The Kimmel Center International Field School
The Kimmel Center for Archaeological Science offers a week-long course every July, entitled Field School in Archaeological Science. Participating students join an excavation where Kimmel Center personnel are actively carrying out research. The purpose of the course is to expose students to interdisciplinary research that involves field excavation as well as analysis of materials using an on-site laboratory. The course, emphasizing the interconnection between laboratory analyses and the archaeological context, includes fieldwork, laboratory work, and lectures. Up to 12 participants are accepted for the course each summer, based on applications received from all over the world.
Students who have little or no practical excavation experience spend a preparatory week learning field archaeology techniques. Selected students may also stay for one week after the course and join the various research projects of the Kimmel Center.
The cost for the Field School in Archaeological Science (including bed and board) is around $450 per week, but varies from year to year.
The 2023 Field School in Archaeological Science will take place in Tel Shimron. The instructors and fields of expertise are:
Prof. Elisabetta Boaretto, chronology, context, environmental reconstruction
Prof. em. Steve Weiner, mineralogical analyses, site formation processes, diagenesis
Prof. Rosa Maria Albert, phytoliths, micro-remains
Applications for the Field School in Archaeological Science are accepted, on a competitive basis, from third year undergraduates, Masters and PhD students. Applications should include one paragraph explaining why the student is interested in participating in this course, a CV, an academic transcript including grades, and the names and contact information of two references who can vouch for the candidate’s qualifications.
Students interested in participating should send an application to Prof. Boaretto at the Weizmann Institute.