
  • Comparing Jupiter interior structure models to Juno gravity measurements and the role of a dilute core

    Authors: Wahl S. M., Hubbard W. B., Militzer B., Guillot T., Miguel Y., Movshovitz N., Kaspi Y., Helled R., Reese D., Galanti E., Levin S., Connerney J. E., Bolton S. J. (2017), Geophysical Research Letters. 44, 10, p. 4649-4659
  • A multiple-impact origin for the Moon

    Authors: Rufu R., Aharonson O., Perets H. B. (2017), Nature Geoscience. 10, 2, p. 89-94
  • The IPAC Image Subtraction and Discovery Pipeline for the Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory

    Authors: Masci F., Laher R., Rebbapragada U., Doran G., Miller A., Bellm E., Kasliwal M., Ofek E., Surace J., Shupe D., Grillmair C., Jackson E., Barlow T., Yan L., Cao Y., Cenko S., Storrie-Lombardi L., Helou G., Prince T., Kulkarni S. (2017), Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 129, 971   |  All authors, Not useful for Screen reader user, all authors have already been read
  • Constraining Jupiter's internal flows using Juno magnetic and gravity measurements

    Authors: Galanti E., Cao H., Kaspi Y. (2017), Geophysical Research Letters. 44, 16, p. 8173-8181
  • A full, self-consistent treatment of thermal wind balance on oblate fluid planets

    Authors: Galanti E., Kaspi Y., Tziperman E. (2017), Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 810, p. 175-195
  • Stability of ice on the Moon with rough topography

    Authors: Rubanenko L., Aharonson O. (2017), Icarus. 296, p. 99-109
  • Reply to Comment on "Radiative Transfer in CO2-Rich Atmospheres: 1. Collisional Line Mixing Implies a Colder Early Mars"

    Authors: Ozak N., Aharonson O., Halevy I. (2017),
  • Global Regolith Thermophysical Properties of the Moon From the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment

    Authors: Hayne P. O., Bandfield J. L., Siegler M. A., Vasavada A. R., Ghent R. R., Williams J., Greenhagen B. T., Aharonson O., Elder C. M., Lucey P. G., Paige D. A. (2017), Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets. 122, 12, p. 2371-2400
  • Slantwise convection on fluid planets

    Authors: O'Neill M. E., Kaspi Y. (2016), Geophysical Research Letters. 43, 20, p. 10611-10620
  • Radiative transfer in CO2-rich atmospheres: 1. Collisional line mixing implies a colder early Mars

    Authors: Ozak N., Aharonson O., Halevy I. (2016), Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets. 121, 6, p. 965-985

    Authors: Galanti E., Kaspi Y. (2016), Astrophysical Journal. 820, 2, 91
  • Probing the depth of Jupiter's Great Red Spot with the Juno gravity experiment

    Authors: Parisi M., Galanti E., Finocchiaro S., Iess L., Kaspi Y. (2016), Icarus. 267, p. 232-242
  • The gravitational signature of internal flows in giant planets: Comparing the thermal wind approach with barotropic potential-surface methods

    Authors: Kaspi Y., Davighi J. E., Galanti E., Hubbard W. B. (2016), Icarus. 276, p. 170-181
  • Atmospheric dynamics of terrestrial exoplanets over a wide range of orbital and atmospheric parameters

    Authors: Kaspi Y., Showman A. P. (2015), Astrophysical Journal. 804, 1, 60
  • Topographic power spectra of cratered terrains: Theory and application to the Moon

    Authors: Rosenburg M. A., Aharonson O., Sari R. (2015), Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets. 120, 2, p. 177-194
  • Finding unique exoplanets with ultrasat

    Authors: Ofir A., Aharonson O. (2015), 66th International Astronautical Congress 2015, IAC 2015. p. 4319-4322
  • Saturn's fast spin determined from its gravitational field and oblateness

    Authors: Helled R., Galanti E., Kaspi Y. (2015), Nature. 520, 7546, p. 202-204
  • Stratigraphy of Aeolis Dorsa, Mars: Stratigraphic context of the great river deposits

    Authors: Kite E. S., Howard A. D., Lucas A. S., Armstrong J. C., Aharonson O., Lamb M. P. (2015), Icarus. 253, p. 223-242
  • The effect of slope distribution on the surface temperature of the moon and other airless bodies

    Authors: Rubanenko L., Aharonson O. (2015), 66th International Astronautical Congress 2015, IAC 2015. p. 825-827
  • Low palaeopressure of the martian atmosphere estimated from the size distribution of ancient craters

    Authors: Kite E. S., Williams J., Lucas A., Aharonson O. (2014), Nature Geoscience. 7, 5, p. 335-339
  • A procedure for testing the significance of orbital tuning of the martian polar layered deposits

    Authors: Sori M. M., Perron J. T., Huybers P., Aharonson O. (2014), Icarus. 235, p. 136-146
  • Statistical searches for microlensing events in large, non-uniformly sampled time-domain surveys: A test using palomar transient factory data

    Authors: Price-Whelan A. M., Agueeros M. A., Fournier A. P., Street R., Ofek E. O., Covey K. R., Levitan D., Laher R. R., Sesar B., Surace J. (2014), Astrophysical Journal. 781, 1, 35
  • Occurrence and origin of rhythmic sedimentary rocks on Mars

    Authors: Lewis K. W., Aharonson O. (2014), Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets. 119, 6, p. 1432-1457
  • The production of small primary craters on Mars and the Moon

    Authors: Williams J., Pathare A. V., Aharonson O. (2014), Icarus. 235, p. 23-36
  • Growth mechanisms and dune orientation on Titan

    Authors: Lucas A., Rodriguez S., Narteau C., Charnay B., du Pont P. S., Tokano T., Garcia A., Thiriet M., Hayes A., Lorenz R., Aharonson O. (2014), Geophysical Research Letters. 41, 17, p. 6093-6100
  • Episodic warming of early Mars by punctuated volcanism

    Authors: Halevy I., Head J. W. (2014), Nature Geoscience. 7, 12, p. 865-868
  • Predictions of thermal and gravitational signals of Jupiter's deep zonal winds

    Authors: Liu J., Schneider T., Kaspi Y. (2013), Icarus. 224, 1, p. 114-125
  • Inferring the depth of the zonal jets on Jupiter and Saturn from odd gravity harmonics

  • Seasonal melting and the formation of sedimentary rocks on Mars, with predictions for the Gale Crater mound

    Authors: Kite E. S., Halevy I., Kahre M. A., Wolff M. J., Manga M. (2013), Icarus. 223, 1, p. 181-210
  • Atmospheric dynamics of brown dwarfs and directly imaged giant planets

    Authors: Showman A. P., Kaspi Y. (2013), Astrophysical Journal. 776, 2, 85
  • Atmospheric confinement of jet streams on Uranus and Neptune

    Authors: Kaspi Y., Showman A. P., Hubbard W. B., Aharonson O., Helled R. (2013), Nature. 497, 7449, p. 344-347
  • Wind driven capillary-gravity waves on Titan's lakes: Hard to detect or non-existent?

    Authors: Hayes A. G., Lorenz R. D., Donelan M. A., Manga M., Lunine J. I., Schneider T., Lamb M. P., Mitchell J. M., Fischer W. W., Graves S. D., Tolman H. L., Aharonson O., Encrenaz P. J., Ventura B., Casarano D., Notarnicola C. (2013), Icarus. 225, 1, p. 403-412
  • Main-belt comets in the palomar transient factory survey - I. The search for extendedness

    Authors: Waszczak A., Ofek E. O., Aharonson O., Kulkarni S. R., Polishook D., Bauer J. M., Levitan D., Sesar B., Laher R., Surace J. (2013), Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 433, 4, p. 3115-3132
  • Atmospheric Circulation of Terrestrial Exoplanets

  • Measurements of thermal properties of icy Mars regolith analogs

    Authors: SIEGLER M., AHARONSON O., CAREY E., CHOUKROUN M., HUDSON T., SCHORGHOFER N., XU S. (2012), Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 117, 3, E03001
  • Detailed stratigraphy and bed thickness of the Mars north and south polar layered deposits

    Authors: LIMAYE A. B. S., AHARONSON O., PERRON J. T. (2012), Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 117, 6, E06009
  • Why do we see the man in the Moon?

    Authors: Aharonson O., Goldreich P., Sari R. (2012), Icarus. 219, 1, p. 241-243
  • Sloan digital sky survey observations of Kuiper belt objects: Colors and variability

    Authors: Ofek E. O. (2012), Astrophysical Journal. 749, 1, 10
  • Carbonates in the Martian meteorite Allan Hills 84001 formed at 18 ± 4 °C in a near-surface aqueous environment

  • Insolation driven variations of Mercury's lithospheric strength

    Authors: Williams J., Ruiz J., Rosenburg M. A., Aharonson O., Phillips R. J. (2011), Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 116, 1, E01008
  • Scaling laws for convection and jet speeds in the giant planets

    Authors: Showman A. P., Kaspi Y., Flierl G. R. (2011), Icarus. 211, 2, p. 1258-1273
  • Geophysical consequences of planetary-scale impacts into a Mars-like planet

    Authors: Marinova M. M., Aharonson O., Asphaug E. (2011), Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962). 211, 2, p. 960-985
  • Global surface slopes and roughness of the Moon from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter

    Authors: Rosenburg M. A., Aharonson O., Head J. W., Kreslavsky M. A., Mazarico E., Neumann G. A., Smith D. E., Torrence M. H., Zuber M. T. (2011), Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 116, 2, E02001
  • Detecting a small Kuiper Belt object using archival data of HST's Fine Guidance Sensor

    Authors: Zucker S., Schlichting H. E., Ofek E. O., Wenz M., Sari R., Gal-Yam A., Livio M., Nelan E. (2010), Proceedings of Science. 108
  • Internal structure of Planum Boreum, from Mars advanced radar for subsurface and ionospheric sounding data

    Authors: Selvans M. M., Plaut J. J., Aharonson O., Safaeinili A. (2010), Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 115, 9, E09003
  • Gravitational signature of Jupiter's internal dynamics

    Authors: Kaspi Y., Hubbard W. B., Showman A. P., Flierl G. R. (2010), Geophysical Research Letters. 37, 1, L01204