The Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science focuses on ensuring the continuity of scientific research and collaboration being carried out in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
The Belfer Institute regularly endorses significant scientific events held by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. The prestigious annual Pekeris Memorial Lectures are being held in memory of the founder of the faculty, Prof. Chaim Pekeris. The annual Pnueli Lecture is given in memory of Prof. Amir Pnueli, a world-renowned computer scientists and the winner of the AM Turing Award (1996). Each year, a distinguished computer scientist is given the honor of speaking about innovations in research in front of a large audience of students and researchers. The Belfer Institute also provides annual support for the ceremony of the Lee A. Segel Memorial Prize in Theoretical Biology.

The Institute also sponsors international conferences and workshops led by faculty members and students, as well as the purchase and maintenance of state-of-the-art research equipment and supplies.

Department of Computer Science & Applied Mathematics

Department of Mathematics