The Influence of Stellar Chromospheres and Coronae on Exoplanet Transmission Spectroscopy
SN 2023tsz: a helium-interaction-driven supernova in a very low-mass galaxy
Quantum control of ion-atom collisions beyond the ultracold regime
Programmable Quantum Simulations on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer with a Global Drive
Operating a Multi-Ion Clock with Dynamical Decoupling
Direct visualization of shock front induced nonlinear laser wakefield dynamics
Planetary Mass Determinations from a Simplified Photodynamical ModelApplication to the Complete Kepler Dataset
Mars Without the Southern Perennial CO2 Cover
The Effect of Ground Ice Redistribution on the Martian Paleo-CO2 Cycle
Shock Breakouts from Compact Circumstellar Medium Surrounding Core-collapse Supernova Progenitors May Contribute Significantly to the Observed ≳10 TeV Neutrino Background
Hunting for ultralight dark matter with cosmographic H0 signal
Eruptive mass loss less than a year before the explosion of superluminous supernovae: I. The cases of SN 2020xga and SN 2022xgc
Off-centre ignition of sub-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs does not resolve the tension with the observed t0-MNi56 relation of type Ia supernovae
Simple few-shot method for spectrally resolving the wavefront of an ultrashort laser pulse
The Future of Attosecond Science
What is your favorite transient event? SOXS is almost ready to observe!
Non-thermal emission from mildly relativistic dynamical ejecta of neutron star mergers: spectrum and sky image
The SOXS Instrument Control Software approaching the PAE
Characterizing Jupitera' s interior using machine learning reveals four key structures
Improving correlation based super-resolution microscopy images through image fusion by self-supervised deep learning
Kepler Multitransiting System Physical Properties and Impact Parameter Variations
Offline tagging of radon-induced backgrounds in XENON1T and applicability to other liquid xenon time projection chambers
Technique to measure the gravitational mass of ultracold matter and its implications for antimatter studies
Substantial Extension of the Lifetime of the Terrestrial Biosphere
Super-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy by coherent image scanning
Design and performance of the field cage for the XENONnT experiment
Experimental quantum noise sensing via quantum Zeno/anti-Zeno effect
The integration of the SOXS control electronics towards the PAE
Advances in quantum imaging
The progenitor star of SN 2023ixf: A massive red supergiant with enhanced, episodic pre-supernova mass loss
Final Alignment and Image Quality Test for the Acquisition and Guiding System of SOXS
Guanidinium Substitution Improves Self-Healing and Photodamage Resilience of MAPbI3
The XENONnT dark matter experiment
Technical Design Report for the LUXE experiment
First Indication of Solar 8B Neutrinos via Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering with XENONnT
Rapidity dependence of nuclear coalescence: Impact on cosmic ray antinuclei: Impact on cosmic ray antinuclei
Planetary Geologic Maps: Essential Tools for Scientific Inquiry and Space Exploration
Photometric prioritization of neutron star merger candidates
First Electrons from Axiparabola-Based LWFA
Massive stars exploding in a He-rich circumstellar medium: X. Flash spectral features in the Type Ibn SN 2019cj and observations of SN 2018jmt
An Infrared Census of R Coronae Borealis Stars IISpectroscopic Classifications and Implications for the Rate of Low-mass White Dwarf Mergers
ULTRASAT: NASA's role in mission development and science
Interface Engineering in a CdS-Modified PbS Nanosheet-FAPbI3 Heterostructure Enabling High-Performance Perovskite Solar Cells
Simple few-shot method for spectrally resolving the wavefront of an ultrashort laser pulse
Characterizing the Ordinary Broad-line Type Ic SN 2023pel from the Energetic GRB 230812B
Asteroid Collisions: Expected Visibility and Rate
Quantum noise in time-dependent media and cosmic expansion
A single-bubble source for gravitational waves in a cosmological phase transition
How to find optimal quantum states for optical micromanipulation and metrology in complex scattering problems: tutorial
Reply to Comment by Chang on \u201cAnticyclonic Suppression of the North Pacific Transient Eddy Activity in Midwinter\u201d
Hierarchical three-body problem at high eccentricities = simple pendulum I: octupole
ULTRASAT: A wide-field time-domain UV space telescope: A Wide-field Time-domain UV Space Telescope
Hierarchical three-body problem at high eccentricities = simple pendulum II: octupole including Browns Hamiltonian
Attosecond Interferometry
Black-hole powered quantum coherent amplifier
How synchronized human networks escape local minima
Production of Neoproterozoic banded iron formations in a partially ice-covered ocean
Linking Future Tropical Precipitation Changes to Zonally-Asymmetric Large-Scale Meridional Circulation
Coherent interface between optical and microwave photons on an integrated superconducting atom chip
Scalable Architecture for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing Using rf Traps and Dynamic Optical Potentials
Preliminary results of the Single Event Effect testing for the ULTRASAT sensors
Automated scheduler for the SOXS instrument: design and performance
Characterisation and assessment of the SOXS Spectrograph UV-VIS Detector System
How Single-Photon Switching is Quenched with Multiple Λ -Level Atoms
Central-surface-densities correlation in general MOND theories
Cosmogenic background simulations for neutrinoless double beta decay with the DARWIN observatory at various underground sites
Optical and Radio Analysis of Systematically Classified Broad-lined Type Ic Supernovae from the Zwicky Transient Facility
Effective field theory and inelastic dark matter results from XENON1T
Strongly Interacting Bose-Fermi Mixtures: Mediated Interaction, Phase Diagram, and Sound Propagation
Shock cooling emission from explosions of red supergiants: II. An analytic model of deviations from blackbody emission
Spectroscopic observations of progenitor activity 100 days before a Type Ibn supernova?
The thermalization of γ-rays in radioactive expanding ejecta: a simple model and its application for Kilonovae and Ia SNe: a simple model and its application for Kilonovae and Ia SNe
Walking with SOXS towards the transient sky
Chaotic scattering in ultracold atom-ion collisions
The status of the NIR arm of the SOXS Instrument toward the PAE
Sensing microscopic noise events by frequent quantum measurements
SN 2022oqm-A Ca-rich Explosion of a Compact Progenitor Embedded in C/O Circumstellar Material
The dense and non-homogeneous circumstellar medium revealed in radio wavelengths around the Type Ib SN 2019oys
Use of spatiotemporal couplings and an axiparabola to control the velocity of peak intensity
Supersensitive phase estimation by thermal light in a Kerr-nonlinear interferometric setup
The Role of Diabatic Heating in the Midlatitude Atmospheric Circulation Response to Climate Change
Reassessing the constraints from SH0ES extragalactic Cepheid amplitudes on systematic blending bias
UV to near-IR obser vãtions of the DART-Dimorphos collision
Long-term interaction of metals and phosphate with ferrihydrite in artificial seawater and implications for past and present environments
Temporal quantum eraser: Fusion gates with distinguishable photons
Laser Proton Acceleration from a Near-Critical Imploding Gas Target
Anticyclonic Suppression of the North Pacific Transient Eddy Activity in Midwinter
Attosecond transient interferometry
A Bias-corrected Luminosity Function for Red Supergiant Supernova Progenitor Stars
Analysis of the Full Spitzer Microlensing Sample. I. Dark Remnant Candidates and Gaia Predictions
DeepSpec: a Broad-band R ∼ 650 Spectrograph with Multiplexing Capabilities
Inertial geometric quantum logic gates
End-to-End simulation framework for astronomical spectrographs: SOXS, CUBES and ANDES
TRANSLIENT: Detecting Transients Resulting from Point-source Motion or Astrometric Errors
Inverse Mpemba Effect Demonstrated on a Single Trapped Ion Qubit
Laser-Induced Electron Diffraction in Chiral Molecules
Real-time visualization of the laser-plasma wakefield dynamics
The Early Ultraviolet Light Curves of Type II Supernovae and the Radii of Their Progenitor Stars
Dramatic Rebrightening of the Type-changing Stripped-envelope Supernova SN 2023aew
Efficient laser wakefield accelerator in pump depletion dominated bubble regime
Electronic-Resonance Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Spectroscopy and Microscopy
1100 days in the life of the supernova 2018ibb - The best pair-instability supernova candidate, to date⋆
SOXS System engineering from design to installation: Challenges and results
Design and fabrication of ultrahigh Q chip-based silica WGM micro-resonators for single-atom cavity-QED
NeuralCMS: A deep learning approach to study Jupiter's interior
Depth Dependent Dynamics Explain the Equatorial Jet Difference Between Jupiter and Saturn
High γ-ray escape time in 2003fg-like supernovae: A challenge to proposed models
Organic Crystals and Optical Functions in Biology: Knowns and Unknowns
HighSpec: A High-Resolution Spectrograph for the MAST Telescope Array
Synchronization in Coupled Laser Arrays with Correlated and Uncorrelated Disorder
Observation of interband Berry phase in laser-driven crystals
Efficient coupling of light to an atomic tweezer array in a cavity
Thermodynamic sensing of quantum nonlinear noise correlations
Benchmarking the optimization of optical machines with the planted solutions
The BlackGEM Telescope Array. I. Overview
The complex circumstellar environment of supernova 2023ixf
SOXS NIR: Optomechanical integration and alignment, optical performance verification before full instrument assembly
A 12.4-day periodicity in a close binary system after a supernova
Frequency Dissemination with Less than 2 × 10-18Fractional-Frequency Instability Over 120 km of a Commercial Fiber Infrastructure
Search for Supernova Progenitor Stars with ZTF and LSST
Photon Number Splitting Attack Proposal and Analysis of an Experimental Scheme
A Redox-Active Ionic Liquid Surface Treatment for Healing CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals
Librating KozaiLidov Cycles with a Precessing Quadrupole Potential Are Analytically Approximately Solved
An analytic description of electron thermalization in kilonovae ejecta
Bio-Inspired Crystalline Core-Shell Guanine Spherulites
SN 2020pvb: A Type IIn-P supernova with a precursor outburst
An Efficient Observational Strategy for the Detection of the Oort Cloud
Observation of Three-Photon Cascaded Emission from Triexcitons in Giant CsPbBr3 Quantum Dots at Room Temperature
Enhanced persistent orientation of asymmetric-top molecules induced by cross-polarized terahertz pulses
Guided Search to Self-Healing in Semiconductors
Morphometric constraints on the formation of new terrestrial analogs for planetary pits
Ultrasensitive Photonic Quantum Noise Sensing by Frequent-measurement Nonlinear Filtering
A search for Kuiper belt occultations using the Weizmann Fast Astronomical Survey Telescope
SN 2020udy: an SN Iax with strict limits on interaction consistent with a helium-star companion
A Systematic Study of Ia-CSM Supernovae from the ZTF Bright Transient Survey
Tailoring quantum trajectories for strong-field imaging
Beam current from downramp injection in electron-driven plasma wakefields
Low-energy calibration of XENON1T with an internal 37 Ar source
Brilliant whiteness in shrimp from ultra-thin layers of birefringent nanospheres
Colloquium: Anomalous statistics of laser-cooled atoms in dissipative optical lattices
Binarity and beyond in A stars II. Disentangling the four stars in the vicinity of the triple HIP 87813 within the quintuple system HJ2814
The Large Array Survey TelescopePipeline. I. Basic Image Reduction and Visit Coaddition
Jupiter Science Enabled by ESAs Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer
A new spin on impact ionization
Excitation Intensity-Dependent Quantum Yield of Semiconductor Nanocrystals
Resolving the Emission Transition Dipole Moments of Single Doubly Excited Seeded Nanorods via Heralded Defocused Imaging
Selective Detection in Impulsive Low-Frequency Raman Imaging Using Shaped Probe Pulses
Non-thermal emission from mildly relativistic dynamical ejecta of neutron star mergers
Roadmap on Label-Free Super-Resolution Imaging
A Search for Extragalactic Fast Blue Optical Transients in ZTF and the Rate of AT2018cow-like Transients
Nuclear spin effects in biological processes
High repetition rate relativistic laser-solid-plasma interaction platform featuring simultaneous particle and radiation detection
Deconvolving microbial and environmental controls on marine sedimentary pyrite sulfur isotope ratios
The γ-ray deposition histories of calcium-rich supernovae
Surface-Guided Crystallization of Xanthine Derivatives for Optical Metamaterial Applications
The Shape of Jupiter and Saturn Based on Atmospheric Dynamics, Radio Occultations and Gravity Measurements
The Westward Drift of Jupiter's Polar Cyclones Explained by a Center-of-Mass Approach
The Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernovae from the Zwicky Transient Facility Phase I Survey. I. Light Curves and Measurements
Cosmogenic background simulations for the DARWIN observatory at different underground locations
Wave correlations and quantum noise in cosmology
Cathodoluminescence of iron oxides and oxyhydroxides
Excitation transfer in disordered spin chains with long-range exchange interactions
The triggerless data acquisition system of the XENONnT experiment
On the absence of the electrostriction force in dilute clouds of cold atoms
First Dark Matter Search with Nuclear Recoils from the XENONnT Experiment
A Cloud-Controlling Factor Perspective on the Hemispheric Asymmetry of Extratropical Cloud Albedo
Improved laser phase locking with intra-cavity adaptive optics
Strongly interacting Bose-Fermi mixture: mediated interaction, phase diagram and sound propagation
Proton acceleration with intense twisted laser light
A next-generation liquid xenon observatory for dark matter and neutrino physics
Nonlinear coherent heat machines
Detector signal characterization with a Bayesian network in XENONnT
The Origin and Evolution of the Normal Type Ia SN 2018aoz with Infant-phase Reddening and Excess Emission
Jupiter's interior from Juno: Equation-of-state uncertainties and dilute core extent
Robust Two-Qubit Gates for Trapped Ions Using Spin-Dependent Squeezing
Energy-Conserving Theory of the Blowout Regime of Plasma Wakefield
OGLE-2016-BLG-1195 AO: Lens, Companion to Lens or Source, or None of the Above?
Coupling light to an atomic tweezer array in a cavity
Interaction of light with matter: A coherent perspective
Effect of fast noise on the fidelity of trapped-ion quantum gates
Long-rising Type II Supernovae in the Zwicky Transient Facility Census of the Local Universe
Fast design and scaling of multi-qubit gates in large-scale trapped-ion quantum computers
Correlating Fluorescence Intermittency and SecondHarmonic Generation in SingleColloidal Semiconductor Nanoplatelets
The Large Array Survey TelescopeSystem Overview and Performances
Tripotential MOND theories
Observational evidence for cylindrically oriented zonal flows on Jupiter
Refractive plasma optics for relativistic laser beams
Trap-assisted formation of atomion bound states
The geologic history of primary productivity
Sedimentary parameters control the sulfur isotope composition of marine pyrite
Gas Giant Simulations of Eddy-Driven Jets Accompanied by Deep Meridional Circulation
Tomography of Feshbach resonance states
Distinct Roles of Cyclones and Anticyclones in Setting the Midwinter Minimum of the North Pacific Eddy Activity: A Lagrangian Perspective
Minutes-duration optical flares with supernova luminosities
Generalizations of quasilinear MOND
Heralded Spectroscopy: a new single-particle probe for nanocrystal photophysics
The role of baroclinic activity in controlling Earths albedo in the present and future climates
Seeded free-electron laser driven by a compact laser plasma accelerator
The Advantages of Global Photometric Models in Fitting Transit Variations
SN 2020jgb: A Peculiar Type Ia Supernova Triggered by a Helium-shell Detonation in a Star-forming Galaxy
Non-Hermitian optical design by coordinate transformations and mapping
Hidden Companions to Nearby Intermediate-mass Stars. II. Discovery of a 0.80M ⊙, 10.5au Companion to the λ Boötis Star HIP 83650
The Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernovae from the Zwicky Transient Facility Phase I Survey. II. Light-curve Modeling and Characterization of Undulations
The surface chemistry of ionic liquid-treated CsPbBr3 quantum dots
Shock cooling emission from explosions of red supergiants - I. A numerically calibrated analytic model
Quantum light microscopy
Searching for Heavy Dark Matter near the Planck Mass with XENON1T
A radio-detected type Ia supernova with helium-rich circumstellar material
Rates of seafloor and continental weathering govern Phanerozoic marine phosphate levels
Optimal control for maximally creating and maintaining a superposition state of a two-level system under the influence of Markovian decoherence
Israel: when reality meets academia
The broad-lined Type-Ic supernova SN 2022xxf and its extraordinary two-humped light curves: I. Signatures of H/He-free interaction in the first four months
Binarity and beyond in A stars - I. Survey description and first results of VLTI/GRAVITY observations of VAST targets with high Gaia-Hipparcos accelerations
Benchmarking the optimization optical machines with the planted solutions
A Sensitive Search for Supernova Emission Associated with the Extremely Energetic and Nearby GRB 221009A
Disequilibrating azobenzenes by visible-light sensitization under confinement
Astrometric detection of binary asteroids
Probing the Low-mass End of Core-collapse Supernovae Using a Sample of Strongly-stripped Calcium-rich Type IIb Supernovae from the Zwicky Transient Facility
Two Biexciton Types Coexisting in Coupled Quantum Dot Molecules
Quantum Simulations of Interacting Systems with Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry
A superluminous supernova lightened by collisions with pulsational pair-instability shells
Editorial: The effects of early diagenesis in various marine environments on the stable isotope records of environmental conditions and biogeochemical processes
Search for events in XENON1T associated with gravitational waves
From science questions to Solar System exploration
Revealing the Interplay between Strong Field Selection Rules and Crystal Symmetries
A-Site Cation Dependence of Self-Healing in Polycrystalline APbI3 Perovskite Films
A reduction procedure and pipeline for the detection of trans-Neptunian objects using occultations
Polarimetry of hydrogen-poor superluminous supernovae
Control of electron beam current, charge, and energy spread using density downramp injection in laser wakefield accelerators
The interaction of supernova 2018evt with a substantial amount of circumstellar matter - An SN 1997cy-like event
Analytic Understanding of the Resonant Nature of Kozai-Lidov Cycles with a Precessing Quadrupole Potential
Epitaxial 2D PbS Nanosheet-Formamidinium Lead Triiodide Heterostructure Enabling High-Performance Perovskite Solar Cells
Broad-emission-line dominated hydrogen-rich luminous supernovae
A Reappraisal of Subtropical Subsurface Water Ice Stability on Mars
Early-time Ultraviolet and Optical Hubble Space Telescope Spectroscopy of the Type II Supernova 2022wsp
Host group degeneracy in gravitational lensing time delay determination of H0
Femtosecond electron microscopy of relativistic electron bunches
Rapid and robust quantum logic gates using inertial STIRAP
Improved phase-locking of laser arrays by pump shaping
Erratum to: Sensitivity of the DARWIN observatory to the neutrinoless double beta decay of 136 Xe (The European Physical Journal C, (2020), 80, 9, (808), 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-8196-z)
The Prevalence and Influence of Circumstellar Material around Hydrogen-rich Supernova Progenitors
The Large Array Survey TelescopeScience Goals
Paleo-Evolution of Martian Subsurface Ice and Its Role in the Polar Physical and Isotopic Layering
The core normal Type Ia supernova 2019np an overall spherical explosion with an aspherical surface layer and an aspherical 56Ni core
Ionization-induced long-lasting orientation of symmetric-top molecules
Van der Waals chain: A simple model for Casimir forces in dielectrics
A population of Type Ibc supernovae with massive progenitors: Broad lightcurves not uncommon in (i)PTF
A look under the tunnelling barrier via attosecond-gated interferometry
Work extraction from single-mode thermal noise by measurements: How important is information?
Late-time Evolution and Modeling of the Off-axis Gamma-Ray Burst Candidate FIRST J141918.9+394036
StaNdaRT: a repository of standardised test models and outputs for supernova radiative transfer
Super-resolved second harmonic generation imaging by coherent image scanning microscopy
Optimal Selective Orientation of Chiral Molecules Using Femtosecond Laser Pulses
A global reassessment of the controls on iron speciation in modern sediments and sedimentary rocks: A dominant role for diagenesis
Phase locking of lasers with Gaussian coupling
Dynamical Friction in Globular Cluster-rich Ultra-diffuse Galaxies: The Case of NGC5846-UDG1
Models of a modified-inertia formulation of MOND
Axiparabola: A new tool for high-intensity optics
Thermodynamics and control of open quantum systems
Does Decoherence Select the Pointer Basis of a Quantum Meter?
Minimal quantum thermal machine in a bandgap environment: Non-Markovian features and anti-Zeno advantage
Quantum logic detection of collisions between single atomion pairs
Minimal Recipes for Global Cloudiness
The Type Icn SN 2021csp: Implications for the Origins of the Fastest Supernovae and the Fates of Wolf-Rayet Stars
Observation of the p-wave shape resonance in atom-molecule collisions
Spitzer mid-infrared detections of neutron star merger GW170817 suggests synthesis of the heaviest elements
Candidate Tidal Disruption Event AT2019fdr Coincident with a High-Energy Neutrino
The First Data Release of CNIa0.02-A Complete Nearby (Redshift <0.02) Sample of Type Ia Supernova Light Curves
Echo-enhanced molecular orientation at high temperatures
Casimir cosmology
Dynamic scheduling for SOXS instrument: Environment, algorithms and development
Questioning the Paradigm of a PhosphateLimited Archean Biosphere
Chiral States in Coupled-Lasers Lattice by On-Site Complex Potential
The GALEX-PTF Experiment. II. Supernova Progenitor Radius and Energetics via Shock-cooling Modeling
Gradient-based reconstruction of molecular Hamiltonians and density matrices from time-dependent quantum observables
The ZTF-BTS Type Ia supernovae luminosity function is consistent with a single progenitor channel for the explosions
Equilibration Times of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon During pH Transitions
GPU-based optical simulation of the DARWIN detector
Direct reconstruction of the band structure of a one-dimensional optical lattice with thermal atoms
Roadmap on multimode light shaping
Ultra-high dose rate radiation production and delivery systems intended for FLASH
Observation of interband Berry phase in laser-driven crystals
Controls on the isotopic composition of microbial methane
Impulsive SRS microscopy
Photon Correlations in Spectroscopy and Microscopy
Quantum state transfer between a frequency-encoded photonic qubit and a quantum-dot spin in a nanophotonic waveguide
Energetics of Transient Eddies Related to the Midwinter Minimum of the North Pacific Storm-Track Activity
Juno Spacecraft Measurements of Jupiters Gravity Imply a Dilute Core
Physical Properties and Impact Parameter Variations of Kepler Planets from Analytic Light-curve Modeling
Digitally controlled multimode laser for high-resolution and robust beam shaping
Comparing two-qubit and multiqubit gates within the toric code
Anti-Zeno purification of spin baths by quantum probe measurements
Observation of light-driven band structure via multiband high-harmonic spectroscopy
Kinetic isotope effect in siderite growth: Implications for the origin of banded iron formation siderite
Quantum suppression of cold reactions far from the quantum regime
Stratigraphic and Isotopic Evolution of the Martian Polar Caps From Paleo-Climate Models
Quantum Zeno and Anti-Zeno Probes of Noise Correlations in Photon Polarization
Less Than 1% of Core-collapse Supernovae in the Local Universe Occur in Elliptical Galaxies
Enhanced Photocatalytic and Photoluminescence Properties Resulting from Type-I Band Alignment in the Zn2GeO4/g-C3N4 Nanocomposites
A WC/WO star exploding within an expanding carbonoxygenneon nebula
Real-time full-field imaging through scattering media by all-optical feedback
Emission of single and few electrons in XENON1T and limits on light dark matter
Tapered Optical Fibers Coated with Rare-Earth Complexes for Quantum Applications
Comments on the mass sheet degeneracy in cosmography analyses
Characterization of spatiotemporal couplings with far-field beamlet cross-correlation
The influence of equation of state on impact dynamics between Pluto-like bodies
The effects of drip rate and geometry on the isotopic composition of speleothems: Evaluation with an advection-diffusion-reaction model
Transforming Space with Non-Hermitian Dielectrics
An Accurate 3D Analytic Model for Exoplanetary Photometry, Radial Velocity, and Astrometry
Low divergence proton beams from a laser-plasma accelerator at kHz repetition rate
Femtosecond rotational dynamics of D$_2$ molecules in superfluid helium nanodroplets
Confronting double-detonation sub-Chandrasekhar models with the low-luminosity suppression of Type Ia supernovae
Early-time Ultraviolet Spectroscopy and Optical Follow-up Observations of the Type IIP Supernova 2021yja
Self-Healing and Light-Soaking in MAPbI3: The Effect of H2O
Anomalous optical drag
Two-mirror compact system for ideal concentration of diffuse light
Geologic controls on phytoplankton elemental composition
Controlling Nonlinear Interaction in a Many-Mode Laser by Tuning Disorder
Anyonic-parity-time symmetry in complex-coupled lasers
Long-lasting Orientation induced by Two-Color Femtosecond Laser Pulses
Broader view of bimetric MOND
An approximate likelihood for nuclear recoil searches with XENON1T data
Characterization of Supernovae Based on the Spectral-Temporal Energy Distribution: Two Possible SN Ib Subtypes
The Zwicky Transient Facility phase I sample of hydrogen-rich superluminous supernovae without strong narrow emission lines
Physical properties of the trans-Neptunian object (38628) Huya from a multi-chord stellar occultation
Spatial patterns of the tropical meridional circulation: drivers and teleconnections
Direct observation of relativistic broken plasma waves
Characteristics of bright betatron radiation from relativistic self-trapping of a short laser pulse in near-critical density plasma
The Effect of Ocean Salinity on Climate and Its Implications for Earth's Habitability
Optimization of the double-laser-pulse scheme for enantioselective orientation of chiral molecules
Using Heralded Spectrometry to Measure the Biexciton Binding Energy of an Individual Quantum Dot
Search for New Physics in Electronic Recoil Data from XENONnT
Infant-phase reddening by surface Fe-peak elements in a normal type Ia supernova
SN 2019zrk, a bright SN 2009ip analog with a precursor
Femtosecond Rotational Dynamics of D2 Molecules in Superfluid Helium Nanodroplets
Galactic rotation curves versus ultralight dark matter: A systematic comparison with SPARC data
Directing the Morphology, Packing, and Properties of Chiral MetalOrganic Frameworks by Cation Exchange
Jupiter's inhomogeneous envelope
Juno spacecraft gravity measurements provide evidence for normal modes of Jupiter
Dynamical Regimes of Polar Vortices on Terrestrial Planets with a Seasonal Cycle
Ternary host-guest complexes with rapid exchange kinetics and photoswitchable fluorescence
Multichannel high peak power tunable duration pulse generation for the moving magnetic trap decelerator
Casimir Cosmology
Halide chemical vapor deposition of 2D semiconducting atomically-thin crystals: From self-seeded to epitaxial growth
PGIR 20eid (SN 2020qmp): A Type IIP Supernova at 15.6 Mpc discovered by the Palomar Gattini-IR survey
Double-weak decays of Xe 124 and Xe 136 in the XENON1T and XENONnT experiments
Equilibrium fractionation of triple-oxygen and hydrogen isotopes between ice and water
Numerical Solutions of the External Field Effect on the Radial Acceleration in Disk Galaxies
Ice giant system exploration within ESAs Voyage 2050
The Key Factors Controlling the Seasonality of Planetary Climate
An Isolated Stellar-mass Black Hole Detected through Astrometric Microlensing
Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer with Robust Entangling Gates and Quantum Coherent Feedback
Commissioning and first results from the new 2 × 100 TW laser at the WIS
Non-conformal cloaking with non-Hermitian dielectrics
Application and modeling of an online distillation method to reduce krypton and argon in XENON1T
Strong evidence for a weakly oxygenated ocean-atmosphere system during the Proterozoic
Complex-Light Lasers
The oscillatory motion of Jupiters polar cyclones results from vorticity dynamics
Material radiopurity control in the XENONnT experiment
Polarization signatures of the head-on collision model for Type Ia supernovae: how much asymmetry is too much?
Super-extended nanofiber-guided field for coherent interaction with hot atoms
Statistical Uncertainty in Paleoclimate Proxy Reconstructions
Combined magnetic and gravity measurements probe the deep zonal flows of the gas giants
Observation of Mechanical Faraday Effect in Gaseous Media
Anyonic Parity-Time Symmetric Laser
Examination of coalescence as the origin of nuclei in hadronic collisions
RINGO3 polarimetry of very young ZTF supernovae
Search for inelastic scattering of WIMP dark matter in XENON1T
Rapid fair sampling of the XY spin Hamiltonian with a laser simulator
Bright Near-Infrared to Visible Upconversion Double Quantum Dots Based on a Type-II/Type-I Heterostructure
Vortex beams of atoms and molecules
Solar-system-wide significance of Mars polar science
A Population of Heavily Reddened, Optically Missed Novae from Palomar Gattini-IR: Constraints on the Galactic Nova Rate
Jupiter's Temperate Belt/Zone Contrasts Revealed at Depth by Juno Microwave Observations
Heralded Spectroscopy Reveals Exciton-Exciton Correlations in Single Colloidal Quantum Dots
A Large Fraction of Hydrogen-rich Supernova Progenitors Experience Elevated Mass Loss Shortly Prior to Explosion
Micro cold traps on the Moon
Strong local, not global, controls on marine pyrite sulfur isotopes
Bright synchrotron radiation from relativistic self-trapping of a short laser pulse in near-critical density plasma
Deep-MOND polytropes
Visualizing coherent molecular rotation in a gaseous medium
A high-rate foreground of sub-second flares from geosynchronous satellites
Keys of a Mission to Uranus or Neptune, the Closest Ice Giants
Evidence for Multiple Ferrel-Like Cells on Jupiter
Resolving the controversy in biexciton binding energy of cesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals through heralded single-particle spectroscopy
Gravitational lensing H0 tension from ultralight axion galactic cores
A three-step model of high harmonic generation using complex classical trajectories
A Simplified Photodynamical Model for Planetary Mass Determination in Low-eccentricity Multitransiting Systems
Sedimentary pyrite sulfur isotopes track the local dynamics of the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone
Long-Lasting Orientation of Symmetric-top Molecules Excited by Two-Color Femtosecond Pulses
Effect of Surface Ligands in Perovskite Nanocrystals: Extending in and Reaching out: Extending in and Reaching out
Measuring time delays - I. Using a flux time series that is a linear combination of time-shifted light curves
The Weizmann Fast Astronomical Survey Telescope (W-FAST): System Overview
Microwave observations reveal the deep extent and structure of Jupiters atmospheric vortices
Impulsively Excited Gravitational Quantum States: Echoes and Time-resolved Spectroscopy
Polarity-dependent nonlinear optics of nanowires under electric field
SN 2018ijp: The explosion of a stripped-envelope star within a dense H-rich shell?
Erratum: High-resolution digital spatial control of a highly multimode laser(Optica (2021) 8 (880-884) DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.423140)
Revealing the Influence of Molecular Chirality on Tunnel-Ionization Dynamics
Exact Mapping Between a Laser Network and the Classical XY Hamiltonian
Duality of the Principle of Least Action: A New Formulation of Classical Mechanics
Fair Sampling with a Highly Parallel Laser Simulator
Improved design for a highly efficient pulsed-valve supersonic source with extended operating frequency range
Bright, Months-long stellar outbursts announce the explosion of interaction-powered supernovae
Sulfate-dependent reversibility of intracellular reactions explains the opposing isotope effects in the anaerobic oxidation of methane
Simultaneous measurements of high-order harmonics, accelerated electrons and protons emitted from relativistic plasma mirrors
Van der Waals anomaly: Analog of dark energy with ultracold atoms
Kilonova Luminosity Function Constraints Based on Zwicky Transient Facility Searches for 13 Neutron Star Merger Triggers during O3
New Approaches to Lunar Ice Detection and Mapping
SPAD array technology enables fluctuation-contrast super-resolution in a confocal microscope
MOND fiducial specific angular momentum of disc galaxies
A tidal disruption event coincident with a high-energy neutrino
Theory of Figures to the Seventh Order and the Interiors of Jupiter and Saturn
Echoes in a single quantum Kerr-nonlinear oscillator
Measuring time delays - II. Using observations of the unresolved flux and astrometry
Fast laser speckle suppression with an intracavity diffuser
The Peculiar Ca-rich SN2019ehk: Evidence for a Type IIb Core-collapse Supernova from a Low-mass Stripped Progenitor
The Palomar Transient Factory Core-collapse Supernova Host-galaxy Sample. I. Host-galaxy Distribution Functions and Environment Dependence of Core-collapse Supernovae
Constraining Rapidly Oscillating Scalar Dark Matter Using Dynamic Decoupling
Measuring the optical properties of nanoscale biogenic spherulites
Discovery and confirmation of the shortest gamma-ray burst from a collapsar
Three dimensional orientation of small polyatomic molecules excited by two-color femtosecond pulses
Enantioselective orientation of chiral molecules induced by terahertz pulses with twisted polarization
Enhanced chiral-sensitivity of Coulomb-focused electrons in strong field ionization
SPAD array technology enables fluctuation-contrast super-resolution in a confocal microscope
Remanent Polarization and Strong Photoluminescence Modulation by an External Electric Field in Epitaxial CsPbBr3Nanowires
High-resolution digital spatial control of a highly multimode laser
Magnetic deflection of neutral sodium-doped ammonia clusters
Growth-Etch MetalOrganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Approach of WS2 Atomic Layers
Undulator design for a laser-plasma-based free-electron-laser
Reconstructing Neoproterozoic seawater chemistry from early diagenetic dolomite
Constraints on the Latitudinal Profile of Jupiter's Deep Jets
The number and location of Jupiters circumpolar cyclones explained by vorticity dynamics
Observing Multiexciton Correlations in Colloidal Semiconductor Quantum Dots via Multiple-Quantum Two-Dimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy
From core collapse to superluminous: The rates of massive stellar explosions from the Palomar Transient Factory
Low frequency coherent Raman spectroscopy
Temporal and Spatial Analysis of Forward and Backward Microbial Contamination in a Mars Analog Mission
cSPARCOM: Multi-detector reconstruction by confocal super-resolution correlation microscopy
Conceptual design report for the LUXE experiment
Attosecond technology(ies) and science
Fast laser speckle suppression with an intracavity diffuser
Improved quality tests of R11410-21 photomultiplier tubes for the XENONnT experiment
Observation of nonlinear spin dynamics and squeezing in a BEC using dynamic decoupling
Toward an Understanding of the Structure of Jupiter's Atmosphere Using the Ammonia Distribution and the Transformed Eulerian Mean Theory
PS15cey and PS17cke: Prospective candidates from the Pan-STARRS Search for kilonovae
Work Generation from Thermal Noise by Quantum Phase-Sensitive Observation
Type Ic supernovae from the (intermediate) Palomar Transient Factory
Intermediate-luminosity red transients: Spectrophotometric properties and connection to electron-capture supernova explosions
Suppression of Baroclinic Eddies by Strong Jets
Boosting photonic quantum computation with moderate nonlinearity
High-energy-resolution measurements of an ultracold-atom-ion collisional cross section
Cosmological horizons radiate
Second Timescale Photometry of the Very Fast Nova V1674 Her with Palomar Gattini-IR
Nonlinear interferometry enables coherent heat machine operation
On the thermodynamics of the difference between energy transfer rate and heat engine efficiency
The depth of Jupiters Great Red Spot constrained by Juno gravity overflights
222 Rn emanation measurements for the XENON1T experiment
Control and enhancement of multiband high harmonic generation by synthesized laser fields
Boosting photonic quantum computation with moderate nonlinearity
Lifshitz cosmology: quantum vacuum and Hubble tension
Census of R Coronae Borealis Stars. I. Infrared Light Curves from Palomar Gattini IR
Space- and time-resolved second harmonic spectroscopy of coupled plasmonic nanocavities
The emergence of a summer hemisphere jet in planetary atmospheres
Echoes in a single quantum Kerr-nonlinear oscillator
The fate of fluvially-deposited organic carbon during transient floodplain storage
Cyclonic and anticyclonic contributions to atmospheric energetics
AT 2018lqh and the Nature of the Emerging Population of Day-scale Duration Optical Transients
Search for Coherent Elastic Scattering of Solar B 8 Neutrinos in the XENON1T Dark Matter Experiment
Fano interference in quantum resonances from angle-resolved elastic scattering
Assessing the Fornax globular cluster timing problem in different models of dark matter
Determining the nature of quantum resonances by probing elastic and reactive scattering in cold collisions
Direct measurement of Coulomb-laser coupling
Thermodynamic bounds on work extraction from photocells and photosynthesis
Control of concerted back-to-back double ionization dynamics in helium
OGLE-2013-BLG-0911Lb: A Secondary on the Brown-dwarf Planet Boundary around an M Dwarf: A Secondary on the Brown-dwarf Planet Boundary around an M Dwarf
Excess electronic recoil events in XENON1T
Bayesian optimization for inverse problems in time-dependent quantum dynamics
EuPRAXIA Conceptual Design Report
A catalogue of over 10 million variable source candidates in ZTF Data Release 1
Echoes in unidirectionally rotating molecules
Giant polarization drag in a gas of molecular super-rotors
Evidence for laser-induced homogeneous oriented ice nucleation revealed via pulsed x-ray diffraction
Development of Lipid-Coated Semiconductor Nanosensors for Recording of Membrane Potential in Neurons
Boosting few-cycle soliton self-frequency shift using negative prechirp
Weak-to-strong transition of quantum measurement in a trapped-ion system
Direct reconstruction of the quantum-master-equation dynamics of a trapped-ion qubit
Design and development of the SOXS calibration unit
Synchronization of complex human networks
Progress and tests on the instrument control electronics for SOXS
SN2019dge: A Helium-rich Ultra-stripped Envelope Supernova
The zwicky transient facility bright transient survey. II. A public statistical sample for exploring supernova demographics
Eddy Activity Response to Global Warming-Like Temperature Changes
Palomar gattini-ir: Survey overview, data processing system, on-sky performance and first results
Anti-Zeno quantum advantage in fast-driven heat machines
The Young and Nearby Normal Type Ia Supernova 2018gv: UV-optical Observations and the Earliest Spectropolarimetry
A simple random walk model explains the disruption process of hierarchical, Eccentric three-body systems
Minimal quantum heat manager boosted by bath spectral filtering
Precision Limits of Tissue Microstructure Characterization by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Atmospheric dynamics on terrestrial planets with eccentric orbits
Progress towards laser plasma based free electron laser on COXINEL
Development status of the UV-VIS detector system of SOXS for the ESO-NTT telescope
Surface slopes of asteroid pairs as indicators of mechanical properties and cohesion
Rapid fair sampling of the XY spin Hamiltonian with a laser simulator
The Role of Diabatic Heating in Ferrel Cell Dynamics
A mascon approach to estimating the depth of Jupiter's Great Red Spot with Juno gravity measurements
Exact mapping between a laser network loss rate and the classical XY Hamiltonian by laser loss control
The Isotopic Imprint of Life on an Evolving Planet
Mission Invisible: A Novel About the Science of Light
The Spectacular Ultraviolet Flash from the Peculiar Type Ia Supernova 2019yvq
Energy resolution and linearity of XENON1T in the MeV energy range
Quantum Simulations with Complex Geometries and Synthetic Gauge Fields in a Trapped Ion Chain
Attosecond spectral singularities in solid-state high-harmonic generation
The development status of the NIR Arm of the new SoXS instrument at the ESO/NTT telescope
The AIV strategy of the common path of son of X-shooter
SN 2020bvc: A Broad-line Type Ic Supernova with a Double-peaked Optical Light Curve and a Luminous X-Ray and Radio Counterpart
Collisions between cold molecules in a superconducting magnetic trap
CdSe/CdS/CdTe Core/Barrier/Crown Nanoplatelets: Synthesis, Optoelectronic Properties, and Multiphoton Fluorescence Upconversion
Full orbital solution for the binary system in the northern Galactic disc microlensing event Gaia16aye
Observation of persistent orientation of chiral molecules by a laser field with twisted polarization
Transverse drag of slow light in moving atomic vapor
Direct observation of a Feshbach resonance by coincidence detection of ions and electrons in Penning ionization collisions
Host Galaxies of Type Ic and Broad-lined Type Ic Supernovae from the Palomar Transient Factory: Implications for Jet Production
Resolving the latitudinal shortscale gravity field of Jupiter using Slepian functions
Light-curve Evolution due to Secular Dynamics and the Vanishing Transits of KOI 120.01
Ice Giant Systems: The scientific potential of orbital missions to Uranus and Neptune
Single beam low frequency 2D Raman spectroscopy
Chiral and SHG-Active Metal-Organic Frameworks Formed in Solution and on Surfaces: Uniformity, Morphology Control, Oriented Growth, and Post-assembly Functionalization
The rise and fall of an extraordinary Ca-rich transient The discovery of ATLAS19dqr/SN 2019bkc: The discovery of ATLAS19dqr/SN 2019bkc
Rotation sensing with improved stability using point-source atom interferometry
Experimental demonstration of crowd synchrony and first-order transition with lasers
Three-dimensional sensing of arbitrarily shaped nanoparticles by whispering gallery mode resonators
The long-lived Type IIn SN 2015da: Infrared echoes and strong interaction within an extended massive shell
Deviations from generalized equipartition in confined, laser-cooled atoms
Helium-rich superluminous supernovae from the Zwicky transient facility
Seeing-limited imaging sky surveyssmall versus large telescopes
Sensitivity of the DARWIN observatory to the neutrinoless double beta decay of 136 Xe
Efficient ion-photon qubit SWAP gate in realistic ion cavity-QED systems without strong coupling
Solar neutrino detection sensitivity in DARWIN via electron scattering
Electrostatic shock acceleration of ions in near-critical-density plasma driven by a femtosecond petawatt laser
An accurate and efficient numerical calculation of detonation waves in multidimensional supernova simulations using a burning limiter and adaptive quasi-statistical equilibrium
Effects of the Transverse Instability and Wave Breaking on the Laser-Driven Thin Foil Acceleration
Echo in a single vibrationally excited molecule
A Non-equipartition Shock Wave Traveling in a Dense Circumstellar Environment around SN 2020oi
DIREXENO - an apparatus for measuring correlated scintillation signatures in liquid xenon
Weak lensing shear estimation beyond the shape-noise limit: a machine learning approach
The Zwicky Transient Facility Census of the Local Universe. I. Systematic Search for Calcium-rich Gap Transients Reveals Three Related Spectroscopic Subclasses
How Well Do We Understand the Belt/Zone Circulation of Giant Planet Atmospheres?
Attosecond spectral singularities in solid-state high-harmonic generation
Spatiotemporal rotational dynamics of laser-driven molecules
Enhanced laser-driven proton acceleration with gas-foil targets
Kinetic fractionation of carbon and oxygen isotopes during BaCO3 precipitation
The low-luminosity type II SN 2016aqf: A well-monitored spectral evolution of the Ni/Fe abundance ratio
Manufacturing, integration, and mechanical verification of SOXS
Oxygen isotope effects during microbial sulfate reduction: applications to sediment cell abundances
Experimental determination of remanent magnetism of dusty ice deposits
Solitons supported by intensity-dependent dispersion
Optical Imaging of Coherent Molecular Rotors
Improved Phase Locking of Laser Arrays with Nonlinear Coupling
SOXS: Effects on optical performances due to gravity flexures, temperature variations, and subsystems alignment
Phase-locked laser-wakefield electron acceleration
An asymmetric explosion mechanism may explain the diversity of Si II linewidths in Type Ia supernovae
Four (Super)luminous supernovae from the first months of the ZTF survey
On the Stark Effect of the O I 777-nm Triplet in Plasma and Laser Fields
Long-Lasting Molecular Orientation Induced by a Single Terahertz Pulse
Type IIn supernova light-curve properties measured from an untargeted survey samplE
Sub-Chandrasekhar-mass detonations are in tension with the observed t0-MNi56 relation of type Ia supernovae
Erratum to: EuPRAXIA Conceptual Design Report (The European Physical Journal Special Topics, (2020), 229, 24, (3675-4284), 10.1140/epjst/e2020-000127-8)
Final design and development status of the acquisition and guiding system for SOXS.
Practical aspects of super-resolution optical fluctuation image scanning microscopy (SOFISM)
Toward an Accurate Description of an Accretion-induced Collapse and the Associated Ejected Mass
Quantum Matrix: Henry Bar's Perilous Struggle for Quantum Coherence
Theory of robust multiqubit nonadiabatic gates for trapped ions
Constraints on the density distribution of type Ia supernovae ejecta inferred from late-time light-curve flattening
Early Ultraviolet Observations of Type IIn Supernovae Constrain the Asphericity of Their Circumstellar Material
PTF11rka: An interacting supernova at the crossroads of stripped-envelope and H-poor superluminous stellar core collapses
Magnification, dust, and time-delay constraints from the first resolved strongly lensed Type Ia supernova iPTF16geu
Development status of the SOXS spectrograph for the ESO-NTT telescope
Comments on 'numerical stability of detonations in white dwarf simulations'
Sulfur isotope fractionation between aqueous and carbonate-associated sulfate in abiotic calcite and aragonite
Constraining the X-Ray-Infrared Spectral Index of Second-timescale Flares from SGR 1935+2154 with Palomar Gattini-IR
SOXS end-to-end simulator: Development and applications for pipeline design
Atom interferometry with thousand-fold increase in dynamic range
The science mission of SpaceIL's Beresheet lander
Spin-bath polarization via disentanglement
Spatial molecular interferometry via multidimensional high-harmonic spectroscopy
The case for a Casimir cosmology
Nutrient ratios in marine particulate organic matter are predicted by the population structure of well-adapted phytoplankton
High-Energy Particles and Radiation in Star-Forming Regions
MOND vs. dark matter in light of historical parallels
Integrated Experimental and Theoretical Approach for Efficient Design and Synthesis of Gold-Based Double Halide Perovskites
Temperature Dependence of Excitonic and Biexcitonic Decay Rates in Colloidal Nanoplatelets by Time-Gated Photon Correlation
Superrotation in Planetary Atmospheres
SN 2017ivv: Two years of evolution of a transitional Type II supernova
A highly reflective biogenic photonic material from core-shell birefringent nanoparticles
Theoretical estimates of equilibrium carbon and hydrogen isotope effects in microbial methane production and anaerobic oxidation of methane
SN 2018fif: The explosion of a large red supergiant discovered in its infancy by the Zwicky transient facility
Variable Hα Emission in the Nebular Spectra of the Low-luminosity Type Ia SN2018cqj/ATLAS18qtd
Composite-fringe atom interferometry for high dynamic-range sensing
Could Quasar Lensing Time Delays Hint to a Core Component in Halos, Instead of H-0 Tension?
The γ-ray deposition histories of core-collapse supernovae
Laser-plasma acceleration with superluminal laser pulses
Laser-plasma proton acceleration with a combined gas-foil target
Observation of Spin-Spin Fermion-Mediated Interactions between Ultracold Bosons
Laser plasma accelerators
COXINEL transport of laser plasma accelerated electrons
Development status of the SOXS instrument control software
Direct observation of ultracold atom-ion excitation exchange
Progress on the UV-VIS arm of SOXS
Comparison of the Deep Atmospheric Dynamics of Jupiter and Saturn in Light of the Juno and Cassini Gravity Measurements
Projected WIMP sensitivity of the XENONnT dark matter experiment
Operational modes and efficiency of SOXS
Structured beams invariant to coherent diffusion
SOFISM: Super-resolution optical fluctuation image scanning microscopy
Low-energy collisions between carbon atoms and oxygen molecules in a magnetic trap
The Tropical Atmospheric Conveyor Belt: A Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian Analysis of the Large-Scale Tropical Circulation
Implications of Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment repeating fast radio bursts
Fluorescence and Optical Activity of Chiral CdTe Quantum Dots in Their Interaction with Amino Acids
Low Frequency Collinear Pre-Resonant Impulsive Stimulated Raman Microspectroscopy
The SOXS data-reduction pipeline
Effect of ion-trap parameters on energy distributions of ultra-cold atom-ion mixtures
Is there a supernova bound on axions?
The Range of Jupiter's Flow Structures that Fit the Juno Asymmetric Gravity Measurements
Cherenkov radiation of light bullets
Screening of fusion reactions from the principle of detailed balance and application to the pep reaction
High-speed low-frequency chirped coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy using an ultra-steep long-pass filter
A Code for Robust Astrometric Solution of Astronomical Images
Measurement and implications of Saturn's gravity field and ring mass
Skew Quadrupole Effect of Laser Plasma Electron Beam Transport
Casimir forces in spherically symmetric dielectric media
A Possible Advantage of Telescopes with a Noncircular Pupil
Barotropic and zonostrophic turbulence
ZTF18aalrxas: A Type IIb Supernova from a Very Extended Low-mass Progenitor
Saturn's Deep Atmospheric Flows Revealed by the Cassini Grand Finale Gravity Measurements
H alpha emission in the nebular spectrum of the Type Ia supernova ASASSN-18tb
Generation of optical Fock and W states with single-atom-based bright quantum scissors
Rapid quantum image scanning microscopy by joint sparse reconstruction
PbS quantum dots as additives in methylammonium halide perovskite solar cells: the effect of quantum dot capping
A hybrid envelope-stripping mechanism for massive stars from supernova nebular spectroscopy
Faint, high proper motion star candidates selected from the SDSS and PS1 catalogues
Discovery of an Intermediate-luminosity Red Transient in M51 and Its Likely Dust-obscured, Infrared-variable Progenitor
A Six-year Image-subtraction Light Curve of SN 2010jl
Controlling Subcycle Optical Chirality in the Photoionization of Chiral Molecules
Coupling of laser arrays with intracavity elements in the far-field
Compact reflective system for ideal imaging concentration
First Results on the Scalar WIMP-Pion Coupling, Using the XENON1T Experiment
Type Ia supernovae have two physical width-luminosity relations and they favour sub-Chandrasekhar and direct collision models - I. Bolometric
Atmospheric dynamics on terrestrial planets: the seasonal response to changes in orbital, rotational and radiative timescales
Light Dark Matter Search with Ionization Signals in XENON1T
Deciphering the atmospheric signal in marine sulfate oxygen isotope composition
Status of the Horizon 2020 EuPRAXIA conceptual design study
GROWTH on S190425z: Searching Thousands of Square Degrees to Identify an Optical or Infrared Counterpart to a Binary Neutron Star Merger with the Zwicky Transient Facility and Palomar Gattini-IR
Comment on Self-Stress on a Dielectric Ball and Casimir-Polder Forces
GROWTH on S190426c: Real-time Search for a Counterpart to the Probable Neutron Star-Black Hole Merger using an Automated Difference Imaging Pipeline for DECam
Masers and Other Instabilities in a Weakly Magnetized Relativistic Plasma: Theory and the Astrophysical Relevance of the Maser
Signatures of circumstellar interaction in the Type IIL supernova ASASSN-15oz
Looking for ultralight dark matter near supermassive black holes
Double-blind holography of attosecond pulses
Ultralight dark matter in disk galaxies
In situ growth of alpha-CsPbI3 perovskite nanocrystals on the surface of reduced graphene oxide with enhanced stability and carrier transport quality
Formation of green rust and elemental sulfur in an analogue for oxygenated ferro-euxinic transition zones of Precambrian oceans
Search for Light Dark Matter Interactions Enhanced by the Migdal Effect or Bremsstrahlung in XENON1T
Super-resolution optical fluctuation image scanning microscopy (SOFISM)
The structure of detonation waves in supernovae revisited
Excitation and Emission Transition Dipoles of Type-II Semiconductor Nanorods
Census of the Local Universe (CLU) Narrowband Survey. I. Galaxy Catalogs from Preliminary Fields
Sub-second hyper-spectral low-frequency vibrational imaging via impulsive Raman excitation
Evidence for Late-stage Eruptive Mass Loss in the Progenitor to SN2018gep, a Broad-lined Ic Supernova: Pre-explosion Emission and a Rapidly Rising Luminous Transient
Interferometric Attosecond Lock-in Measurement of Extreme Ultraviolet Circular Diehroism
Quantum correlation measurement with single photon avalanche diode arrays
Scalar Dark Matter in the Radio-Frequency Band: Atomic-Spectroscopy Search Results
Dynamics of dissipative topological defects in coupled phase oscillators
MOND in galaxy groups: A superior sample
Mathematics of vectorial Gaussian beams
KSP-SN-2016kf: A Long-rising H-rich Type II Supernova with Unusually High 56Ni Mass Discovered in the KMTNet Supernova Program
Precision Measurement of Atomic Isotope Shifts Using a Two-Isotope Entangled State
Collisions between cold molecules in a superconducting magnetic trap
Shaping electron-hole trajectories for solid-state high harmonic generation control
The Zwicky Transient Facility: Science Objectives
Band Gap Engineering Improves the Efficiency of Double Quantum Dot Upconversion Nanocrystals
Neutrino flavor as a test of the explosion mechanism of core-collapse supernovae
Searching for a solar relaxion or scalar particle with XENON1T and LUX
Phase stability transfer across the optical domain using a commercial optical frequency comb system
Quantum optical two-atom thermal diode
Noncovariance at low accelerations as a route to MOND
Electron wavefunctions probed by all-optical attosecond interferometry
The Zwicky Transient Facility: Surveys and Scheduler
NIR-to-visible upconversion in quantum dots via a ligand induced charge transfer state
Band alignment and charge transfer in CsPbBr3-CdSe nanoplatelet hybrids coupled by molecular linkers
The geologic history of seawater oxygen isotopes from marine iron oxides
Late-time Kilonova Light Curves and Implications to GW170817
Discovery and follow-up of the unusual nuclear transient OGLE17aaj
Higher-Order Photon Correlation as a Tool To Study Exciton Dynamics in Quasi-2D Nanoplatelets
Coherent diffusion of partial spatial coherence
Shaping of a laser-accelerated proton beam for radiobiology applications via genetic algorithm
Complex lasers with controllable coherence
Discovery of Highly Blueshifted Broad Balmer and Metastable Helium Absorption Lines in a Tidal Disruption Event
Seeing Double: ASASSN-18bt Exhibits a Two-component Rise in the Early-time K2 Light
XENON1T dark matter data analysis: Signal and background models and statistical inference
A Nanoscopic View of Photoinduced Charge Transfer in Organic Nanocrystalline Heterojunctions
Observation of Stimulated Hawking Radiation in an Optical Analogue
The First Tidal Disruption Flare in ZTF: From Photometric Selection to Multi-wavelength Characterization
The XENON1T data acquisition system
Temperature Control in Dissipative Cavities by Entangled Dimers
Resonant Faraday effect using high-order harmonics for the investigation of ultrafast demagnetization
ASASSN-15pz: Revealing Significant Photometric Diversity among 2009dc-like, Peculiar SNe Ia
Nuclear coalescence from correlation functions
An Excellent Modifier: Carbon Quantum Dots for Highly Efficient Carbon-Electrode-Based Methylammonium Lead Iodide Solar Cells
The Role of Electron Trajectories in XUV-Initiated High-Harmonic Generation
Two-layer Gaussian-based MCTDH study of the S1 ← S0 vibronic absorption spectrum of formaldehyde using multiplicative neural network potentials
Observation of two-neutrino double electron capture in Xe-124 with XENON1T
Quadrupole Shift Cancellation Using Dynamic Decoupling
Investigating the properties of stripped-envelope supernovae; what are the implications for their progenitors?
Impact Dynamics of Moons Within a Planetary Potential
Interferometric attosecond lock-in measurement of extreme-ultraviolet circular dichroism
Optimizing the Nonlinear Optical Response of Plasmonic Metasurfaces
Electronic wavefunctions probed by all-optical attosecond interferometry
Terahertz coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy
Controlled Enantioselective Orientation of Chiral Molecules with an Optical Centrifuge
SN 2017gmr: An Energetic Type II-P Supernova with Asymmetries
Analysis of Jupiter's Deep Jets Combining Juno Gravity and Time-varying Magnetic Field Measurements
SN2018fif: The explosion of a large red supergiant discovered in its infancy by the Zwicky Transient Facility
Enhanced precision bound of low-temperature quantum thermometry via dynamical control
Axiparabola: a long-focal-depth, high-resolution mirror for broadband high-intensity lasers
Rapid laser solver for the phase retrieval problem
Flat-top laser beams over an extended range
Progress towards laser plasma electron based free electron laser on coxinel
Are quantum thermodynamic machines better than their classical counterparts?
Dynamic and isotopic evolution of ice reservoirs on Mars
Probing the final-stage progenitor evolution for Type IIP Supernova 2017eaw in NGC 6946
Ratiometric widefield imaging with spectrally balanced detection
The Double-peaked Radio Light Curve of Supernova PTF11qcj
Simplified approach to low-frequency coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy using a sharp spectral edge filter
The Zwicky Transient Facility: Data Processing, Products, and Archive
Colloidal Mercury-Doped CdSe Nanoplatelets with Dual Fluorescence
Quantized refrigerator for an atomic cloud
The luminous late-time emission of the type-Ic supernova iPTF15dtg-evidence for powering from a magnetar?
Rotational Echoes as a Tool for Investigating Ultrafast Collisional Dynamics of Molecules
On the Origin of SN 2016hilA Type II Supernova in the Remote Outskirts of an Elliptical Host
Challenges and opportunities in attosecond and XFEL science
Resonant Hawking radiation as an instability
The volumetric rate of normal type Ia supernovae in the local Universe discovered by the Palomar Transient Factory
Roadmap on STIRAP applications
Thermodynamic Principles and Implementations of Quantum Machines
Laser-induced persistent orientation of chiral molecules
Gas Giants
Lifshitz theory of the cosmological constant
Analysis of broad-lined Type Ic supernovae from the (intermediate) Palomar Transient Factory
Collectively enhanced thermalization via multiqubit collisions
Quantum Effects in Cold Molecular Collisions from Spatial Polarization of Electronic Wave Function
The Most Luminous Supernovae
Quantum image scanning microscopy: concept and considerations towards applicability
A Simple Analysis of Type I Superluminous Supernova Peak Spectra: Composition, Expansion Velocities, and Dynamics
Light focusing through scattering media via linear fluorescence variance maximization, and its application for fluorescence imaging
Fast dose fractionation using ultra-short laser accelerated proton pulses can increase cancer cell mortality, which relies on functional PARP1 protein
Super-resolution enhancement by quantum image scanning microscopy
Type Ia supernovae have two physical width-luminosity relations and they favour sub-Chandrasekhar and direct collision models - II. Colour evolution
Late-time observations of the extraordinary Type II supernova iPTF14hls
Optical properties of spherulite opals
Two-stage laser acceleration of high quality protons using a tailored density plasma
Tunable High Spatio-Spectral Purity Undulator Radiation from a Transported Laser Plasma Accelerated Electron Beam
SN2018kzr: A Rapidly Declining Transient from the Destruction of a White Dwarf
Improving techniques for diagnostics of laser pulses by compact representations
Supernova PTF 12glz: A Possible Shock Breakout Driven through an Aspherical Wind
Cold temperatures invert product ratios in Penning ionisation reactions with argon
The Zwicky Transient Facility: System Overview, Performance, and First Results
Simple route to enhancement of soft X-ray high harmonic generation sources
Determining the Depth of Jupiter's Great Red Spot with Juno: A Slepian Approach
Measuring magnetic fields with magnetic field insensitive transitions
HHG probing of atomic dipoles by electronic wave-packet caustics
The 2019 analog Mars mission season at the Desert Mars analog Ramon Station
Multiport Atom Interferometry for Inertial Sensing
Transient processing and analysis using AMPEL: Alert management, photometry, and evaluation of light curves
Optical design of the SOXS spectrograph for ESO NTT
A nearby super-luminous supernova with a long pre-maximum "plateau" and strong C (II) features
Two-Dimensional Maxwell Fisheye for Integrated Optics
Attosecond-resolved photoionization of chiral molecules
Quasi-monoenergetic multi-GeV electron acceleration by optimizing the spatial and spectral phases of PW laser pulses
Spin-controlled twisted laser beams: intra-cavity multi-tasking geometric phase metasurfaces
Cooperative many-body enhancement of quantum thermal machine power
The effect of large autoionization decay rates (resonance widths) on cold molecular cross-sections and the reflection phenomenon
Control of ellipticity in high-order harmonic generation driven by two linearly polarized fields
Toward Heisenberg-Limited Rabi Spectroscopy
A significantly off-centre 56Ni distribution for the low-luminosity type Ia supernova SN 2016brx from the 100IAS survey
Corrigendum to "New constraints on kinetic isotope effects during CO2(aq) hydration and hydroxylation" : Revisiting theoretical and experimental data\u201d [Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 214 (2017) 246265](S0016703717304593)(10.1016/j.gca.2017.07.035)
Eddy Sensitivity to Jet Characteristics
The Robo-AO-2 facility for rapid visible/near-infrared AO imaging and the demonstration of hybrid techniques
Producing an efficient, collimated, and thin annular beam with a binary axicon
Robust Entanglement Gates for Trapped-Ion Qubits
ASASSN-15nx: A Luminous Type II Supernova with a "Perfect" Linear Decline
A UV resonance line echo from a shell around a hydrogen-poor superluminous supernova
The mechanical design of SOXS for the NTT
Topologically Controlled Intracavity Laser Modes Based on Pancharatnam-Berry Phase
On the nature of hydrogen-rich superluminous supernovae
Rapid Voltage Sensing with Single Nanorods via the Quantum Confined Stark Effect
High-order harmonic generation spectroscopy by recolliding electron caustics
SNe 2013K and 2013am: observed and physical properties of two slow, normal Type IIP events
Galactic rotation curves versus ultralight dark matter: Implications of the soliton-host halo relation
Extreme close approaches in hierarchical triple systems with comparable masses
Control of laser plasma accelerated electrons for light sources
Challenges and opportunities for improved understanding of regional climate dynamics
Rapid and efficient formation of propagation invariant shaped laser beams
SN 2017dio: A Type-Ic Supernova Exploding in a Hydrogen-rich Circumstellar Medium
Casimir self-stress in a dielectric sphere
Optically functional isoxanthopterin crystals in the mirrored eyes of decapod crustaceans
Robust enhancement of high harmonic generation via attosecond control of ionization
Spectra of Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernovae from the Palomar Transient Factory
High-Brilliance Betatron γ -Ray Source Powered by Laser-Accelerated Electrons
iPTF 16hgs: A Double-peaked Ca-rich Gap Transient in a Metal-poor, Star-forming Dwarf Galaxy
Roadmap on transformation optics
Mode conversion via wavefront shaping
SN 2017ens: The Metamorphosis of a Luminous Broadlined Type Ic Supernova into an SN IIn
catsHTM: A Tool for Fast Accessing and Cross-matching Large Astronomical Catalogs
Orienting Asymmetric Molecules by Laser Fields with Twisted Polarization
Optimal Matched Filter in the Low-number Count Poisson Noise Regime and Implications for X-Ray Source Detection
A case study for late Archean and Proterozoic biogeochemical iron- and sulphur cycling in a modern habitatthe Arvadi Spring
Questioning the Recent Observation of Quantum Hawking Radiation
Impulsive Raman spectroscopy via precision measurement of frequency shift with low energy excitation
The assembly integration and test activities for the new SOXS instrument at NTT
Cold chemistry with two atoms
Deconstructing the Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction Pathway: Isotope Fractionation of a Mutant Unable of Growth on Sulfate
The Early Detection and Follow-up of the Highly Obscured Type II Supernova 2016ija/DLT16am
A Mechanistic Study of Phase Transformation in Perovskite Nanocrystals Driven by Ligand Passivation
MOND in galaxy groups
Temperature Rise under Two-Photon Optogenetic Brain Stimulation
Spatiotemporal supermodes: Rapid reduction of spatial coherence in highly multimode lasers
Probing New Long-Range Interactions by Isotope Shift Spectroscopy
Signal yields of keV electronic recoils and their discrimination from nuclear recoils in liquid xenon
Light Curves of Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernovae from the Palomar Transient Factory
The expected spins of gravitational wave sources with isolated field binary progenitors
A Spectral Approach to Transit Timing Variations
MOND and the dynamics of NGC 1052-DF2
The SED Machine: A Robotic Spectrograph for Fast Transient Classification
Vibrational spectroscopy via stimulated Raman induced Kerr lensing
Electron carriers in microbial sulfate reduction inferred from experimental and environmental sulfur isotope fractionations
Markovian heat sources with the smallest heat capacity
The Organic Crystalline Materials of Vision: Structure-Function Considerations from the Nanometer to the Millimeter Scale
Oxygen and helium in stripped-envelope supernovae
Mineral Deposits in Ficus Leaves: Morphologies and Locations in Relation to Function
Selective Orientation of Chiral Molecules by Laser Fields with Twisted Polarization
Dark Matter Search Results from a One Ton-Year Exposure of XENON1T
The Relation Between the Seasonal Changes in Jet Characteristics and the Pacific Midwinter Minimum in Eddy Activity
PhaseSpace Versus CoordinateSpace Methods: Prognosis for Large Quantum Calculations
Kinetics of Decomposition of Thiocyanate in Natural Aquatic Systems
Optimizing the nonlinear optical response of plasmonic metasurfaces
Architecture of the SOXS instrument control software
Communication: Systematic elimination of Stokes divergences emanating from complex phase space caustics
Electronic zero-point fluctuation forces inside circuit components
Classical analog of the Unruh effect
Penning ionization widths by Fano-algebraic diagrammatic construction method
Can telescopes with elongated pupils achieve higher contrast and resolution?
Spectrally narrow features in a supercontinuum generated by shaped pulse trains
High phase space density loading of a falling magnetic trap
Supernovae 2016bdu and 2005gl, and their link with SN 2009ip-like transients: another piece of the puzzle
Numerical study of laser energy effects on density transition injection in laser wakefield acceleration
Current outflow to low-density plasma region of z-pinch with pre-embedded axial magnetic field
Direct detection of light dark matter and solar neutrinos via color center production in crystals
Phase Locking between Different Partial Waves in Atom-Ion Spin-Exchange Collisions
Energy-Chirp Compensation in a Laser Wakefield Accelerator
Chiral 2D Colloidal Semiconductor Quantum Wells
iPTF Archival Search for Fast Optical Transients
Neutrinoless double-beta decay with massive scalar emission
MITS: The multi-imaging transient spectrograph for SOXS
SOXS control electronics design
High phase space density loading of a falling magnetic trap (vol 124, 158, 2018)
The Global Atmospheric Circulation of Saturn
Gap-mode-assisted light-induced switching of sub-wavelength magnetic domains
Atomic combination clocks
Jupiter's atmospheric jet streams extend thousands of kilometres deep
An Optical and Infrared Time-domain Study of the Supergiant Fast X-Ray Transient Candidate IC 10 X-2
The Role of Multiple Giant Impacts in the Formation of the Earth-Moon System
Dynamics of pyrite formation and organic matter sulfurization in organic-rich carbonate sediments
Self-Healing Inside APbBr3 Halide Perovskite Crystals
The THESEUS space mission concept: science case, design and expected performances
A hot and fast ultra-stripped supernova that likely formed a compact neutron star binary
Single-shot noninterferometric measurement of the phase transmission matrix in multicore fibers
Two-level masers as heat-to-work converters
Hybrid PbS Quantum-Dot-in-Perovskite for High-Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cell
SOXS: A wide band spectrograph to follow up transients
New Methods for Testing Lorentz Invariance with Atomic Systems
Experimental apparatus for overlapping a ground-state cooled ion with ultracold atoms
Measurement of Jupiter's asymmetric gravity field
The common path of SOXS (Son of X-Shooter)
Spin-controlled atom-ion chemistry
Sulfur Isotope Fractionation by Sulfate-Reducing Microbes Can Reflect Past Physiology
Quantum engine efficiency bound beyond the second law of thermodynamics
Characterizing the Quantum-Confined Stark Effect in Semiconductor Quantum Dots and Nanorods for Single-Molecule Electrophysiology
Attosecond time-resolved photoelectron holography
The NIR spectrograph for the new SOXS instrument at the NTT
Optimal and Efficient Streak Detection in Astronomical Images
Correction: Spin-controlled atom-ion chemistry (vol 9, 920, 2018)
The delay of shock breakout due to circumstellar material evident in most type II supernovae
Multivalued classical mechanics arising from singularity loops in complex time
Physical mechanism of the electron-ion coupled transverse instability in laser pressure ion acceleration for different regimes
Plasmonic flat surface Fabry-Perot interferometry
The Dual Functional Reflecting Iris of the Zebrafish
An Axisymmetric Limit for the Width of the Hadley Cell on Planets With Large Obliquity and Long Seasonality
Constraints on the ejecta of the GW170817 neutron star merger from its electromagnetic emission
Generating flat-top beams with extended depth of focus
A suppression of differential rotation in Jupiter's deep interior
Discovery of the Luminous, Decades-long, Extragalactic Radio Transient FIRST J141918.9+394036
Opening the dynamic infrared sky
A passive photonatom qubit swap operation
Toward the Measurement of the Mass of Isolated Neutron Stars: Prediction of Future Astrometric Microlensing Events by Pulsars
Quantum Lamarckism: observation, control and decoherence
Son of XShooter: A multiband instrument for a multiband universe
Strong light-matter interaction in tungsten disulfide nanotubes
e(+) and (p)over-bar production in pp collisions and the cosmic-ray e(+)/(p)over-bar ratio
All-optical field-free three-dimensional orientation of asymmetric-top molecules
Tunable, Flexible, and Efficient Optimization of Control Pulses for Practical Qubits
The acquisition camera system for SOXS at NTT
Direct Observation of Atom-Ion Nonequilibrium Sympathetic Cooling
Intra-cavity metasurfaces for topologically spin-controlled laser modes
PTF11mnb: First analog of supernova 2005bf Long-rising, double-peaked supernova Ic from a massive progenitor
The VIS detector system of SOXS
Spectral and spatial shaping of a laser-produced ion beam for radiation-biology experiments
Prediction for the Flow-induced Gravity Field of Saturn: Implications for Cassini's Grand Finale
Continuous generation of delayed light
Removing krypton from xenon by cryogenic distillation to the ppq level
O(N) invariance of the multi-field bounce
A model independent safeguard against background mismodeling for statistical inference
Revival of Raman coherence of trapped atoms
Time-resolved Polarimetry of the Superluminous SN 2015bn with the Nordic Optical Telescope
Doppler cooling thermometry of a multilevel ion in the presence of micromotion
Early observations of the nearby Type Ia supernova SN 2015F
AC Atom Interferometry with Quantum Lock-in Sensing
Decoupling Jupiter's deep and atmospheric flows using the upcoming Juno gravity measurements and a dynamical inverse model
A Martian origin for the Mars Trojan asteroids
Exploring the Efficacy and Limitations of Shock-cooling Models: New Analysis of Type II Supernovae Observed by the Kepler Mission
The effect of vertical baroclinicity concentration on atmospheric macroturbulence scaling relations
Directly probing anisotropy in atom-molecule collisions through quantum scattering resonances
Galileo probe interpretation indicating a neutrally stable layer in the Jovian troposphere
Evidence for surface water ice in the lunar polar regions using reflectance measurements from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter and temperature measurements from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment
Jupiter's interior and deep atmosphere: The initial pole-To-pole passes with the Juno spacecraft
Type Ibn Supernovae Show Photometric Homogeneity and Spectral Diversity at Maximum Light
Observation of Optomechanical Strain in a Cold Atomic Cloud
Preface: The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
Observing Power-Law Dynamics of Position-Velocity Correlation in Anomalous Diffusion
Online 222 Rn removal by cryogenic distillation in the XENON100 experiment
Casimir stress in materials: Hard divergency at soft walls
The effect of differential rotation on Jupiter's low-degree even gravity moments
Far-ultraviolet to Near-infrared Spectroscopy of a Nearby Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernova Gaia16apd
Results from a calibration of XENON100 using a source of dissolved radon-220
Trapping of Molecular Oxygen together with Lithium Atoms
Horizon 2020 EuPRAXIA design study
Tetragonal CH3NH3Pbi3 is ferroelectric
Molecular beam brightening by shock-wave suppression
Quantum lock-in force sensing using optical clock Doppler velocimetry
The geologic history of seawater pH
How to COAAD Images. I. Optimal Source Detection and Photometry of Point Sources Using Ensembles of Images
The way to a double degenerate: ~15-20 per cent of 1M⊙ ≤ M ≤ 8M⊙ stars have an M > 1M⊙ companion
Adiabatic Variational Theory for Cold Atom-Molecule Collisions: Application to a Metastable Helium Atom Colliding with ortho- and para-Hydrogen Molecules
A key role for green rust in the Precambrian oceans and the genesis of iron formations
Search for Electronic Recoil Event Rate Modulation with 4 Years of XENON100 Data
Multiwavelength follow-up of a rare IceCube neutrino multiplet
Attosecond-resolved photoionization of chiral molecules
Estimating Jupiter's Gravity Field Using Juno Measurements, Trajectory Estimation Analysis, and a Flow Model Optimization
Confined dense circumstellar material surrounding a regular type II supernova
Plants and Light Manipulation: The Integrated Mineral System in Okra Leaves
Single-photon fiber bundle cameras (SFICAMs) for quantum enhanced superresolution microscopy
Type Ia supernovae with and without blueshifted narrow Na I D lines - how different is their structure?
Characterization of the ELIMED prototype permanent magnet quadrupole system
Stable femtosecond X-rays with tunable polarization from a laser-driven accelerator
Enhanced poleward propagation of storms under climate change
Self-probing spectroscopy of XUV photo-ionization dynamics in atoms subjected to a strong-field environment
The image-forming mirror in the eye of the scallop
Dynamics of Massive Atmospheres
Attosecond photoionization self-probing spectroscopy
Effective field theory search for high-energy nuclear recoils using the XENON100 dark matter detector
Observing Dissipative Topological Defects with Coupled Lasers
Search for two-neutrino double electron capture of Xe 124 with XENON100
Simulating spins with coupled lasers
Phase retrieval in multicore fiber bundles
Composite functional metasurfaces for multispectral achromatic optics
Fast Dynamical Decoupling of the Molmer-Sorensen Entangling Gate
Probing atomic Higgs-like forces at the precision frontier
Strain-Induced Type II Band Alignment Control in CdSe Nanoplatelet/ZnS-Sensitized Solar Cells
Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernovae with Late-time Hα Emission: Three Events from the Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory
Summary of the results from the lunar orbiter laser altimeter after seven years in lunar orbit
Digital Degenerate Cavity Laser
Comparing Jupiter interior structure models to Juno gravity measurements and the role of a dilute core
A multiple-impact origin for the Moon
The IPAC Image Subtraction and Discovery Pipeline for the Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory
Optical photometry and spectroscopy of the low-luminosity, broad-lined Ic supernova iPTF15dld
On the 2D Phase Retrieval Problem
Plasmonic coupling in metal nanocavities
The fast spin of near-Earth asteroid (455213) 2001 OE84, revisited after 14 years: Constraints on internal structure
Study of the Plutino Object (208996) 2003 AZ84 from Stellar Occultations: Size, Shape, and Topographic Features
Third-order-harmonic generation in coherently spinning molecules
Mechanisms controlling the downstream poleward deflection of midlatitude storm tracks
Cosmic-ray Antimatter
Stable multi-GeV electron accelerator driven by waveform-controlled PW laser pulses
Search for WIMP inelastic scattering off xenon nuclei with XENON100
Crystallographic Mapping of Guided Nanowires by Second Harmonic Generation Polarimetry
Search for bosonic super-WIMP interactions with the XENON100 experiment
The Progenitor and Early Evolution of the Type IIb SN 2016gkg
Grazing-incidence optical magnetic recording with super-resolution
Isolating strong-field dynamics in molecular systems
Scale invariance at low accelerations (aka MOND) and the dynamical anomalies in the Universe
Generation of high pressures by short-pulse low-energy laser irradiation
Catalysis of heat-to-work conversion in quantum machines
Constraining Jupiter's internal flows using Juno magnetic and gravity measurements
Search for magnetic inelastic dark matter with XENON100
Spatially resolved analysis of superluminous supernovae PTF 11hrq and PTF 12dam host galaxies
Intra-cavity spin controlled geometric phase metasurface
Intra-cavity spin controlled geometric phase metasurface
Cosmic microwave background constraints on primordial black hole dark matter
Observational and Physical Classification of Supernovae
Preliminary Evidence for a Virial Shock around the Coma Galaxy Cluster
A full, self-consistent treatment of thermal wind balance on oblate fluid planets
A kilonova as the electromagnetic counterpart to a gravitational-wave source
A Spectroscopic Search for White Dwarf Companions to 101 Nearby M Dwarfs
Stability of ice on the Moon with rough topography
Nucleation, Growth, and Structural Transformations of Perovskite Nanocrystals
Rotated echoes of molecular alignment: fractional, high order and imaginary
Numerical studies of density transition injection in laser wakefield acceleration
Shock breakout theory
The origin of icecube's neutrinos: Cosmic ray accelerators embedded in star forming calorimeters
Hydrogen-rich supernovae beyond the neutrino-driven core-collapse paradigm
The bumpy light curve of Type IIn supernova iPTF13z over 3 years
A Search for FRB 121102-like Persistent Radio-luminous Sources - Candidates and Implications for the FRB Rate and Searches
Analysis of deterministic swapping of photonic and atomic states through single-photon Raman interaction
Spin controlled atom-ion inelastic collisions
Complexity in the light curves and spectra of slow-evolving superluminous supernovae
Material radioassay and selection for the XENON1T dark matter experiment
How to COAAD Images. II. A Coaddition Image that is Optimal for Any Purpose in the Background-dominated Noise Limit
Single-shot energy measurement of a single atom and the direct reconstruction of its energy distribution
Cosmic rays, antihelium, and an old navy spotlight
Vertically aligned ZnO/ZnTe core/shell heterostructures on an AZO substrate for improved photovoltaic performance
Casimir stress inside planar materials
Energetic eruptions leading to a peculiar hydrogen-rich explosion of a massive star
UV/Optical Emission from the Expanding Envelopes of Type II Supernovae
Enhancing the Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells by Hybridizing SnS Quantum Dots with CH3NH3PbI3
Spectroscopic measurement of the softness of ultracold atomic collisions
Multilayered metamaterials for functional light control
First Dark Matter Search Results from the XENON1T Experiment
New constraints on kinetic isotope effects during CO2(aq) hydration and hydroxylation: Revisiting theoretical and experimental data
O(N) invariance of the multi-field bounce (vol 5, pg 109, 2017): O(N) invariance of the multi-field bounce (Journal of High Energy Physics, (2017), 2017, 5, (1-11), 10.1007/JHEP05(2017)109)
Reply to Comment on "Radiative Transfer in CO2-Rich Atmospheres: 1. Collisional Line Mixing Implies a Colder Early Mars"
Demonstration of deterministic and passive photon-atom SWAP quantum gate
Phase-controlled propagation of surface plasmons
Wavepacket revivals via complex trajectory propagation
LSQ14efd: Observations of the cooling of a shock break-out event in a type Ic Supernova
Exotic colored scalars at the LHC
The poleward shift of storm tracks under global warming: A Lagrangian perspective
Optimization of nonlinear optical processes in arrays of metallic nanocavities
On the Origin of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs)
Electron heating by intense short-pulse lasers propagating through near-critical plasmas
The late-time light curve of the Type Ia supernova SN 2011fe
All optical rapid solver of the inverse scattering problem
Global Regolith Thermophysical Properties of the Moon From the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment
A Midwinter Minimum in North Atlantic Storm Track Intensity in Years of a Strong Jet
Digital degenerate cavity laser
iPTF16geu: A multiply imaged, gravitationally lensed type Ia supernova
Illuminating gravitational waves: A concordant picture of photons from a neutron star merger
The XENON1T dark matter experiment
Talbot diffraction and Fourier filtering for phase locking an array of lasers
A novel method for transient detection in high-cadence optical surveys: Its application for a systematic search for novae in M 31
IPTF16fnl: A Faint and Fast Tidal Disruption Event in an E+A Galaxy
Lasing with propagation invariant shaped beams
Quantum correlation enhanced super-resolution localization microscopy enabled by a fibre bundle camera
SPIRITS: Uncovering Unusual Infrared Transients with Spitzer
Two New Calcium-rich Gap Transients in Group and Cluster Environments
The thermodynamic effect of atmospheric mass on early Earth's temperature
Pan-STARRS and PESSTO search for an optical counterpart to the LIGO gravitational-wave source GW150914
Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914
Physics and Chemistry with Cold Molecules
Enhancement of high harmonic generation efficiency using incommensurate two colour fields
Dynamic decoupling in the presence of colored control noise
Exciting Molecules Close to the Rotational Quantum Resonance: Anderson Wall and Rotational Bloch Oscillations
Efficient molecular quantum dynamics in coordinate and phase space using pruned bases
3D printing of gas jet nozzles for laser-plasma accelerators
Self-consistent calculation of the Sommerfeld enhancement
Atomic quadrupole moment measurement using dynamic decoupling
Charge Transfer Dynamics in CdS and CdSe@CdS Based Hybrid Nanorods Tipped with Both PbS and Pt
Absorption and emission in defective cholesteric liquid crystal cells
PTF13efvAn Outburst 500 Days Prior to the SNHunt 275 Explosion and Its Radiative Efficiency
Multiatom quantum coherences in micromasers as fuel for thermal and nonthermal machines
Improved charge separation and transport efficiency in panchromatic-sensitized solar cells with co-sensitization of PbS/CdS/ZnS quantum dots and dye molecules
A 2km-size asteroid challenging the rubble-pile spin barrier - A case for cohesion
Dynamics and Hydrodynamics of Molecular Superrotors
Criticality of environmental information obtainable by dynamically controlled quantum probes
Widefield lensless imaging through a fiber bundle via speckle correlations
On the operation of machines powered by quantum non-thermal baths
Attosecond processes and X-ray spectroscopy: General discussion
XENON100 dark matter results from a combination of 477 live days
Detailed Experimental Study of Ion Acceleration by Interaction of an Ultra-Short Intense Laser with an Underdense Plasma
Slantwise convection on fluid planets
From dilute isovalent substitution to alloying in CdSeTe nanoplatelets
Superluminous Supernova SN 2015bn in the Nebular Phase: Evidence for the Engine-powered Explosion of a Stripped Massive Star
Host-galaxy Properties of 32 Low-redshift Superluminous Supernovae from the Palomar Transient Factory
Number statistics for beta-ensembles of random matrices: Applications to trapped fermions at zero temperature
Optical and Near-infrared Observations of SN 2013dx Associated with GRB 130702A
Eddy activity sensitivity to changes in the vertical structure of baroclinicity
Supernova 2013fc in a circumnuclear ring of a luminous infrared galaxy: The big brother of SN 1998S
Facile: In situ synthesis of dendrite-like ZnO/ZnTe core/shell nanorod heterostructures for sensitized solar cells
Direct single-shot phase retrieval for separated objects (Conference Presentation)
The Energy Budget of GRBs Based on a Large Sample of Prompt and Afterglow Observations
DARWIN: Towards the ultimate dark matter detector
Probing the Interaction of Quantum Dots with Chiral Capping Molecules Using Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy
Prediction of multidimensional drug dose responses based on measurements of drug pairs
Colloidal Double Quantum Dots
Light-Induced Color Change in the Sapphirinid Copepods: Tunable Photonic Crystals
Two-photon fluorescence spectroscopy by resonant single and double grating waveguide structures
On Type IIn/Ia-CSM supernovae as exemplified by SN 2012ca
Controlled wake fields in interfering propagating surface plasmons
Maximizing Information on the Environment by Dynamically Controlled Qubit Probes
Erratum : On the diversity of superluminous supernovae: ejected mass as the dominant factor (vol 452, pg 3869, 2015)
From Coherent to Incoherent Dynamical Control of Open Quantum Systems
Correction: The superluminous transient ASASSN-15lh as a tidal disruption event from a Kerr black hole
450 d of Type II SN 2013ej in optical and near-infrared
Two dimensional frequency resolved opto-molecular gating of high order harmonic generation
Interacting supernovae and supernova impostors. LSQ13zm: An outburst heralds the death of a massive star
Energy boost in laser wakefield accelerators using sharp density transitions
Constraining high-energy cosmic neutrino sources: Implications and prospects
The Effect of Eddy-Eddy Interactions on Jet Formation and Macroturbulent Scales
Probe of Multielectron Dynamics in Xenon by Caustics in High-Order Harmonic Generation
LSQ13fn: A type II-Plateau supernova with a possibly low metallicity progenitor that breaks the standardised candle relation
Manipulating relativistic electrons with lasers
Echoes in space and time
Experimental observation of fractional echoes
Radiative transfer in CO2-rich atmospheres: 1. Collisional line mixing implies a colder early Mars
Deterministic photon-atom and photon-photon interactions based on single-photon Raman interaction
The new SOXS instrument for the ESO NTT
Hawking spectrum for a fiber-optical analog of the event horizon
Extended field-of-view in a lensless endoscope using an aperiodic multicore fiber
Summary of working group 1: Electron beam from plasmas
Double-averaging can fail to characterize the long-term evolution of Lidov-Kozai Cycles and derivation of an analytical correction
SN 2015bn: A Detailed Multi-wavelength View of a Nearby Superluminous Supernova
Revisiting the Anion Framework Conservation in Cation Exchange Processes
Efficient laser production of energetic neutral beams
Probing the depth of Jupiter's Great Red Spot with the Juno gravity experiment
Metallicity from Type II supernovae from the (i)PTF
Subwavelength nonlinear phase control and anomalous phase matching in plasmonic metasurfaces
On global non-oscillation of linear ordinary differential equations with polynomial coefficients
Rotational Doppler effect in harmonic generation from spinning molecules
Quantum Sensing of Noisy and Complex Systems under Dynamical Control
Dynamics of a Ground-State Cooled Ion Colliding with Ultracold Atoms
The International Laser Plasma Accelerators Workshop 2015 (Guadeloupe, May 10-15)
An application of laser-plasma acceleration: towards a free-electron laser amplification
Quantum Dynamics in Phase Space using Projected von Neumann Bases
Nonlinear metamaterials for holography
The latitudinal dependence of the oceanic barotropic eddy kinetic energy and macroturbulence energy transport
Photoassociation Spectroscopy in Penning Ionization Reactions at Sub-Kelvin Temperatures
Flash Spectroscopy: Emission Lines from the Ionized Circumstellar Material around <10-day-old Type II Supernovae
A bremsstrahlung gamma-ray source based on stable ionization injection of electrons into a laser wakefield accelerator
The Poleward Motion of Extratropical Cyclones from a Potential Vorticity Tendency Analysis
Dark matter: Evidence, direct and indirect searches
Two-Dimensional Frequency Resolved Optomolecular Gating of High-Order Harmonic Generation
Neutrino signal of collapse-induced thermonuclear supernovae: the case for prompt black hole formation in SN 1987A
PTF12os and iPTF13bvn Two stripped-envelope supernovae from low-mass progenitors in NGC 5806: Two stripped-envelope supernovae from low-mass progenitors in NGC 5806
Unveiling the Dynamic Infrared Sky with Gattini-IR
Speed and efficiency limits of multilevel incoherent heat engines
Transformation optics
Radio Follow-up of Gravitational-wave Triggers during Advanced LIGO O1
The first circumbinary planet found by microlensing: OGLE-2007-BLG-349L(AB)c
The bolometric light curves and physical parameters of stripped-envelope supernovae
The type Iax supernova, SN 2015H A white dwarf deflagration candidate: A white dwarf deflagration candidate
Extraction of a single photon from an optical pulse
Supplement: \u201cLocalization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914\u201d (2016, ApJL, 826, L13)
An all-optical Compton source for single-exposure x-ray imaging
Three-Dimensional Holographic Nonlinear Metamaterials
Low-mass dark matter search using ionization signals in XENON100
Multidimensional high harmonic spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules: Detecting sub-cycle laser-driven hole dynamics upon ionization in strong mid-IR laser fields
Unsupervised Clustering of Type II Supernova Light Curves
iPTF15dtg: A double-peaked Type Ic supernova from a massive progenitor
Universal Modified Newtonian Dynamics Relation between the Baryonic and "dynamical" Central Surface Densities of Disc Galaxies
Direct single-shot phase retrieval from thediffraction pattern of separated objects
Highly nonlocal optical nonlinearities in atoms trapped near a waveguide
The superluminous transient ASASSN-15lh as a tidal disruption event from a Kerr black hole
Characterization of the ELIMED Permanent Magnets Quadrupole system prototype with laser-driven proton beams
The gravitational signature of internal flows in giant planets: Comparing the thermal wind approach with barotropic potential-surface methods
Long-rising Type II supernovae from Palomar Transient Factory and Caltech Core-Collapse Project
Inhibition of charge transfer and recombination processes in CdS/N719 co-sensitized solar cell with high conversion efficiency
Dialogues about geometry and light
Barotropic kinetic energy and enstrophy transfers in the atmosphere
On a possible large width 750 GeV diphoton resonance at ATLAS and CMS
Broadband near-infrared to visible upconversion in quantum dot-quantum well heterostructures
Physics reach of the XENON1T dark matter experiment.
Topological effects in phase locking of coupled lasers
Special issue on coherence and control in the quantum world
Three-dimensional metamaterials for nonlinear holography
Nonlinear optics: Resolving the attosecond beat
Simultaneous deceleration of atoms and molecules in a supersonic beam
Theory of Maxwell's fish eye with mutually interacting sources and drains
Temporal focusing microscopy
Multidimensional high harmonic spectroscopy
SN 2009ip at late times - An interacting transient at +2 years
SN 2012ec: Mass of the progenitor from PESSTO follow-up of the photospheric phase
Lowering the radioactivity of the photomultiplier tubes for the XENON1T dark matter experiment
Atmospheric dynamics of terrestrial exoplanets over a wide range of orbital and atmospheric parameters
Universal gate-set for trapped-ion qubits using a narrow linewidth diode laser
Orientation and alignment echoes
A simple model explaining super-resolution in absolute optical instruments
Road to MOND: A novel perspective
Attosecond tunnelling interferometry
Laser-induced cooling of broadband heat reservoirs
Measurement of the Spin-Dipolar Part of the Tensor Polarizability of Rb 87
Excited-state wavepacket and potential reconstruction by coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering
Tailoring the Shape of Metallic Nanocavities for Enhanced Four-Wave Mixing
Quantum technologies with hybrid systems
Spectral models for early time SN 2011fe observations
Magneto-Optical Properties of Paramagnetic Superrotors
Talbot coupling of laser arrays in a degenerate cavity
Molecular hydrogen interacts more strongly when rotationally excited at low temperatures leading to faster reactions.
Measuring nickel masses in Type Ia supernovae using cobalt emission in nebular phase spectra
Gamma radiation production using channeled positron annihilation in crystals
Fast transients at cosmological distances with the SKA
Topographic power spectra of cratered terrains: Theory and application to the Moon
The rising light curves of type ia supernovae
Demonstration of deterministic photon -photon interactions with a single atom
OGLE-2013-SN-079: A Lonely Supernova Consistent with a Helium Shell Detonation
Shock assisted ionization injection in laser-plasma accelerators
Conversion of out-of-phase to in-phase order in coupled laser arrays with second harmonics
Single-beam spectrally controlled two-dimensional Raman spectroscopy
Physics of fully-loaded laser-plasma accelerators
LSQ14bdq: A Type Ic Super-luminous Supernova with a Double-peaked Light Curve
Cavity ring-up spectroscopy for ultrafast sensing with optical microresonators
Poleward migration of eddy-driven jets
A strong ultraviolet pulse from a newborn type Ia supernova
Quantum mechanically enhanced performance of simple heat machines
The failures of the standard model of cosmology require a new paradigm
Forces of the quantum vacuum: An introduction to Casimir physics
Failure of a neutrino-driven explosion after core-collapse may lead to a thermonuclear supernova
Finding unique exoplanets with ultrasat
Work extraction from heat-powered quantized optomechanical setups
Search for Early Gamma-ray Production in Supernovae Located in a Dense Circumstellar Medium with the Fermi LAT
Observation of dynamical localization and bloch oscillations within molecular alignment of nitrogen
Phase locking of even and odd number of lasers on a ring geometry: Effects of topological-charge
ULTRASAT the ultraviolet transient astronomy satellite
Manipulating the spatial coherence of a laser source
Thermal stability of ice on Ceres with rough topography
Saturn's fast spin determined from its gravitational field and oblateness
Nonlinear light propagation in cholesteric liquid crystals with a helical Bragg microstructure
PTF11iqb: Cool supergiant mass-loss that bridges the gap between Type IIn and normal supernovae
On cosmology in the laboratory.
A double white dwarf with a paradoxical origin?
Erratum: A strong ultraviolet pulse from a newborn type Ia supernova (vol 521, pg 328, 2015)
Structural Basis for the Brilliant Colors of the Sapphirinid Copepods
Constraints on Exotic Dipole-Dipole Couplings between Electrons at the Micrometer Scale
Massive stars exploding in a He-rich circumstellar medium - VI. Observations of two distant Type Ibn supernova candidates discovered by La Silla-QUEST
Resolving ultrafast molecular dynamics via multidimensional high harmonic spectroscopy
The SDSS-IV extended Baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: Quasar target selection
Type Ia supernovae with bimodal explosions are common - Possible smoking gun for direct collisions of white dwarfs
Search for gamma-ray production in supernovae located in a dense circumstellar medium with fermi-LAT
Collisional dynamics in a gas of molecular super-rotors
Spatial properties of odd and even low order harmonics generated in gas
Single-pulse Two-dimensional Raman Spectroscopy
Long-term photometric behaviour of outbursting AM CVn systems
Rapid Manipulation of the Spatial Coherence
Performance limits of multilevel and multipartite quantum heat machines
Power enhancement of heat engines via correlated thermalization in a three-level "working fluid"
A spectral unaveraged algorithm for free electron laser simulations
Amplified short-wavelength light scattered by relativistic electrons in the laser-induced optical lattice
The Mechanism of Color Change in the Neon Tetra Fish: A Light-Induced Tunable Photonic Crystal Array
Cosmological variation of the MOND constant: Secular effects on galactic systems
Reanalyses of anomalous gravitational microlensing events in the ogle-iii early warning system database with combined data
Table-top femtosecond soft X-ray laser by collisional ionization gating
On the diversity of superluminous supernovae: Ejected mass as the dominant factor
Strong near-infrared carbon in the Type Ia supernova iPTF13ebh
Type Ia supernova spectral features in the context of their host galaxy properties
Experimental evidence for Abraham pressure of light
PESSTO: Survey description and products from the first data release by the Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects
Search for Precursor Eruptions among Type IIb Supernovae
Ultra-diffuse cluster galaxies as key to the MOND cluster conundrum
Adiabatic theory for anisotropic cold molecule collisions.
Exclusion of leptophilic dark matter models using XENON100 electronic recoil data
Phase Locking of Many Lasers by Combined Talbot Cavity and Fourier Filtering
Towards enabling femtosecond helicity-dependent spectroscopy with high-harmonic sources
Demonstration of relativistic electron beam focusing by a laser-plasma lens
Thermodynamics of Quantum Systems Under Dynamical Control
Enhanced Third-Harmonic Generation from a Metal/Semiconductor Core/Shell Hybrid Nanostructure
Massive stars exploding in a He-rich circumstellar medium - V. Observations of the slow-evolving SN Ibn OGLE-2012-SN-006
Optical processing inside a degenerate cavity laser
A real-time fast radio burst: Polarization detection and multiwavelength follow-up
Rational design of metallic nanocavities for resonantly enhanced four-wave mixing
Observation of Bloch Oscillations in Molecular Rotation
Long-Lived Population Inversion in Isovalently Doped Quantum Dots
Controlling the output phase and coherence of degenerate cavity solid-state lasers
Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Type IIb Supernovae: Diversity and the Impact of Circumstellar Material
Casimir forces in inhomogeneous media: towards a workable regularization
Supersolar Ni/Fe production in the Type IIP SN 2012ec
Self-Assembled Organic Nanocrystals with Strong Nonlinear Optical Response
Lunar Volatiles: Introduction to the Special issue
Stratigraphy of Aeolis Dorsa, Mars: Stratigraphic context of the great river deposits
Slow-speed Supernovae from the Palomar Transient Factory: Two Channels
The latitudinal dependence of atmospheric jet scales and macroturbulent energy cascades
Beam manipulation for compact laser wakefield accelerator based free-electron lasers
Electron Rephasing in a Laser-Wakefield Accelerator
Persistence of magnetic field driven by relativistic electrons in a plasma
Edge states of periodically kicked quantum rotors
Second harmonics of phase locked laser arrays
Atom-diatom scattering dynamics of spinning molecules
The effect of slope distribution on the surface temperature of the moon and other airless bodies
IPTF14yb: The First Discovery of a Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglow Independent of a High-energy Trigger
Multi-channel electronic and vibrational dynamics in polyatomic resonant high-order harmonic generation
Demonstration of Deterministic Photon-photon Interactions with a Single Atom
Search for Event Rate Modulation in XENON100 Electronic Recoil Data
Thermal baths as quantum resources: More friends than foes?
Spectropolarimetry of SN 2011dh in M51: Geometric insights on a Type IIb supernova progenitor and explosion
All-optical routing of single photons by a one-atom switch controlled by a single photon
First axion results from the XENON100 experiment
Science with a wide-field UV transient explorer
Synergistic recombination suppression by an inorganic layer and organic dye molecules in highly photostable quantum dot sensitized solar cells
The host galaxies of type Ia supernovae discovered by the palomar transient factory
X-ray spectral components observed in the afterglow of GRB 130925A
Stacking the invisibles: A guided search for low-luminosity Milky way satellites
Quantum process tomography of a Mølmer-Sørensen interaction
Observation and applications of single-electron charge signals in the XENON100 experiment
Control of quantum transmission is trap free
Multiplexed astronomical images: advantages, method, and prototype instrument
Low palaeopressure of the martian atmosphere estimated from the size distribution of ancient craters
Integral method for the calculation of Hawking radiation in dispersive media. I. Symmetric asymptotics
Phase Space Approach to Solving the Schrödinger Equation: Thinking Inside the Box
A procedure for testing the significance of orbital tuning of the martian polar layered deposits
A cabinet of invisible curiosities
Optical near-field excitation at commercial scanning probe microscopy tips: A theoretical and experimental investigation
Observation of the isotope effect in sub-kelvin reactions
Gravitational waves in bimetric MOND
When can temporally focused excitation be axially shifted by dispersion
Dependence of the absorption and optical surface plasmon scattering of MoS2 nanoparticles on aspect ratio, size, and media
Statistical searches for microlensing events in large, non-uniformly sampled time-domain surveys: A test using palomar transient factory data
The rise of SN 2014J in the nearby galaxy M82
Giant vacuum forces via transmission lines
The Structural Basis for Enhanced Silver Reflectance in Koi Fish Scale and Skin
Anomalous symmetry breaking in classical two-dimensional diffusion of coherent atoms
Heat-machine control by quantum-state preparation: From quantum engines to refrigerators
It's time to give up on dark matter
Exploring the spectral diversity of low-redshift Type Ia supernovae using the Palomar Transient Factory
MOND theory
Understanding and promoting molecular interactions and charge transfer in dye-mediated hybrid photovoltaic materials
First searches for optical counterparts to gravitational-wave candidate events
Early ultraviolet emission in the Type Ia supernova LSQ12gdj: No evidence for ongoing shock interaction
Multi-epoch high-spectral-resolution observations of neutral sodium in 14 Type Ia supernovae
The supernova CSS121015: 004244+132827: A clue for understanding superluminous supernovae
X-ray emission from laser-accelerated electrons and its use as diagnostic of laser-plasma interaction
Occurrence and origin of rhythmic sedimentary rocks on Mars
The production of small primary craters on Mars and the Moon
Transverse dynamics of an intense electron bunch traveling through a pre-ionized plasma
An ultracompact X-ray source based on a laser-plasma undulator
Conceptual design and simulation of a water Cherenkov muon veto for the XENON1T experiment
Insights into Titan's geology and hydrology based on enhanced image processing of Cassini RADAR data
IPAC image processing and data archiving for the palomar transient factory
Interaction-powered supernovae: Rise-time versus peak-luminosity correlation and the shock-breakout velocity
Probing the intergalactic medium with fast radio bursts
Laser-plasma lens for laser-wakefield accelerators
The Lunar thermal ice pump
Anderson wall and Bloch oscillations in molecular rotation
Towards a free electron laser based on laser plasma accelerators
Superluminous supernovae from PESSTO
PTF1 J191905.19+481506.2 - A partially eclipsing AM CVn system discovered in the palomar transient factory
Quantum dots: Using the known as well as exploring the unknown
Connection between optical and γ-ray variability in blazars
Laser-induced cantilever behaviour in apertureless scanning near-field optical microscopes
The first month of evolution of the slow-rising Type IIP SN 2013ej in M74
Cooperative lamb shift in a mesoscopic atomic array
The multiplexed imaging method: High-resolution wide field imaging using physically small detectors
Ion acceleration in underdense plasmas by ultra-short laser pulses
Optimized dynamical control of state transfer through noisy spin chains
Measurement of the magnetic interaction between two bound electrons of two separate ions
Probing cosmic ray ion acceleration with radio-submm and gamma-ray emission from interaction-powered supernovae
Precursors prior to type IIn supernova explosions are common: Precursor rates, properties, and correlations
Exciton quenching due to copper diffusion limits the photocatalytic activity of CdS/Cu2S nanorod heterostructures
Plasmonic coupling between metallic nanocavities
High-order harmonic transient grating spectroscopy of SF6 molecular vibrations
MOND laws of galactic dynamics
Intracellular metabolite levels shape sulfur isotope fractionation during microbial sulfate respiration
iPTF13beo: The double-peaked light curve of a Type Ibn supernova discovered shortly after explosion
The von Neumann basis in non-Cartesian coordinates: Application to floppy triatomic molecules
The type IIb supernova 2013df and its cool supergiant progenitor
Giant sparks at cosmological distances?
Threshold characteristics of free electron lasers without inversion
Direct phase retrieval in double blind Fourier holography
Ultrafast energy transfer between molecular assemblies and surface plasmons in the strong coupling regime
Optical follow-up observations of PTF10qts, a luminous broad-lined type Ic supernova found by the palomar transient factory
Photophysics of voltage increase by photoinduced dipole layers in sensitized solar cells
SN 2010MB: Direct evidence for a supernova interacting with a large amount of hydrogen-free circumstellar material
Viewpoint: Hiking Trails in Attosecond Landscapes
Nonlinear theory of laser-induced dipolar interactions in arbitrary geometry
A continuum of H- to He-rich tidal disruption candidates with a preference for E+A galaxies
Abraham and Minkowski momenta in the optically induced motion of fluids
Titan's surface geology
A multi-wavelength investigation of the radio-loud supernova PTF11qcj and its circumstellar environment
An improved pyrite pretreatment protocol for kinetic and isotopic studies
Growth mechanisms and dune orientation on Titan
Studying the universality of field induced tunnel ionization times via high-order harmonic spectroscopy
The hydrogen-poor superluminous supernova iPTF 13ajg and its host galaxy in absorption and emission
Optics of a gas of coherently spinning molecules
Magneto-optical cooling of atoms
A Wolf-Rayet-like progenitor of SN 2013cu from spectral observations of a stellar wind
The rise and fall of the type Ib supernova iPTF13bvn: Not a massive Wolf-Rayet star
SN 2010jl: Optical to hard X-ray observations reveal an explosion embedded in a ten solar mass cocoon
Frontiers of stable isotope geoscience
General virial theorem for modified-gravity MOND
Communication: Overcoming the root search problem in complex quantum trajectory calculations
Hubble Space Telescope spectra of the Type Ia supernova SN 2011fe: A tail of low-density, high-velocity material with Z ≤ Z⊙
Episodic warming of early Mars by punctuated volcanism
Can quantum control modify thermodynamic behavior?
Analysis of the XENON100 dark matter search data
What will it take to observe processes in 'real time'?
Non-additivity in laser-illuminated many-atom systems
Physical processes at work in sub-30 fs, PW laser pulse-driven plasma accelerators: Towards GeV electron acceleration experiments at CILEX facility
Controlling morphology and charge transfer in ZnO/polythiophene photovoltaic films
On the progenitor of the type IIP SN 2013ej in M74