Quantum control of ion-atom collisions beyond the ultracold regime
Operating a Multi-Ion Clock with Dynamical Decoupling
Direct visualization of shock front induced nonlinear laser wakefield dynamics
The Future of Attosecond Science
Improving correlation based super-resolution microscopy images through image fusion by self-supervised deep learning
Technique to measure the gravitational mass of ultracold matter and its implications for antimatter studies
How to find optimal quantum states for optical micromanipulation and metrology in complex scattering problems: tutorial
Attosecond Interferometry
Scalable Architecture for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing Using rf Traps and Dynamic Optical Potentials
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Physical Review X. 14, 4, 041017
How Single-Photon Switching is Quenched with Multiple Λ -Level Atoms
Chaotic scattering in ultracold atom-ion collisions
Pinkas M., Wengrowicz J., Akerman N. & Ozeri R. (2024),
Use of spatiotemporal couplings and an axiparabola to control the velocity of peak intensity
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Supersensitive phase estimation by thermal light in a Kerr-nonlinear interferometric setup
Temporal quantum eraser: Fusion gates with distinguishable photons
Laser Proton Acceleration from a Near-Critical Imploding Gas Target
Attosecond transient interferometry
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Laser-Induced Electron Diffraction in Chiral Molecules
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Physical Review X. 14, 1, 011015
Real-time visualization of the laser-plasma wakefield dynamics
Electronic-Resonance Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Spectroscopy and Microscopy
Design and fabrication of ultrahigh Q chip-based silica WGM micro-resonators for single-atom cavity-QED
Organic Crystals and Optical Functions in Biology: Knowns and Unknowns
Observation of interband Berry phase in laser-driven crystals
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Efficient coupling of light to an atomic tweezer array in a cavity
Benchmarking the optimization of optical machines with the planted solutions
Frequency Dissemination with Less than 2 × 10-18Fractional-Frequency Instability Over 120 km of a Commercial Fiber Infrastructure
Photon Number Splitting Attack Proposal and Analysis of an Experimental Scheme
Bio-Inspired Crystalline Core-Shell Guanine Spherulites
Ultrasensitive Photonic Quantum Noise Sensing by Frequent-measurement Nonlinear Filtering
Tailoring quantum trajectories for strong-field imaging
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Brilliant whiteness in shrimp from ultra-thin layers of birefringent nanospheres
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Nature Photonics. 17, 6, p. 485-493
Colloquium: Anomalous statistics of laser-cooled atoms in dissipative optical lattices
Fast, noise-free atomic optical memory with 35-percent end-to-end efficiency
High repetition rate relativistic laser-solid-plasma interaction platform featuring simultaneous particle and radiation detection
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Surface-Guided Crystallization of Xanthine Derivatives for Optical Metamaterial Applications
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On the absence of the electrostriction force in dilute clouds of cold atoms
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Quantum vortices of strongly interacting photons
Nonlinear coherent heat machines
Transition Metal Ion Ensembles in Crystals as Solid-State Coherent Spin-Photon Interfaces: The Case of Nickel in Magnesium Oxide
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Single-photon synchronization with a room-temperature atomic quantum memory
Single-Photon Synchronization with a Room-Temperature Atomic Quantum Memory
Coupling light to an atomic tweezer array in a cavity
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Effect of fast noise on the fidelity of trapped-ion quantum gates
Refractive plasma optics for relativistic laser beams
Trap-assisted formation of atomion bound states
Tomography of Feshbach resonance states
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Seeded free-electron laser driven by a compact laser plasma accelerator
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Non-Hermitian optical design by coordinate transformations and mapping
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Quantum light microscopy
Benchmarking the optimization optical machines with the planted solutions
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Epitaxial 2D PbS Nanosheet-Formamidinium Lead Triiodide Heterostructure Enabling High-Performance Perovskite Solar Cells
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Femtosecond electron microscopy of relativistic electron bunches
A practical guide to electromagnetically induced transparency in atomic vapor
A look under the tunnelling barrier via attosecond-gated interferometry
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Nature Photonics. 16, 4, p. 304-310
Quantum Interface for Noble-Gas Spins Based on Spin-Exchange Collisions
Axiparabola: A new tool for high-intensity optics
Quantum logic detection of collisions between single atomion pairs
Observation of the p-wave shape resonance in atom-molecule collisions
Direct reconstruction of the band structure of a one-dimensional optical lattice with thermal atoms
Quantum state transfer between a frequency-encoded photonic qubit and a quantum-dot spin in a nanophotonic waveguide
Observation of light-driven band structure via multiband high-harmonic spectroscopy
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Nature Photonics. 16, 6, p. 428-432
Real-time full-field imaging through scattering media by all-optical feedback
Tapered Optical Fibers Coated with Rare-Earth Complexes for Quantum Applications
Characterization of spatiotemporal couplings with far-field beamlet cross-correlation
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Transforming Space with Non-Hermitian Dielectrics
Low divergence proton beams from a laser-plasma accelerator at kHz repetition rate
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Anomalous optical drag
Anyonic-parity-time symmetry in complex-coupled lasers
Direct observation of relativistic broken plasma waves
Optical quantum memory for noble-gas spins based on spin-exchange collisions
Directing the Morphology, Packing, and Properties of Chiral MetalOrganic Frameworks by Cation Exchange
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Ternary host-guest complexes with rapid exchange kinetics and photoswitchable fluorescence
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Halide chemical vapor deposition of 2D semiconducting atomically-thin crystals: From self-seeded to epitaxial growth
Strong coupling of alkali-metal spins to noble-gas spins with an hour-long coherence time
Commissioning and first results from the new 2 × 100 TW laser at the WIS
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Non-conformal cloaking with non-Hermitian dielectrics
Super-extended nanofiber-guided field for coherent interaction with hot atoms
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Anyonic Parity-Time Symmetric Laser
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Rapid fair sampling of the XY spin Hamiltonian with a laser simulator
Bright Near-Infrared to Visible Upconversion Double Quantum Dots Based on a Type-II/Type-I Heterostructure
Vortex beams of atoms and molecules
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Coupling light to a nuclear spin gas with a two-photon linewidth of five millihertz
Polarity-dependent nonlinear optics of nanowires under electric field
Revealing the Influence of Molecular Chirality on Tunnel-Ionization Dynamics
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Bright multiplexed source of indistinguishable single photons with tunable GHz-bandwidth at room temperature
Van der Waals anomaly: Analog of dark energy with ultracold atoms
Constraining Rapidly Oscillating Scalar Dark Matter Using Dynamic Decoupling
Measuring the optical properties of nanoscale biogenic spherulites
Growth-Etch MetalOrganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Approach of WS2 Atomic Layers
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Undulator design for a laser-plasma-based free-electron-laser
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cSPARCOM: Multi-detector reconstruction by confocal super-resolution correlation microscopy
Attosecond technology(ies) and science
Observation of nonlinear spin dynamics and squeezing in a BEC using dynamic decoupling
Boosting photonic quantum computation with moderate nonlinearity
High-energy-resolution measurements of an ultracold-atom-ion collisional cross section
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Continuous Protection of a Collective State from Inhomogeneous Dephasing
Boosting photonic quantum computation with moderate nonlinearity
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Lifshitz cosmology: quantum vacuum and Hubble tension
Direct measurement of Coulomb-laser coupling
Long-Lived Entanglement Generation of Nuclear Spins Using Coherent Light
Evidence for laser-induced homogeneous oriented ice nucleation revealed via pulsed x-ray diffraction
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Development of Lipid-Coated Semiconductor Nanosensors for Recording of Membrane Potential in Neurons
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Optical protection of a collective state from inhomogeneous dephasing
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Progress towards laser plasma based free electron laser on COXINEL
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Rapid fair sampling of the XY spin Hamiltonian with a laser simulator
Exact mapping between a laser network loss rate and the classical XY Hamiltonian by laser loss control
Quantum Simulations with Complex Geometries and Synthetic Gauge Fields in a Trapped Ion Chain
Attosecond spectral singularities in solid-state high-harmonic generation
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Transverse drag of slow light in moving atomic vapor
Direct observation of a Feshbach resonance by coincidence detection of ions and electrons in Penning ionization collisions
Single beam low frequency 2D Raman spectroscopy
Chiral and SHG-Active Metal-Organic Frameworks Formed in Solution and on Surfaces: Uniformity, Morphology Control, Oriented Growth, and Post-assembly Functionalization
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Rotation sensing with improved stability using point-source atom interferometry
Optimal control of an optical quantum memory based on noble-gas spins
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Deviations from generalized equipartition in confined, laser-cooled atoms
Efficient ion-photon qubit SWAP gate in realistic ion cavity-QED systems without strong coupling
Attosecond spectral singularities in solid-state high-harmonic generation
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Phase-locked laser-wakefield electron acceleration
On the Stark Effect of the O I 777-nm Triplet in Plasma and Laser Fields
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Pulsed-pump phosphorus-doped fiber Raman amplifier around 1260 nm for applications in quantum non-linear optics
Practical aspects of super-resolution optical fluctuation image scanning microscopy (SOFISM)
Atom interferometry with thousand-fold increase in dynamic range
Spatial molecular interferometry via multidimensional high-harmonic spectroscopy
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A highly reflective biogenic photonic material from core-shell birefringent nanoparticles
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Optical quantum memory with optically inaccessible noble-gas spins
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Composite-fringe atom interferometry for high dynamic-range sensing
Laser-plasma acceleration with superluminal laser pulses
Laser-plasma proton acceleration with a combined gas-foil target
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Observation of Spin-Spin Fermion-Mediated Interactions between Ultracold Bosons
Laser plasma accelerators
COXINEL transport of laser plasma accelerated electrons
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Direct observation of ultracold atom-ion excitation exchange
SOFISM: Super-resolution optical fluctuation image scanning microscopy
Low-energy collisions between carbon atoms and oxygen molecules in a magnetic trap
Fluorescence and Optical Activity of Chiral CdTe Quantum Dots in Their Interaction with Amino Acids
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Quantum dynamics of collective spin states in a thermal gas
Effect of ion-trap parameters on energy distributions of ultra-cold atom-ion mixtures
Recovering the Homogeneous Absorption of Inhomogeneous Media
High-speed low-frequency chirped coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy using an ultra-steep long-pass filter
Skew Quadrupole Effect of Laser Plasma Electron Beam Transport
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Thermodynamics of Discrete Nonlinear Systems
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Generation of optical Fock and W states with single-atom-based bright quantum scissors
PbS quantum dots as additives in methylammonium halide perovskite solar cells: the effect of quantum dot capping
Controlling Subcycle Optical Chirality in the Photoionization of Chiral Molecules
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Coupling of laser arrays with intracavity elements in the far-field
Status of the Horizon 2020 EuPRAXIA conceptual design study
Double-blind holography of attosecond pulses
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In situ growth of alpha-CsPbI3 perovskite nanocrystals on the surface of reduced graphene oxide with enhanced stability and carrier transport quality
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Super-resolution optical fluctuation image scanning microscopy (SOFISM)
Interferometric Attosecond Lock-in Measurement of Extreme Ultraviolet Circular Diehroism
Scalar Dark Matter in the Radio-Frequency Band: Atomic-Spectroscopy Search Results
Transverse optical pumping of spin states
Mathematics of vectorial Gaussian beams
Power narrowing: counteracting Doppler broadening in two-color transitions
Precision Measurement of Atomic Isotope Shifts Using a Two-Isotope Entangled State
Band Gap Engineering Improves the Efficiency of Double Quantum Dot Upconversion Nanocrystals
Phase stability transfer across the optical domain using a commercial optical frequency comb system
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Electron wavefunctions probed by all-optical attosecond interferometry
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Coherent diffusion of partial spatial coherence
Complex lasers with controllable coherence
Quantum interface for noble-gas spins
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Observation of Stimulated Hawking Radiation in an Optical Analogue
Resonant Faraday effect using high-order harmonics for the investigation of ultrafast demagnetization
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The Role of Electron Trajectories in XUV-Initiated High-Harmonic Generation
Quadrupole Shift Cancellation Using Dynamic Decoupling
Interferometric attosecond lock-in measurement of extreme-ultraviolet circular dichroism
Electronic wavefunctions probed by all-optical attosecond interferometry
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Rapid laser solver for the phase retrieval problem
Flat-top laser beams over an extended range
Progress towards laser plasma electron based free electron laser on coxinel
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Ratiometric widefield imaging with spectrally balanced detection
Simplified approach to low-frequency coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy using a sharp spectral edge filter
Colloidal Mercury-Doped CdSe Nanoplatelets with Dual Fluorescence
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Challenges and opportunities in attosecond and XFEL science
Roadmap on STIRAP applications
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Lifshitz theory of the cosmological constant
Quantum Effects in Cold Molecular Collisions from Spatial Polarization of Electronic Wave Function
Quantum image scanning microscopy: concept and considerations towards applicability
Fast dose fractionation using ultra-short laser accelerated proton pulses can increase cancer cell mortality, which relies on functional PARP1 protein
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Super-resolution enhancement by quantum image scanning microscopy
Optical properties of spherulite opals
Tunable High Spatio-Spectral Purity Undulator Radiation from a Transported Laser Plasma Accelerated Electron Beam
Ghaith A., Oumbarek D., Roussel E., Corde S., Labat M., Andre T., Loulergue A., Andriyash I. A., Chubar O., Kononenko O., Smartsev S., Marcouille O., Kitegi C., Marteau F., Valleau M., Thaury C., Gautier J., Sebban S., Tafzi A., Blache F., Briquez F., Tavakoli K., Carcy A., Bouvet F., Dietrich Y., Lambert G., Hubert N., El Ajjouri M., Polack F., Dennetiere D., Leclercq N., Rommeluere P., Duval J. -., Sebdaoui M., Bourgoin C., Lestrade A., Benabderrahmane C., Veteran J., Berteaud P., De Oliveira C., Goddet J. P., Herbeaux C., Szwaj C., Bielawski S., Malka V. & Couprie M. -. (2019),
Scientific Reports. 9, 19020
Cold temperatures invert product ratios in Penning ionisation reactions with argon
Measuring magnetic fields with magnetic field insensitive transitions
HHG probing of atomic dipoles by electronic wave-packet caustics
Facciala D., Pabst S., Bruner B. D., Ciriolo A. G., Devetta M., Negro M., Soifer H., Dudovich N., Stagira S. & Vozzi C. (2019),
Multiport Atom Interferometry for Inertial Sensing
Two-Dimensional Maxwell Fisheye for Integrated Optics
Attosecond-resolved photoionization of chiral molecules
Beaulieu S., Comby A., Clergerie A., Caillat J., Descamps D., Dudovich N., Fabre B., Géneaux R., Légaré F., Petit S., Pons B., Porat G., Ruchon T., Täieb R., Blanchet V. & Mairesse Y. (2018),
High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena, HILAS 2018.
Spin-controlled twisted laser beams: intra-cavity multi-tasking geometric phase metasurfaces
Toward Heisenberg-Limited Rabi Spectroscopy
Producing an efficient, collimated, and thin annular beam with a binary axicon
Topologically Controlled Intracavity Laser Modes Based on Pancharatnam-Berry Phase
Control of laser plasma accelerated electrons for light sources
Andre T., Andriyash I. A., Loulergue A., Labat M., Roussel E., Ghaith A., Khojoyan M., Thaury C., Valleau M., Briquez F., Marteau F., Tavakoli K., N'Gotta P., Dietrich Y., Lambert G., Malka V., Benabderrahmane C., Veteran J., Chapuis L., El Ajjouri T., Sebdaoui M., Hubert N., Marcouille O., Berteaud P., Leclercq N., El Ajjouri M., Rommeluere P., Bouvet F., Duval J. -., Kitegi C., Blache F., Mahieu B., Corde S., Gautier J., Ta Phuoc K., Goddet J. P., Lestrade A., Herbeaux C., Evain C., Szwaj C., Bielawski S., Tafzi A., Rousseau P., Smartsev S., Polack F., Dennetiere D., Bourassin-Bouchet C., De Oliveira C. & Couprie M. -. (2018),
Nature Communications. 9, 1334
Fast, noise-free memory for photon synchronization at room temperature
Rapid and efficient formation of propagation invariant shaped laser beams
Fast, Noise-Free Memory for Photon Synchronization at Room Temperature
Optically functional isoxanthopterin crystals in the mirrored eyes of decapod crustaceans
Palmer B. A., Hirsch A., Brumfeld V., Aflalo E. D., Pinkas I., Sagi A., Rosenne S., Oron D., Leiserowitz L., Kronik L., Weiner S. & Addadi L. (2018),
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 115, 10, p. 2299-2304
Robust enhancement of high harmonic generation via attosecond control of ionization
High-Brilliance Betatron γ -Ray Source Powered by Laser-Accelerated Electrons
Ferri J., Corde S., Dopp A., Lifschitz A., Doche A., Thaury C., Phuoc K. T., Mahieu B., Andriyash I. A., Malka V. A. & Davoine X. (2018),
Physical Review Letters. 120, 25, 254802
Roadmap on transformation optics
McCall M., Pendry J. B., Galdi V., Lai Y., Horsley S. A. R., Li J., Zhu J., Mitchell-Thomas R. C., Quevedo-Teruel O., Tassin P., Ginis V., Martini E., Minatti G., Maci S., Ebrahimpouri M., Hao Y., Kinsler P., Gratus J., Lukens J. M., Weiner A. M., Leonhardt U., Smolyaninov I. I., Smolyaninova V. N., Thompson R. T., Wegener M., Kadic M. & Cummer S. A. (2018),
Journal of Optics. 20, 6, 063001
Fast, noise-free memory for photon synchronization at room temperature
Cold chemistry with two atoms
Probing New Long-Range Interactions by Isotope Shift Spectroscopy
Berengut J. C., Budker D., Delaunay C., Flambaum V. V., Frugiuele C., Fuchs E., Grojean C., Harnik R., Ozeri R., Perez G. & Soreq Y. (2018),
Physical Review Letters. 120, 9, 091801
Vibrational spectroscopy via stimulated Raman induced Kerr lensing
High phase space density loading of a falling magnetic trap
Phase Locking between Different Partial Waves in Atom-Ion Spin-Exchange Collisions
Sikorsky T., Morita M., Meir Z., Buchachenko A. A., Ben-Shlomi R., Akerman N., Narevicius E., Tscherbul T. V. & Ozeri R. (2018),
Physical review letters. 121, 17, 173402
Chiral 2D Colloidal Semiconductor Quantum Wells
Light storage for one second in room-temperature alkali vapor
Gap-mode-assisted light-induced switching of sub-wavelength magnetic domains
Scheunert G., McCarron R., Kullock R., Cohen S. R., Rechav K., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Bitton O., Hecht B. & Oron D. (2018),
Journal of Applied Physics. 123, 14, 143102
Atomic combination clocks
New Methods for Testing Lorentz Invariance with Atomic Systems
Experimental apparatus for overlapping a ground-state cooled ion with ultracold atoms
Spin-controlled atom-ion chemistry
Attosecond time-resolved photoelectron holography
Porat G., Alon G., Rozen S., Pedatzur O., Kruger M., Azoury D., Natan A., Orenstein G., Bruner B. D., Vrakking M. J. J. & Dudovich N. (2018),
Nature Communications. 9, 1, 2805
Correction: Spin-controlled atom-ion chemistry (vol 9, 920, 2018)
Sikorsky T., Meir Z., Ben-shlomi R., Akerman N. & Ozeri R. (2018),
Fast, noise-free memory for photon synchronization at room temperature
Physical mechanism of the electron-ion coupled transverse instability in laser pressure ion acceleration for different regimes
Wan Y., Pai C. -., Zhang C. J., Li F., Wu Y. P., Hua J. F., Lu W., Joshi C., Mori W. B. & Malka V. (2018),
Physical Review E. 98, 1, 013202
The Dual Functional Reflecting Iris of the Zebrafish
Synchronization of strongly interacting alkali-metal spins
Generating flat-top beams with extended depth of focus
A passive photonatom qubit swap operation
Bechler O., Borne A., Rosenblum S., Guendelman G., Mor O. E., Netser M., Ohana T., Aqua Z., Drucker N., Finkelstein R., Lovsky Y., Bruch R., Gurovich D., Shafir E. & Dayan B. (2018),
Nature Physics. 14, 10, p. 996-1000
Strong light-matter interaction in tungsten disulfide nanotubes
Yadgarov L., Visic B., Abir T., Tenne R., Polyakov A. Y., Levi R., Dolgova T. V., Zubyuk V. V., Fedyanin A. A., Goodilin E. A., Ellenbogen T., Tenne R. & Oron D. (2018),
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 20, 32, p. 20812-20820
Direct Observation of Atom-Ion Nonequilibrium Sympathetic Cooling
Continuous generation of delayed light
Revival of Raman coherence of trapped atoms
Doppler cooling thermometry of a multilevel ion in the presence of micromotion
AC Atom Interferometry with Quantum Lock-in Sensing
Directly probing anisotropy in atom-molecule collisions through quantum scattering resonances
Klein A., Shagam Y., Skomorowski W., Zuchowski P. S., Pawlak M., Janssen L. M. C., Moiseyev N., van de Meerakker S. Y. T., van der Avoird A., Koch C. P. & Narevicius E. (2017),
Nature Physics. 13, 1, p. 35-38
Observation of Optomechanical Strain in a Cold Atomic Cloud
Trapping of Molecular Oxygen together with Lithium Atoms
Induced Cavities for Photonic Quantum Gates
Tetragonal CH3NH3Pbi3 is ferroelectric
Rakita Y., Bar-Elli O., Meirzadeh E., Kaslasi H., Peleg Y., Hodes G., Lubomirsky I., Oron D., Ehre D. & Cahen D. (2017),
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114, 28, p. E5504-E5512
Molecular beam brightening by shock-wave suppression
Quantum lock-in force sensing using optical clock Doppler velocimetry
Adiabatic Variational Theory for Cold Atom-Molecule Collisions: Application to a Metastable Helium Atom Colliding with ortho- and para-Hydrogen Molecules
Calculation of Rydberg interaction potentials
Attosecond-resolved photoionization of chiral molecules
Beaulieu S., Comby A., Clergerie A., Caillat J., Descamps D., Dudovich N., Fabre B., Geneaux R., Legare F., Petit S., Pons B., Porat G., Ruchon T., Taieb R., Blanchet V. & Mairesse Y. (2017),
Science. 358, 6368, p. 1288-1293
Characterization of the ELIMED prototype permanent magnet quadrupole system
Russo A. D., Schillaci F., Pommarel L., Romano F., Amato A., Amico A. G., Calanna A., Cirrone G. A. P., Costa M., Cuttone G., Amato C., De Luca G., Flacco F. A., Gallo G., Giove D., Grmek A., La Rosa G., Leanza R., Maggiore M., Malka V., Milluzzo G., Petringa G., Pipek J., Scuderi V., Vauzour B. & Zappala E. (2017),
Journal of Instrumentation. 12, 01031
Self-probing spectroscopy of XUV photo-ionization dynamics in atoms subjected to a strong-field environment
The image-forming mirror in the eye of the scallop
Palmer B. A., Taylor G. J., Brumfeld V., Gur D., Shemesh M., Elad N., Osherov A., Oron D., Weiner S. & Addadi L. (2017),
Science. 358, 6367, p. 1172-1175
Attosecond photoionization self-probing spectroscopy
Observing Dissipative Topological Defects with Coupled Lasers
Fast Dynamical Decoupling of the Molmer-Sorensen Entangling Gate
Probing atomic Higgs-like forces at the precision frontier
Colloquium: Strongly interacting photons in one-dimensional continuum
Grazing-incidence optical magnetic recording with super-resolution
Scheunert G., Cohen S., Kullock R., McCarron R., Rechev K., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Bitton O., Dawson P., Hecht B. & Oron D. (2017),
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. 8, 1, p. 28-37
Isolating strong-field dynamics in molecular systems
Analysis of deterministic swapping of photonic and atomic states through single-photon Raman interaction
Spin controlled atom-ion inelastic collisions
Sikorsky T., Meir Z., Ben-shlomi R., Akerman N. & Ozeri R. (2017),
Single-shot energy measurement of a single atom and the direct reconstruction of its energy distribution
Spectroscopic measurement of the softness of ultracold atomic collisions
Demonstration of deterministic and passive photon-atom SWAP quantum gate
Borne A., Bechler O., Rosenblum S., Guendelman G., Mor O., Netzer M., Gurovich D., Ohana T., Aqua Z., Drucker N., Lovsky Y., Bruch R., Finkelstein R., Shafir E. & Dayan B. (2017),
Quantum Information and Measurement (QIM) 2017.
All optical rapid solver of the inverse scattering problem
Dynamic decoupling in the presence of colored control noise
Atomic quadrupole moment measurement using dynamic decoupling
Charge Transfer Dynamics in CdS and CdSe@CdS Based Hybrid Nanorods Tipped with Both PbS and Pt
Nonlinear quantum optics mediated by Rydberg interactions
Attosecond processes and X-ray spectroscopy: General discussion
Milne C. J., Weber P. M., Kowalewski M., Marangos J. P., Johnson A. S., Forbes R., Worner H. J., Rolles D., Townsend D., Schalk O., Mai S., Vacher M., Miller R. J. D., Centurion M., Vibok A., Domcke W., Cireasa R., Ueda K., Bencivenga F., Neumark D. M., Stolow A., Rudenko A., Kirrander A., Dowek D., Martin F., Ivanov M., Dahlstrom J. M., Dudovich N., Mukamel S., Sanchez-Gonzalez A., Minitti M. P., Austin D. R., Kimberg V. & Masin Z. (2016),
Detailed Experimental Study of Ion Acceleration by Interaction of an Ultra-Short Intense Laser with an Underdense Plasma
Facile: In situ synthesis of dendrite-like ZnO/ZnTe core/shell nanorod heterostructures for sensitized solar cells
Direct single-shot phase retrieval for separated objects (Conference Presentation)
Leshem B., Xu R., Miao J., Nadler B., Oron D., Dudovich N. & Raz O. (2016),
Colloidal Double Quantum Dots
Light-Induced Color Change in the Sapphirinid Copepods: Tunable Photonic Crystals
Two dimensional frequency resolved opto-molecular gating of high order harmonic generation
Bruner B. D., Ferré A., Soifer H., Pedatzur O., Bourassin-Bouchet C., Canonge R., Catoire F., Descamps D., Fabre B., Mével E., Petit S., Dudovich N. & Mairesse Y. (2016),
International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, UP 2016.
Deterministic photon-atom and photon-photon interactions based on single-photon Raman interaction
Hawking spectrum for a fiber-optical analog of the event horizon
Efficient laser production of energetic neutral beams
Mollica F., Antonelli L., Flacco A., Braenzel J., Vauzour B., Folpini G., Birindelli G., Schnuerer M., Batani D. & Malka V. (2016),
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 58, 3, 034016
Dynamics of a Ground-State Cooled Ion Colliding with Ultracold Atoms
The International Laser Plasma Accelerators Workshop 2015 (Guadeloupe, May 10-15)
An application of laser-plasma acceleration: towards a free-electron laser amplification
Couprie M. E., Labat M., Evain C., Marteau F., Briquez F., Khojoyan M., Benabderrahmane C., Chapuis L., Hubert N., Bourassin-Bouchet C., El Ajjouri M., Bouvet F., Dietrich Y., Valleau M., Sharma G., Yang W., Marcouille O., Veteran J., Berteaud P., El Ajjouri T., Cassinari L., Thaury C., Lambert G., Andriyash I., Malka V., Davoine X., Tordeux M. A., Miron C., Zerbib D., Tavakoli K., Marlats J. L., Tilmont M., Rommeluere P., Duval J. P., N'Guyen M. H., Rouqier A., Vanderbergue M., Herbeaux C., Sebdouai M., Lestrade A., Leclercq N., Dennetiere D., Thomasset M., Polack F., Bielawski S., Szwaj C. & Loulergue A. (2016),
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 58, 3, 034020
Photoassociation Spectroscopy in Penning Ionization Reactions at Sub-Kelvin Temperatures
Two-Dimensional Frequency Resolved Optomolecular Gating of High-Order Harmonic Generation
Ferre A., Soifer H., Pedatzur O., Bourassin-Bouchet C., Bruner B., Canonge R., Catoire F., Descamps D., Fabre B., Mevel E., Petit S., Dudovich N. & Mairesse Y. (2016),
Physical review letters. 116, 5, 053002
Extraction of a single photon from an optical pulse
An all-optical Compton source for single-exposure x-ray imaging
Dopp A., Guillaume E., Thaury C., Gautier J., Andriyash I., Lifschitz A., Malka V., Rousse A. & Phuoc K. T. (2016),
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 58, 3, 034005
Multidimensional high harmonic spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules: Detecting sub-cycle laser-driven hole dynamics upon ionization in strong mid-IR laser fields
Bruner B. D., Masin Z., Negro M., Morales F., Brambila D., Devetta M., Facciala D., Harvey A. G., Ivanov M., Mairesse Y., Patchkovskii S., Serbinenko V., Soifer H., Stagira S., Vozzi C., Dudovich N. & Smirnova O. (2016),
Faraday Discussions. 194, p. 369-405
Direct single-shot phase retrieval from thediffraction pattern of separated objects
Nonlinear optics: Resolving the attosecond beat
Krüger M. & Dudovich N. (2016),
Simultaneous deceleration of atoms and molecules in a supersonic beam
Theory of Maxwell's fish eye with mutually interacting sources and drains
Multidimensional high harmonic spectroscopy
A simple model explaining super-resolution in absolute optical instruments
Attosecond tunnelling interferometry
Pedatzur O., Orenstein G., Serbinenko V., Soifer H., Bruner B., Uzan A., Brambila D., Harvey A., Torlina L., Morales F., Smirnova O. & Dudovich N. (2015),
Nature Physics. 11, 10, p. 815-819
Measurement of the Spin-Dipolar Part of the Tensor Polarizability of Rb 87
Diffraction manipulation by four-wave mixing
Demonstration of deterministic photon -photon interactions with a single atom
Fractional quantum Hall states of Rydberg polaritons
Shock assisted ionization injection in laser-plasma accelerators
Thaury C., Guillaume E., Lifschitz A., Phuoc K. T., Hansson M., Grittani G., Gautier J., Goddet J. -., Tafzi A., Lundh O. & Malka V. (2015),
Scientific Reports. 5, 16310
Single-beam spectrally controlled two-dimensional Raman spectroscopy
Physics of fully-loaded laser-plasma accelerators
Guillaume E., Doepp A., Thaury C., Lifschitz A., Goddet J., Tafzi A., Sylla F., Iaquanello G., Lefrou T., Rousseau P., Ta Phuoc K. & Malka V. (2015),
Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators And Beams. 18, 6, 061301
Cavity ring-up spectroscopy for ultrafast sensing with optical microresonators
Constraints on Exotic Dipole-Dipole Couplings between Electrons at the Micrometer Scale
Resolving ultrafast molecular dynamics via multidimensional high harmonic spectroscopy
Bruner B. D., Soifer H., Negro M., Devetta M., Faccialà D., Serbinenko V., Smirnova O., Vozzi C., Stagira S. & Dudovich N. (2015),
Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics 2015, FIO 2015.
Amplified short-wavelength light scattered by relativistic electrons in the laser-induced optical lattice
The Mechanism of Color Change in the Neon Tetra Fish: A Light-Induced Tunable Photonic Crystal Array
Table-top femtosecond soft X-ray laser by collisional ionization gating
Depresseux A., Oliva E., Gautier J., Tissandier F., Nejdl J., Kozlova M., Maynard G., Goddet J. P., Tafzi A., Lifschitz A., Kim H. T., Jacquemot S., Malka V., Phuoc K. T., Thaury C., Rousseau P., Iaquaniello G., Lefrou T., Flacco A., Vodungbo B., Lambert G., Rousse A., Zeitoun P. & Sebban S. (2015),
Nature Photonics. 9, p. 817-821
Coulomb Bound States of Strongly Interacting Photons
Maghrebi M. F., Gullans M. J., Bienias P., Choi S., Martin I., Firstenberg O., Lukin M. D., Buechler H. P. & Gorshkov A. V. (2015),
Physical Review Letters. 115, 12, 123601
Experimental evidence for Abraham pressure of light
Adiabatic theory for anisotropic cold molecule collisions.
Demonstration of relativistic electron beam focusing by a laser-plasma lens
Thaury C., Guillaume E., Dopp A., Lehe R., Lifschitz A., Phuoc K. T., Gautier J., Goddet J., Tafzi A., Flacco A., Tissandier F., Sebban S., Rousse A. & Malka V. (2015),
Nature Communications. 6, 6860
Enhanced Third-Harmonic Generation from a Metal/Semiconductor Core/Shell Hybrid Nanostructure
Optical processing inside a degenerate cavity laser
Long-Lived Population Inversion in Isovalently Doped Quantum Dots
Self-Assembled Organic Nanocrystals with Strong Nonlinear Optical Response
Rosenne S., Grinvald E., Shirman E., Neeman L., Dutta S., Bar-Elli O., Ben-Zvi R., Oksenberg E., Milko P., Kalchenko V., Weissman H., Oron D. & Rybtchinski B. (2015),
Nano Letters. 15, 11, p. 7232-7237
Electron Rephasing in a Laser-Wakefield Accelerator
Guillaume E., Doepp A., Thaury C., Phuoc K. T., Lifschitz A., Grittani G., Goddet J. -., Tafzi A., Chou S. W., Veisz L. & Malka V. (2015),
Physical Review Letters. 115, 15, 155002
Coherent Coupling of Alkali Atoms by Random Collisions
Multi-channel electronic and vibrational dynamics in polyatomic resonant high-order harmonic generation
Ferre A., Boguslavskiy A. E., Dagan M., Blanchet V., Bruner B. D., Burgy F., Camper A., Descamps D., Fabre B., Fedorov N., Gaudin J., Geoffroy G., Mikosch J., Patchkovskii S., Petit S., Ruchon T., Soifer H., Staedter D., Wilkinson I., Stolow A., Dudovich N. & Mairesse Y. (2015),
Nature Communications. 6, 5952
Demonstration of Deterministic Photon-photon Interactions with a Single Atom
Rosenblum S., Shomroni I., Bechler O., Lovsky Y., Guendelman G. & Dayan B. (2015),
Nonlinear Optics.
All-optical routing of single photons by a one-atom switch controlled by a single photon
Dependence of the absorption and optical surface plasmon scattering of MoS2 nanoparticles on aspect ratio, size, and media
Yadgarov L., Choi C. L., Sedova A., Cohen A., Rosentsveig R., Bar-Elli O., Oron D., Dai H. & Tenne R. (2014),
ACS Nano. 8, 4, p. 3575-3583
Anomalous symmetry breaking in classical two-dimensional diffusion of coherent atoms
X-ray emission from laser-accelerated electrons and its use as diagnostic of laser-plasma interaction
Corde S., Thaury C., Ta Phuoc K., Lifschitz A., Lehe R., Guillaume E., Lambert G., Rousse A. & Malka V. (2014),
An ultracompact X-ray source based on a laser-plasma undulator
Laser-plasma lens for laser-wakefield accelerators
Towards a free electron laser based on laser plasma accelerators
Cooperative lamb shift in a mesoscopic atomic array
Measurement of the magnetic interaction between two bound electrons of two separate ions
Viewpoint: Hiking Trails in Attosecond Landscapes
Abraham and Minkowski momenta in the optically induced motion of fluids
Studying the universality of field induced tunnel ionization times via high-order harmonic spectroscopy
Magneto-optical cooling of atoms
Strong photon-photon interactions
Vuletic V., Peyronel T., Firstenberg O., Liang Q., Lukin M., Chen W. & Beck K. (2014),
Physical processes at work in sub-30 fs, PW laser pulse-driven plasma accelerators: Towards GeV electron acceleration experiments at CILEX facility
Coupled lasers: Phase versus chaos synchronization
CLEO®/Europe - IQEC 2013 looking inside the recollision process
Shafir D., Soifer H., Bruner B. D., Dagan M., Mairesse Y., Vozzi C., Stagira S., Patchkovskii S., Ivanov M. Y., Smirnova O. & Dudovich N. (2013),
2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - International Quantum Electronics Conference.
Observation of longitudinal and transverse self-injections in laser-plasma accelerators
Corde S., Thaury C., Lifschitz A., Lambert G., Phuoc K. T., Davoine X., Lehe R., Douillet D., Rousse A. & Malka V. (2013),
Nature Communications. 4, 1501
Real-time wavefront shaping through scattering media by all-optical feedback
Trajectory-Resolved Coulomb Focusing in Tunnel Ionization of Atoms with Intense, Elliptically Polarized Laser Pulses
Shafir D., Soifer H., Vozzi C., Johnson A. S., Hartung A., Dube Z., Villeneuve D. M., Corkum P. B., Dudovich N. & Staudte A. (2013),
Physical Review Letters. 111, 2, 023005
Experimental Measurements of Electron-Bunch Trains in a Laser-Plasma Accelerator
Spectral characterization of fully phase-matched high harmonics generated in a hollow waveguide for free-electron laser seeding
Demonstration of fold and cusp catastrophes in an atomic cloud reflected from an optical barrier in the presence of gravity
Spatio-spectral analysis of ionization times in high-harmonic generation
Optical Transverse Injection in Laser-Plasma Acceleration
Two-photon excitation in scattering media by spatiotemporally shaped beams and their application in optogenetic stimulation
Diffraction of electron pulses generated in a laser-wakefield accelerator at 0.5 kHz
He Z., Thomas A., Beaurepaire B., Nees J., Hou B., Malka V., Krushelnick K. & Faure J. (2013),
Studying the electronic structure of molecules with high harmonic spectroscopy
Villeneuve D. M., Bertrand J. B., Corkum P. B., Dudovich N., Itatani J., Kieffer J. C., Légaré F., Levesque J., Mairesse Y., Niikura H., Schmidt B. E., Shiner A. D. & Wörner H. J. (2013),
Attosecond Physics. Zaïr A., Plaja L. & Torres R. (eds.). p. 159-190
Shape-preserving diffusion of a high-order mode
Colloquium: Coherent diffusion of polaritons in atomic media
Attractive photons in a quantum nonlinear medium
Superresolution microscopy with quantum emitters
Addressing two-level systems variably coupled to an oscillating field
The ELI-ALPS secondary sources: A getaway to scientific excellence
Arnold C. L., Brizuela F., Borot A., Calegari F., Charalambidis D., Cowan T., Diveki Z., Dombi P., Fulop J. A., Hebling J., Heyl C. M., L'Huillier A., Jaroszynski D., Johnsson P., Malka V., Kalashnikov M., Kaluza M., Lopez-Martens R., Nisoli M., Osvay K., Paulus G., Quere F., Racz E., Rouzee A., Rudawski P., Spindloe C., Tolley M., Tzallas P. & Vrakking M. (2013),
Femtosecond x rays from laser-plasma accelerators
Probing electron acceleration and x-ray emission in laser-plasma accelerators
Thaury C., Phuoc K. T., Corde S., Brijesh P., Lambert G., Mangles S. P. D., Bloom M. S., Kneip S. & Malka V. (2013),
Physics of Plasmas. 20, 6, 063101
Emergence of a measurement basis in atom-photon scattering
Angular-Momentum Evolution in Laser-Plasma Accelerators
Thaury C., Guillaume E., Corde S., Lehe R., Le Bouteiller M., Phuoc K. T., Davoine X., Rax J. M., Rousse A. & Malka V. (2013),
Physical Review Letters. 111, 13, 135002
Studying quantum dot blinking through the addition of an engineered inorganic hole trap
Demonstration of weak measurement based on atomic spontaneous emission
Quasi-monoenergetic electron beams production in a sharp density transition
Betatron emission as a diagnostic for injection and acceleration mechanisms in laser plasma accelerators
Corde S., Thaury C., Phuoc K. T., Lifschitz A., Lambert G., Lundh O., Brijesh P., Arantchuk L., Sebban S., Rousse A., Faure J. & Malka V. (2012),
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 54, 12, 124023
All-optical Compton gamma-ray source
Phuoc K. T., Corde S., Thaury C., Malka V., Tafzi A., Goddet J. P., Shah R. C., Sebban S. & Rousse A. (2012),
Optical phase effects in electron wakefield acceleration using few-cycle laser pulses
How quickly does a hole relax into an engineered defect state in CDSE quantum dots
Laser plasma accelerators research activities at LOA
Tuning the electron energy by controlling the density perturbation position in laser plasma accelerators
Brijesh P., Thaury C., Phuoc K. T., Corde S., Lambert G., Malka V., Mangles S. P. D., Bloom M. & Kneip S. (2012),
Physics of Plasmas. 19, 6, 063104
Quantum nonlinear optics with single photons enabled by strongly interacting atoms
Peyronel T., Firstenberg O., Liang Q. Y., Hofferberth S., Gorshkov A. V., Pohl T., Lukin M. D. & Vuletić V. (2012),
Nature. 488, 7409, p. 57-60
Control and mapping of X-ray emission in a laser-plasma accelerator
Thaury C., Corde S., Ta Phuoc K., Lifschitz A., Fitour R., Faure J., Lambert G., Lundh O., Benveniste E., Ben-Ismaíl A., Arantchouk L., Marciniak A., Stordeur A., Brijesh P., Specka A., Malka V. & Rousse A. (2012),
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QELS 2012.
Negative-frequency resonant radiation
Rubino E., McLenaghan J., Kehr S. C., Belgiorno F., Townsend D., Rohr S., Kuklewicz C. E., Leonhardt U., König F. & Faccio D. (2012),
Physical review letters. 108, 25, 253901
Anticorrelation between Ion Acceleration and Nonlinear Coherent Structures from Laser-Underdense Plasma Interaction
Anomalous diffusion and fractional self-similarity of ultra cold atoms in one dimension
Certain biominerals in leaves function as light scatterers
All-optical Betatron and Compton x-ray sources and application to phase contrast imaging
Corde S., Ta Phuoc K., Fourmaux S., Thaury C., Lassonde P., Lebrun G., Payeur S., Martin F., Shah R. C., Sebban S., Malka V., Kieffer J. C. & Rousse A. (2012),
2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012.
Observation of anomalous diffusion and fractional self-similarity in one dimension
A present understanding of colloidal quantum dot blinking
Resolving the time when an electron exits a tunnelling barrier
Shafir D., Soifer H., Bruner B. D., Dagan M., Mairesse Y., Patchkovskii S., Ivanov M. Y., Smirnova O. & Dudovich N. (2012),
Nature. 485, 7398, p. 343-346
Spectral caustics in attosecond science
Comparison of measured with calculated dose distribution from a 120-MeV electron beam from a laser-plasma accelerator
Role of the ionic potential in high harmonic generation
Shafir D., Fabre B., Higuet J., Soifer H., Dagan M., Descamps D., Mevel E., Petit S., Woerner H. J., Pons B., Dudovich N. & Mairesse Y. (2012),
Physical review letters. 108, 20, 203001
Two-photon optogenetics
Laser plasma accelerators
Measuring maximal eigenvalue distribution of Wishart random matrices with coupled lasers
Reversal of photon-scattering errors in atomic qubits
Measurement of the system-environment coupling and its relation to dynamical decoupling
Accelerating light beams along arbitrary trajectories
Greenfield E., Raz O. & Segev M. (2011), Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QELS 2011.
Optimization of gamma-ray beams produced by a laser-plasma accelerator
Demonstration of the synchrotron-type spectrum of laser-produced Betatron radiation
Fourmaux S., Corde S., Phuoc K. T., Leguay P. M., Payeur S., Lassonde P., Gnedyuk S., Lebrun G., Fourment C., Malka V., Sebban S., Rousse A. & Kieffer J. C. (2011),
New Journal of Physics. 13, 033017
A moving magnetic trap decelerator: a new source of cold atoms and molecules
Phase locking fluctuations of 25 coupled fiber lasers
Vectorial phase retrieval for linear characterization of attosecond pulses
Raz O., Schwartz O., Austin D., Wyatt A. S., Schiavi A., Smirnova O., Nadler B., Walmsley I. A., Oron D. & Dudovich N. (2011),
Physical review letters. 107, 13, 133902
Accelerating light beams along arbitrary convex trajectories
Mapping the X-Ray Emission Region in a Laser-Plasma Accelerator
Corde S., Thaury C., Phuoc K. T., Lifschitz A., Lambert G., Faure J., Lundh O., Benveniste E., Ben-Ismail A., Arantchuk L., Marciniak A., Stordeur A., Brijesh P., Rousse A., Specka A. & Malka V. (2011),
Physical Review Letters. 107, 21, 215004
Controlled Betatron X-Ray Radiation from Tunable Optically Injected Electrons
Effects of thermal motion on electromagnetically induced absorption
Compact and high-quality gamma-ray source applied to 10 μm-range resolution radiography
Photon routing in cavity QED: Beyond the fundamental limit of photon blockade
Nonlinear pulse shaping by coherent addition of multiple redshifted solitons
Energetics of cdse quantum dots adsorbed on TiO2
The trapped-ion qubit tool box
Resolving attosecond processes via high harmonic generation
Dudovich N. (2011), 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics.
Vectorial phase retrieval for linear characterization of attosecond pulses
Raz O., Schwartz O., Austin D., Wyatt A. S., Schiavi A., Smirnova O., Nadler B., Walmsley I. A., Oron D. & Dudovich N. (2011), High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena, HILAS 2011.
Accelerating light beams along arbitrary trajectories
Quantum Dot Antennas for Photoelectrochemical Solar Cells
Direct measurement of the system-environment coupling as a tool for understanding decoherence and dynamical decoupling
Few femtosecond, few kiloampere electron bunch produced by a laser-plasma accelerator
Lundh O., Lim J., Rechatin C., Ammoura L., Ben-Ismail A., Davoine X., Gallot G., Goddet J., Lefebvre E., Malka V. & Faure J. (2011),
Nature Physics. 7, 3, p. 219-222
All-optical reconstruction of atomic ground-state population
High harmonic spectroscopy of multichannel dynamics in strong-field ionization
Mairesse Y., Higuet J., Dudovich N., Shafir D., Fabre B., Mevel E., Constant E., Patchkovskii S., Walters Z., Ivanov M. Y. & Smirnova O. (2010),
Physical review letters. 104, 21, 213601
Repumping ground-state population in a coherently driven atomic resonance
Mapping molecular orbital symmetry on high-order harmonic generation spectrum using two-color laser fields
Process tomography of dynamical decoupling in a dense cold atomic ensemble
Ultra-short electron beams based spatio-temporal radiation biology and radiotherapy
Laser wakefield plasma accelerators
High harmonic spectroscopy of small molecules: Waiting for HODO
Mairesse Y., Higuet J., Dudovich N., Shafir D., Fabre B., Mevel E., Constant E., Villeneuve D., Corkum P., Patchkovskii S., Ivanov M. Y., Walters Z. & Smirnova O. (2010),
International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, UP 2010.
Colloidal quantum dots as probes of excitation field enhancement in photonic antennas
Aouani H., Itzhakov S., Gachet D., Devaux E., Ebbesen T. W., Rigneault H., Oron D. & Wenger J. (2010),
ACS Nano. 4, 8, p. 4571-4578
Self-similar structured fields in coherent diffusing media
Suppression of collisional decoherence in optically trapped atomic ensemble by bang-bang dynamical decoupling
Observation of collisional narrowing in an ensemble of cold atoms
Probing the symmetry of atomic wavefunctions from the point of view of strong field-driven electrons
Phase locking of two coupled lasers with many longitudinal modes
Interactions of bound excitons in doped core/shell quantum dot heterostructures
Measuring time profiles of ultraweak ultrashort pulses by time domain superresolution
Characterization of the beam loading effects in a laser plasma accelerator
Rechatin C., Faure J., Davoine X., Lundh O., Lim J., Ben-Ismail A., Burgy F., Tafzi A., Lifschitz A., Lefebvre E. & Malka V. (2010),
New Journal of Physics. 12, 045023
Self-similar modes of coherent diffusion
Universal scaling of collisional spectral narrowing in an ensemble of cold atoms