Stormy weather: past and future hazards from a weather system perspective

Lecture / Seminar
Time: 11:00-12:00
Lecturer: Jennifer Catto
Organizer: Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Details: University of Exeter
Abstract: Natural hazards such as extreme wind, rainfall and ocean waves can have severe i ... Read more Natural hazards such as extreme wind, rainfall and ocean waves can have severe impacts on built and natural environments, contributing to the occurrence of disastrous events in some cases. These hazards are often caused by weather systems such as cyclones, fronts and thunderstorms. We have used a number of objective techniques to identify these weather system types, in order to understand the links between the weather systems and hazards in observations. We have then used this understanding to evaluate climate models and to better understand the response of the weather systems and the high impact hazards to a warmer climate.
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