All years
All Publications

Decentralized MIMO Systems with Imperfect CSI using LMMSE Receivers
Shape from Heat Conduction
Combating Interference for Over-the-Air Federated Learning: A Statistical Approach via RIS
Stability of homomorphisms, coverings and cocycles II: Examples, applications and open problems
A local-to-global inequality for spectral invariants and an energy dichotomy for Floer trajectories
Unlimited sampling beyond modulo
Coresets for 1-Center in ℓ1 Metrics
On the Convergence of Zeta Functions of Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces
Recognizing Sumsets is NP-Complete
Connectivity Certificate against Bounded-Degree Faults: Simpler, Better and Supporting Vertex Faults
Approximate realizations for outerplanaric degree sequences
From Executable Specifications to Hard-to-Specify Requirements: Challenges in Describing Reactive System Behavior
Unfolding for Symbol Detection in Task-Based Quantized Mimo Receivers
Phenome-wide associations of sleep characteristics in the Human Phenotype Project
Real-Valued Somewhat-Pseudorandom Unitaries
The extremal landscape for the CβE ensemble
Sharp bounds for the number of rational points on algebraic curves and dimension growth, over all global fields
Tracking Somatic Mutations for Lineage Reconstruction
International consensus statement on microbiome testing in clinical practice
On Beating 2n for the Closest Vector Problem
Limits on Adaptive Security for Attribute-Based Encryption
Every exponential group supports a positive harmonic function
Stability of Homomorphisms, Coverings and Cocycles I: Equivalence
Downscaling using CDAnet under observational and model noise: the Rayleigh-Bénard convection paradigm
Optimal Rigidity and Maximum of the Characteristic Polynomial of Wigner Matrices
Doubly Sub-Linear Interactive Proofs of Proximity
Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Graph Learning via Algorithm Unrolling
A Majorization-Minimization Gauss-Newton Method for 1-Bit Matrix Completion
Randomly Twisted Hypercubes: Between Structure and Randomness
The amplituhedron BCFW triangulation
Having Hope in Missing Spanners: New Distance Preservers and Light Hopsets
Movable Antenna-Aided Hybrid Beamforming for Multi-User Communications
Local Recurrent Problems in the SUPPORTED Model
Real-Time Model-Based Quantitative Ultrasound and Radar
Digital Task-Oriented Communication with Hardware-Limited Task-Based Quantization
Linear first order differential operators and their Hutchinson invariant sets
Multi-Functional Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface: System Modeling and Performance Optimization
The Retracing Boomerang Attack, with Application to Reduced-Round AES
Temporal BMP4 effects on mouse embryonic and extraembryonic development
Irreducibility of Wave-Front Sets for Depth Zero Cuspidal Representations
Optimization Guarantees of Unfolded ISTA and ADMM Networks With Smooth Soft-Thresholding
Competitive fungal commensalism mitigates candidiasis pathology
On the limiting law of line ensembles of Brownian polymers with geometric area tilts
Genome-wide association studies and polygenic risk score phenome-wide association studies across complex phenotypes in the human phenotype project
PINE: Efficient Verification of a Euclidean Norm Bound of a Secret-Shared Vector
Generalization in Kernel Regression Under Realistic Assumptions
Making Continuous Functions Lipschitz
New Graph Decompositions and Combinatorial Boolean Matrix Multiplication Algorithms
Artificial Intelligence-Empowered Hybrid Multiple-input/multiple-output Beamforming: Learning to Optimize for High-Throughput Scalable MIMO
Improving correlation based super-resolution microscopy images through image fusion by self-supervised deep learning
Nonuniqueness of Generalised Weak Solutions to the Primitive and Prandtl Equations
Guest Editorial: Sustainable Big AI Model for Wireless Networks
Quarl: A Learning-Based Quantum Circuit Optimizer
Swap Cosystolic Expansion
Localization and Tracking of Gold Nanoparticles Using mmWave FMCW Radar
Open Problem: Anytime Convergence Rate of Gradient Descent
Coresets for kernel clustering
Bounds for Rational Points on Algebraic Curves, Optimal in the Degree, and Dimension Growth
Symplectic complexity of reductive group actions
Deciphering the underlying mechanisms of the pharyngeal pumping motions in Caenorhabditis elegans
Component stability in low-space massively parallel computation
Intersection theory on moduli of disks, open KdV and Virasoro
Hybrid Reconfigurable Intelligent Metasurfaces: Enabling Simultaneous Tunable Reflections and Sensing for 6G Wireless Communications
O2SC: Realizing Channel-Adaptive Semantic Communication with One-Shot Online-Learning
Performance Analysis of RIS-Aided Index Modulation With Greedy Detection Over Rician Fading Channels
Expansion of High-Dimensional Cubical Complexes: with Application to Quantum Locally Testable Codes
MPC for Tech Giants (GMPC): Enabling Gulliver and the Lilliputians to Cooperate Amicably
D-Flow: Differentiating through Flows for Controlled Generation
Cut Sparsification and Succinct Representation of Submodular Hypergraphs
Faster Combinatorial k-Clique Algorithms
Adaptive and Flexible Model-Based AI for Deep Receivers in Dynamic Channels
The maximum of log-correlated Gaussian fields in random environment
The Aldous--Lyons Conjecture I: Subgroup Tests
Relative Frobenius formula
Horocyclic Brunn-Minkowski inequality
Editorial Introduction for the Special Issue on Intelligent Signal Processing and Learning for Next Generation Multiple Access
Conditional Non-Soficity of p-adic Deligne Extensions: on a Theorem of Gohla and Thom
Derivation of a Generalized Quasi-Geostrophic Approximation for Inviscid Flows in a Channel Domain: The Fast Waves Correction
Cascades of scales: Applications and mathematical methodologies
Optical Integrated Sensing and Communication with Light-Emitting Diode
Generalized Schrödinger Bridge Matching
Modulo Sampling of FRI Signals
Clover: Closed-Loop Verifiable Code Generation
Moments of partition functions of 2D Gaussian polymers in the weak disorder regime II
Near-Field Sparse Channel Representation and Estimation in 6G Wireless Communications
On Algebraic Embedding for Unstructured Lattices
Optical Integrated Sensing and Communication With Light-Emitting Diode
Space-Time Diffusion Features for Zero-Shot Text-Driven Motion Transfer
Super-Exponential Convergence Rate of a Nonlinear Continuous Data Assimilation Algorithm: The 2D NavierStokes Equation Paradigm
Fully-Scalable MPC Algorithms for Clustering in High Dimension
Phase retrieval of vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates
Free energy landscapes in spherical spin glasses
Spectrum Breathing: Protecting Over-the-Air Federated Learning Against Interference
Approximate identities for ideals in L(Lp)
Real-Time Quantitative Ultrasound and Radar Medical Imaging
Fair-Share Allocations for Agents with Arbitrary Entitlements
On the Learning of Digital Self-Interference Cancellation in Full-Duplex Radios
A binary operation on irreducible components of Lusztigs nilpotent varieties II: applications and conjectures for representations of GLn over a non-archimedean local field
Modulo Sampling and Recovery in Shift-Invariant Spaces
Dopamine improves defective cortical and muscular connectivity during bilateral control of gait in Parkinsons disease
Signal Processing and Learning for Next Generation Multiple Access in 6G
Bipartite Unique Neighbour Expanders via Ramanujan Graphs
Recursive-Tail-Fista for Sparse Signal Recovery
On Augmenting Scenario-Based Modeling with Generative AI
Categorizing methods for integrating machine learning with executable specifications
Learned Trimmed-Ridge Regression for Channel Estimation in Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO
Mosaic-SDF for 3D Generative Models
Hardware Prototype of a Time-Encoding Sub-Nyquist ADC
Channel Cycle Time: A New Measure of Short-Term Fairness
Partial Model Pruning and Personalization for Wireless Federated Learning
Agreement Theorems for High Dimensional Expanders in the Low Acceptance Regime: The Role of Covers
Sparse Graphic Degree Sequences Have Planar Realizations
Bespoke Non-Stationary Solvers for Fast Sampling of Diffusion and Flow Models
Modulo Sampling with 1-Bit Side Information: Performance Guarantees in the Presence of Quantization
Federated Learning from Heterogeneous Data via Controlled Air Aggregation with Bayesian Estimation
Deep Unfolding Transformers for Sparse Recovery of Video
Holographic Imaging With XL-MIMO and RIS: Illumination and Reflection Design
The extremal point process of branching Brownian motion in Rd
FedXPro: Bayesian Inference for Mitigating Poisoning Attacks in IoT Federated Learning
On Key Parameters Affecting the Realizability of Degree Sequences
Non-Linear Analog Processing Gains in Task-Based Quantization
A conformable phased-array ultrasound patch for bladder volume monitoring
Brief Announcement: Distributed Maximum Flow in Planar Graphs
Communication-and-Energy Efficient Over-the-Air Federated Learning
Rigorous justification of the hydrostatic approximation limit of viscous compressible flows
On Computationally Efficient Multi-Class Calibration
The Time Complexity of Fully Sparse Matrix Multiplication
Computational elucidation of nonverbal behavior and body language in music therapy
Adaptive Model Pruning and Personalization for Federated Learning over Wireless Networks
Deterministic Replacement Path Covering
On the Practical Power of Automata in Pattern Matching
Communication Efficient ConFederated Learning: An Event-Triggered SAGA Approach
Weighted microscopic image reconstruction
Deep, Convergent, Unrolled Half-Quadratic Splitting for Image Deconvolution
Finite Multiplicities Beyond Spherical Spaces
Higher derivatives of functions with given critical points and values
Endocrinology in the multi-omics era
Using generative AI to investigate medical imagery models and datasets
How to Hide a Clique?
Anvil: Verifying Liveness of Cluster Management Controllers
Polynomial Time Cryptanalytic Extraction of Neural Network Models
RIS-Empowered Near-Field Imaging in NLOS Scenarios
Coboundary and Cosystolic Expansion Without Dependence on Dimension or Degree
Perspective Games
Projecting Trackable Thermal Patterns for Dynamic Computer Vision
Reachability Preservers: New Extremal Bounds and Approximation Algorithms
Law of large numbers for the maximum of the two-dimensional Coulomb gas potential
Identification of gut microbiome features associated with host metabolic health in a large population-based cohort
On the Hardness of Meaningful Local Guarantees in Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization
Multimodal Learning for Integrated Sensing and Communication Networks
Global Well-Posedness of the Primitive Equations of Large-Scale Ocean Dynamics with the GentMcWilliamsRedi Eddy Parametrization Model
Corrigendum to \u201cGeometric conditions for □-irreducibility of certain representations of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field\u201d [Adv. Math. 339 (2018) 113190], (S0001870818303657), (10.1016/j.aim.2018.09.027)
Adjacency Sketches in Adversarial Environments
Quantification of beta cell carrying capacity in prediabetes
Block Sparse Recovery with Redundant Measurement Matrices and Its Application in Frequency Agile Radar
Bounds for rational points on algebraic curves and dimension growth
Hybrid Near-Far Field Channel Estimation for Holographic MIMO Communications
Efficient ECG Reconstruction and Heart Rate Monitoring Using Time-Based Sampler
United for change: deliberative coalition formation to change the status quo
High accurate detection method for aortic valve opening of seismocardiography signals
Byzantine Resilient Distributed Computing on External Data
Groups with minimal harmonic functions as small as you like
Diabetes Telemedicine Mediterranean Diet (DiaTeleMed) Study: study protocol for a fully remote randomized clinical trial evaluating personalized dietary management in individuals with type 2 diabetes
Mirror symmetry for open r-spin invariants
Proximal Gradient-Based Unfolding for Massive Random Access in IoT Networks
A Stochastic Gradient Approach for Communication Efficient Confederated Learning
Task-Oriented Sensing, Computation, and Communication Integration for Multi-Device Edge AI
Challenges in Modeling and Unmodeling Complex Reactive Systems: Interaction Networks, Reaction to Emergent Effects, Reactive Rule Composition, and Multiple Time Scales
Aut(Fn) actions on representation spaces
Data Assimilation in Chaotic Systems Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
What does a typical metric space look like?
mypyvy: A Research Platform for Verification of Transition Systems in First-Order Logic
Fault-Tolerant Spanners against Bounded-Degree Edge Failures: Linearly More Faults, Almost For Free
The Algorithmic Power of the Greene-Kleitman Theorem
Deep Internal Learning: Deep learning from a single input
Flow Matching on General Geometries
Quanto: optimizing quantum circuits with automatic generation of circuit identities
Bespoke Solvers for Generative Flow Models
Non-congruence presentations of finite simple groups
Are Your Keys Protected? Time Will Tell
Open r-spin theory II: The analogue of Wittens conjecture for r-spin disks
Bilateral Trade with Correlated Values
Non-commutative error correcting codes and proper subgroup testing
Publisher Correction: A conformable phased-array ultrasound patch for bladder volume monitoring (Nature Electronics, (2023), 7, 1, (77-90), 10.1038/s41928-023-01068-x)
Certifying Private Probabilistic Mechanisms
Worst-Case to Expander-Case Reductions: Derandomized and Generalized
Stable Motions of High Energy Particles Interacting via a Repelling Potential
Lower Bounds for High Derivatives of Smooth Functions With Given Zeros
Verus: A Practical Foundation for Systems Verification
Boolean Function Analysis on High-Dimensional Expanders
From Donkeys to Kings in Tournaments
Adaptive Sensor Selection with Deterministic Priors for DoA Tracking
The Canonical component of the nilfibre for parabolic adjoint action in type A
Guest Editorial: Federated Learning for Industrial Internet of Things
Thats Not My Signature! Fail-Stop Signatures for a Post-quantum World
The Human-or-Machine Issue: Turing-Inspired Reflections on an Everyday Matter
Detecting bone lesions in X-ray under diverse acquisition conditions
The Chromatic Fourier Transform
Human arm redundancy: a new approach for the inverse kinematics problem
Near-Field Wideband Secure Communications: An Analog Beamfocusing Approach
Phenome-wide associations of human aging uncover sex-specific dynamics
An Infinite Needle in a Finite Haystack: Finding Infinite Counter-Models in Deductive Verification
Multi-Functional RIS: Signal Modeling and Optimization
Simple Relative Deviation Bounds for Covariance and Gram Matrices
MSE-Based Training and Transmission Optimization for MIMO ISAC Systems
Bispecific dendritic-T cell engager potentiates anti-tumor immunity
Model-Driven Sensing-Node Selection for Maneuvering Target Tracking
A cluster of results on amplituhedron tiles
Chromatic Cardinalities via Redshift
FedSL: Federated Split Learning for Collaborative Healthcare Analytics on Resource-Constrained Wearable IoMT Devices
Experimental implementation of an efficient test of quantumness
Samplable Anonymous Aggregation for Private Federated Data Analysis
Wilkies conjecture for Pfaffian structures
Near-Field 3D Localization via MIMO Radar: Cramér-Rao Bound Analysis and Estimator Design
Northbound Transport of the Mediterranean Outflow and the Role of Time-Dependent Chaotic Advection
Beam-Focusing for Near-Field ISAC Systems
Distributed Speculative Inference of Large Language Models
Leaky Waveguide Antennas for Downlink Wideband THz Communications
Continuous glucose monitoring and intrapersonal variability in fasting glucose
Signal Detection in MIMO Systems with Hardware Imperfections: Message Passing on Neural Networks
Cluster algebras and tilings for the m = 4 amplituhedron
Energy Sharing and Performance Bounds in MIMO DFRC Systems: A Trade-Off Analysis
Kernel Based Reconstruction for Generalized Graph Signal Processing
Giving Some Slack: Shortcuts and Transitive Closure Compressions
Global well-posedness of a three-dimensional Brinkman-Forchheimer-Bénard convection model in porous media
Constant-Round Arguments for Batch-Verification and Bounded-Space Computations from One-Way Functions
Chromatic cyclotomic extensions
Channel Estimation for RIS-Aided Communication Systems: A Task-Based Quantization Approach
Channel Cycle Time: A New Measure of Short-Term Fairness
Streaming Algorithms for Geometric Steiner Forest
An Agnostic View on the Cost of Overfitting in (Kernel) Ridge Regression
Bounds on multiplicities of symmetric pairs of finite groups
Pangenomes of human gut microbiota uncover links between genetic diversity and stress response
Precoding for Multi-Cell ISAC: From Coordinated Beamforming to Coordinated Multipoint and Bi-Static Sensing
An Algorithm with Optimal Dimension-Dependence for Zero-Order Nonsmooth Nonconvex Stochastic Optimization
Some remarks on Grothendieck pairs
Efficient Implementation of an Abstract Domain of Quantified First-Order Formulas
Modeling T cell temporal response to cancer immunotherapy rationalizes development of combinatorial treatment protocols
Labelings vs. Embeddings: On Distributed and Prioritized Representations of Distances
Interpretable Neural Networks for Video Separation: Deep Unfolding RPCA With Foreground Masking
Hybrid RIS-Assisted MIMO Dual-Function Radar-Communication System
On the Duflo-Serganova functor for the queer Lie superalgebra
The Hidden Language of Diffusion Models
Graph realization of distance sets
Sex-specific dietary habits and their association with weight change in healthy adults
Connectivity Labeling and Routing with Multiple Vertex Failures
Quantum State Obfuscation from Classical Oracles
Melanoma and microbiota: Current understanding and future directions
Analog Beamforming for Wideband Secure Communications
Efficient Convolutional Forward Modeling and Sparse Coding in Multichannel Imaging
Quantum time/memory/data tradeoff attacks
Exponential concentration for the number of roots of random trigonometric polynomials
RIS-Aided Beamforming Design for MIMO Systems via Unified Manifold Optimization
A Stonevon Neumann equivalence of categories for smooth representations of the Heisenberg group
Hardware Implementation of Task-Based Quantization in Multiuser Signal Recovery
Effective computations for weakly optimal subvarieties
Low Acceptance Agreement Tests via Bounded-Degree Symplectic HDXs
Hyperbolic actions of higher rank lattices come from rank-one factors
Likelihood Training of Cascaded Diffusion Models via Hierarchical Volume-preserving Maps
Joint Communications and Sensing Hybrid Beamforming Design via Deep Unfolding
Homomorphic images of algebraic groups
Reshaping the ISAC Tradeoff Under OFDM Signaling: A Probabilistic Constellation Shaping Approach
An Information-Theoretic Proof of a Hypercontractive Inequality
Robust Transceiver Design for Covert Integrated Sensing and Communications With Imperfect CSI
A Constant-Factor Approximation for Nash Social Welfare with Subadditive Valuations
Recovery Guarantees for Distributed-OMP
Moderate Dimension Reduction for k-Center Clustering
Depth Separation in Norm-Bounded Infinite-Width Neural Networks
Lipschitz harmonic functions on vertex-transitive graphs
Cohort profile: Study design and baseline characteristics of an observational longitudinal weight loss cohort and biorepository of patients undergoing sleeve gastrectomy in the USA
Beamforming in Integrated Sensing and Communication Systems with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
Longitudinal machine learning uncouples healthy aging factors from chronic disease risks
Benign Overfitting and Grokking in ReLU Networks for XOR Cluster Data
Bacterial SNPs in the human gut microbiome associate with host BMI
Long lines in subsets of large measure in high dimension
Deep Unfolding Hybrid Beamforming Designs for THz Massive MIMO Systems
An effective Pila-Wilkie theorem for sets definable using Pfaffian functions, with some diophantine applications
Task-Oriented Sensing, Computation, and Communication Integration for Multi-Device Edge AI
On modified extension graphs of a fixed atypicality
Samplings from the Values of Random Convex Sets
Edge Learning for B5G Networks with Distributed Signal Processing: Semantic Communication, Edge Computing, and Wireless Sensing
All-Pairs Max-Flow is no Harder than Single-Pair Max-Flow: Gomory-Hu Trees in Almost-Linear Time
Flow Matching for Generative Modeling
Brief Announcement: Local Problems in the SUPPORTED Model
On the Implicit Bias in Deep-Learning Algorithms
Teaching Structured Vision & Language Concepts to Vision & Language Models
What Else Can Voronoi Diagrams Do for Diameter in Planar Graphs?
Asymptotic Cohomology and Uniform Stability for Lattices in Semisimple Groups
The Implicit Bias of Benign Overfitting
Analyzing Physical Impacts Using Transient Surface Wave Imaging
BiTAT: Neural Network Binarization with Task-dependent Aggregated Transformation: Neural Network Binarization with Task-Dependent Aggregated Transformation
Efficient Detection of High Probability Statistical Properties of Cryptosystems via Surrogate Differentiation
Secure Computation Meets Distributed Universal Optimality
Dense and Aligned Captions (DAC) Promote Compositional Reasoning in VL Models
Lower bounds for Galois orbits of special points on Shimura varieties: a point-counting approach
Global Information From Local Observations of the Noisy Voter Model on a Graph
Learning to Sample: Data-Driven Sampling and Reconstruction of FRI Signals
New Additive Emulators
Generalization and Estimation Error Bounds for Model-based Neural Networks
Important Examples and Special Cases
Integrated Sensing and Communications
Exact Flow Sparsification Requires Unbounded Size
ISAC with Emerging Communication Technologies
A randomized clinical trial comparing low-fat with precision nutritionbased diets for weight loss: impact on glycemic variability and HbA1c
Cordial Miners: Fast and Efficient Consensus for Every Eventuality
The BCFW Tiling of the Amplituhedron
Optimization of Random High-Dimensional Functions: Structure and Algorithms
High-Order Cumulants Based Sparse Array Design Via Fractal Geometries - Part II: Robustness and Mutual Coupling
Testability in group theory
Communication-Efficient Distributed Learning: An Overview
Model-Based Deep Learning
Black-Hole Radiation Decoding Is Quantum Cryptography
The Local Limit Theorem in the Irreducible Case
Ultrasound Signal Processing: From Models to Deep Learning
Human-like scene interpretation by a guided counterstream processing
MultiDiffusion: Fusing Diffusion Paths for Controlled Image Generation
Grassroots Social Networking: Serverless, Permissionless Protocols for Twitter/LinkedIn/WhatsApp
Reconstructing Training Data from Multiclass Neural Networks
Lower Bounds for Pseudo-Deterministic Counting in a Stream
Multisample Flow Matching: Straightening Flows with Minibatch Couplings
Decentralized high-resolution direction finding in partly calibrated arrays
Roadmap on Label-Free Super-Resolution Imaging
A Lower Bound on the Complexity of Testing Grained Distributions
Arithmeticity, superrigidity and totally geodesic submanifolds of complex hyperbolic manifolds
Localization of eigenvectors of nonhermitian banded noisy Toeplitz matrices
Resistance to Timing Attacks for Sampling and Privacy Preserving Schemes
The composition tableau and reconstruction of the canonical Weierstrass section for parabolic adjoint action in type A
Generalized Whittaker Quotients of Schwartz Functions on G-Spaces
Initialization-Dependent Sample Complexity of Linear Predictors and Neural Networks
Doubley-Efficient Interactive Proofs for Distribution Properties
Open r-spin theory III: A prediction for higher genus
Global Well-Posedness for the Thermodynamically Refined Passively Transported Nonlinear Moisture Dynamics with Phase Changes
Multi-Functional Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface
Stationary C∗-dynamical systems
Model-Based Deep Learning
Lasso-Based Fast Residual Recovery For Modulo Sampling
Irreducibility of random polynomials: general measures
RDA: An Accelerated Collision-free Motion Planner for Autonomous Navigation in Cluttered Environments
Biomechanics, motor control and dynamic models of the soft limbs of the octopus and other cephalopods
Split-KalmanNet: A Robust Model-Based Deep Learning Approach for State Estimation
Local Limit Theorems for Markov Chains in Random Environments
Sensitivity of mixing times of Cayley graphs
Floer theory of disjointly supported hamiltonians on symplectically aspherical manifolds
Deconstructing Data Reconstruction: Multiclass, Weight Decay and General Losses
Can You Solve Closest String Faster Than Exhaustive Search?
On energy conservation for the hydrostatic Euler equations: an Onsager conjecture
Proportional ranking in primary elections: A case study
Teaching CLIP to Count to Ten
Equivariant Polynomials for Graph Neural Networks
Simple Tests of Quantumness Also Certify Qubits
Exponentially Small Soundness for the Direct Product Z-test
Questioning the fetal microbiome illustrates pitfalls of low-biomass microbial studies
Indistinguishable Predictions and Multi-group Fair Learning
On picking sequences for chores
On the Computational Hardness Needed for Quantum Cryptography
Good Quantum LDPC Codes with Linear Time Decoders
Candidate iO from Homomorphic Encryption Schemes
The Double-Edged Sword of Implicit Bias: Generalization vs. Robustness in ReLU Networks
Attention Based Multi-Label Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy from Optical Coherence Tomography
A Kernel Perspective of Skip Connections in Convolutional Networks
Multiplicity one theorems for the generalized doubling method
On Complexity of 1-Center in Various Metrics
On the Existence of SRB Measures for C∞ Surface Diffeomorphisms
New Algorithms and Applications for Risk-Limiting Audits
Garland's Technique for Posets and High Dimensional Grassmannian Expanders
Faster and Unified Algorithms for Diameter Reducing Shortcuts and Minimum Chain Covers
A Deep-Learning Approach to Spleen Volume Estimation in Patients with Gaucher Disease
Fairness and Incentive Compatibility via Percentage Fees
Subcubic Equivalences between Graph Centrality Problems, APSP, and Diameter
Neural Maximum-a-Posteriori Beamforming for Ultrasound Imaging
Gruson-Serganova character formulas and the Duflo-Serganova cohomology functor
Impact of dietary interventions on pre-diabetic oral and gut microbiome, metabolites and cytokines
Good permutation codes based on the shuffle-exchange network
Composed Degree-Distance Realizations of Graphs
On Kinetic Optimal Probability Paths for Generative Models
Sparse Non-Contact Multiple People Localization and Vital Signs Monitoring Via FMCW Radar
Worst-Case to Expander-Case Reductions
The Minimum Principle of SINR: A Useful Discretization Tool for Wireless Communication
Design and Analysis of Hardware-limited Non-uniform Task-based Quantizers
Model-Based Deep Learning
Zero Mach number limit of the compressible primitive equations: Ill-prepared initial data
Graph Signal Sampling Under Stochastic Priors
Correction to: Global Well-Posedness for the Thermodynamically Refined Passively Transported Nonlinear Moisture Dynamics with Phase Changes (Journal of Nonlinear Science, (2023), 33, 4, (65), 10.1007/s00332-023-09915-z)
Gut microbiome modulates the effects of a personalised postprandial-targeting (PPT) diet on cardiometabolic markers: a diet intervention in pre-diabetes
Unrolled Compressed Blind-Deconvolution
Onsager's conjecture for subgrid scale α-models of turbulence
Hybrid RIS-Assisted MIMO Integrated Sensing and Communication System
Clustering Permutations: New Techniques with Streaming Applications
One-shot Learning for Channel Estimation in Massive MIMO Systems
Sparsity-Based Multi-Person Non-Contact Vital Signs Monitoring Via FMCW Radar
Fire retainment on Cayley graphs
Local Limit Theorems for Moderate Deviations and Large Deviations
Single cell Hi-C identifies plastic chromosome conformations underlying the gastrulation enhancer landscape
On the Incompressible Limit of a Strongly Stratified Heat Conducting Fluid
Homeomorphisms and Fourier Expansion
Deterministic Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization
SceneScape: Text-Driven Consistent Scene Generation
RTSNet: Learning to Smooth in Partially Known State-Space Models
Joint Precoding Design for Multi-antenna Multi-user ISAC Systems
Robust Transceiver Design for ISAC with Imperfect CSI
Degree Realization by Bipartite Multigraphs
A hardware prototype of wideband high-dynamic range analog-to-digital converter
Hardware-Limited Non-Uniform Task-Based Quantizers
Guest Editorial Communication-Efficient Distributed Learning Over Networks
Index Modulation Based ISAC
The Essential Range and Irreducibility
Learning to Estimate Without Bias
Time-aligned hourglass gastrulation models in rabbit and mouse
FedFM: Anchor-Based Feature Matching for Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning
On Interactive Proofs of Proximity with Proof-Oblivious Queries
Markov Arrays, Additive Functionals, and Uniform Ellipticity
Near-optimal distributed computation of small vertex cuts
Deep Learning for Biomedical Image Reconstruction
On Diameter Approximation in Directed Graphs
Agreement theorems for high dimensional expanders in the small soundness regime: the role of covers
Guest Editorial Distributed Signal Processing for Edge Learning in B5G IoT Networks
Integrated Sensing and Communications: Background and Applications
The power of small coalitions under two-tier majority on regular graphs
Direction Finding in Partly Calibrated Arrays Exploiting the Whole Array Aperture
Non-uniform ergodic properties of Hamiltonian flows with impacts
Learning-Based Reconstruction of FRI Signals
Multiuser MIMO Wideband Joint Communications and Sensing System With Subcarrier Allocation
Local Tail Bounds for Polynomials on the Discrete Cube
Hardware Implementation of Task-based Quantization in Multi-user Signal Recovery
Tyler's and Maronna's M-estimators: Non-asymptotic concentration results
Designing Transformer Networks for Sparse Recovery of Sequential Data Using Deep Unfolding
Probabilistic Constellation Shaping for OFDM-Based ISAC Signaling
6G Wireless Communications: From Far-Field Beam Steering to Near-Field Beam Focusing
Infinite volume and infinite injectivity radius
Comparison of Matrix Norm Sparsification
Optimization-based decoding of Imaging Spatial Transcriptomics data
No democracy, no academia
Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis from Multi-Level Quantized Observations
Imbalanced Mixed Linear Regression
Leaf: Modularity for Temporary Sharing in Separation Logic
Wearable and digital devices to monitor and treat metabolic diseases
Joint Channel Estimation and Symbol Detection in Overloaded MIMO Using ADMM
Memory-efficient low-compute segmentation algorithms for bladder-monitoring smart ultrasound devices
Phage-display immunoprecipitation sequencing of the antibody epitope repertoire in inflammatory bowel disease reveals distinct antibody signatures
The free energy of spherical pure p-spin models: computation from the TAP approach
Variance Growth, Center-Tightness, and the Central Limit Theorem
Numerical evaluation on sub-Nyquist spectrum reconstruction methods
Seventy Years of Radar and Communications: The Road from Separation to Integration
Channel Estimation With Hybrid Reconfigurable Intelligent Metasurfaces
Interception Probability Versus Capacity in Wideband Systems: The Benefits of Peaky Signaling
Constant-Round Arguments from One-Way Functions
Integrated sensing and full-duplex communication: Joint transceiver beamforming and power allocation
Interactive cryptographic proofs of quantumness using mid-circuit measurements
On the Effectiveness of ViT Features as Local Semantic Descriptors
Stronger 3-SUM Lower Bounds for Approximate Distance Oracles via Additive Combinatorics
The Maximal Number of 3-Term Arithmetic Progressions in Finite Sets in Different Geometries
DeepCut: Unsupervised Segmentation using Graph Neural Networks Clustering: Unsupervised Segmentation using Graph Neural Networks Clustering
On-Site Potential Creates Complexity in Systems with Disordered Coupling
Spectrum Breathing: A Spectrum-Efficient Method for Protecting Over-the-Air Federated Learning Against Interference
Graph realizations: Maximum degree in vertex neighborhoods
From the Real Towards the Ideal: Risk Prediction in a Better World
Pseudorandomness with Proof of Destruction and Applications
Secure Distributed Network Optimization Against Eavesdroppers
New Codes on High Dimensional Expanders
Sylow-conjugate number fields
Accelerated Zeroth-order Method for Non-Smooth Stochastic Convex Optimization Problem with Infinite Variance
Distributed CONGEST Algorithms against Mobile Adversaries
Combinatorial Reallocation Mechanisms
Semi-Federated Learning for Edge Intelligence with Imperfect SIC
Physics-Embedded Machine Learning for Electromagnetic Data Imaging: Examining three types of data-driven imaging methods
Dual-Shutter Optical Vibration Sensing
Quantum pseudointegrable Hamiltonian impact system
Generalized TAP Free Energy
On the second moment method and RS phase of multi-species spherical spin glasses
Online Meta-Learning for Hybrid Model-Based Deep Receivers
Integrated Sensing and Communications With Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: From signal modeling to processing
Trustworthy Autonomous System Development
A set with no Riesz basis of exponentials
Deep Unfolding-Enabled Hybrid Beamforming Design for mmWave Massive MIMO Systems
Joint Radar and Communication Receiver Processing Based on Sparse Bayesian Learning
Most Neural Networks Are Almost Learnable
McKay trees
Intelligent Reflecting Surface Enabled Sensing: Cramér-Rao Bound Optimization
Hyper-regular graphs and high dimensional expanders
SpinCam: High-Speed Imaging via a Rotating Point-Spread Function
Rigidity in Mechanism Design and Its Applications
Moments of Partition Functions of 2d Gaussian Polymers in the Weak Disorder Regime-I
Early Infiltration of Innate Immune Cells to the Liver Depletes HNF4α and Promotes Extrahepatic Carcinogenesis
Counting Surfaces Singular Along a Line in P3
Restorable Shortest Path Tiebreaking for Edge-Faulty Graphs
Enhancing Deep Reinforcement Learning with Scenario-Based Modeling
A CLT for the characteristic polynomial of random Jacobi matrices, and the G β E
On the Fine-Grained Complexity of Approximating k-Center in Sparse Graphs
Imagic: Text-Based Real Image Editing with Diffusion Models
On the Computational Complexity of Mechanism Design in Single-Crossing Settings
The Local Limit Theorem in the Reducible Case
Stability and instability of lattices in semisimple groups
The combinatorial formula for open gravitational descendents
Finite simple characteristic quotients of the free group of rank 2
Private Everlasting Prediction
Simplicity in Auctions Revisited: The Primitive Complexity
Implicit Regularization Towards Rank Minimization in ReLU Networks
Decision-Making Under Miscalibration
Towards Bypassing Lower Bounds for Graph Shortcuts
Balanced measures on compact median algebras
CGMap: Characterizing continuous glucose monitor data in thousands of non-diabetic individuals: Characterizing continuous glucose monitor data in thousands of non-diabetic individuals
Extended Successive Convex Approximation for Phase Retrieval with Dictionary Learning
Federated Deep Learning Meets Autonomous Vehicle Perception: Design and Verification
Task-Specific Low-Power Beamforming MIMO Receiver Using 2-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converters
Full-Duplex Communication for ISAC: Joint Beamforming and Power Optimization
Collaborative privacy-preserving analysis of oncological data using multiparty homomorphic encryption
Spectral top-down recovery of latent tree models
Power-Aware Analog to Digital Converters
Single-cell multi-omics defines the cell-type-specific impact of splicing aberrations in human hematopoietic clonal outgrowths
Lattice Problems beyond Polynomial Time
The linear time encoding scheme fails to encode
Mirror games against an open book player
From Tempered to Benign Overfitting in ReLU Neural Networks
High-Dynamic Range ADC for Finite-Rate-of-Innovation Signals
Near-field Localization with Dynamic Metasurface Antennas
An Algorithmic Bridge Between Hamming and Levenshtein Distances
High-Order Cumulants Based Sparse Array Design Via Fractal Geometries - Part I: Structures and DOFs
Collaborative Sensing in Perceptive Mobile Networks: Opportunities and Challenges
On Limit Sets for Geodesics of Meromorphic Connections
Head-to-head efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban, apixaban, and dabigatran in an observational nationwide targeted trial
Twenty-Five Years of Signal Processing Advances for Multiantenna Communications: From theory to mainstream technology
Adversarial Examples Exist in Two-Layer ReLU Networks for Low Dimensional Linear Subspaces
Linear singularly perturbed systems without slow-fast split
Forcibly bipartite and acyclic (uni-)graphic sequences
UAV-Mounted Multi-Functional RIS for Combating Eavesdropping in Wireless Networks
SinFusion: Training Diffusion Models on a Single Image or Video
SNARGs for Monotone Policy Batch NP
Guest Editorial: Semantic Communications: Transmission Beyond Shannon
Computational Complexity of Learning Neural Networks: Smoothness and Degeneracy
Streaming Euclidean Max-Cut: Dimension vs Data Reduction
Benign Overfitting in Linear Classifiers and Leaky ReLU Networks from KKT Conditions for Margin Maximization
On the strict Picard spectrum of commutative ring spectra
Continuous and discrete data assimilation with noisy observations for the Rayleigh-Bénard convection: a computational study
Linear extension operators for Sobolev spaces on radially symmetric binary trees
Verifying Learning-Based Robotic Navigation Systems
Asymmetric Changes in Intersegmental Covariation Across Ambulation Levels and Prosthetic Devices for Transfemoral Amputee Gait
Joint Microstrip Selection and Beamforming Design for MmWave Systems with Dynamic Metasurface Antennas
Weierstrass sections for parabolic adjoint action in type A
MCProj: metacell projection for interpretable and quantitative use of transcriptional atlases
Universality of Poisson Limits for Moduli of Roots of Kac Polynomials
Phage display sequencing reveals that genetic, environmental, and intrinsic factors influence variation of human antibody epitope repertoire
Brief Announcement: Grassroots Distributed Systems: Concept, Examples, Implementation and Applications
A Convergent Neural Network for Non-Blind Image Deblurring
A Statistical Approach to Estimate Seismic Monitoring Stations Biases and Error Levels
Listing 4-Cycles
Pure Noise to the Rescue of Insufficient Data: Improving Imbalanced Classification by Training on Random Noise Images
Diverse Generation from a Single Video Made Possible
Split-KalmanNet: A Robust Model-Based Deep Learning Approach for SLAM
The congruence subgroup problem for finitely generated nilpotent groups
On the Effect of Rotation on the Life-Span of Analytic Solutions to the 3D Inviscid Primitive Equations
Allergenic food protein consumption is associated with systemic IgG antibody responses in non-allergic individuals
Near Tangent Dynamics in a Class of Hamiltonian Impact Systems
An expanded reference map of the human gut microbiome reveals hundreds of previously unknown species
Power-Efficient Hybrid MIMO Receiver with Task-Specific Beamforming using Low-Resolution ADCs
The SHAI property for the operators on Lp
Deep Algorithm Unfolding for Sub-Nyquist Ultrasound Imaging
On Margin Maximization in Linear and ReLU Networks
AI and Point of Care Image Analysis for COVID-19
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in COVID-19
Transmit Precoder Design Approaches for Dual-Function Radar-Communication Systems
Degrees in link graphs of regular graphs
Zero-preserving imputation of single-cell RNA-seq data
Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Over 170,000 Individuals from the UK Biobank Identifies Seven Loci Associated with Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Diet
On Fairness and Stability in Two-Sided Matchings
Effective intrinsic ergodicity for countable state Markov shifts
Deep Learning Based Successive Interference Cancellation for the Non-Orthogonal Downlink
Recovery of Noisy Pooled Tests via Learned Factor Graphs with Application to COVID-19 Testing
Using Zero-Knowledge to Reconcile Law Enforcement Secrecy and Fair Trial Rights in Criminal Cases
Luzins Problem on Fourier Convergence and Homeomorphisms
Property FA is not a profinite property
Smoothness of Schatten norms and sliding-window matrix streams
Systemic antibody responses against human microbiota flagellins are overrepresented in chronic fatigue syndrome patients
BIPS - A code base for designing and coding of a Phage ImmunoPrecipitation Oligo Library
Width is Less Important than Depth in ReLU Neural Networks
Intelligent Reflecting Surface Enabled Sensing: Cramér-Rao Lower Bound optimization
Optimizing Federated Averaging over Fading Channels
Antibody signatures in inflammatory bowel disease: current developments and future applications
Effects of personalized diets by prediction of glycemic responses on glycemic control and metabolic health in newly diagnosed T2DM: a randomized dietary intervention pilot trial
The Erdos-Renyi-Shepp law of large numbers for ballistic random walk in random environment
Hardness of approximation in p via short cycle removal: cycle detection, distance oracles, and beyond
Bayesian Estimation of Graph Signals
Correction to: Representation growth and rational singularities of the moduli space of local systems (Inventiones mathematicae, (2016), 204, 1, (245-316), 10.1007/s00222-015-0614-8)
Counterexample-guided Prophecy for Model Checking Modulo the Theory of Arrays
Locally Testable Codes with constant rate, distance, and locality
Graph Signal Compression by Joint Quantization and Sampling
Explicit Plancherel Formula for the Space of Symplectic Forms
Computational Imaging on the Electric Grid
Prediction of type 2 diabetes mellitus onset using logistic regression-based scorecards
Uniqueness and Robustness of Tem-Based FRI Sampling
Verifying the unseen: interactive proofs for label-invariant distribution properties
On the Effect of Fast Rotation and Vertical Viscosity on the Lifespan of the 3D Primitive Equations
Mathematical Foundations of AIM
Induction duality: Primal-dual search for invariants
Analog Compressed Sensing for Sparse Frequency Shift Keying Modulation Schemes
Near-Field Wireless Power Transfer with Dynamic Metasurface Antennas
Data and Physics Driven Learning Models for Fast MRI -- Fundamentals and Methodologies from CNN, GAN to Attention and Transformers
A Characterization of Multiclass Learnability
A monogamy-of-entanglement game for subspace coset states
Improved bounds on the AN-complexity of O(1) -linear functions
Whole-Genome Amplification-Surveying Yield, Reproducibility, and Heterozygous Balance, Reported by STR-Targeting MIPs
BREAst Cancer Personalised NuTrition (BREACPNT): dietary intervention in breast cancer survivors treated with endocrine therapy - a protocol for a randomised clinical trial
Prediction of Personal Glycemic Responses to Food for Individuals With Type 1 Diabetes Through Integration of Clinical and Microbial Data
Õptimal Dual Vertex Failure Connectivity Labels
Charmenability of arithmetic groups of product type
Cramér-Rao Bound Optimization for Joint Radar-Communication Beamforming
Beam Focusing for Near-Field Multiuser MIMO Communications
Ambidexterity in chromatic homotopy theory
Batch-OT with Optimal Rate
Experimental Implementation of an Efficient Test of Quantumness
Constructing highly regular expanders from hyperbolic Coxeter groups
STAR-RIS Integrated Nonorthogonal Multiple Access and Over-the-Air Federated Learning: Framework, Analysis, and Optimization
Good Locally Testable Codes
DNA methyltransferases 3A and 3B target specific sequences during mouse gastrulation
New Diameter-Reducing Shortcuts and Directed Hopsets: Breaking the O( P n) Barrier
Inferring Invariants with Quantifier Alternations: Taming the Search Space Explosion
Cramér-Rao Bound Optimization for Joint Radar-Communication Beamforming
A Tight Negative Example for MMS Fair Allocations
Quantum soundness of testing tensor codes
Whole-genome sequencing reveals that variants in the Interleukin 18 Receptor Accessory Protein 3UTR protect against ALS
Deep Proximal Unfolding For Image Recovery from Under-Sampled Channel Data in Intravascular Ultrasound
Uncountably many permutation stable groups
Beyond Bernoulli: Generating Random Outcomes that cannot be Distinguished from Nature
Guest Editorial Special Issue on Integrated Sensing and Communication-Part II
Mixed-Timescale Deep-Unfolding for Joint Channel Estimation and Hybrid Beamforming
Rational points of rigid-analytic sets: a Pila-Wilkie type theorem
A KinematicDynamic 3D Model for Density-Driven Ocean Flows: Construction, Global Well-Posedness, and Dynamics
Integrated Sensing and Communications: Towards Dual-functional Wireless Networks for 6G and Beyond
Phenotypic correlates of the working dog microbiome
APMF < APSP? Gomory-Hu Tree for Unweighted Graphs in Almost-Quadratic Time
Correction to: Homological multiplicities in representation theory of p-adic groups (Mathematische Zeitschrift, (2020), 294, 1-2, (451-469), 10.1007/s00209-019-02262-4)
Transmit Precoding for Dual-Function Radar-Communication Systems
Testing Distributions of Huge Objects
Recording bacterial responses to changes in the gut environment
Effect of a Personalized Diet to Reduce Postprandial Glycemic Response vs a Low-fat Diet on Weight Loss in Adults with Abnormal Glucose Metabolism and Obesity: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Non-adaptive vs Adaptive Queries in the Dense Graph Testing Model
MIMO Networks with One-Bit ADCs: Receiver Design and Communication Strategies
An extension of Marguliss superrigidity theorem
Max-Min Greedy Matching
Vertex-Weighted Graphs: Realizable and Unrealizable Domains
Deep Unfolding With Normalizing Flow Priors for Inverse Problems
Improved Approximation Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Search-Diversification Problems
Almost-linear ϵ-emulators for planar graphs
Near coverings and cosystolic expansion
Learning to Sample for Sparse Signals
Theoretical Perspectives on Deep Learning Methods in Inverse Problems
Dual-Shutter Optical Vibration Sensing
CoBAAF: Controlled Bayesian Air Aggregation Federated Learning from Heterogeneous Data
On Best-of-Both-Worlds Fair-Share Allocations
Reconstructing Training Data from Trained Neural Networks
C 0, α boundary regularity for the pressure in weak solutions of the 2 d Euler equations
RTSNet: Deep Learning Aided Kalman Smoothing
A determining form for the 2D Rayleigh-Bénard problem
Neural Conservation Laws: A Divergence-Free Perspective
SemiFL: Semi-Federated Learning Empowered by Simultaneously Transmitting and Reflecting Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface
Verification of Distributed Protocols: Decidable Modeling and Invariant Inference
Open r-Spin Theory I: Foundations
Personalized microbiome-driven effects of non-nutritive sweeteners on human glucose tolerance
Mirror Games Against an Open Book Player
Multimodal Unrolled Robust PCA for Background Foreground Separation
Efficient Certifiable Randomness from a Single Quantum Device
Microbiome and metabolome features of the cardiometabolic disease spectrum
Expander spanning subgraphs with large girth
Drop the GAN: In Defense of Patches Nearest Neighbors as Single Image Generative Models: In Defense of Patches Nearest Neighbors as Single Image Generative Models
Unitary Approximate Message Passing for Matrix Factorization
Graph Realization of Distance Sets
Continuity properties of Lyapunov exponents for surface diffeomorphisms
Crowdsourcing Regression: A Spectral Approach
On the Optimal Memorization Power of ReLU Neural Networks
Well-Posedness of Hiblers Dynamical Sea-Ice Model
On representations of Gal(Q\u203e/Q), GTˆ and Aut(Fˆ2)
Streaming algorithms for geometric Steiner forest
Impact of puberty as threshold to differentiate outcome of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest care groups: a nationwide observational study in France
Enhanced Simulation of the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall Using Regional Climate Modeling and Continuous Data Assimilation
Joint Channel Estimation and Hybrid Beamforming via Deep-Unfolding
Gaze following requires early visual experience
Theoretical Perspectives on Deep Learning Methods in Inverse Problems
Bourgains slicing problem and KLS isoperimetry up to polylog
Distributed Graph Realizations
Deniable encryption in a Quantum world
Editorial: Intelligent Signal Analysis for Contagious Virus Diseases
Hyper-Parameter Auto-Tuning for Sparse Bayesian Learning
TATTOO-seq delineates spatial and cell typespecific regulatory programs in the developing limb
An Almost Singularly Optimal Asynchronous Distributed MST Algorithm
Sparsity Based Non-Contact Vital Signs Monitoring of Multiple People Via FMCW Radar
The Gut Microbiome of Adults With Type 1 Diabetes and Its Association With the Host Glycemic Control
The Sample Complexity of One-Hidden-Layer Neural Networks
Metabolomic and microbiome profiling reveals personalized risk factors for coronary artery disease
KalmanNet: Neural Network Aided Kalman Filtering for Partially Known Dynamics
Inductive Matrix Completion: No Bad Local Minima and a Fast Algorithm
The slicing problem by bourgain
GNMR: A Provable One-Line Algorithm for Low Rank Matrix Recovery
Nearly optimal vertex fault-tolerant spanners in optimal time: sequential, distributed, and parallel
Frame Averaging for Equivariant Shape Space Learning
The generalized microscopic image reconstruction problem
Transmit Beamforming with Fixed Covariance for Integrated MIMO Radar and Multiuser Communications
Capacity Bounds for One-Bit MIMO Gaussian Channels With Analog Combining
Learning Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimators
Keep That Card in Mind: Card Guessing with Limited Memory
Compressed Fourier-Domain Convolutional Beamforming for Sub-Nyquist Ultrasound imaging
Towards a performance bound on MIMO DFRC systems
Maximum of branching Brownian motion in a periodic environment
Community Inference From Partially Observed Graph Signals: Algorithms and Analysis
Model-Based Deep Learning: On the Intersection of Deep Learning and Optimization
The interaction of CD4+ helper T cells with dendritic cells shapes the tumor microenvironment and immune checkpoint blockade response
Sharply o-minimal structures and sharp cellular decomposition
Friendly Cut Sparsifiers and Faster Gomory-Hu Trees
SETH-based Lower Bounds for Subset Sum and Bicriteria Path
AI for Pooled Testing of COVID-19 Samples
Measures of maximal entropy for surface diffeomorphisms
Infinitely presented permutation stable groups and invariant random subgroups of metabelian groups
On the Asymptotic Number of Generators of High Rank Arithmetic Lattices
Artificial Intelligence in Covid-19
Combining Internal and External Constraints for Unrolling Shutter in Videos
New Diameter-Reducing Shortcuts and Directed Hopsets: Breaking the Õ(√n) Barrier
Depth Separations in Neural Networks: What is Actually Being Separated?
Integrated Sensing and Communications with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
Sample-Based Proofs of Proximity
Uncertainty in Data-Driven Kalman Filtering for Partially Known State-Space Models
Deep Task-Based Analog-to-Digital Conversion
Self-supervised Natural Image Reconstruction and Large-scale Semantic Classification from Brain Activity
A max inequality for spectral invariants of disjointly supported Hamiltonians
HaTU-Net: Harmonic Attention Network for Automated Ovarian Ultrasound Quantification in Assisted Pregnancy
From Local to Robust Testing via Agreement Testing
Planting Undetectable Backdoors in Machine Learning Models: [Extended Abstract]
Scheduling lower bounds via AND subset sum
The Min-Max Complexity of Distributed Stochastic Convex Optimization with Intermittent Communication (Extended Abstract)
Research gaps and opportunities in precision nutrition: an NIH workshop report
Convergence of the Free Energy for Spherical Spin Glasses
Estimating the effect of cesarean delivery on long-term childhood health across two countries
Neural Greedy Pursuit for Feature Selection
Beating Matrix Multiplication for n1/3-Directed Shortcuts
Semisimplicity of the DS functor for the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra
FRI-TEM: Time Encoding Sampling of Finite-Rate-of-Innovation Signals
CDAnet: A Physics-Informed Deep Neural Network for Downscaling Fluid Flows
Fair Allocations for Smoothed Utilities
Almost-Smooth Histograms and Sliding-Window Graph Algorithms
Graph Signal Restoration Using Nested Deep Algorithm Unrolling
Deep Unfolding for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization with Application to Mutational Signature Analysis
Combinatorial auctions with endowment effect
Integrating domain knowledge into deep networks for lung ultrasound with applications to covid-19
Learning Filter-Based Compressed Blind-Deconvolution
Effective Cylindrical Cell Decompositions for Restricted Sub-Pfaffian Sets
Factoring and Pairings Are Not Necessary for IO: Circular-Secure LWE Suffices
Fourier coefficients of minimal and next-to-minimal automorphic representations of simply-laced groups
A Joint Radar-Communication Precoding Design Based on Cramér-Rao Bound Optimization
Pointwise surjective presentations of stacks
Oracle Complexity in Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization
Deep-Learning Based Adaptive Ultrasound Imaging from Sub-Nyquist Channel Data
Faster algorithms for orienteering and k-TSP
DOP53 In-depth characterisation of the serum antibody epitope repertoire in Inflammatory Bowel Disease by high-throughput phage-displayed immunoprecipitation sequencing
Federated Learning: A signal processing perspective
Gradient Methods Provably Converge to Non-Robust Networks
Nowcasting the spread of SARS-CoV-2
The primitive equations approximation of the anisotropic horizontally viscous 3D Navier-Stokes equations
A Sequence-Based Compressed Sensing Receiver for Impulsive Frequency Shift Keying
The Implicit Bias of Benign Overfitting
An atlas of robust microbiome associations with phenotypic traits based on large-scale cohorts from two continents
Almost synchronous quantum correlations
Randomness Extraction from Somewhat Dependent Sources
Hotelling games in fault-prone settings
A spectral condition for spectral gap: fast mixing in high-temperature Ising models
Nonlinear Waveform Inversion for Quantitative Ultrasound
Exponentially Faster Shortest Paths in the Congested Clique
Testability of relations between permutations
Deep Unrolled Recovery in Sparse Biological Imaging: Achieving fast, accurate results
A reduction principle for Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms
The random matrix theory of the classical compact groups, by Elizabeth Meckes, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, Vol. 218, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
Lower Bounds on the Generalization Error of Nonlinear Learning Models
Frame Averaging for Invariant and Equivariant Network Design
Constructive Post-Quantum Reductions
Recent advancements in model-based super-resolution microscopy
Breaking the Cubic Barrier for All-Pairs Max-Flow: Gomory-Hu Tree in Nearly Quadratic Time
The intrinsic and extrinsic effects of TET proteins during gastrulation
Guest Editorial Special Issue on Integrated Sensing and Communication - Part I
Near-Field Wireless Power Transfer for 6G Internet of Everything Mobile Networks: Opportunities and Challenges
Clinical efficacy of fecal microbial transplantation treatment in adults with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis
Quartz: superoptimization of Quantum circuits
Scenario-assisted Deep Reinforcement Learning
Having Hope in Hops: New Spanners, Preservers and Lower Bounds for Hopsets
Snowflake modules and Enright functor for KacMoody superalgebras
Compressed IF-TEM: Time Encoding Analog-To-Digital Compression
Effective Discreteness Radius of Stabilizers for Stationary Actions
'Self-Wiener' Filtering: Data-Driven Deconvolution of Deterministic Signals
Metacell-2: a divide-and-conquer metacell algorithm for scalable scRNA-seq analysis
New Approaches to Profile the Microbiome for Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disease
CHIP and CRISP: Protecting All Parties Against Compromise Through Identity-Binding PAKEs
A Hardware Prototype for Joint Radar-Communication System Using Spatial Modulation
Spiking Sparse Recovery With Non-Convex Penalties
Robust Task-Specific Beamforming with Low-Resolution ADCs for Power-Efficient Hybrid MIMO Receivers
Homomorphic encryption standard
Toward understanding the communication in sperm whales
Point counting for foliations over number fields
Jointly Learned Symbol Detection and Signal Reflection in RIS-Aided Multi-user MIMO Systems
Succinct Classical Verification of Quantum Computation
Broadcast CONGEST Algorithms Against Eavesdroppers
Arithmeticity, superrigidity, and totally geodesic submanifolds
The minimum modulus of Gaussian trigonometric polynomials
Evidence for cutaneous dysbiosis in dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
A single-embryo, single-cell time-resolved model for mouse gastrulation
Graph Signal Denoising Using Nested-Structured Deep Algorithm Unrolling
Deep Learning for Ultrasound Beamforming
UVeQFed: Universal Vector Quantization for Federated Learning
Joint Resource Management and Model Compression for Wireless Federated Learning
Beam Focusing for Multi-User MIMO Communications with Dynamic Metasurface Antennas
Spectral Analysis of Word Statistics
Constant-round interactive proofs for delegating computation
Counterexample-Guided Prophecy for Model Checking Modulo the Theory of Arrays
STAR-RIS Enabled Heterogeneous Networks: Ubiquitous NOMA Communication and Pervasive Federated Learning
Oracle Complexity in Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization
Communication complexity with defective randomness
A dynamic-kinematic 3D model for density-driven ocean circulation flows: Construction, global well-posedness and dynamics
Asymptotic expansions in time for rotating incompressible viscous fluids
Introduction to Semirandom Models
SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing for estimating COVID-19 prevalence in the population
Photometric Stereo
Integrating Interobject Scenarios with Intraobject Statecharts for Developing Reactive Systems
Information-theoretic methods in data science
Phase retrieval of low-rank matrices by anchored regression
Doubling coverings via resolution of singularities and preparation
Structured elements drive extensive circular RNA translation
On an inequality of Bushnell-Henniart for Rankin-Selberg conductors
Classical Binding for Quantum Commitments
Successive Convex Approximation for Phase Retrieval with Dictionary Learning
Simple bounded highest weight modules of basic classical Lie superalgebras
Learned Super Resolution Ultrasound for Improved Breast Lesion Characterization
Estimating heritability of glycaemic response to metformin using nationwide electronic health records and population-sized pedigree
DURAS: Deep Unfolded Radar Sensing Using Doppler Focusing
Explicit Decomposition of Certain Induced Representations of the General Linear Group
On the structure of Hamiltonian impact systems
Identification of bacteria-derived HLA-bound peptides in melanoma
Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications
(Almost) efficient mechanisms for bilateral trading
Volume Rendering of Neural Implicit Surfaces
Directed Polymers on Infinite Graphs
REST: Robust lEarned Shrinkage: Thresholding Network Taming Inverse Problems with Model Mismatch
Task-Based Analog-to-Digital Converters for Bandlimited Systems
Efficient binary cnn for medical image segmentation
A Stochastic Newton Algorithm for Distributed Convex Optimization
Bistable bacterial growth dynamics in the presence of antimicrobial agents
The gut microbiome: a key player in the complexity of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Automotive Radar Interference Mitigation with Unfolded Robust PCA based on Residual Overcomplete Auto-Encoder Blocks
In the Beginning There Were n Agents: Founding and Amending a Constitution
On the remainder term of the Weyl law for congruence subgroups of Chevalley groups
Power-law decay of weights and recurrence of the two-dimensional VRJP
Model-Inspired Deep Detection with Low-Resolution Receivers
Learning a Single Neuron with Bias Using Gradient Descent
\u201cSmooth rigidity\u201d and Remez-type inequalities
Addressing bias in prediction models by improving subpopulation calibration
Detecting spying drones
Unfolding Neural Networks for Compressive Multichannel Blind Deconvolution
Classical Proofs of Quantum Knowledge
Moving Target Imaging for Synthetic Aperture Radar Via RPCA
Explicit SoS lower bounds from high-dimensional expanders
DeepSIC: Deep Soft Interference Cancellation for Multiuser MIMO Detection
Monte Carlo renormalization-group calculation for the d=3 Ising model using a modified transformation
Personalized Postprandial Glucose ResponseTargeting Diet Versus Mediterranean Diet for Glycemic Control in Prediabetes
Model-based Deep Learning on Ultrasound Channel Data for Fast Ultrasound Localization Microscopy
Nilpotence of orbits under monodromy and the length of Melnikov functions
Effective andré-oort for non-compact curves in Hilbert modular varieties
Communication-efficient federated learning
Extended Cantor Arrays with Hole-Free Fourth-Order Difference Co-Arrays
The YomdinGromov Algebraic Lemma Revisited
Local Well-Posedness of Strong Solutions to the Three-Dimensional Compressible Primitive Equations
Sub-Nyquist spectrum sensing and learning challenge
VR Setup to Assess Peripersonal Space Audio-Tactile 3D Boundaries
View-tuned and view-invariant face encoding in IT cortex is explained by selected natural image fragments
Diversity and functional landscapes in the microbiota of animals in the wild
Introduction to Information Theory and Data Science
Relaxed and Approximate Graph Realizations
Potential role of indolelactate and butyrate in multiple sclerosis revealed by integrated microbiome-metabolome analysis
Democratic Forking: Choosing Sides with Social Choice
Persistence exponents in Markov chains
Hospital load and increased COVID-19 related mortality in Israel
Hormone seasonality in medical records suggests circannual endocrine circuits
The Min-Max Complexity of Distributed Stochastic Convex Optimization with Intermittent Communication
Adaptive Time-Channel Beamforming for Time-of-Flight Correction
Cross-reactive antibodies against human coronaviruses and the animal coronavirome suggest diagnostics for future zoonotic spillovers
Cantor uniqueness and multiplicity along subsequences
Annihilator varieties of distinguished modules of reductive Lie algebras
10 K: a largescale prospective longitudinal study in Israel
FlowsTep3D: Model Unrolling for Self-Supervised Scene Flow Estimation
Deterministic equivalence for noisy perturbations
Outcome indistinguishability
Massive MIMO As an Extreme Learning Machine
On non-optimally expanding sets in Grassmann graphs
A Parallel Algorithm for Phase Retrieval with Dictionary Learning
Model-Based Deep Learning: Key Approaches and Design Guidelines
Searchable Symmetric Encryption: Optimal Locality in Linear Space via Two-Dimensional Balanced Allocations
Graph Unrolling Networks: Interpretable Neural Networks for Graph Signal Denoising
Graph Signal Compression via Task-Based Quantization
Learned Factor Graphs for Inference From Stationary Time Sequences
Sub-NYQUIST Multichannel Blind Deconvolution
Jointly Learned Symbol Detection and Signal Reflection in RIS-Empowered Multi-user MISO Communication Systems
Assessment of Pleural Diseases Using Sub-sampled Ultrasound Channel Data
LSUSHI: Learned Sparsity Based Ultrasound Super Resolution Hemodynamic Imaging
Task-Based Graph Signal Compression
Efficient acquisition of tens of thousands of short tandem repeats in single-cell whole-genome-amplified DNA
Complexity Theory
COVID-19 dynamics after a national immunization program in Israel
Enabling Ubiquitous Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access and Pervasive Federated Learning via STAR-RIS
Image Restoration by Deep Projected GSURE
The Connection Between Approximation, Depth Separation and Learnability in Neural Networks
Population-wide diversity and stability of serum antibody epitope repertoires against human microbiota
A Local CLT for Linear Statistics of 2D Coulomb Gases
Task-Based Analog-to-Digital Converters
On the structure of random graphs with constant r-balls
Broadcast CONGEST algorithms against adversarial edges
Composed Degree-Distance Realizations of Graphs
Nonuniform SINR+Voronoi diagrams are effectively uniform
Anosmia, ageusia, and other COVID-19-like symptoms in association with a positive SARS-CoV-2 test, across six national digital surveillance platforms: an observational study
Unrolling of Deep Graph Total Variation for Image Denoising
Deep Learning for Ultrasound Image Formation: CUBDL Evaluation Framework and Open Datasets
A tight bound for the clique query problem in two rounds
Structured LISTA for Multidimensional Harmonic Retrieval
Sparse recovery of imaging transcriptomics data
New Approaches to Profile the Microbiome for Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disease
Invariant embeddings of unimodular random planar graphs
A Prediction Model to Prioritize Individuals for a SARS-CoV-2 Test Built from National Symptom Surveys
Concentration of the complexity of spherical pure p -spin models at arbitrary energies
Point of care image analysis for COVID-19
Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
Trading Locality for Time: Certifiable Randomness from Low-Depth Circuits
The mean-field quantum Heisenberg ferromagnet via representation theory
Serial Quantization for Sparse Time Sequences
Tight recovery guarantees for orthogonal matching pursuit under Gaussian noise
Aggregation over metric spaces: Proposing and voting in elections, budgeting, and legislation
Universal locally verifiable codes and 3-round interactive proofs of proximity for CSP
Universality for Langevin-like spin glass dynamics
Deep Proximal Learning for High-Resolution Plane Wave Compounding
Stress-related emotional and behavioural impact following the first COVID-19 outbreak peak
Temporal prophecy for proving temporal properties of infinite-state systems
Friendly Cut Sparsifiers and Faster Gomory-Hu Trees
FRaC: FMCW-Based Joint Radar-Communications System via Index Modulation
Unambiguous Delay-Doppler Recovery from Random Phase Coded Pulses
Graph Signal Denoising Via Unrolling Networks
On prover-efficient public-coin emulation of interactive proofs
Phase Retrieval of Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates
Self-testing of a single quantum device under computational assumptions
Phase-Space Function Recovery for Moving Target Imaging in SAR by Convex Optimization
Scenario-Based Algorithmics: Coding Algorithms by Automatic Composition of Separate Concerns
Compressed Ultrasound Imaging: from Sub-Nyquist Rates to Super-Resolution: from Sub-Nyquist Rates to Super-Resolution
Navigating in Trees with Permanently Noisy Advice
Energy harvesting via analog-to-digital conversion
Finite-time blowup and ill-posedness in Sobolev spaces of the inviscid primitive equations with rotation
Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence in the representation theory of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field
A Cryptographic Test of Quantumness and Certifiable Randomness from a Single Quantum Device
Tenfold topology of crystals: Unified classification of crystalline topological insulators and superconductors
Fault-Tolerant Labeling and Compact Routing Schemes
Upper Bounds on the Percolation Correlation Length
Deep Unfolded Recovery of Sub-Nyquist Sampled Ultrasound Images
Two-Timescale End-to-End Learning for Channel Acquisition and Hybrid Precoding
Sparsity-based approach for 3D super-resolution microscopy from correlation information of high emitter-density frames
Random Shuffling Beats SGD Only After Many Epochs on Ill-Conditioned Problems
Applications of Grothendiecks inequality to linear symplectic geometry
Interactive proofs for verifying machine learning
Deep Algorithm Unfolding for Sub-Nyquist Ultrasound Imaging
Convexification estimates for Minkowski averages in infinite dimentions
Time-Varying Graph Signal Inpainting Via Unrolling Networks
Soft-Sign Stochastic Gradient Descent Algorithm for Wireless Federated Learning
Algorithm Unrolling: Interpretable, Efficient Deep Learning for Signal and Image Processing
Anchored expansion of Delaunay complexes in real hyperbolic space and stationary point processes
Improved convergence guarantees for learning Gaussian mixture models by EM and gradient EM
An ADMM-Net for Data Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks
Single-cell analysis of regions of interest (SCARI) using a photosensitive tag
Hyperbolic self avoiding walk
Benchmarked approaches for reconstruction of in vitro cell lineages and in silico models of C. elegans and M. musculus developmental trees
Prediction of Childhood Obesity from Nationwide Health Records
Ensemble Wrapper Subsampling for Deep Modulation Classification
The long-term genetic stability and individual specificity of the human gut microbiome
Over-the-Air Federated Learning from Heterogeneous Data
New Algorithms and Lower Bounds for All-Pairs Max-Flow in Undirected Graphs
FedRec: Federated Learning of Universal Receivers over Fading Channels
General CONGEST compilers against adversarial edges
Minimum weight disk triangulations and fillings
Perfect Secure Computation in Two Rounds
The number of closed ideals in L(L-p)
Bit Constrained Communication Receivers In Joint Radar Communications Systems
Single-cell transcriptomic analyses provide insights into the developmental origins of neuroblastoma
Explaining in Style: Training a GAN to explain a classifier in StyleSpace
COVID-19 classification of X-ray images using deep neural networks
The Trimmed Lasso: Sparse Recovery Guarantees and Practical Optimization by the Generalized Soft-Min Penalty
Super-resolution Ultrasound Localization Microscopy through Deep Learning
Algebraic bounds on the Rayleigh-Benard attractor
Layered neural atlases for consistent video editing
Deconvolving Diffraction for Fast Imaging of Sparse Scenes
Sensitivity of mixing times, an example
A deep-unfolded reference-based RPCA network for video foreground-background separation
Dissection of floral transition by single-meristem transcriptomes at high temporal resolution
Spectral Neighbor Joining for Reconstruction of Latent Tree Models
A Wasserstein Minimax Framework for Mixed Linear Regression
Reconstruction Of Fri Signals Using Autoencoders With Fixed Decoders
Invited Talk: Resilient Distributed Algorithms
Adversarial laws of large numbers and optimal regret in online classification
Unified platform for genetic and serological detection of COVID-19 with single-molecule technology
Secondary vertex finding in jets with neural networks
Deep Tomographic Image Reconstruction: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow-Editorial for the 2nd Special Issue 'Machine Learning for Image Reconstruction'
Deterministic and Efficient Interactive Coding from Hard-to-Decode Tree Codes
Deep Algorithm Unrolling for Biomedical Imaging
Unsupervised Learned Kalman Filtering
Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal in the Bipartite Case
An Information-Theoretic Approach to Analog-to-Digital Compression
Fast Deep Learning for Automatic Modulation Classification
Signals of hope: gauging the impact of a rapid national vaccination campaign
Convergence Results For Q-Learning With Experience Replay
Super-Resolved Imaging of Early-Stage Dynamics in the Immune Response
Improved deterministic (Δ + 1)-coloring in low-space MPC
cSPARCOM: Multi-detector reconstruction by confocal super-resolution correlation microscopy
Channel Estimation with Simultaneous Reflecting and Sensing Reconfigurable Intelligent Metasurfaces
Personalized lab test models to quantify disease potentials in healthy individuals
IRS1 phosphorylation underlies the non-stochastic probability of cancer cells to persist during EGFR inhibition therapy
Unitary Approximate Message Passing for Sparse Bayesian Learning
Obfuscating Circuits Via Composite-Order Graded Encoding
Meta-ViterbiNet: Online Meta-Learned Viterbi Equalization for Non-Stationary Channels
Sparse Convolutional Beamforming for 3D Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging
Component Stability in Low-Space Massively Parallel Computation
Recurrent deletions in clonal hematopoiesis are driven by microhomology-mediated end joining
Phase Transitions, Distance Functions, and Implicit Neural Representations
LSPARCOM: Deep Unfolded Super-Resolution Microscopy
Artificial Intelligence and Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer: 2020 Summative Review
Deep Task-Based Quantization
A hardware prototype of sub-Nyquist radar with unknown pulses
Graph Sparsification for Derandomizing Massively Parallel Computation with Low Space
DNA methylation landscapes of 1538 breast cancers reveal a replication-linked clock, epigenomic instability and cis-regulation
Deep Permutation Equivariant Structure from Motion
Phase Transitions in Frequency Agile Radar Using Compressed Sensing
On Vertex-Weighted Graph Realizations
Large, lengthy graphs look locally like lines
Data-Driven Symbol Detection via Model-Based Machine Learning
Ambidexterity and height
Restorable Shortest Path Tiebreaking for Edge-Faulty Graphs
The Generalized TAP Free Energy II
A Framework for Integrating Domain Knowledge into Deep Networks for Lung Ultrasound, and its Applications to COVID-19
Dynamic Metasurface Antennas for MIMO-OFDM Receivers with Bit-Limited ADCs
Reporting guidelines for human microbiome research: the STORMS checklist
Oculo-retinal dynamics can explain the perception of minimal recognizable configurations
Introducing Dynamical Systems andChaos Early in Computer Science andSoftware Engineering Education Can Help Advance Theory and Practice ofSoftware Development and Computing
Adaptive Quantization of Model Updates for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning
Simple, Deterministic, Constant-Round Coloring in Congested Clique and MPC
Whittaker supports for representations of reductive groups
On the hardness of average-case k-SUM
Collaborative Inference via Ensembles on the Edge
Deterministic Replacement Path Covering
The pendulum under vibrations revisited
Adaptive restarts for stochastic synthesis
Multi-group Agnostic PAC Learnability
Evolutionary cell type mapping with single-cell genomics
Limit law for the cover time of a random walk on a binary tree
Implicit Regularization in ReLU Networks with the Square Loss
BiLiMO: Bit-Limited MIMO Radar via Task-Based Quantization
Hybrid Analog-Digital MIMO Radar Receivers With Bit-Limited ADCs
Spatial Modulation for Joint Radar-Communications Systems: Design, Analysis, and Hardware Prototype
List-Decoding with Double Samplers
Size and Depth Separation in Approximating Benign Functions with Neural Networks
The Effects of Mild Over-parameterization on the Optimization Landscape of Shallow ReLU Neural Networks
Target set selection for conservative populations
Low-Congestion Shortcuts in Constant Diameter Graphs
Gradient methods never overfit on separable data
Robust lEarned Shrinkage-Thresholding (REST): Robust unrolling for sparse recover
Retrospective cell lineage reconstruction in humans by using short tandem repeats
Deep Networks for Direction-of-Arrival Estimation in Low SNR
Large-scale association analyses identify host factors influencing human gut microbiome composition
Rigidity of Riemannian embeddings of discrete metric spaces
Building a Sybil-Resilient Digital Community Utilizing Trust-Graph Connectivity
Kalmannet: Data-Driven Kalman Filtering
Robustly self-ordered graphs: Constructions and applications to property testing
The Random Heat Equation in Dimensions Three and Higher: The Homogenization Viewpoint
Comparison of seven single cell whole genome amplification commercial kits using targeted sequencing
Time-Based Quantization for FRI and Bandlimited signals
Challenges of conducting a remote behavioral weight loss study: Lessons learned and a practical guide
Random sketching, clustering, and short-term memory in spiking neural networks
ViterbiNet: A Deep Learning Based Viterbi Algorithm for Symbol Detection
Efficiently realizing interval sequences
Deep Soft Interference Cancellation for MIMO Detection
Implicit geometric regularization for learning shapes
High-Order Oracle Complexity of Smooth and Strongly Convex Optimization
Identification of Power Line Outages
The Capacity of Memoryless Channels With Sampled Cyclostationary Gaussian Noise
Averaging Essential and Fundamental Matrices in Collinear Camera Settings
LSPARCOM:: Deep Unfolded Super-Resolution Microscopy
Rationale and design of a randomised controlled trial testing the effect of personalised diet in individuals with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes mellitus treated with metformin
Ivy: A Multi-modal Verification Tool for Distributed Algorithms
NIZK from lpn and trapdoor hash via correlation intractability for approximable relations
Pilot Sequence Design for Mitigating Pilot Contamination With Reduced RF Chains
Distributed planar reachability in nearly optimal time
Irreducible polynomials of bounded height
The computational cost of asynchronous neural communication
Wave front holonomicity of-class distributions on non-Archimedean local fields
Learning algebraic multigrid using graph neural networks
Sampling Signals on Graphs: From Theory to Applications
Batch Verification and Proofs of Proximity with Polylog Overhead
Learned SPARCOM: Unfolded Deep Super-Resolution Microscopy
Special section on the fiftieth annual ACM symposium on theory of computing (STOC 2018)
SpeedNet: Learning the Speediness in Videos
Laying the Groundwork for Intra-Robotic-Natural Limb Coordination: Is Fully Manual Control Viable?
Modeling and Recovery of Graph Signals and Difference-Based Signals
Cut-Equivalent Trees are Optimal for Min-Cut Queries
The Retracing Boomerang Attack
A single-cell view on alga-virus interactions reveals sequential transcriptional programs and infection states
Poisson brackets of partitions of unity on surfaces
Singularly optimal randomized leader election
Witness Indistinguishability for Any Single-Round Argument with Applications to Access Control
The Lower Bound for Koldobsky's Slicing Inequality via Random Rounding
A reference map of potential determinants for the human serum metabolome
The Subgraph Testing Model
Neural networks with small weights and depth-separation barriers
Chasing nested convex bodies nearly optimally
On the Profile of Multiplicities of Complete Subgraphs
Genuine Personal Identifiers and Mutual Sureties for Sybil-Resilient Community Growth
Super-rigidity and non-linearity for lattices in products
On Throughput of Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems with Low Resolution ADCs
New Slide Attacks on Almost Self-similar Ciphers
Erratum: Three-Player Entangled XOR Games are NP-hard to Approximate
The uniform distribution is complete with respect to testing identity to a fixed distribution
How to hide a clique?
Building an international consortium for tracking coronavirus health status
Axes of a revolution: challenges and promises of big data in healthcare
Task-based quantization with application to MIMO receivers
Constant ciphertext-rate non-committing encryption from standard assumptions
Non-uniqueness of weak solutions to hyperviscous Navier-Stokes equations: on sharpness of J.-L. Lions exponent
Internal diffusion-limited aggregation with uniform starting points
Outliers of random perturbations of Toeplitz matrices with finite symbols
Homological multiplicities in representation theory of p-adic groups
On the relation between the relative earth mover distance and the variation distance (an exposition)
Pseudo-mixing time of random walks
Analysis of Frequency Agile Radar from the Phase Transition Theory
Single-cell analysis of clonal maintenance of transcriptional and epigenetic states in cancer cells
The Communication-Aware Clustered Federated Learning Problem
The complexity of finding stationary points with stochastic gradient descent
Convolutional Phase Retrieval via Gradient Descent
Data-Driven Factor Graphs for Deep Symbol Detection
Multi-Level Group Testing with Application to One-Shot Pooled COVID-19 Tests
Sparse Array Design via Fractal Geometries
Out-of-band authenticated group key exchange: From strong authentication to immediate key delivery
Discrete mappings
Conjectures and results about parabolic induction of representations of GL(n)(F)
Tightness for the cover time of the two dimensional sphere
Adaptive ultrasound beamforming and compounding through model based deep learning
Fault Tolerant Approximate BFS Structures with Additive Stretch
Graph realizations: Maximum degree in vertex neighborhoods
RF Chain Reduction for MIMO Systems: A Hardware Prototype
A probabilistic error-correcting scheme that provides partial secrecy
Diffraction Line Imaging
A framework for identifying regional outbreak and spread of COVID-19 from one-minute population-wide surveys
Simpler proofs of quantumness
On Detection of Faint Edges in Noisy Images
Sparse Convolutional Beamforming for Wireless Ultrasound
Efficient and Interpretable Deep Blind Image Deblurring Via Algorithm Unrolling
Compressed Convolutional Beamforming For Wireless Ultrasound
Mixed fault tolerance in server assignment: Combining reinforcement and backup
Federated Learning with Quantization Constraints
Hardness of LWE on General Entropic Distributions
Deep Unfolded Robust PCA With Application to Clutter Suppression in Ultrasound
The human tumor microbiome is composed of tumor type-specific intracellular bacteria
Computational Paradigm to Elucidate the Effects of Arts-Based Approaches: Art and Music Studies and Implications for Research and Therapy
On the Well-Posedness of Reduced 3D Primitive Geostrophic Adjustment Model with Weak Dissipation
Minimal videos: Trade-off between spatial and temporal information in human and machine vision
Asymptotic codimensions of Mk(E)
The gut microbiome and individual-specific responses to diet
The Global Optimization Geometry of Shallow Linear Neural Networks
Deep Learning Models for Fast Ultrasound Localization Microscopy
Deep Neural Network Symbol Detection for Millimeter Wave Communications
Learning a Single Neuron with Gradient Methods
Quantum soundness of the classical low individual degree test
Deep Learning in Medical UltrasoundFrom Image Formation to Image Analysis
On signal reconstruction from FROG measurements
Approximate Modularity Revisited
A Block Sparsity Based Estimator for mmWave Massive MIMO Channels With Beam Squint
On an epidemic model on finite graphs
Group algebra criteria for vanishing of cohomology
Distributed Quantization for Sparse Time Sequences
VQA with no questions-answers training
Privately Learning Thresholds: Closing the Exponential Gap
Some effective estimates for André-Oort in Y(1) n
Tight Bounds on Online Checkpointing Algorithms
Generalized Graph Spectral Sampling with Stochastic Priors
Sample Efficient Toeplitz Covariance Estimation
Cakewalk sampling
On the optimal analysis of the collision probability tester (an exposition)
Message lower bounds via efficient network synchronization
Tighter Bounds for Online Bipartite Matching
Bounds on Dimension Reduction in the Nuclear Norm
Functional Nonlinear Sparse Models
High-throughput interrogation of programmed ribosomal frameshifting in human cells
Multiview neural surface reconstruction by disentangling geometry and appearance
Range-Doppler Decoupling and Interference Mitigation using Cognitive Random Sparse Stepped Frequency Radar
Complex Legendre duality
Two comments on targeted canonical derandomizers
LifeTime and improving European healthcare through cell-based interceptive medicine
Vertex-weighted realizations of graphs
Everything is a Race and Nakamoto Always Wins
LSPARCOM: Deep unfolded super-resolution microscopy
On the effect of the proximity parameter on property testers
High Resolution Plane Wave Compounding Through Deep Proximal Learning
Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis Volume II: Israel Seminar (GAFA) 2017-2019
On the Growth of L-2-Invariants of Locally Symmetric Spaces, II: Exotic Invariant Random Subgroups in Rank One
Global well-posedness for a rapidly rotating convection model of tall columnar structure in the limit of infinite Prandtl number
The Power of Distributed Verifiers in Interactive Proofs
COTAF: Convergent Over-the-Air Federated Learning
Theoretical Analysis of Multi-Carrier Agile Phased Array Radar
Across Scales and Across Dimensions: Temporal Super-Resolution Using Deep Internal Learning
Preference-informed fairness
On emulating interactive proofs with public coins
Set2Graph: Learning graphs from sets
Computational Complexity and Property Testing On the Interplay Between Randomness and Computation: On the Interplay Between Randomness and Computation
Some results on reducibility of parabolic induction for classical groups
Graph Sparsification for Derandomizing Massively Parallel Computation with Low Space
On (valiants) polynomial-size monotone formula for majority
Discussion of: \u201cNonparametric regression using deep neural networks with ReLU activation function\u201d
On constant-depth canonical boolean circuits for computing multilinear functions
Frequency Bias in Neural Networks for Input of Non-Uniform Density
A DFRC System Based on Multi-carrier Agile FMCW MIMO Radar for Vehicular Applications
Horocycle flows on surfaces with infinite genus: Geometric and ergodic aspects of group actions
Adaptive Ultrasound Beamforming using Deep Learning
Visualizing the structure and motion of the long noncoding RNA HOTAIR
On Divergence Approximations for Unsupervised Training of Deep Denoisers Based on Steins Unbiased Risk Estimator
Joint Transmit Beamforming for Multiuser MIMO Communications and MIMO Radar
Batch Verification for Statistical Zero Knowledge Proofs
Expecting the unexpected: Developing autonomous-system design principles for reacting to unpredicted events and conditions
Doubling Chains on Complements of Algebraic Hypersurfaces
Minimum neighboring degree realization in graphs and trees
Fluctuations of the solutions to the KPZ equation in dimensions three and higher
Impossibility of Dimension Reduction in the Nuclear Norm
A coordinate-free proof of the finiteness principle for Whitney's extension problem
The road ahead in genetics and genomics
Shotgun assembly of random jigsaw puzzles
Interval-Decomposability of Continuous Functions, and Convexity
Arithmetic Progressions in the Trace of Brownian Motion in Space
The firefighter problem on polynomial and intermediate growth groups
Improved Key Recovery Attacks on Reduced-Round AES with Practical Data and Memory Complexities
Worst-case to average-case reductions for subclasses of P
Hardness of learning neural networks with natural weights
Refined Vertex Sparsifiers of Planar Graphs
On the communication complexity methodology for proving lower bounds on the query complexity of property testing
MAJoRCom: A Dual-Function Radar Communication System Using Index Modulation
Separating two-round secure computation from oblivious transfer
Digital social contracts: A foundation for an egalitarian and just digital society
Executing Scenario-Based Specification with Dynamic Generation of Rich Events
What cryptography can bring to law
Hardware prototype demonstration of a cognitive radar with sparse array antennas
Multi-Carrier Agile Phased Array Radar
eSampling: Energy Harvesting ADCs
Automotive Dual-Function Radar Communications Systems: An Overview
Candidate iO from Homomorphic Encryption Schemes
On packing low-diameter spanning trees
Complex Trainable Ista for Linear and Nonlinear Inverse Problems
Asymptotically Optimal Blind Calibration of Acoustic Vector Sensor Uniform Linear Arrays
Identifiability Conditions for Compressive Multichannel Blind Deconvolution
Gene Architecture and Sequence Composition Underpin Selective Dependency of Nuclear Export of Long RNAs on NXF1 and the TREX Complex
Exponential Concentration for Zeroes of Stationary Gaussian Processes
Proving the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: Pruning is All You Need
On the similarity between the laplace and neural tangent kernels
Statistical model-based evaluation of neural networks
Geometry and temperature chaos in mixed spherical spin glasses at low temperature: The Perturbative Regime
Blind Phaseless Short-Time Fourier Transform Recovery
Size-independent sample complexity of neural networks
A Tight Convergence Analysis for Stochastic Gradient Descent with Delayed Updates
Zero Mach Number Limit of the Compressible Primitive Equations: Well-Prepared Initial Data
First-order quantified separators
Sensor calibration for off-the-grid spectral estimation
A Hardware Prototype of Sub-Nyquist Radar With Distorted Pulse Shape
A Cognitive Sub-Nyquist MIMO Radar Prototype
Using system models to resolve co-reference in translating natural language requirements into code
Is local SGD better than minibatch SGD?
Comparing with octopi
On constructing expanders for any number of vertices
Simple, deterministic, constant-round coloring in the congested clique
Classical zero-knowledge arguments for quantum computations
Corrigendum: A coordinate-free proof of the finiteness principle for Whitney's extension problem (vol 36, pg 1917, 2020)
Global well-posedness for the primitive equations coupled to nonlinear moisture dynamics with phase changes
Semantic pyramid for image generation
Bayesian Federated Learning over Wireless Networks
Correction to: Tightness for the cover time of the two dimensional sphere (vol 135, pg 851, 2020 )
Global well-posedness of the 3D primitive equations with horizontal viscosity and vertical diffusivity
Dynamic Metasurface Antennas for Bit-Constrained MIMO-OFDM Receivers
SAL: Sign Agnostic Learning of Shapes From Raw Data
Hardware Demonstration of a Scalable Cognitive Sparse Array
Spiking neural networks through the lens of streaming algorithms
New fault tolerant subset preservers
Robust sparse covariance estimation by thresholding Tylers M-estimator
Deconstructing 1-local expanders
Identifying gut microbes that affect human health
Clinically Accurate Prediction of Glucose Levels in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes
Local Rankin-Selberg integrals for Speh representations
Longitudinal Multi-omics Reveals Subset-Specific Mechanisms Underlying Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Geolocation With Graph-Based Model Fitting
RaSSteR: Random Sparse Step-Frequency Radar
Flexible models for testing graph properties
Exponentially Faster Shortest Paths in the Congested Clique
Well-Posedness of Strong Solutions to the Anelastic Equations of Stratified Viscous Flows
Dissecting cellular crosstalk by sequencing physically interacting cells
New Algorithms and Lower Bounds for All -Pairs Max-Flow in Undirected Graphs
Longitudinal Multi-omics Reveals Subset-Specific Mechanisms Underlying Irritable Bowel Syndrome (vol 182, pg 1460, 2020): Longitudinal Multi-omics Reveals Subset-Specific Mechanisms Underlying Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Cell (2020) 182(6) (14601473.e17), (S0092867420309983), (10.1016/j.cell.2020.08.007))
Coresets for clustering in graphs of bounded treewidth
Homology and homotopy complexity in negative curvature
A Fast-Learning Sparse Antenna Array
Prediction of gestational diabetes based on nationwide electronic health records
High Resolution FDMA MIMO Radar
Can two walk together: Privacy enhancing methods and preventing tracking of users
Rich data sets could end costly drug discovery
A measure of smell enables the creation of olfactory metamers
Longitudinal symptom dynamics of COVID-19 infection
Polylog Dimensional Subspaces of l(infinity)(N)
Deep Learning in Ultrasound Imaging
Distributed Graph Realizations
The Security of Lazy Users in Out-of-Band Authentication
Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis Israel Seminar (GAFA) 2017-2019 Volume I
Beyond Trees: Classification with Sparse Pairwise Dependencies\u200f
Data-Driven Symbol Detection via Model-Based Machine Learning
Deep Adaptive Beamforming of Subsampled Channel Data
Quenched and annealed temporal limit theorems for circle rotation
Spectrum of random perturbations of Toeplitz matrices with finite symbols
Donor cell leukemia: reappearance of gene mutations in donor cells - more than an incidental phenomenon?
On the horofunction boundary of discrete Heisenberg group
On the Error Exponent of Approximate Sufficient Statistics for M-ary Hypothesis Testing
The Toom Interface via Coupling
Conditioning of Partial Nonuniform Fourier Matrices with Clustered Nodes
DeepSIC: Deep Soft Interference Cancellation for Multiuser MIMO Detection
Derandomizing local distributed algorithms under bandwidth restrictions
New (α, β) spanners and hopsets
Complex interpolation of R-norms, duality and foliations
Multi-Carrier Agile Phased Array Radar
Maximum of the Characteristic Polynomial for a Random Permutation Matrix
Deep Adaptive Beamforming: Reproducibility and Generalization
Reducing testing affine spaces to testing linearity of functions
Challenge on Ultrasound Beamforming with Deep Learning (CUBDL)
Does the Cerebellum Implement or Select Geometries? A Speculative Note
Random walk in changing environment
Learning Task-Based Analog-to-Digital Conversion for MIMO Receivers
Enhancing the Kramers-Kronig Receiver via Dispersion-Based Spatial Diversity
Regularity \u201cin Large\u201d for the 3D Salmons Planetary Geostrophic Model of Ocean Dynamics
Generalized Sampling on Graphs With Subspace and Smoothness Priors
Data-driven symbol detection via model-based machine learning
Preference-informed fairness
Verifying quantum computations at scale: A cryptographic leash on quantum devices
Non-interactive zero-knowledge arguments for qma, with preprocessing
Lattice envelopes
Labelings vs. Embeddings: On distributed representations of distances
FHE-Based Bootstrapping of Designated-Prover NIZK
The integral transform of n.i. akhiezer
Mixed preferential attachment model: Homophily and minorities in social networks
Scalable pseudorandom quantum states
Distributed constructions of dual-failure fault-tolerant distance preservers
Sketching graphs and combinatorial optimization
Joint Radar-Communication Strategies for Autonomous Vehicles: Combining Two Key Automotive Technologies
Schatten norms in matrix streams: Hello sparsity, goodbye dimension
Sublinear Algorithms for Gap Edit Distance
Coupled Dictionary Learning for Multi-contrast MRI Reconstruction
Super-resolution photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging with sparse arrays
New (alpha, beta) Spanners and Hopsets
On the minimal size of a generating set of lattices in lie groups
Instance complexity and unlabeled certificates in the decision tree model
Autonomics: In search of a foundation for next-generation autonomous systems
Complexity Reduction Methods for Index Modulation Based Dual-Function Radar Communication Systems
Some combinatorial results on smooth permutations
A Coding Theory Perspective on Multiplexed Molecular Profiling of Biological Tissues
Uniform in Time Error Estimates for a Finite Element Method Applied to a Downscaling Data Assimilation Algorithm for the Navier--Stokes Equations
A three-player coherent state embezzlement game
Super-resolution Ultrasound Imaging
Agreement tests on graphs and hypergraphs
Constant-round interactive proof systems for AC0[2] and NC1
Lossiness and entropic hardness for ring-LWE
Global regularity for a rapidly rotating constrained convection model of tall columnar structure with weak dissipation
On the size of depth-three boolean circuits for computing multilinear functions
Abstracting fairness: Oracles, metrics, and interpretability
Recurrence of Markov chain traces
Developing a COVID-19 mortality risk prediction model when individual-level data are not available
Super-perfect zero-knowledge proofs
Fully discrete numerical schemes of a data assimilation algorithm: uniform-in-time error estimates
How Good is SGD with Random Shuffling?
Enhanced Channel Estimation in Massive MIMO via Coordinated Pilot Design
Self-normalized Moderate Deviations for Random Walk in Random Scenery
Flow-cut gaps and face covers in planar graphs
The generalized microscopic image reconstruction problem
Verifier-on-a-leash: New schemes for verifiable delegated quantum computation, with quasilinear resources
Hardware prototype demonstration of a cognitive sub-Nyquist automotive radar
An Algorithm Unrolling Approach to Deep Image Deblurring
Ideals in L(L-1)
Dynamic Metasurface Antennas Based Downlink Massive MIMO Systems
On the Capacity of Sampled Interference-Limited Communications Channels
Planar Diameter via Metric Compression
Representations and Nilpotent Orbits of Lie Algebraic Systems: In Honour of the 75th Birthday of Tony Joseph
TenDSuR: Tensor-Based 4D Sub-Nyquist Radar
Symbolic dynamics for three-dimensional flows with positive topological entropy
Bounds on multiplicities of spherical spaces over finite fields
Direct sum testing: The general case
Sub-Nyquist Radar: Principles and Prototypes
CNN-based cognitive radar array selection
A Family of Hybrid Analog-Digital Beamforming Methods for Massive MIMO Systems
Spectral Filtering of Interpolant Observables for a Discrete-in-Time Downscaling Data Assimilation Algorithm
Deterministic Somatic Cell Reprogramming Involves Continuous Transcriptional Changes Governed by Myc and Epigenetic-Driven Modules
Vertex-weighted realizations of graphs
Rapid social connectivity
Rapid quantum image scanning microscopy by joint sparse reconstruction
Frequency Domain Convolutional Beamforming
Potential roles of gut microbiome and metabolites in modulating ALS in mice
Providing Sound Foundations for Cryptography: On the Work of Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali
Hardware-Limited Task-Based Quantization
Analytic Continuation of Equivariant Distributions
Sybil-Resilient Conductance-Based Community Growth
Clutter Suppressed Deep Beamformer for Echocardiography using Deep Learning
Hierarchy Theorems for Testing Properties in Size-Oblivious Query Complexity
From Operator Algebras to Complexity Theory and Back
MetaCell: analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data using K-nn graph partitions
Complex Trainable ISTA for Linear and Nonlinear Inverse Problems
White-Box vs. Black-Box Complexity of Search Problems: Ramsey and Graph Property Testing
"Double-DIP": Unsupervised Image Decomposition via Coupled Deep-Image-Priors
Roy's largest root under rank-one perturbations: The complex valued case and applications
Hardness-Preserving Reductions via Cuckoo Hashing
Asymptotic Task-Based Quantization With Application to Massive MIMO
Optimizing Pilots and Analog Processing for Channel Estimation in Cell-Free Massive MIMO With One-Bit ADCs
Adaptive Beamforming Through Model-Aware Intelligent Agents
Deep Symbol Detection for Millimeter Wave Communications
Analyzing Boolean functions on the biased hypercube via higher-dimensional agreement tests: [Extended abstract]
Random Preferential Attachment Hypergraph
Task-Based Quantization for Recovering Quadratic Functions Using Principal Inertia Components
Semantic program alignment for equivalence checking
Towards Automated Defect Analysis Using Execution Traces of Scenario-Based Models
Graph Profile Realizations and Applications to Social Networks
Dictionary Learning for Adaptive GPR Landmine Classification
Tradeoff Between Delay and High SNR Capacity in Quantized MIMO Systems
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Using a Residual Convolutional Neural Network
The subgraph testing model
Flow logic
Sparse Arrays for 3D Imaging with Diverging Waves
Systematic interrogation of human promoters
Global Existence of Weak Solutions to the Compressible Primitive Equations of Atmospheric Dynamics with Degenerate Viscosities
On the Completeness of Gaussians in a Hilbert Functional Space
Deep-Sparse Array Cognitive Radar
Order-LWE and the Hardness of Ring-LWE with Entropic Secrets
Infinite orbit depth and length of Melnikov functions
Double-blind holography of attosecond pulses
Deep Learning for Super-Resolution Vascular Ultrasound Imaging
Deep Learning for Interference Identification: Band, Training SNR, and Sample Selection
On the analytic properties of intertwining operators II: Local degree bounds and limit multiplicities
Sparse Fractal Array Design with Increased Degrees of Freedom
A polynomial time constant approximation for minimizing total weighted flow-time
Deep Learning for Interference Identification: Band, Training SNR, and Sample Selection
The 9 Lives of Bleichenbacher's CAT: New Cache ATtacks on TLS Implementations
Hardware-Limited Task-Based Quantization
Invariant and equivariant graph networks
Local transform-based data fusion for high resolution dynamic MRI
Learning to optimize multigrid PDE solvers
Low congestion cycle covers and their applications
Exploiting Flow Dynamics for Superresolution in Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound
Deep Algorithm Unrolling for Blind Image Deblurring
Xerox Day Vulnerability
The Distortion-Rate Function of Sampled Wiener Processes
A tightness property of relatively smooth permutations
Generalized Sampling on Graphs With A Subspace Prior
Downscaling data assimilation algorithm with applications to statistical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations
Dysfunctional CD8 T Cells Form a Proliferative, Dynamically Regulated Compartment within Human Melanoma
ViterbiNet: Symbol Detection Using a Deep Learning Based Viterbi Algorithm
Poisson processes and a log-concave Bernstein theorem
First order rigidity of non-uniform higher rank arithmetic groups
Controlling Neural Level Sets
The rationale and design of the personal diet study, a randomized clinical trial evaluating a personalized approach to weight loss in individuals with pre-diabetes and early-stage type 2 diabetes
On Multiterminal Communication over MIMO Channels with One-bit ADCs at the Receivers
"Blind" visual inference by composition
Regularization of non-normal matrices by Gaussian noise - the banded Toeplitz and twisted Toeplitz cases
Quantum Proof Systems for Iterated Exponential Time, and Beyond
Worst-Case Hardness for LPN and Cryptographic Hashing via Code Smoothing
Sinkhorn Algorithm for Lifted Assignment Problems
Parallel Coordinate Descent Algorithms for Sparse Phase Retrieval
Exponential Convergence Time of Gradient Descent for One-Dimensional Deep Linear Neural Networks
Analyzing Boolean functions on the biased hypercube via higher-dimensional agreement tests
Emergence of behavior through morphology: a case study on an octopus inspired manipulator
Sparse Recovery Over Nonlinear Dictionaries
Optimal Number of Measurements in a Linear System With Quadratically Decreasing SNR
Hotelling Games with Random Tolerance Intervals
Small cuts and connectivity certificates: A fault tolerant approach
Frequency agile radar using atomic norm soft thresholding with modulations
Deep Quantization for MIMO Channel Estimation
Task-Based Quantization for Massive MIMO Channel Estimation
On the Sample Complexity of Multichannel Frequency Estimation via Convex Optimization
Majority Vote and Monopolies in Social Networks
Fine-grained complexity meets IP = PSPACE
The Complexity of Making the Gradient Small in Stochastic Convex Optimization
Distributed distance computation and routing with small messages
Blind Detection for Ambient Backscatter Communication System with Multiple-Antenna tags
Radar and Communication Co-existence: An Overview: A review of recent methods
Intersegmental coordination patterns are differently affected in Parkinson's disease and cerebellar ataxia
Sample Efficient Toeplitz Covariance Estimation
Structural variation in the gut microbiome associates with host health
Secure distributed computing made (nearly) optimal
Dissecting splicing decisions and cell-to-cell variability with designed sequence libraries
Zero Counting and Invariant Sets of Differential Equations
Every Set in P Is Strongly Testable Under a Suitable Encoding
Perspective Games
MARS-seq2.0: an experimental and analytical pipeline for indexed sorting combined with single-cell RNA sequencing
Labor Division with Movable Walls: Composing Executable Specifications with Machine Learning and Search (Blue Sky Idea)
Computationally-secure and composable remote state preparation
Uniqueness of the infinite noodle
Labyrinth ice pattern formation induced by near-infrared irradiation
On Algebraic Properties of Low Rank Approximations of Prony Systems
Robust Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Beamspace Massive MIMO
Dynamic Metasurfaces for Massive MIMO Networks
Heat Kernel for Liouville Brownian Motion and Liouville Graph Distance
Testing Bipartitness in an Augmented VDF Bounded-Degree Graph Model
Complex cellular structures
Semi-Supervised Learning in Network-Structured Data via Total Variation Minimization
Simple and Tight Device-Independent Security Proofs
Frequency-Resolved Optical Gating Recovery via Smoothing Gradient
Genuine Personal Identifiers and Mutual Sureties for Sybil-Resilient Community Formation
Lattices in amenable groups
Max-Min Greedy Matching
Distributed algorithms made secure: A graph theoretic approach
Efficiently realizing interval sequences
A variational problem determined by probability measures
How to (not) Share a Password: Privacy Preserving Protocols for Finding Heavy Hitters with Adversarial Behavior
A Dual-Function Radar Communication System Using Index Modulation
Onsager's conjecture in bounded domains for the conservation of entropy and other companion laws
One more proof of the Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality
Extremal KählerEinstein metric for two-dimensional convex bodies
Computational Music Therapy
Depth from Texture Integration
(Pseudo) Random Quantum States with Binary Phase
GPSFM: Global projective sfm using algebraic constraints on multi-view fundamental matrices
Using reactive-system modeling techniques to create executable models of biochemical pathways
A Significant Expansion of Our Understanding of the Composition of the Human Microbiome
Finding a Nash Equilibrium Is No Easier Than Breaking Fiat-Shamir
Hardware-Limited Task-Based Quantization
Bloom filters in adversarial environments
Density of algebraic points on Noetherian varieties
iMAP Beamforming for High-Quality High Frame Rate Imaging
HYDRA: Hybrid deep magnetic resonance fingerprinting
Resultant Based Incremental Recovery of Camera Pose from Pairwise Matches
On the support of matrix coefficients of supercuspidal representations of the general linear group over a local non-archimedean field
On Quantum Advantage in Information Theoretic Single-Server PIR
Drones' Cryptanalysis - Smashing Cryptography with a Flicker
Optimization with Demand Oracles
Depth Separations in Neural Networks: What is Actually Being Separated?
Algebraic characterization of essential matrices and their averaging in multiview settings
The primitive equations as the small aspect ratio limit of the Navier-Stokes equations: Rigorous justification of the hydrostatic approximation
The relationship between Gini terminology and the ROC curve
Towards Vascular Ultrasound Super-Resolution Without Contrast Agents
Convergent evolution of face spaces across human face-selective neuronal groups and deep convolutional networks
Continuous Data Assimilation with Blurred-in-Time Measurements of the Surface Quasi-Geostrophic Equation
The pros, cons, and many unknowns of probiotics
Joint Sampling and Recovery of Correlated Sources
Counting to Ten with Two Fingers: Compressed Counting with Spiking Neurons
Ultrasound imaging using iterative maximum a-posteriori beamforming
Erratum: Deciphering the rules by which 5-UTR sequences affect protein expression in yeast (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2013) 110 (E2792E2801) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1222534110)
Onsager's Conjecture with Physical Boundaries and an Application to the Vanishing Viscosity Limit
On solving linear systems in sublinear time
A method for obtaining digital signatures and public key cryptosystems
Hardware-Limited Task-Based Quantization
Using neuroscience to develop artificial intelligence
Relaxed Voronoi: A simple framework for terminal-clustering problems
The Set Cover Conjecture and Subgraph Isomorphism with a Tree Pattern
TASO: Optimizing deep learning computation with automatic generation of graph substitutions
Implications and methods for co-existing automotive radar and communication systems
Generalized and degenerate Whittaker quotients and Fourier coefficients
A New Approach to Fair Distribution of Welfare
An Algorithm Unrolling Approach to Deep Image Deblurring
Coordinated Pilot Design for Massive MIMO
Deep Signal Recovery with One-Bit Quantization
Surface Networks via General Covers
A Determining Form for the Subcritical Surface Quasi-Geostrophic Equation
On the Spectral Efficiency of Noncooperative Uplink Massive MIMO Systems
Beam Alignment and Tracking for Autonomous Vehicular Communication using IEEE 802.11ad-based Radar
InGAN: Capturing and Retargeting the "DNA" of a Natural Image
A Whole-Body Sensory-Motor Gradient is Revealed in the Medial Wall of the Parietal Lobe
On Multiterminal Communication over MIMO Channels with One-bit ADCs at the Receivers
The Convergence Rate of Neural Networks for Learned Functions of Different Frequencies
Computational elucidation of the effects induced by music making
Agreement Testing Theorems on Layered Set Systems
Movement Decomposition in the Primary Motor Cortex
Multi-player flow games
Proper Self-Similar Triangle Tiling and Representing Weight Diagrams in the Plane
Parallel Balanced Allocations: The Heavily Loaded Case
Homogenization of a class of one-dimensional nonconvex viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations with random potential
List Decoding with Double Samplers
Subsequential tightness of the maximum of two dimensional Ginzburg-Landau fields
Sybil-resilient reality-aware social choice
Finding cliques using few probes
On the Complexity of Estimating the Effective Support Size
Spectral Efficiency of Noncooperative Uplink Massive MIMO Systems with Joint Decoding
SPoC: Search-based pseudocode to code
Special section on the fifty-seventhth annual IEEE symposium on foundations of computer science (2016)
Linear representations of random groups
Learning from Outcomes: Evidence-Based Rankings
Convexity and Closure in Optimal Allocations Determined by Decomposable Measures
Minimal Recognizable Configurations Elicit Category-selective Responses in Higher Order Visual Cortex
A quantum-proof non-malleable extractor: With application to privacy amplification against active quantum adversaries
Economic efficiency requires interaction
Strong Locally Testable Codes with Relaxed Local Decoders
Motor compositionality and timing: Combined geometrical and optimization approaches
SPARCOM: Sparsity Based Super-resolution Correlation Microscopy
Fiat-Shamir: From Practice to Theory
An adelic arithmeticity theorem for lattices in products
Super-resolution photoacoustic imaging with a sparse array (Conference Presentation)
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting using a Residual Convolutional Neural Network
Super-Resolution using Flow Estimation in Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Imaging
Sampling and Super Resolution of Sparse Signals Beyond the Fourier Domain
Dynamic Metasurface Antennas for Uplink Massive MIMO Systems
Testing Graphs in Vertex-Distribution-Free Models
An Industry and Government Perspective on Challenges and Open Problems in Signal Processing. ICASSP Panel
Generalized Sampling on Graphs With A Subspace Prior
Godbillon-Vey sequence and Francoise algorithm
Sequence determinants of polyadenylation-mediated regulation
Leveraging Linear Decryption: Rate-1 Fully-Homomorphic Encryption and Time-Lock Puzzles
Serial Quantization for Representing Sparse Signals
Degree 2 is Complete for the Round-Complexity of Malicious MPC
Deep Convolutional Robust PCA with Application to Ultrasound Imaging
From Local to Robust Testing via Agreement Testing
Faster algorithms for all-pairs bounded min-cuts
Aggregation over Metric Spaces: Proposing and Voting in Elections, Budgeting, and Legislation
Verification of threshold-based distributed algorithms by decomposition to decidable logics
Improving techniques for diagnostics of laser pulses by compact representations
Cognitive radar antenna selection via deep learning
Incrementally Verifiable Computation via Incremental PCPs
Compressed Sensing in Radar Signal Processing
The EXPANDER Integrated Platform for Transcriptome Analysis
Linear variational principle for Riemann mappings and discrete conformality
Deep Learning for Fast Adaptive Beamforming
Global DNA methylation reflects spatial heterogeneity and molecular evolution of lung adenocarcinomas
Super-Resolution Vascular Ultrasound Through Deep Unfolded Convolutional ISTA
Oracle complexity of second-order methods for smooth convex optimization
Barrier estimates for a critical Galton-Watson process and the cover time of the binary tree
The Communication Complexity of Local Search
Community Inference from Graph Signals with Hidden Nodes
Unimodal value distribution of Laplace eigenfunctions and a monotonicity formula
Short tandem repeat stutter model inferred from direct measurement of in vitro stutter noise
Centralized Identification of Imbalances in Power Networks With Synchrophasor Data
Gentle Measurement of Quantum States and Differential Privacy
Space lower bounds for linear prediction in the streaming model
Compressed LISTA exploiting toeplitz structure
Max-min greedy matching
Bounded quantifier instantiation for checking inductive invariants
Single cell dissection of plasma cell heterogeneity in symptomatic and asymptomatic myeloma
Brochette percolation
Lace expansion for dummies
Optimizing Pilots and Analog Processing for Channel Estimation in Cell-Free Massive MIMO With One-Bit ADCs
Fundamental Distortion Limits of Analog-to-Digital Compression
Environment dominates over host genetics in shaping human gut microbiota
A General Framework for MIMO Receivers with Low-Resolution Quantization
Learning with Errors and Extrapolated Dihedral Cosets
Regularization learning networks: Deep learning for tabular datasets
Zeroes and rational points of analytic functions
Separation of Contrast Agents from Tissue via an Unfolded Deep Learning Scheme
The Distortion Rate Function of Cyclostationary Gaussian Processes
Anchored expansion, speed and the PoissonVoronoi tessellation in symmetric spaces
Assimilation of Nearly Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Flow Through Vorticity or Local Circulation Measurements: A Computational Study
Strong Duality of Sparse Functional Optimization
Guest Editorial Special Issue on Sparsity Driven Methods in Medical Ultrasound
An approximation principle for congruence subgroups II: application to the limit multiplicity problem
Pseudo constant time implementations of TLS are only pseudo secure
Temporal Prophecy for Proving Temporal Properties of Infinite-State Systems
A computational investigation of the finite-time blow-up of the 3D incompressible Euler equations based on the Voigt regularization
On the Extension of Onsager's Conjecture for General Conservation Laws
Sparse Estimation of Faults by Compressed Sensing With Structural Constraints
Detecting Correlations with Little Memory and Communication
On relative and probabilistic finite counterability
Estimates for moments of general measures on convex bodies
point:: Foundations of Internet-enabled Democracy
Preferential attachment as a unique equilibrium
Multi-input Functional Encryption in the Private-Key Setting: Stronger Security from Weaker Assumptions
Reducing liveness to safety in first-order logic
Gaschütz lemma for compact groups
Sparsity-based super-resolution microscopy from correlation information
Sub-Nyquist Radar Systems: Temporal, Spectral, and Spatial Compression
Average Case Analysis of Compressive Multichannel Frequency Estimation Using Atomic Norm Minimization
Kneser graphs are like swiss cheese
On a conjecture of Jacquet, Lai, and Rallis: Some exceptional cases
Simple doubly-e cient interactive proof systems for locally-characterizable sets
Model-aware deep learning for clutter suppression in contrast-enhanced ultrasounds
13-fold resolution gain through turbid layer via translated unknown speckle illumination
Limits on low-degree pseudorandom generators (Or: Sum-of-squares meets program obfuscation)
Sparse Doppler Sensing Based on Nested Arrays
Sparse Beamforming based on Cantor Arrays
Multiple Carrier Agile Radar via Compressed Sensing
On Near Integrability of Some Impact Systems
Laplacian Pyramid Based Data Fusion for High Resolution Dynamic MRI
Sparsity-based ultrasound super-resolution hemodynamic imaging
Motion cues modulate responses to emotion in movies
Some open problems in asymptotic geometric analysis
Pilot Contamination Mitigation with Reduced RF Chains
Doppler ultrasound using sparse emission pattern
Analysis of Frequency Agile Radar via Compressed Sensing
Large dispersion, averaging and attractors: three 1D paradigms
The Nystrom Extension for Signals Defined on a Graph
Entanglement of approximate quantum strategies in XOR games
Non-trivial witness encryption and null-io from standard assumptions
Fault-Tolerant approximate BFS structures
The Learned Inexact Project Gradient Descent Algorithm
Kazhdan-Margulis theorem for invariant random subgroups
A Conversation with S. R. S. Varadhan
Tradeoffs Between Convergence Speed and Reconstruction Accuracy in Inverse Problems
Point Convolutional Neural Networks by Extension Operators
Sparse graph limits along balls
Sparsity-based super-resolution correlation microscopy
Spanning-tree games
Sybil-Resilient Reality-Aware Social Choice
What Can Immunologists Learn from Systems Approaches?
Incorporating Reality into Social Choice
Solving Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Using Fewer Images by Jointly Optimizing Low-rank Matrix Completion and Integrability
Projection pursuit in high dimensions
Searching for visual features that explain response variance of face neurons in inferior temporal cortex
Matrix rigidity of random Toeplitz matrices
A model for discovering 'containment' relations
Rulesets for Beatty games
Role of the gut microbiota in nutrition and health
Fourier-Domain Beamforming and Structure-Based Reconstruction for Plane-Wave Imaging
Spurious local minima are common in two-layer ReLU neural networks
The Ordered Covering Problem
Anonymous IBE, leakage resilience and circular security from new assumptions
Local rigidity of uniform lattices
Ultrasound Computerized Tomography Registration using Generative Adversarial Networks
Sketching and embedding are equivalent for norms
The Helix Twist: Damage and Repair Follows the DNA Minor Groove
Action Classification via Concepts and Attributes
A Markov Variation Approach to Smooth Graph Signal Interpolation
Beamforming with coded signals in frequency domain
Coarse equivalence and topological couplings of locally compact groups
SUSHI: Sparsity-Based Ultrasound Super-Resolution Hemodynamic Imaging
The Edwards-Wilkinson Limit of the Random Heat Equation in Dimensions Three and Higher
Spectrum Sharing Radar: Coexistence via Xampling
Introduction to the Issue on Information-Theoretic Methods in Data Acquisition, Analysis, and Processing
Multi-chart Generative Surface Modeling
Deep-ULM: Super-resolution Ultrasound Localization Microscopy through Deep Learning
Post-Antibiotic Gut Mucosal Microbiome Reconstitution Is Impaired by Probiotics and Improved by Autologous FMT
Counting t-Cliques: Worst-Case to Average-Case Reductions and Direct Interactive Proof Systems
Analog-to-Digital Compression A new paradigm for converting signals to bits: A New Paradigm for Converting Signals to Bits
Exploiting Microbubble Flow Dynamics to Improve Super-resolution Ultrasound Imaging
Cnidarian Cell Type Diversity and Regulation Revealed by Whole-Organism Single-Cell RNA-Seq
Bandit Regret Scaling with the Effective Loss Range
Probiotics administration following sleeve gastrectomy surgery: a randomized double-blind trial
Coupled dictionary learning for multi-contrast MRI reconstruction
The Curie-Weiss model with Complex Temperature: Phase Transitions
The Rothschild-Weizmann Masters Program for practicing mathematics teachers
Prediction of acute myeloid leukaemia risk in healthy individuals
Tight bounds on online checkpointing algorithms
Composable and versatile privacy via truncated CDP
Sparse Emission Pattern in Blood Doppler Ultrasound
Improved approximation algorithms for weighted 2-path partitions
Combinatorial Cost Sharing
Total Variation Iterative Linear Expansion of Thresholds With Applications in CT
Graph Sampling With and Without Input Priors
Smooth Graph Signal Interpolation for Big Data
Solving Systems of Random Quadratic Equations via Truncated Amplitude Flow
Optimized Sparse Array Design Based on the Sum Coarray
Is Shapley cost sharing optimal?
Combinatorial auctions with endowment effect
Dual kashiwara functions for the B(∞) crystal
Affine hemispheres of elliptic type
SpectralNet: Spectral clustering using deep neural networks
Improved Key Recovery Attacks on Reduced-Round AES with Practical Data and Memory Complexities
Perfect secure computation in two rounds
On Fienup Methods for Sparse Phase Retrieval
"Zero-Shot" Super-Resolution using Deep Internal Learning
Centralized Identification of Imbalances in Power Networks With Synchrophasor Data
Towards utilization of the human genome and microbiome for personalized nutrition
Rolling shutter imaging on the electric grid
A view on invariant random subgroups and lattices
Global Cryptodemocracy Is Possible and Desirable
Fault-Tolerant Hotelling Games
Asymptotic windings of horocycles
Sparse Transmission Strategy for Transverse Doppler Spectrum Estimation
Sparsity-based ultrasound super-resolution imaging
Geometric conditions for square-irreducibility of certain representations of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field
Zero-knowledge protocols for search problems
Full interpretation of minimal images
Flow games
Analog to Digital Cognitive Radio
Stabilizing the long-time behavior of the forced Navier-Stokes and damped Euler systems by large mean flow
(Probably) concave graph matching
Robust Inference for Multiclass Classification
Test for a large amount of entanglement using few measurements
An example related to the slicing inequality for general measures
Autoequivalences of the category of schemes
The Enhanced Kramers Kronig Receiver
Single Letter Formulas for Quantized Compressed Sensing with Gaussian Codebooks
Invariant random subgroups over non-Archimedean local fields
Analog-to-Digital Cognitive Radio: Sampling, detection, and hardware
Where does a random process hit a fractal barrier?
Image interpretation above and below the object level
Trails for Minuscule Modules and Dual Kashiwara Functions for the B(∞) Crystal
Sparse Convolutional Beamforming for Ultrasound Imaging
A cryptographic test of quantumness and certifiable randomness from a single quantum device
The Maximum of the CUE Field
Proofs of proximity for context-free languages and read-once branching programs
Measurement Matrix Design for Phase Retrieval Based on Mutual Information
Isotropic constants and Mahler volumes
A Systematic p53 Mutation Library Links Differential Functional Impact to Cancer Mutation Pattern and Evolutionary Conservation
Are ResNets Provably Better than Linear Predictors?
Boolean function analysis on high-dimensional expanders
Percolation and coarse conformal uniformization
Low-rank magnetic resonance fingerprinting
On non-optimally expanding sets in grassmann graphs
Around two theorems and a lemma by Lucio Russo
Modularity for decidability of deductive verification with applications to distributed systems
A biological-computational human cell lineage discovery platform based on duplex molecular inversion probes
Learning Binary Latent Variable Models: A Tensor Eigenpair Approach
Wireless expanders
Self-adjoint boundary conditions for the prolate spheroid differential operator
Deep Signal Recovery with One-Bit Quantization
Robust Optimization for Topological Surface Reconstruction
Large deviations and sum rules for spectral theory. A pedagogical approach: A pedagogical approach
Elites in social networks: An axiomatic approach to power balance and Price's square root law
Chvatal's conjecture and correlation inequalities
Integrable Modules Over Affine Lie Superalgebras sl(1 vertical bar n)((1))
Functional characterization of the p53 "mutome"
Global non-convex optimization with discretized diffusions
Photometric Stereo by Hemispherical Metric Embedding
Mixed fault tolerance in server assignment: Combining reinforcement and backup
Function-Private Functional Encryption in the Private-Key Setting
Realizability of graph specifications: Characterizations and algorithms
A new interpretation of the Catalan numbers arising in the theory of crystals
On the liouville heat kernel for k-coarse MBRW
Deductive Verification in Decidable Fragments with Ivy
Circular law for the sum of random permutation matrices
Global strong solutions for the three-dimensional Hasegawa-Mima model with partial dissipation
Host genetics and microbiome associations through the lens of genome wide association studies
Distribution-specific hardness of learning neural networks
Convexity properties of the canonical S-graphs
A lecture on invariant random subgroups
Impossibility of dimension reduction in the nuclear norm
The Security of Lazy Users in Out-of-Band Authentication
Meta-analysis of human genome-microbiome association studies: The MiBioGen consortium initiative
Towards Integration of Context-Based and Scenario-Based Development
Wise Computing: Toward Endowing System Development with Proactive Wisdom
An approximation principle for congruence subgroups
Early metazoan cell type diversity and the evolution of multicellular gene regulation
Correction : Sparsity-based super-resolution microscopy from correlation information (vol 26, pg 18238, 2018)
On the distinguished spectrum of Sp(2n) with respect to Sp(n) x Sp(n)
The discrete sign problem: Uniqueness, recovery algorithms and phase retrieval applications
Two-Message Statistically Sender-Private OT from LWE
Modularity for decidability of deductive verification with applications to distributed systems
Growth of central polynomials of verbally prime algebras
On the probe complexity of local computation algorithms
Computing singularly perturbed differential equations
Efficient Distributed Execution of Multi-component Scenario-Based Models
Recovering signals from their FROG trace
Combinatorial games: Selected bibliography with a succinct gourmetintroduction
Newton Correction Methods for Computing Real Eigenpairs of Symmetric Tensors
Multi-player flow games
Efficient batch verification for UP
Conditional Lower Bounds for All-Pairs Max-Flow
Perceptual Dominance in Brief Presentations of Mixed Images: Human Perception vs. Deep Neural Networks
Quantum FHE (Almost) As Secure As Classical
Towards a proof of the 2-to-1 games conjecture?
The speed-curvature power law of movements: a reappraisal
Eigenvectors of non normal random matrices
Single-cell characterization of haematopoietic progenitors and their trajectories in homeostasis and perturbed haematopoiesis
Towards systematic and automatic handling of execution traces associated with scenario-based models
Collision resistant hashing for paranoids: dealing with multiple collisions
How to Share a Secret, Infinitely
Personalized Gut Mucosal Colonization Resistance to Empiric Probiotics Is Associated with Unique Host and Microbiome Features
Complexity Theory
On the journey from nematode to human, scientists dive by the zebrafish cell lineage tree
Entanglement in Non-local Games and the Hyperlinear Profile of Groups
Internal versus external denoisingBenefits and bounds
A trichotomy theorem for transformation groups of locally symmetric manifolds and topological rigidity
An Isoperimetric Inequality for Planar Triangulations
Eldan's Stochastic Localization and Tubular Neighborhoods of Complex-Analytic Sets
Invariant generalized functions supported on an orbit
Embedding scenario-based modeling in statecharts
Patterns in the generalized Fibonacci word, applied to games
Toward scenario-based algorithmics
ETH-Hardness of Approximating 2-CSPs and Directed Steiner Network
Formal Factorization of Higher Order Irregular Linear Differential Operators
The unfortunate-flow problem
Subspace Estimation From Incomplete Observations: A High-Dimensional Analysis
Multicalibration: Calibration for the (computationally-identifiable) masses
Low-degree testing for quantum states, and a quantum entangled games PCP for QMA
Onsager's Conjecture for the Incompressible Euler Equations in Bounded Domains
Special issue on combinatorial game theory
CramérRao Lower Bound on AoA Estimation Using an RF Lens-Embedded Antenna Array
Laplacian pyramid based data fusion for high resolution dynamic MRI
Recent advances concerning certain class of geophysical flows
Unraveling the determinants of microRNA mediated regulation using a massively parallel reporter assay
Elasticity-based matching by minimising the symmetric difference of shapes
On MIMO Channel Capacity with Output Quantization Constraints
Invariant rho-percolation on regular trees
The topology of wireless communication on a line
Recovering Lost Information in the Digital World
Improved Super-resolution by Exploiting Microbubble Kinematics in Ultrasound Imaging
Brief announcement: Zero-knowledge protocols for search problems
Bounding the length of iterated integrals of the first nonzero melnikov function
SUMMeR: Sub-Nyquist MIMO Radar
Revenue loss in shrinking markets
Fairness through computationally-bounded awareness
On doubly-efficient interactive proof systems
Non-Convex Phase Retrieval From STFT Measurements
Distributed computing on coreperiphery networks: Axiom-based design
Modeling and analysis of glass ceiling and power inequality in bi-populated societies
Bounded quantifier instantiation for checking inductive invariants
Acoustic Cryptanalysis
Invariable generation of Thompson groups
On a Family of Laurent Polynomials Generated by 2×2 Matrices
Direct sum testing
Rate-distortion trade-offs in acquisition of signal parameters
Quantum State Tomography with a Single Observable
Maintaining communication in multi-robot tree coverage
How to Eat Your Entropy and Have it Too: Optimal Recovery Strategies for Compromised RNGs
Super-Gaussian Directions of Random Vectors
Spectrum Sharing Solution for Automotive Radar
PEAR: PEriodic and ApeRiodic signal separation for fast FMRI
A model for interpreting social interactions in local image regions
A greedy approximation algorithm for minimum-gap scheduling
Non-Uniform Blind Deblurring by Reblurring
Detecting Curved Edges in Noisy Images in Sublinear Time
Parallel repetition via fortification: Analytic view and the quantum case
Conjunctive abstract interpretation using paramodulation
Visual Concept Recognition and Localization via Iterative Introspection
Hardness amplification for entangled games via anchoring
Computational imaging on the electric grid
Succinct spooky free compilers are not black box sound
Four Round Secure Computation Without Setup
On zero-testable homomorphic encryption and publicly verifiable non-interactive arguments
A Participatory Democratic Budgeting Algorithm
Secluded Connectivity Problems
Multiscale 3D Genome Rewiring during Mouse Neural Development
Reweighted L1-norm minimization with guarantees: An incremental measurement approach to sparse reconstruction
p53 is essential for DNA methylation homeostasis in naive embryonic stem cells, and its loss promotes clonal heterogeneity
Variants of (s,t)-Wythoff's game
On the analytic properties of intertwining operators I: Global normalizing factors
Cube vs. cube low degree test
An upper bound on the growth of Dirichlet tilings of hyperbolic spaces
Sub-Nyquist SAR via Fourier Domain Range-Doppler Processing
Estimates on Eisenstein Distributions for Reciprocals of p-Adic L-Functions: The Case of Irregular Primes
Online learning with local permutations and delayed feedback
Exponentially small soundness for the direct product z-test
Phase retrieval in optical imaging
Communication-efficient algorithms for distributed stochastic principal component analysis
Local reconstruction of low-rank matrices and subspaces
PEAR: PEriodic And fixed Rank separation for fast fMRI
On the formal degrees of square-integrable representations of odd special orthogonal and metaplectic groups
Geometric Optimization via Composite Majorization
A Data Assimilation Algorithm for the Subcritical Surface Quasi-Geostrophic Equation
SINR diagram with interference cancellation
Low rank phase retrieval
A sharp threshold for collapse of the random triangular group
RAPToR: A Resampling Algorithm for Pseudo-Polar based Tomographic Reconstruction
Random geometric complexes in the thermodynamic regime
Hierarchical functional encryption
Multiplayer parallel repetition for expanding games
Spectral Coexistence in Radar using Xampling
Large-scale mapping of gene regulatory logic reveals context-dependent repression by transcriptional activators
Remarks on curvature in the transportation metric
Fast Vascular Ultrasound Imaging With Enhanced Spatial Resolution and Background Rejection
Thread-local semantics and its efficient sequential abstractions for race-free programs
Continuous Versus Discrete Spins in the Hyperbolic Plane
Fourier Phase Retrieval: Uniqueness and Algorithms
Cell-cycle dynamics of chromosomal organization at single-cell resolution
Streaming symmetric norms via measure concentration
Teaching Scenario-Based Programming: An Additional Paradigm for the High School Computer Science Curriculum, Part 1
Linear Estimate for the Number of Zeros of Abelian Integrals
One-dimensional long-range diffusion limited aggregation II: The transient case
Paxos made EPR: Decidable reasoning about distributed protocols
The Pila-Wilkie theorem for subanalytic families: a complex analytic approach: a complex analytic approach
On the Limitation of Spectral Methods: From the Gaussian Hidden Clique Problem to Rank One Perturbations of Gaussian Tensors
Efficient representation of low-dimensional manifolds using deep networks
Sub-Nyquist MIMO Radar Prototype with Doppler Processing
Surprising convergence of the Monte Carlo renormalization group for the three-dimensional Ising model
One-Dimensional Parametric Determining form for the Two-Dimensional NavierStokes Equations
First passage percolation on a hyperbolic graph admits bi-infinite geodesics
Phase retrieval from STFT measurements via non-convex optimization
Acute Detection of Proprioceptive Stimuli During General Anesthesia Using Heart Rhythm Analysis by Sparse Representations
Strong solutions to the 3D primitive equations with only horizontal dissipation: Near H-1 initial data
On the scaling limit of finite vertex transitive graphs with large diameter
A Preparation Theorem for the Kashiwara crystal
Online Dictionary Learning Aided Target Recognition in Cognitive GPR
Efficient Regression in Metric Spaces via Approximate Lipschitz Extension
Convex geometry and waist inequalities
Minimax-optimal semi-supervised regression on unknown manifolds
Convolutional Kitchen Sinks for Transcription Factor Binding Site Prediction
Combinatorial cost sharing
Unsupervised Ensemble Regression
IoT Goes Nuclear: Creating a ZigBee Chain Reaction
Cost efficient gradient boosting
A survey of structure from motion
Photon loss effect on (N-1)-fold correlations of n-photon quantum states
Crowd-Based Programming for Reactive Systems
Challenges and Open Problems in Signal Processing: Panel Discussion Summary from ICASSP 2017
From obfuscation to the security of fiat-shamir for proofs
Correlation based super-resolution in optical and ultrasound imaging
Private Constrained PRFs (and More) from LWE
Sparsity-based Super Resolution Imaging in Contrast Enchaned Ultrasound and Fluorescence Microscopy
Non-interactive delegation and batch NP verification from standard computational assumptions
On the Tradeoff between Convergence Speed and Reconstruction Accuracy in Inverse Problems
Failures of gradient-based deep learning
The complexity of spherical p-spin models-a second moment approach
Xampling-Enabled Coexistence in Spectrally Crowded Environments
Global well-posedness for passively transported nonlinear moisture dynamics with phase changes
Pseudo-polar reconstruction for tomography
On the 2D Phase Retrieval Problem
Exponentially Small Soundness for the Direct Product Z-Test
Photoacoustic imaging beyond the acoustic diffraction-limit with dynamic speckle illumination and sparse joint support recovery
Using Mutual Information for Designing the Measurement Matrix in Phase Retrieval Problems
Flow logic
On the growth of L2-invariants for sequences of lattices in Lie groups
Phase Retrieval Using a Conjugate Symmetric Reference
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting by exploiting Low Rank
Roy's largest root test under rank-one alternatives
Pilot Contamination Mitigation with Reduced RF Chains
Random walks with the minimum degree local rule have O (N2) cover time
A Hyperelastic Two-Scale Optimization Model for Shape Matching
RATCOP: Relational analysis tool for concurrent programs
Fast calculation of boundary crossing probabilities for Poisson processes
Random Walks with the Minimum Degree Local Rule Have O(N-2) Cover Time
Sparsification of two-variable valued constraint satisfaction problems
Equilibration of energy in slow-fast systems
CaSCADE: Compressed Carrier and DOA Estimation
WINDOW: wideband demodulator for optical waveforms
The effect of population control policies on societal fragmentation
Obfuscating Conjunctions
Equicontinuous actions of semisimple groups
Elites in social networks: An axiomatic approach
Optimal compression of approximate inner products and dimension reduction
Improved deterministic distributed construction of spanners
Temporal Distributional Limit Theorems for Dynamical Systems
DS++: A flexible, scalable and provably tight relaxation for matching problems
A New Rank Constraint on Multi-view Fundamental Matrices, and its Application to Camera Location Recovery
Sequence features of viral and human Internal Ribosome Entry Sites predictive of their activity
Subspace Estimation from Incomplete Observations: A Precise High-Dimensional Analysis
Universal large deviations for kac polynomials
Convolutional Phase Retrieval via Gradient Descent
The SPURS Algorithm for Resampling an Irregularly Sampled Signal onto a Cartesian Grid
Spatial-temporal plane-wave image formation with Sparse Uniform ReSampling
Compressed Sensing under Optimal Quantization
Involvement of a gut-retina axis in protection against dietary glycemia-induced age-related macular degeneration
On an analogue of the Ichino-Ikeda conjecture for Whittaker coefficients on the metaplectic group
Generalized reflection root systems
Faster and simpler sketches of valuation functions
High Dimensional Expanders Imply Agreement Expanders
Determining form and data assimilation algorithm for weakly damped and driven Korteweg-de Vries equation-Fourier modes case
An optimal algorithm for bandit and zero-order convex optimization with two-point feedback
Scaling single-cell genomics from phenomenology to mechanism
Chasing ghosts: Competing with stateful policies
Suppressors and activators of JAK-STAT signaling at diagnosis and relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Down syndrome
On learning and testing dynamic environments
Bezout-type theorems for differential fields
Sub-Nyquist Cyclostationary Detection for Cognitive Radio
Parallel DIQKD from parallel repetition
Sparsity-Based Super Resolution for SEM Images
Multiplayer parallel repetition for expander games
Homogenization via sprinkling
Erratum: Reference-based MRI (vol 43, pg 5357, 2016)
Science Forum: The Human Cell Atlas
Sparse juntas on the biased hypercube
The extremal process of critical points of the pure p-spin spherical spin glass model
The effects of reducing preparation time on the execution of intentionally curved trajectories: Optimization and geometrical analysis
Coherent superresolution imaging via grating-based illumination
Estimation in Autoregressive Processes With Partial Observations
Improved degree bounds and full spectrum power laws in preferential attachment networks
Needle Decompositions in Riemannian Geometry
FHE over the integers: Decomposed and batched in the post-quantum regime
Quantum state tomography with a single measurement setup
Correlation-Based Super-Resolution Imaging in Microscopy and Ultrasound
Generalized and degenerate Whittaker models
Sub-Nyquist Channel Estimation over IEEE 802.11ad Link
Assortative mixing equilibria in social network games
A Unified View of Diffusion Maps and Signal Processing on Graphs
A quantum linearity test for robustly verifying entanglement
Low Rank Phase Retrieval
On the Uniqueness of FROG Methods
Attention Robustly Gates a Closed-Loop Touch Reflex
Rigorous RG Algorithms and Area Laws for Low Energy Eigenstates in 1D
Secret-Sharing for NP
On the BMV Conjecture for 2 × 2 Matrices and the Exponential Convexity of the Function cosh(√at2+b)
High Spatial Resolution Radar using Thinned Arrays
Fast and background free super-resolution ultrasound angiography
Almost algebraic actions of algebraic groups and applications to algebraic representations
On the Minimax Capacity Loss Under Sub-Nyquist Universal Sampling
The Congruence Subgroup Property Does Not Imply Invariable Generation
A Mixer Front End for a Four-Channel Modulated Wideband Converter With 62-dB Blocker Rejection
Neuro-RAM unit with applications to similarity testing and compression in spiking neural networks
FoCUS: Fourier-Based Coded Ultrasound
Vertex fault tolerant additive spanners
Property directed reachability for proving absence of concurrent modification errors
The geometry of the Gibbs measure of pure spherical spin glasses
Depth-width tradeoffs in approximating natural functions with neural networks
Metric Decompositions of Path-Separable Graphs
Sparsity based super-resolution optical imaging using correlation information
Rank, combinatorial cost, and homology torsion growth in higher rank lattices
Toward the KRW Composition Conjecture: Cubic Formula Lower Bounds via Communication Complexity: Cubic Formula Lower Bounds via Communication Complexity
Revealing true coupling strengths in two-dimensional spectroscopy with sparsity-based signal recovery
Systematic Investigation of Transcription Factor Activity in the Context of Chromatin Using Massively Parallel Binding and Expression Assays
Low-Rank Phase Retrieval
Tolerant Compressed Sensing With Partially Coherent Sensing Matrices
Convolutional Phase Retrieval
Teaching Scenario-Based Programming: An Additional Paradigm for the High School Computer Science Curriculum, Part 2
Rigorous rg algorithms and area laws for low energy eigenstates in 1D
Combining Speckles and Compressed-Sensing for Super-Resolution Photoacoustics
Optimal Number of Measurements for Compressed Sensing with Quadratically Decreasing SNR
The Journey from NP to TFNP Hardness
Large Deviations for the Two-Dimensional Two-Component Plasma
A Tropical Analog of Descartes' Rule of Signs
Optimization with Uniform Size Queries
Adaptive Frequency Allocation in Radar Imaging: Towards Cognitive SAR
Asymptotic stability of singularly perturbed differential equations
Microbiome at the Frontier of Personalized Medicine
Overlapping qubits
Distributing scenario-based models: A replicate-and-project approach
The Edited Truth
Experimental Demonstration of Sparsity-Based Single-Shot Fluorescence Imaging at Sub-wavelength Resolution
Wideband demodulator for optical waveforms
Continuous Data Assimilation for a 2D Benard Convection System Through Horizontal Velocity Measurements Alone
Target recovery in multiple input multiple output (mimo) radar system
Performance of time delay estimation in a cognitive radar
Fundamental Estimation Limits in Autoregressive Processes with Compressive Measurements
Infinitesimal topological generators and quasi non-archimedean topological groups
Conditional lower bounds for all-pairs max-flow
QCMA hardness of ground space connectivity for commuting hamiltonians
Sparsity-based Super-resolution Correlations Ultrasound Imaging
Coded-excitation Ultrasound
Sparsity-driven super-resolution in clinical contrast-enhanced ultrasound
Compressed Cyclostationary Detection for Cognitive Radio
Sparse emission pattern in spectral blood Doppler
Sub-Nyquist pulse Doppler MIMO radar
Minimal growth harmonic functions on lamplighter groups
Spherical orbifold tutte embeddings
Oracle complexity of second-order methods for finite-sum problems
Convolutional neural networks on surfaces via seamless toric covers
Implementation of rigorous renormalization group method for ground space and low-energy states of local Hamiltonians
Joint Multicontrast MRI Reconstruction
Bread Affects Clinical Parameters and Induces Gut Microbiome-Associated Personal Glycemic Responses
The network nullspace property for compressed sensing over networks
Introduction to property testing
Whittaker-Fourier coefficients of cusp forms on Spn: reduction to a Local Statement
Wilkie's conjecture for restricted elementary functions
Exploiting similarity in adjacent slices for compressed sensing MRI
Sparsity-based super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging
Growth for the Central Polynomials
Identities in character tables of Sn
Extended functionality attacks on IoT devices: The case of smart lights
Cognitive Sub-Nyquist Hardware Prototype of a Collocated MIMO Radar
Range-Doppler processing via fourier coefficients: The path to a sub-Nyquist SAR
Phaseless super-resolution using masks
On the Minimax Risk of Dictionary Learning
Six (im)possible things before breakfast building-blocks and design-principles for wise computing (work-in-progress report)
Accuracy of Answers to Cell Lineage Questions Depends on Single-Cell Genomics Data Quality and Quantity.
Unified Algorithms for Online Learning and Competitive Analysis
Compressive Sensing of SAR Signals via Fourier Coefficients
Descriptive complexity of MSO+U
Site recurrence for coalescing random walk
How to Incentivize Data-Driven Collaboration Among Competing Parties
Simple proof of the detectability lemma and spectral gap amplification
Low Rank Matrix Recovery From Column-Wise Phaseless Measurements
A sharp threshold for van der Waerden's theorem in random subsets
Privacy Amplification Against Active Quantum Adversaries
Power-efficient Cameras Using Natural Image Statistics
Distortion Rate Function of Sub-Nyquist Sampled Gaussian Sources
On the Roots of a Hyperbolic Polynomial Pencil
On the Continuity of the Geometric Side of the Trace Formula
Convergence in law of the maximum of nonlattice branching random walk
Robust human-inspired power law trajectories for humanoid HRP-2 robot
Fast Detection of Curved Edges at Low SNR
Atoms of recognition in human and computer vision
Large Deviations for Diffusions Interacting Through Their Ranks
Talking about cross-talk: The immune system and the microbiome
A swiss army knife for finite rate of innovation sampling theory
Quantum proofs
Convergence in Law of the Maximum of the Two-Dimensional Discrete Gaussian Free Field
Dynamic (1 + ε)-Approximate matchings: A density-sensitive approach
Erratum to: ESTGt: A programming and simulation environment for population dynamics. [BMC Bioinformatics., 17 (2016): 187]
On the effect of the deployment setting on broadcasting in Euclidean radio networks
Filtering theory: Mathematics in engineering, from Gauss to particle filters
Combining Riesz bases in ℝd
Whittaker rational structures and special values of the Asai L-function
Without-replacement sampling for stochastic gradient methods
Multi-input functional encryption in the private-key setting: Stronger security from weaker assumptions
When a thin language is definable in WMSO
Eulerian paths with regular constraints
Risk neutrality regions
Global Well-Posedness of the 2D Boussinesq Equations with Vertical Dissipation
An initial wise development environment for behavioral models
Searchable symmetric encryption: Optimal locality in linear space via two-dimensional balanced allocations
Oblivious rounding and the integrality gap
Lipschitz functions on the infinite-dimensional torus
Dictionary learning from phaseless measurements
Computational Efficiency Requires Simple Taxation
On Giant Components and Treewidth in the Layers Model
On the exact berk-jones statistics and their p-value calculation
Scenario-based programming for mobile applications
Time-Lock Puzzles from Randomized Encodings
Two-sided error proximity oblivious testing
Excited random walk with periodic cookies
Liouville heat kernel: Regularity and bounds
Niépce-Bell or Turing: How to test odour reproduction
On an analytic description of the α-cosine transform on real Grassmannians
Double roots of random littlewood polynomials
Direct single-shot phase retrieval for separated objects (Conference Presentation)
On parabolic induction on inner forms of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field
Decidability of inferring inductive invariants
Hand-object interaction and precise localization in transitive action recognition
Bi-Lipschitz bijection between the Boolean cube and the Hamming ball
Color-distance oracles and snippets
Separation for ωB- and ωS-regular Languages
Microbiota Diurnal Rhythmicity Programs Host Transcriptome Oscillations
Adapted pairs in type A and regular nilpotent elements
Spatially Resolved sub-Nyquist Sensing of Multiband Signals with Arbitrary Antenna Arrays
Fast alternating projected gradient descent alogorithms for recovering spectrally sparse signal
Quantum-Proof Extractors: Optimal up to Constant Factors
Impossibility results for truthful combinatorial auctions with submodular valuations
The Function cosh (√at2 + b) is Exponentially Convex
Hausdorffness for Lie algebra homology of Schwartz spaces and applications to the comparison conjecture (vol 283, pg 979, 2016)
Sparse fault-tolerant BFS structures
Hyperbolic orbifold tutte embeddings
Spooky interaction and its discontents: Compilers for succinct two-message argument systems
Local asymptotics for controlled martingales
Sparsity-based recovery of three-photon quantum states from two-fold correlations
When a Büchi language is definable in WMSO
Representation growth and rational singularities of the moduli space of local systems
Ergodic properties of equilibrium measures for smooth three dimensional flows
On Convexity and Identifiability in 1-D Fourier Phase Retrieval
Moment vanishing of piecewise solutions of linear ODEs
Ivy: Safety verification by interactive generalization
M-ary partitions with no gaps: A characterization modulo m
A substitution theorem for the BorcherdsWeyl semigroup
Basic notions
Ivy: Safety verification by interactive generalization
Convergence, unanimity and disagreement in majority dynamics on unimodular graphs and random graphs
Hafnians, perfect matchings and Gaussian matrices
One-dimensional long-range diffusion-limited aggregation I
Towards a proof of the 2-to-1 games conjecture?
Detecting the large entries of a sparse covariance matrix in sub-quadratic time
eSTGt: A programming and simulation environment for population dynamics
Blind dehazing using internal patch recurrence
Fast and Background Free Super-Resolution Ultrasound Based on Fluctuation Statistics
Reference-based compressed sensing: A sample complexity approach
On statistically secure obfuscation with approximate correctness
Toward a systematic understanding of translational regulatory elements in human and viruses
On sample-based testers
The Default Mode Network Differentiates Biological from Non-Biological Motion
Three observations regarding Schatten p classes
Persistent microbiome alterations modulate the rate of post-dieting weight regain
Cortical circuits and modules in movement generation: experiments and theories
A Mixer Frontend for a Four-Channel Modulated Wideband Converter with 62 dB Blocker Rejection
From Images to Depths and Back
On the effect of randomness on planted 3-coloring models
Carrier Frequency and Bandwidth Estimation of Cyclostationary Multiband Signals
On the quality of the initial basin in overspecified neural networks
Acceleration of functional MRI data acquisition by separation of background and dynamic components
Undecidability of MSO+U
The mutation spectrum in genomic late replication domains shapes mammalian GC content
Learning 3D deformation of animals from 2D images
Decidability of inferring inductive invariants
Collapse for unambiguous automata
The domination game: proving the 3/5 conjecture on isolate-free forests
New Second-Preimage Attacks on Hash Functions
Physical key extraction attacks on PCs
Divisibility and laws in finite simple groups
Global Well-Posedness of the Three-Dimensional Primitive Equations with Only Horizontal Viscosity and Diffusion
Closed ideals of operators on and complemented subspaces of banach spaces of functions with countable support
Reference-based MRI
Detection with phaseless measurements
Message lower bounds via efficient network synchronization
Is a bivariate polynomial with ± 1 coefficients irreducible? Very likely!
Combgap Promotes Ovarian Niche Development and Chromatin Association of EcR-Binding Regions in BR-C
Convergence of stochastic gradient descent for PCA
ADV Perspectives in Group Theory an open space
Temporal-Needle: A view and appearance invariant video descriptor
Large Deviations for Zeros of Random Polynomials with i.i.d. Exponential Coefficients
Reduced Time-on-Target in Pulse Doppler Radar: Slow Time Domain Compressed Sensing
A Computational Study of a Data Assimilation Algorithm for the Two-dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations
Following the evolution of glassy states under external perturbations: the full replica symmetry breaking solution
Efficient k-shot broadcasting in radio networks
An Optimally Fair Coin Toss
Branching random walks and Gaussian fields
STFT Phase Retrieval: Uniqueness Guarantees and Recovery Algorithms
On social networks of program committees: Structure and effect on paper acceptance fairness
Taking it Personally: Personalized Utilization of the Human Microbiome in Health and Disease
Singular values of Gaussian matrices and permanent estimators
A deep learning approach to unsupervised ensemble learning
Low Rank Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Memory-efficient algorithms for finding needles in haystacks
Special Issue on the 10th Theory of Cryptography Conference: Editors Foreword
Single-frame rapid autofocusing for brightfield and fluorescence whole slide imaging
Weak and strong disorder for the stochastic heat equation and continuous directed polymers in d ≥ 3
Discovery Through Gossip
Phase Retrieval from 1D Fourier Measurements: Convexity, Uniqueness, and Algorithms
Capturing pairwise and multi-way chromosomal conformations using chromosomal walks
Index problems for game automata
On Whittaker-Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms on unitary groups: reduction to a local identity
Lattice-Based Fully Dynamic Multi-key FHE with Short Ciphertexts
First steps towards a wise development environment for behavioral models
Slowdown in branching Brownian motion with inhomogeneous variance
The family holiday gathering problem or fair and periodic scheduling of independent sets
The Next Best Underwater View
On global non-oscillation of linear ordinary differential equations with polynomial coefficients
Targeted Homomorphic Attribute-Based Encryption
Uniformization on thin trees
Adaptive metric dimensionality reduction
Efficient Coded Ultrasound Imaging Based on Frequency Domain Processing
Geometrical Invariance and Smoothness Maximization for Task-Space Movement Generation
Direction of Arrival by Non-Coherent Arrays
Bug Attacks
How to share a secret, infinitely
Dimension-free iteration complexity of finite sum optimization problems
3-Message Zero Knowledge Against Human Ignorance
On Summation of the Taylor Series of the Function 1/(1-z) by the Theta Summation Method
Notions of Connectivity in Overlay Networks [arXiv]
Subspace Learning with Partial Information
Geometric stability via information theory
Authors respond: Future cyberdefenses will defeat cyberattacks on PCs
On the optimality of averaging in distributed statistical learning
Key Recovery Attacks on Iterated EvenMansour Encryption Schemes
Hausdorffness for Lie algebra homology of Schwartz spaces and applications to the comparison conjecture
Three-player entangled XOR games are np-hard to approximate
The Spectrum and Regulatory Landscape of Intestinal Innate Lymphoid Cells Are Shaped by the Microbiome
Universal constructions and robust combiners for indistinguishability obfuscation and witness encryption
A Positivity Property of a Quantum Anharmonic Oscillator Suggested by the BMV Conjecture
The International Human Epigenome Consortium: A Blueprint for Scientific Collaboration and Discovery
Circuit-ABE from LWE: Unbounded attributes and semi-adaptive security
Dissecting Immune Circuits by Linking CRISPR-Pooled Screens with Single-Cell RNA-Seq
Sub-Nyquist Collocated MIMO Radar in Time and Space
Point registration via efficient convex relaxation
Recent Advances in Phase Retrieval
Non-Signaling Parallel Repetition Using de Finetti Reductions
Toward the KRW composition conjecture: Cubic formula lower bounds via communication complexity
Shorter circuit obfuscation in challenging security models
On the iteration complexity of oblivious first-order optimization algorithms
Non-convex Phase Retrieval of Low-Rank Matrix Columns
Accelerated quadratic proxy for geometric optimization
Sparse Nonlinear Regression: Parameter Estimation under Nonconvexity
SIGIBE: Solving Random Bilinear Equations via Gradient Descent with Spectral Initialization
Micrographia, much beyond the writer's hand
Is There an Oblivious RAM Lower Bound?
Discussion of \u201cInfluential features PCA for high dimensional clustering\u201d
On lower and upper bounds in smooth and strongly convex optimization
When Can Limited Randomness Be Used in Repeated Games?
The Matrix Function is Representable as the Laplace Transform of a Matrix Measure
Holonomicity of relative characters and applications to multiplicity bounds for spherical pairs
Information Rates of Sampled Wiener Processes
Pythagorean powers of hypercubes
Phase Retrieval: An Overview of Recent Developments
A minimalistic resource allocation model to explain ubiquitous increase in protein expression with growth rate
Theory-Aided model checking of concurrent transition systems
Massively Parallel Interrogation of the Effects of Gene Expression Levels on Fitness
Coded Excitation Ultrasound: Efficient Implementation via Frequency Domain Processing
Breaking the logarithmic barrier for truthful combinatorial auctions with submodular bidders
Data assimilation algorithm for 3D Bénard convection in porous media employing only temperature measurements
A tropical atmosphere model with moisture: Global well-posedness and relaxation limit
Guiding Principles for a Pediatric Neurology ICU (neuroPICU) Bedside Multimodal Monitor Findings from an International Working Group: Findings from an international working group
Towards Sub-Nyquist Cognitive Radar
Integrative genomic analysis by interoperation of bioinformatics tools in GenomeSpace
System identification from partial samples: Non-asymptotic analysis
Direct single-shot phase retrieval from thediffraction pattern of separated objects
Juntas in the ℓ1-grid and Lipschitz maps between discrete tori
On a Special Case of the Herbert Stahl Theorem
Continuous data assimilation for the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes-α model
A generic, cost-effective, and scalable cell lineage analysis platform
Local-on-average distributed tasks
Relative Yangians of Weyl type
Forbidden-set distance labels for graphs of bounded doubling dimension
Multi-player bandits - A musical chairs approach
The tumor as an organ: comprehensive spatial and temporal modeling of the tumor and its microenvironment.
Mildly exponential reduction from gap-3SAT to polynomial-gap label-cover
The 2016 Edsger W. Dijkstra prize in distributed computing
Teaching nondeterminism through programming
Matrix rigidity of random Toeplitz matrices
Fast stochastic algorithms for SVD and PCA: Convergence properties and convexity
A discrete data assimilation scheme for the solutions of the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations and their statistics
Needle-Match: Reliable Patch Matching under High Uncertainty
Finite-parameters feedback control for stabilizing damped nonlinear wave equations
Fast and Background Free Super-Resolution Ultrasound Angiography
Global well-posedness of strong solutions to a tropical climate model
On the uniqueness of weak solutions to the Ericksen-Leslie liquid crystal model in ℝ2
Non-viscous regularization of the Davey-Stewartson equations: Analysis and modulation theory
Analog-to-digital compression
Sub-Nyquist Sampling and Fourier Domain Beamforming in Volumetric Ultrasound Imaging
Weak Measurements Compressed Sensing Quantum State Tomography
Intensity waveform reconstruction from intensity autocorrelation
Guest Editorial: Special Section on CVPR 2014
Human pose estimation using deep consensus voting
Abridged Continuous Data Assimilation for the 2D NavierStokes Equations Utilizing Measurements of Only One Component of the Velocity Field
Discrete curvature and abelian groups
Obfuscating Conjunctions under Entropic Ring LWE
Unsupervised ensemble learning with dependent classifiers
Harmonic measure in the presence of a spectral gap
Recognition by thin algebras
DOLPHIn-Dictionary Learning for Phase Retrieval
Global testing against sparse alternatives in time-frequency analysis
Comparative genetics: Systematic discovery of cap-independent translation sequences in human and viral genomes
Survey on nonlocal games and operator space theory
Synthesis and cell-free cloning of DNA libraries using programmable microfluidics
Cheeger-type approximation for sparsest st-cut
Improved top-down techniques in differential cryptanalysis
Smooth parametrizations in dynamics, analysis, diophantine and computational geometry
Phase Retrieval for Short-Time Fourier Transform
GSURS: Generalized Sparse Uniform ReSampling with Application to MRI
Nearly optimal local broadcasting in the SINR model with feedback
New whole-body sensory-motor gradients revealed using phase-locked analysis and verified using multivoxel pattern analysis and functional connectivity
The visits to zero of a random walk driven by an irrational rotation
Constant-Soundness Interactive Proofs for Local Hamiltonians
PCPs via the low-degree long code and hardness for constrained hypergraph coloring
Freezing and Decorated Poisson Point Processes
Bi-lipschitz bijections of Z
The topology of wireless communication
A model for full local image interpretation
Thresholds and expectation-thresholds of monotone properties with small minterms
Extensions of sub-Nyquist Radar: Reduced Time-on-Target and Cognitive Radar
Towards Sub-Nyquist Tissue Doppler Imaging Using Non-Uniformly Spaced Stream of Pulses
Approximately optimal auctions for correlated bidders
Orbifold Tutte embeddings
Finiteness theorems for vanishing cycles of formal schemes
Transcriptional Heterogeneity and Lineage Commitment in Myeloid Progenitors
Matrix completion with the trace norm: Learning, bounding, and transducing
Nonuniform SINR+Voroni diagrams are effectively uniform
The Minimum Principle of SINR: A Useful Discretization Tool for Wireless Communication
z-Finite distributions on p-adic groups
Sketching cuts in graphs and hypergraphs
Limit multiplicities for principal congruence subgroups of GL(n) and SL(n)
Xampling and Frequency Domain Processing in Wireless Ultrasound Imaging
When can limited randomness be used in repeated games?
Majority Dynamics and the Retention of Information
Growth dynamics of gut microbiota in health and disease inferred from single metagenomic samples
On the radius of analyticity of solutions to the cubic Szego equation
Approximate nearest neighbor search in metrics of planar graphs
On the succinctness of idioms for concurrent programming
An interactive tool for animating biology, and its use in spatial and temporal modeling of a cancerous tumor and its microenvironment
The wave front set of the Fourier transform of algebraic measures
A Wireless Ultrasound Imaging System Utilizing Xampling and Frequency Domain Beamforming
Almost universal forgery attacks on AES-based MACs
Reflections on slide with a twist attacks
Optimal Trade-off Between Sampling Rate and Quantization Precision in Sigma-Delta A/D Conversion
A stochastic PCA and SVD algorithm with an exponential convergence rate
Wide baseline stereo matching with convex bounded distortion constraints
Super-resolution in Phase Space
Super-Resolution of SEM Images by Dictionary Learning
Multi-unit auctions: Beyond Roberts
Microbiota-Modulated Metabolites Shape the Intestinal Microenvironment by Regulating NLRP6 Inflammasome Signaling
Multiplicities of Noetherian Deformations
Eigenvalue distribution of optimal transportation
A generalized Pólya's urn with graph based interactions
More thoughts on the whole organism challenge
On the mathematical contributions of Joram Lindenstrauss
Single-Shot Sparsity-based Sub-wavelength Fluorescence Imaging of Biological Structures Using Dictionary Learning
Graph approximation and clustering on a budget
Decentralizing SDN Policies
Stereotypical reaching movements of the octopus involve both bend propagation and arm elongation
Attribute efficient linear regression with distribution-dependent sampling
Slice Similarity Based SNR Improvement Using Compressed Sensing MRI
Multiplicity operators
On the complexity of universal leader election
Fault tolerant BFS structures: A reinforcement-backup tradeoff
Continuous data assimilation with stochastically noisy data
Learning local invariant mahalanobis distances
The sample complexity of learning linear predictors with the squared loss
From shading to local shape
Noise in gene expression is coupled to growth rate
A day in the life of the meta-organism: Diurnal rhythms of the intestinal microbiome and its host
Function-private functional encryption in the private-key setting
On the complexity of learning with kernels
Derivation of novel human ground state naive pluripotent stem cells (vol 504, pg 282, 2013): Derivation of novel human ground state naive pluripotent stem cells
Aggregate pseudorandom functions and connections to learning
A determining form for the damped driven nonlinear Schrödinger equation-Fourier modes case
Sub-Nyquist Sampling Achieves Optimal Rate-Distortion
Fault tolerant additive and (μ, α)-spanners
Oblivious Algorithms for the Maximum Directed Cut Problem
Cycle structure of the interchange process and representation theory
Characterizing the Number of m-ary Partitions Modulo m
Recoverable values for independent sets
Stopping is not an option: The evolution of unstoppable motion elements (primitives)
Vanishing of certain equivariant distributions on spherical spaces
Tight relaxation of quadratic matching
Compressed Sensing
Optimal Trade-off Between Sampling Rate and Quantization Precision in A/D conversion
Decentralizing SDN policies
The Viterbi Algorithm for Subset Selection
Single-beam spectrally controlled two-dimensional Raman spectroscopy
Delegating computation: Interactive proofs for muggles
A polynomial time algorithm for the ground state of one-dimensional gapped local Hamiltonians
Backing off from Infinity: Performance Bounds via Concentration of Spectral Measure for Random MIMO Channels
40th international colloquium on automata, languages and programming
Sketching and embedding are equivalent for norms
Derivatives for smooth representations of GL(n, ℝ) and GL(n, ℂ)
Simultaneously Structured Models With Application to Sparse and Low-Rank Matrices
On the relations between SINR diagrams and Voronoi diagrams
Secure Physical Computation Using Disposable Circuits
Recovering signals from the Short-Time Fourier Transform magnitude
Dual failure resilient BFS structure
Bloom filters in adversarial environments
Arm coordination in octopus crawling involves unique motor control strategies
Sub-Nyquist Cognitive Radio
Visual categorization of social interactions
Personalized Nutrition by Prediction of Glycemic Responses
On the limitation of spectral methods: From the Gaussian hidden clique problem to rank-one perturbations of Gaussian tensors
High Resolution Wireless Ultrasound Imaging Based on Compressed Sensing
Primary-secondary-resolver membership proof systems
Sampling Theory: Beyond Bandlimited Systems
Single-shot ptychography & sparsity-based subwavelength ptychography
Seamless surface mappings
Proofs of Proximity for Context-Free Languages and Read-Once Branching Programs (Extended Abstract)
Matrix Optimization Under Random External Fields
Alpha and Beta Band Event-Related Desynchronization Reflects Kinematic Regularities
Sublinear bounds for randomized leader election
Cryptographic assumptions: A position paper
Do semidefinite relaxations solve sparse PCA up to the information limit?
The power of depth for feedforward neural networks
Rationally designed, heterologous s. cerevisiae transcripts expose novel expression determinants
Welfare and revenue guarantees for competitive bundling equilibrium
Non-caloric artificial sweeteners and the microbiome: Findings and challenges
Large-scale bounded distortion mappings
Input-oblivious proof systems and a uniform complexity perspective on P/poly
Computational paradigm to elucidate the effects of arts-based approaches and interventions: Individual and collective emerging behaviors in artwork construction
Improved approximation algorithms for weighted 2-path partitions
Centralized Cooperative Spectrum Sensing from Sub-Nyquist Samples for Cognitive Radios
From selective to adaptive security in functional encryption
On the backward behavior of some dissipative evolution equations
Uniform Linear Array based Spectrum Sensing from sub-Nyquist Samples
Model Transition for Representations of Metaplectic Type
Invariant Functionals on Speh representations
Compressed sensing for longitudinal MRI: An adaptive-weighted approach
Degenerate Whittaker functionals for real reductive groups
Systematic Dissection of the Sequence Determinants of Gene 3 End Mediated Expression Control
Cutting corners cheaply, or how to remove Steiner points
Seven-dimensional forest fires
Improved linear sieving techniques with applications to step-reduced LED-64
Comparative Hi-C Reveals that CTCF Underlies Evolution of Chromosomal Domain Architecture
On relative and probabilistic finite counterability
Moment measures
Regularization of Non-Normal Matrices by Gaussian Noise
Algebraic distance for anisotropic diffusion problems: multilevel results
A quasi-stability result for dictatorships in S n
Learning and inference in the presence of corrupted inputs
Phase Retrieval with Masks using Convex Optimization
Single-pulse Two-dimensional Raman Spectroscopy
Core promoter sequence in yeast is a major determinant of expression level
Recovery of Sparse Positive Signals on the Sphere from Low Resolution Measurements
Non-Coherent Direction of Arrival Estimation from Magnitude-Only Measurements
Homotopic Morphing of Planar Curves
Homophily and the glass ceiling effect in social networks
Unbounded entanglement in nonlocal games
Large scale Monte Carlo simulations of fluids under gravity
Injective Tauberian operators on L1 and operators with dense range on ℓ∞
A multiprover interactive proof system for the local hamiltonian problem [extended abstract]
The fault-tolerant capacitated K-center problem
GenoExp: A web tool for predicting gene expression levels from single nucleotide polymorphisms
Do you see what I mean? Visual resolution of linguistic ambiguities
Xampling and Frequency Domain Beamforming Application in a Wireless Ultrasound Imaging System
Learning Parametric-Output HMMs with Two Aliased States
Revealing and modifying non-local variations in a single image
Tight Bounds for Sliding Bloom Filters
Editorial: Modularity in motor control: From muscle synergies to cognitive action representation
Twisted homology for the mirabolic nilradical
Norming sets and related Remez-type inequalities
A Schauder basis for L1(0,∞) consisting of non-negative functions
Global well-posedness of a system of nonlinearly coupled KdV equations of Majda and Biello
New Attacks on IDEA with at Least 6 Rounds
Subspace Recovery From Structured Union of Subspaces
Sub-Nyquist Volumetric Ultrasound Imaging
Theory of combinatorial games
Detection of Long Edges on a Computational Budget: A Sublinear Approach
Towards behavioral programming in distributed architectures
Identification of structured LTI MIMO state-space models
Deterministic direct reprogramming of somatic cells to pluripotency (vol 502, pg 65, 2013): Deterministic direct reprogramming of somatic cells to pluripotency (Nature (2013) 502 (65-70) DOI: 10.1038/nature12587)
NSEC5: Provably Preventing DNSSEC Zone Enumeration
Vanishing of Certain Equivariant Distributions on p-Adic Spherical Spaces, and Nonvanishing of Spherical Bessel Functions
Communication complexity of distributed convex learning and optimization
Inertial manifolds for certain subgrid-scale $\alpha$ models of turbulence
Editorial overview: Genome architecture and expression
Direct sum testing. [Extended abstract]
A Sub-Nyquist Analog Front-End with Subarray Beamforming for Ultrasound Imaging
Derandomized graph product results using the low degree long code
Exploiting FRI signal structure for sub-Nyquist sampling and processing in medical ultrasound
Distributed Cooperative Spectrum Sensing from Sub-Nyquist Samples for Cognitive Radios
Why are images smooth?
Leaky Fermi accelerators
On the complexity of bandit linear optimization
Adaptively secure coin-flipping, revisited
Multi-Player Bandits - a Musical Chairs Approach
Sampling, metric entropy, and dimensionality reduction
Accuracy of spike-train Fourier reconstruction for colliding nodes
Strong locally testable codes with relaxed local decoders
Sub-nyquist radar processing using doppler focusing
Undersampled Phase Retrieval With Outliers
Unimodular random trees
Continuous data assimilation for the 2D Bénard convection through velocity measurements alone
Obfuscating circuits via composite-order graded encoding
A Multiscale Variable-grouping Framework for MRF Energy Minimization
Sampling FRI signals with the SOS kernel:: Bounds and optimal kernel
Cyber-Physical Systems: Design, Modeling and Evaluation. 5th International Workshop, CyPhy 2015. Proceedings: LNCS 9361
Sparsity-based Ankylography for Recovering 3D molecular structures from single-shot 2D scattered light intensity
Single-cell Hi-C for genome-wide detection of chromatin interactions that occur simultaneously in a single cell
Pure differential privacy for rectangle queries via private partitions
Sparse Phase Retrieval from Short-Time Fourier Measurements
First passage percolation on nilpotent Cayley graphs
A Nonlinear Approach to Dimension Reduction
Clutter Removal in Sub-Nyquist Radar
Good planar mappings and controlling singular values with semidefinite programming
MRI SNR Improvement Utilizing Sparsity of Difference Between Slices
The Hilbert-Schmidt version of the commutator theorem for zero trace matrices
A Wireless Frequency Domain Beamforming Based Ultrasound Imaging
Brain activity correlates with emotional perception induced by dynamic avatars
The integrality of an adapted pair
A conjecture on Whittaker-Fourier coefficients of cusp forms
Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching
Stable Camera Motion Estimation Using Convex Programming
Estimating the accuracies of multiple classifiers without labeled data
Fast Reference Based MRI
Separation between estimation and approximation
Towards resistance sparsifiers
Constrained Key-Homomorphic PRFs from standard lattice assumptions (Or: How to secretly embed a circuit in your PRF)
Disorder, entropy and harmonic functions
Modified distributed iterative hard thresholding
Open-source benchmarking for learned reaching motion generation in robotics
Convergence Groups are not Invariably Generated
Lower bound for the escape probability in the Lorentz mirror model on ℤ2
Finite-Time Blowup for the Inviscid Primitive Equations of Oceanic and Atmospheric Dynamics
Fourier domain beamforming for coherent plane-wave compounding
Sparsity-based super-resolved coherent diffraction imaging of one-dimensional objects
Core size and densification in preferential attachment networks
New attacks on Feistel structures with improved memory complexities
A unifying hierarchy of valuations with complements and substitutes
Timing of continuous motor imagery: The two-thirds power law originates in trajectory planning
Bootstrap Algebraic Multigrid: Status Report, Open Problems, and Outlook
On randomness extraction in AC0
Phase Retrieval with Application to Optical Imaging: A contemporary overview
Tight bounds for distributed minimum-weight spanning tree verification [arXiv]
Characters of (relatively) integrable modules over affine Lie superalgebras
Truth tellers and liars with fewer questions
Approximation of 2D Euler Equations by the Second-Grade Fluid Equations with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions
On Local Weyl Equivalence of Higher Order Fuchsian Equations
Convergence of the 2D Euler-α to Euler equations in the Dirichlet case: Indifference to boundary layers
Unraveling determinants of transcription factor binding outside the core binding site
Improved Single-Key Attacks on 8-Round AES-192 and AES-256
Polynomially low error PCPs with polyloglog n queries via modular composition
Social Network Analysis of Program Committees and Paper Acceptance Fairness
Interactive proofs with approximately commuting provers
Review of Methods Inspired by Algebraic-Multigrid for Data and Image Analysis Applications
The computational benefit of correlated instances
On sample-based testers [extended abstract]
Sparsity-Based Sub-Wavelength Fluorescence Imaging of Biological Structures Using Dictionary Learning
Universal Lower Bounds on Sampling Rates for Covariance Estimation
Programming animation using behavioral programming
A parallel repetition theorem for entangled projection games
Artificial Sweeteners Induce Glucose Intolerance by Altering the Gut Microbiota: Editorial comment
Joint Spectrum Sensing and Direction of Arrival Recovery from sub-Nyquist Samples
A stability result for balanced dictatorships in Sn
Single-cell epigenomics: techniques and emerging applications
Communication-Efficient Distributed IHT
Clutter Removal In Sub-Nyquist Radar
Mixer-based subarray beamforming for sub-Nyquist sampling ultrasound architectures
A Linear Elastic Force Optimization Model for Shape Matching
A global approach for solving edge-matching puzzles
Subspaces of Lp that embed into Lp(µ) with µ finite
Elementary proofs of grothendieck theorems for completely bounded norms
No greedy bases for matrix spaces with mixed ℓp and ℓq norms
Vertex-reinforced random walk on Z with sub-square-root weights is recurrent
Vertex sparsifiers: New results from old techniques
Q-type Lie superalgebras
Orienting Fully Dynamic Graphs with Worst-Case Time Bounds
Sub-Nyquist Sampling for Power Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radios: A Unified Approach
Compressive Shift Retrieval
Between arrow and Gibbard-Satterthwaite; A representation theoretic approach
Low-Rate Identification of Memory Polynomials
Artificial sweeteners induce glucose intolerance by altering the gut microbiota
Demand Queries with Preprocessing
Percolation of finite clusters and infinite surfaces
New Lagrangian diagnostics for characterizing fluid flow mixing
A shared architecture for promoters and enhancers
Sparsity-based Ankylography: Recovering 3D structures from a single-shot 2D scattered intensity
Fault tolerant approximate BFS structures
Direction of Arrival Estimation Using Co-Prime Arrays: A Super Resolution Viewpoint
Cryptography in Constant Parallel Time Preface
In pursuit of design principles of regulatory sequences
Gathering despite mischief
Extreme values for two-dimensional discrete gaussian free field
Parametric Center-Focus Problem for Abel Equation
Exponential chi-squared distributions in infinite ergodic theory
Host-parasite network structure is associated with community-level immunogenetic diversity
Bypassing Erdos' Girth Conjecture: Hybrid Stretch and Sourcewise Spanners
Randomized Encoding of Functions
Lifted bijections for low distortion surface mappings
Single cell analysis exposes intratumor heterogeneity and suggests that FLT3-ITD is a late event in leukemogenesis
Massively parallel single-cell RNA-seq for marker-free decomposition of tissues into cell types
Cramér-Rao Bound for finite streams of pulses
Higher-order global regularity of an inviscid voigt-regularization of the three-dimensional inviscid resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations
Spatial constant equi-affine speed and motion perception
Distributed Computing on Core-Periphery Networks: Axiom-Based Design
Narrow and ℓ2-strictly singular operators from Lp
Performance limits of dictionary learning for sparse coding
Provably good planar mappings
An algorithm for exact super-resolution and phase retrieval
Using Random Error Correcting Codes in Near-Collision Attacks on Generic Hash-Functions
Compressed 3D ultrasound imaging with 2D arrays
Non-intrusive Repair of Safety and Liveness Violations in Reactive Programs
Annihilation and coalescence on binary trees
Scale-invariant movement encoding in the human motor system
Probing the effect of promoters on noise in gene expression using thousands of designed sequences
Cryptanalysis of Iterated Even-Mansour Schemes with Two Keys
Efficiency Guarantees in Auctions with Budgets
On fair division of a homogeneous good
Phase retrieval: Stability and recovery guarantees
On the complexity of computing an equilibrium in combinatorial auctions
Weak notions of normality and vanishing up to rank in L2- cohomology
Point of View: Correcting the bias against interdisciplinary research
How even tiny influence can have a big impact!
Vitushkin-type theorems
Bounded highest weight modules over q(n)
Computationally Private Randomizing Polynomials and Their Applications
Hadamard well-posedness for a hyperbolic equation of viscoelasticity with supercritical sources and damping
Acquaintance time of a graph
Covalsa: Covariance estimation from compressive measurements using alternating minimization
Controlling singular values with semidefinite programming
Channel estimation in UWB channels using compressed sensing
Smoothing and Decomposition for Analysis Sparse Recovery
On Pseudorandom Generators with Linear Stretch in NC0
Elements and construction of motor control
Brief Announcement: Distributed 3/2-Approximation of the Diameter
Heuristic for Maximizing DNA Reuse in Synthetic DNA Library Assembly
Fourier-Domain Beamforming: The Path to Compressed Ultrasound Imaging
Intratumor DNA methylation heterogeneity reflects clonal evolution in aggressive prostate cancer
Vertex Fault Tolerant Additive Spanners
Dissipation length scale estimates for turbulent flows: A Wiener algebra approach
Testing the irreducibility of nonsquare Perron-Frobenius systems
Channel Capacity Under Sub-Nyquist Nonuniform Sampling
Modal Scenarios as Automata
Contagious sets in expanders
Gaussian Distortion-Rate Function under Sub-Nyquist Nonuniform Sampling
Myopic separability
Sub-Nyquist sampling of OFDM signals for cognitive radios
Algebraic geometry of Abel differential equation
On the oscillation rigidity of a lipschitz function on a high-dimensional flat torus
Supercritical self-avoiding walks are space-filling
Steps towards Scenario-Based Programming with a Natural Language Interface
Min-max graph partitioning and small set expansion
Spatial Compressive Sensing for MIMO Radar
Convergence of the spectral measure of non-normal matrices
Cryptography in Constant Parallel Time Foreword
Cry for her or cry with her: Context-dependent dissociation of two modes of cinematic empathy reflected in network cohesion dynamics
Sub-Nyquist Radar Prototype: Hardware and Algorithm
LIM is not slim
Gaussian free field on hyperbolic lattices
Distributed Approximate Message Passing for Sparse Signal Recovery
Relation spaces of hyperplane arrangements and modules defined by graphs of fiber zonotopes
The grammar of transcriptional regulation
Feedback control of nonlinear dissipative systems by finite determining parameters - A reaction-diffusion paradigm
Accuracy of algebraic fourier reconstruction for shifts of several signals
Compressed Radar via Doppler Focusing
Robust device independent quantum key distribution
Cryptography with Constant Input Locality
Phase retrieval of sparse signals using optimization transfer and ADMM
The activity in the contralateral primary motor cortex, dorsal premotor and supplementary motor area is modulated by performance gains
Direct Product Testing
How Did Dread Pirate Roberts Acquire and Protect his Bitcoin Wealth?
Smooth hamiltonian systems with soft impacts
Algebraic geometry of the center-focus problem for Abel differential equations
The phase transition for dyadic tilings
Secret-Sharing for NP
Preliminaries and Definitions
Distributed Compressed Sensing for Static and Time-Varying Networks
Combining Riesz bases
(Leveled) fully homomorphic encryption without bootstrapping
One-Way Functions with Optimal Output Locality
Transkingdom control of microbiota diurnal oscillations promotes metabolic homeostasis
Direct phase retrieval in double blind Fourier holography
Scenario-Based Programming: Reducing the Cognitive Load, Fostering Abstract Thinking
Fundamental limits of online and distributed algorithms for statistical learning and estimation
Exploiting Similarity in Adjacent Slices for Compressed Sensing MRI
An efficient algorithm for finding the ground state of 1D gapped local hamiltonians
Video segmentation by non-local consensus voting
Counting commensurability classes of hyperbolic manifolds
Violation of the Law of Demand
Hardware Calibration of the Modulated Wideband Converter
Fully device-independent quantum key distribution
Molecular dissection of the genetic mechanisms that underlie expression conservation in orthologous yeast ribosomal promoters
Local and Global Well-Posedness of Strong Solutions to the 3D Primitive Equations with Vertical Eddy Diffusivity
Oscillating mushrooms: Adiabatic theory for a non-ergodic system
Planar Limits of Three-Dimensional Incompressible Flows with Helical Symmetry
Accurate, Model-Based Tuning of Synthetic Gene Expression Using Introns in S. cerevisiae
A parallel repetition theorem for entangled projection games
A unified approach to determining forms for the 2D Navier-Stokes equations - The general interpolants case
The Mixing Time of the Giant Component of a Random Graph
Point-to-point distance in first passage percolation on (Tree)xZ
Deterministic algorithms for matrix completion
A graph counterexample to Davies' conjecture
Robust fault tolerant uncapacitated facility location
Localization for controlled random walks and martingales
Dimensionality and the stability of the Brunn-Minkowski inequality
Musical chairs
Kronecker multiplicities in the (k, ℓ) hook are polynomially bounded
Randomized distributed decision
Dynamic and static maintenance of epigenetic memory in pluripotent and somatic cells.
Erratum to Article \u201cOn the Left and Right Brylinski-Kostant filtrations\u201d (Algebr Represent Theor, (2009), 12, (417-442), 10.1007/s10468-009-9159-0)
Cryptography in NC0
Identification of power line outages
Efficient fully homomorphic encryption from (standard) lwe
Ranking and combining multiple predictors without labeled data
Unbounded entanglement can be needed to achieve the optimal success probability
Geometry and singularities of the prony mapping
Sub-Nyquist Radar via Doppler Focusing
Asymptotic behavior of a stochastic discount rate
Concentration of measures supported on the cube
On conditions for uniqueness in sparse phase retrieval
Logarithmically-concave moment measures I
Modal scenarios as automata
Cyclic Spectrum Reconstruction from Sub-Nyquist Samples
Frequency-Domain Beamforming
Efficient classification for metric data
"Clustering by composition" - Unsupervised discovery of image categories
Lineage grammars: Describing, simulating and analyzing population dynamics
A practical-time related-key attack on the KASUMI cryptosystem used in GSM and 3G telephony
Performance of the metropolis algorithm on a disordered tree: The einstein relation
Remarks on a Constrained Optimization Problem for the Ginibre Ensemble
Continuous data assimilation using general interpolant observables
On a determinantal formula of Tadić
Cooperativity, specificity, and evolutionary stability of polycomb targeting in Drosophila
One-way functions and (im)perfect obfuscation
Global well-posedness of strong solutions to the 3D primitive equations with horizontal eddy diffusivity
Preserving terminal distances using minors
Finding cycles and trees in sublinear time
On the computational efficiency of training neural networks
Singular distributions and symmetry of the spectrum
Dissection: A new paradigm for solving bicomposite search problems
Local dynamics of intersections: V. I. Arnolds theorem revisited
Fast Interactive Coding against Adversarial Noise
Improved practical attacks on round-reduced Keccak
Analytical approach to parallel repetition
Immunity against Local Influence
Cryptography in Constant Parallel Time Introduction
Continuous Sparse Recovery for Direction of Arrival Estimation with Co-prime Arrays
Feature matching with bounded distortion
Scenario-Based Programming, Usability-Oriented Perception
Landscape and variation of RNA secondary structure across the human transcriptome
Blind Deblurring Using Internal Patch Recurrence
Minimum Variance Estimation of a Sparse Vector Within the Linear Gaussian Model: An RKHS Approach
GESPAR: Efficient Phase Retrieval of Sparse Signals
Shared resource management via reward schemes
Anatomy of hierarchy: Feedforward and feedback pathways in macaque visual cortex
Proximity algorithms for nearly doubling spaces
A hardware prototype for sub-nyquist radar sensing
Determinants of nucleosome positioning
PETRELS: Parallel Subspace Estimation and Tracking by Recursive Least Squares From Partial Observations
Compressive Link Acquisition in Multiuser Communications
A quantitative version of the commutator theorem for zero trace matrices
GESPAR: Efficient Sparse Phase Retrieval with Application to Optics
Cyclostationary Detection from Sub-Nyquist Samples for Cognitive Radios: Model Reconciliation
Injective and bounded distortion mappings in 3D
Sparsity-based super-resolution coherent diffractive imaging of (practically) 1D images using extreme UV radiation.
Distributed sparse signal recovery for sensor networks
Towards a complexity theory for local distributed computing
Fourier domain beamforming for medical ultrasound
Brief announcement: Distributed MST in core-periphery networks
Optimal counterfeiting attacks and generalizations for Wiesner's quantum money
Vision: Are models of object recognition catching up with the brain?
Sub-Nyquist Power Spectrum Reconstruction and Support Detection for Cognitive Radios
Combining the Power of Internal and External Denoising
Quasi-analytic solutions of linear parabolic equations
Poincare Inequalities and Moment Maps
Mathematics and turbulence: Where do we stand?
On the accuracy of solving confluent prony systems
Pseudo-abelian integrals on slow-fast darboux systems
Algebraically recurrent random walks on groups
Mapping the translation initiation landscape of an S. cerevisiae gene using fluorescent proteins
Sub-Nyquist Medical Ultrasound Imaging: En Route to Cloud Processing
Perturbing PLA
Promoter Sequence Determines the Relationship between Expression Level and Noise
Hardness preserving reductions via cuckoo hashing
Some remarks on Weierstrass sections, adapted pairs and polynomiality
Segmenting sign language into motor primitives with Bayesian binning
Distributed Compressed Sensing in Dynamic Networks
Extending recognition in a changing environment
Chromosomal domains: Epigenetic contexts and functional implications of genomic compartmentalization
Two DNA-encoded strategies for increasing expression with opposing effects on promoter dynamics and transcriptional noise
Drosophila Functional Elements Are Embedded in Structurally Constrained Sequences
Lack of sphere packing of graphs via nonlinear potential theory
Comparing Algorithms That Reconstruct Cell Lineage Trees Utilizing Information on Microsatellite Mutations
Brief announcement: Distributed compressed sensing for sensor networks
Clustering in the Boolean hypercube in a list decoding regime
The probability of long cycles in interchange processes
Hypomethylation marks enhancers within transposable elements
Stability of two-dimensional viscous incompressible flows under three-dimensional perturbations and inviscid symmetry breaking
Quantum XOR games
High-resolution microbial community reconstruction by integrating short reads from multiple 16S rRNA regions
Explicit Lower and Upper Bounds on the Entangled Value of Multiplayer XOR Games
Learning to Perceive Coherent Objects
On composing and proving the correctness of reactive behavior
Uniqueness of percolation on products with ℤ
Stem cell clonality - Theoretical concepts, experimental techniques, and clinical challenges
Measurements of the Impact of 3 End Sequences on Gene Expression Reveal Wide Range and Sequence Dependent Effects
A library of programmable DNAzymes that operate in a cellular environment
Derivation of novel human ground state naive pluripotent stem cells
Promoters maintain their relative activity levels under different growth conditions
Nucleosome maps of the human cytomegalovirus genome reveal a temporal switch in chromatin organization linked to a major IE protein
Smooth transfer of kloosterman integrals (the archimedean case)
More constructions of lossy and correlation-secure trapdoor functions
Covering CSPs
Compressive Shift Retrieval
Relaxing synchronization constraints in behavioral programs
Generalized Perron-Frobenius theorem for multiple choice matrices, and applications
Maximum likelihood estimation under partial sparsity constraints
Singular distributions, dimension of support, and symmetry of fourier transform
Composition of low-error 2-query PCPs using decodable PCPs
Tactile modulation of whisking via the brainstem loop: Statechart modeling and experimental validation
Models of human movement: Trajectory planning and inverse kinematics studies
Normalized cuts are approximately inverse exit times
A Doppler focusing approach for sub-Nyquist radar
Simple random walk on the uniform infinite planar quadrangulation: Subdiffusivity via pioneer points
Multi-Channel Sampling of Pulse Streams at the Rate of Innovation
Irreducible representations of a product of real reductive groups
On approximating the d-girth of a graph
Cyclic Spectrum Reconstruction and Cyclostationary Detection from Sub-Nyquist Samples
Single-cell sequencing-based technologies will revolutionize whole-organism science
Reconstruction of Planar Domains from Partial Integral Measurements
Phase Retrieval via Matrix Completion
Kinematic decomposition and classification of octopus arm movements
Sub-Nyquist Radar Using Doppler Focusing Demo Presentation
Efficient rounding for the noncommutative grothendieck inequality
Matrix subspaces of L1
Sparse fault-tolerant BFS trees
Linear cover time is exponentially unlikely
Sparsity-based super-resolution in instruments for diagnostics of short pulses
Robust Downlink Beamforming With Partial Channel State Information for Conventional and Cognitive Radio Networks
Robust Prediction of Expression Differences among Human Individuals Using Only Genotype Information
Sub-Wavelength Coherent Diffractive Imaging based on Sparsity
Predicting Disease Risk Using Bootstrap Ranking and Classification Algorithms
Sub-Nyquist Sampling of Short Pulses
PCPs via low-degree long code and hardness for constrained hypergraph coloring
Quadratic Compressed Sensing in a Waveguide Array
Single-cell Hi-C reveals cell-to-cell variability in chromosome structure
Analysis of a mixture model of tumor growth
Separating signal from noise using patch recurrence across scales
Secluded connectivity problems
Minimax bounds for sparse PCA with noisy high-dimensional data
DNA computing Molecules reach consensus: Molecules reach consensus
Deciphering the rules by which 5'-UTR sequences affect protein expression in yeast
On teaching programming with nondeterminism
Structure-Based Super-Resolution in Quantum Information
Sparsity based super-resolution in optical measurements
Annihilator varieties, adduced representations, Whittaker functionals, and rank for unitary representations of GL(n)
A new algorithm for combinatorial dna library assembly
Harmonic labeling of graphs
Efficient distributed source detection with limited bandwidth
Sub-Nyquist Radar
Euclidean Sections of Convex Bodies
On the Global Regularity of a Helical-Decimated Version of the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations
Expression of emotion in the kinematics of locomotion
PASS approximation: A framework for analyzing and designing heuristics
Shannon Meets Nyquist: Capacity of Sampled Gaussian Channels
Ordering the representations of Sn using the interchange process
Relaxed spanners for directed disk graphs
Lie superalgebras and some characters of Sn
FRI-based Sub-Nyquist Sampling and Beamforming in Ultrasound and Radar
A synthetic biology approach for evaluating the functional contribution of designer cellulosome components to deconstruction of cellulosic substrates
Symbolic dynamics for surface diffeomorphisms with positive entropy
Cohesin-mediated interactions organize chromosomal domain architecture
Compositionality in neural control: An interdisciplinary study of scribbling movements in primates
Coarse geometry and randomness
Distortion Rate Function of Sub-Nyquist Sampled Gaussian Sources Corrupted by Noise
Sparsity Constrained Nonlinear Optimization: Optimality Conditions and Algorithms
Minimax Universal Sampling for Compound Multiband Channels
Fixated on fixation - using ChIP to interrogate the dynamics of chromatin interactions
On learning parametric-output HMMs
General cryptographic protocols: The very basics
Sisterhood in the Gale-Shapley matching algorithm
Reduced-Dimension Multiuser Detection
Guest column: the quantum PCP conjecture
A short tutorial of zero-knowledge
Einstein relation for biased random walk on Galton-Watson trees
Distortion-Rate Function for Undersampled Gaussian Processes
Sequence features of yeast and human core promoters that are predictive of maximal promoter activity
Conditions for target recovery in spatial compressive sensing for MIMO radar
Deterministic direct reprogramming of somatic cells to pluripotency
WIS-neuromath enables versatile high throughput analyses of neuronal processes
Commutators on L p, 1 ≤ p < ∞
Addiction of t(8;21) and inv(16) Acute Myeloid Leukemia to Native RUNX1
Nonlinear compressed sensing with application to phase retrieval
Continuous Procrustes distance between two surfaces
Sublinear bounds for randomized leader election
Real-time change detection of steady-state evoked potentials
Special Issue "Conference on Computational Complexity 2012" Guest editors' foreword
Global well-posedness of an inviscid three-dimensional pseudo-Hasegawa-Mima model
Cell-Autonomous Function of Runx1 Transcriptionally Regulates Mouse Megakaryocytic Maturation
Sparsity-based super-resolution and phase-retrieval in waveguide arrays
On the velocity of planar trajectories
Locally refined multigrid solution of the all-electron Kohn-Sham equation
Tight Bounds for Distributed Minimum-Weight Spanning Tree Verification
The 3D incompressible euler equations with a passive scalar: A road to blow-up?
Accurate blur models vs. image priors in single image super-resolution
Global well-posedness for the 2D Boussinesq system with anisotropic viscosity and without heat diffusion
Multipartite entanglement in XOR games
An observation on the Turán-Nazarov inequality
Intertwining Operators Between Line Bundles on Grassmannians
Special issue on DISC 2011
Fourier Domain Beamforming Demo for Medical Ultrasound
Modified Non-local Hard Thresholding for Super Resolution
Robust randomness amplifiers: Upper and lower bounds
GESPAR: Efficient Sparse Phase Retrieval with Application to Optics
Enhancements of trapdoor permutations
Sparse signal recovery from nonlinear measurements
Vectorial phase retrieval of 1-d signals
Efficient coherent diffractive imaging for sparsely varying objects
Spectrum Reconstruction from Sub-Nyquist Sampling of Stationary Wideband Signals
Inferring gene expression from ribosomal promoter sequences, a crowdsourcing approach
Conformal Wasserstein distance: II. Computational aspects and extensions
The vanishing viscosity as a selection principle for the Euler equations: The case of 3D shear flow
Weyl denominator identity for finite-dimensional lie superalgebras
Xampling at the Rate of Innovation
Billiards: A singular perturbation limit of smooth Hamiltonian flows
Fault tolerant additive spanners
From simple innate biases to complex visual concepts
Dictionary Optimization for Block-Sparse Representations
The effect of previous programming experience on the learning of scenario-based programming
Convex hulls in the hyperbolic space
Applying cube attacks to stream ciphers in realistic scenarios
Sharp threshold for percolation on expanders
Spatial compressive sensing in MIMO radar with random arrays
The Liouville and the intersection properties are equivalent for planar graphs
Compressed beamforming applied to B-mode ultrasound imaging
When complexity leads to simplicity: Ocean surface mixing simplified by vertical convection
The privacy of the analyst and the power of the state
Behavioral programming
Mastering multi-player games
Evaluating a natural language interface for behavioral programming
Highlights in Lie algebraic methods
"Clustering by Composition" - Unsupervised Discovery of Image Categories
Compressed beamforming with applications to ultrasound imaging
Support convergence in the single ring theorem
Partially Linear Estimation with Application to Image Deblurring Using Blurred/Noisy Image Pairs
SINR diagram with interference cancellation
Analogue Zhelobenko invariants, Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand operators and the Kostant Clifford algebra conjecture
A mechanical turing machine: Blueprint for a biomolecular computer
Fermi acceleration and adiabatic invariants for non-autonomous billiards
Centroid bodies and the logarithmic Laplace transform - A unified approach
Distributed verification and hardness of distributed approximation
Finite transitive graph embeddings into a hyperbolic metric space must stretch or squeeze
A direct proof of a generalized harish-chandra isomorphism
Trevisan's extractor in the presence of quantum side information
On the (Im)possibility of obfuscating programs
Epigenetic polymorphism and the stochastic formation of differentially methylated regions in normal and cancerous tissues
Sparse reliable graph backbones
Constructing resilient structures in graphs: rigid vs. competitive fault-tolerance
Existence of Klyachko models for GL(n,R) and GL(n,C)
Stationary map coloring
Grating Enhanced Optical Imaging Systems
Negative blood oxygenation level dependent homunculus and somatotopic information in primary motor cortex and supplementary motor area
Evidence for bistable bacteria-neutrophil interaction and its clinical implications
Tensor Products of Random Unitary Matrices
Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis: Preface
Tightness of fluctuations of first passage percolation on some large graphs
Zhelobenko invariants, Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand operators and the analogue Kostant Clifford algebra conjecture
Interpolations, convexity and geometric inequalities
New insights into replication origin characteristics in metazoans
Semi-supervised multi-domain regression with distinct training sets
On the separation profile of infinite graphs
On the trace of branching random walks
Executable modeling of morphogenesis: A Turing-inspired approach
Certifiable quantum dice: Or, true random number generation secure against quantum adversaries
Public-key cryptosystems resilient to key leakage
Viewpoint-aware object detection and continuous pose estimation
Using linking features in learning non-parametric part models
Long-time behavior of a two-layer model of baroclinic quasi-geostrophic turbulence
Multi-modal scenarios revisited: A net-based representation
A saddle in a corner-a model of collinear triatomic chemical reactions
The truncated fourier operator. General results
Quenched invariance principle for random walks in balanced random environment
Sparsity-based single-shot subwavelength coherent diffractive imaging
Simple formulas for quasiconformal plane deformations
Sums and products along sparse graphs
From catalogue to function
On the approximability of some degree-constrained subgraph problems
Intersection multiplicities of Noetherian functions
Ergodic theory on stationary random graphs
Compressed Sensing: Theory and Applications
Image segmentation by probabilistic bottom-up aggregation and cue integration
The vile, dopey, evil and odious game players
Sampling at the rate of innovation: theory and applications
Channel Capacity under General Nonuniform Sampling
Sparsity-based single-shot subwavelength coherent diffractive imaging
Introduction to compressed sensing
Recursive construction of perfect DNA molecules and libraries from imperfect oligonucleotides
The tensor product of two good codes is not necessarily robustly testable
Everywhere-sparse spanners via dense subgraphs
Erratum: Fitting a Cm-smooth function to data II (Revista Matematica Iberoamericana (2009) 25:1 (49-273))
Inferring gene regulatory logic from high-throughput measurements of thousands of systematically designed promoters
Performance Bounds and Design Criteria for Estimating Finite Rate of Innovation Signals
Towards an integrated circuit design of a compresssed sampling wireless receiver
Lean algebraic multigrid (LAM G): Fast graph Laplacian linear solver
Robust 4C-seq data analysis to screen for regulatory DNA interactions
Functional affine-isoperimetry and an inverse logarithmic Sobolev inequality
Notions of connectivity in overlay networks
Introduction to special issue: Incompressible fluids, turbulence and mixing
Sub-Nyquist Sampling of Short Pulses
Synthesis from scenario-based specifications
Rank Awareness in Joint Sparse Recovery
Optimal sampling structure for asynchronous multi-access channels
Sensitivity Estimates Via Lyapunov Functions and Lyapunov Metrics
Partially Linear Estimation With Application to Sparse Signal Recovery From Measurement Pairs
Uniqueness conditions for low-rank matrix recovery
Bounded distortion mapping spaces for triangular meshes
Cell lineage analysis of acute leukemia relapse uncovers the role of replication-rate heterogeneity and microsatellite instability
A multi-prover interactive proof for NEXP sound against entangled provers
Inner regularization of log-concave measures and small-ball estimates
Fields on symmetric surfaces
Cell lineage analysis of the mammalian female germline
The quest for runware: On compositional, executable and intuitive models
Tightness of the recentered maximum of the two-dimensional discrete Gaussian free field
Denominator identities for finite-dimensional Lie superalgebras and Howe duality for compact dual pairs
PETRELS: Subspace estimation and tracking from partial observations
An explicit linear estimate for the number of zeros of Abelian integrals
Exploiting Statistical Dependencies in Sparse Representations for Signal Recovery
Slowdown for Time Inhomogeneous Branching Brownian Motion
Special issue from RANDOM'09: Editors' Foreword
Approximate gaussian isoperimetry for k sets
A determining form for the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations: The Fourier modes case
Systematic Determination of Replication Activity Type Highlights Interconnections between Replication, Chromatin Structure and Nuclear Localization
Multiplicity free jacquet modules
De novo DNA synthesis using single-molecule PCR.
Analog compressed sensing for RF propagation channel sounding
Branching random walks in time inhomogeneous environments
The smoothed complexity of edit distance
Compressive Sensing with Unknown Parameters
Non-intrusive repair of reactive programs
Distributed algorithms for network diameter and girth
The fault tolerant capacitated k-center problem
Global Well-Posedness of the 3D Primitive Equations with Partial Vertical Turbulence Mixing Heat Diffusion
Optimization-based recovery from rate of innovation samples
Identification of CTCF as a master regulator of the clustered protocadherin genes
Reduced-Dimension Multiuser Detection
Gathering despite mischief
All Schatten spaces endowed with the Schur product are Q-algebras
Xampling: compressed sensing of analog signals
Method and System for Super-Resolution Signal Reconstruction
Programmable In Vivo Selection of Arbitrary DNA Sequences
Multipath Spanners via Fault-Tolerant Spanners
Altered perceptual sensitivity to kinematic invariants in Parkinson's disease
Genome-wide Measurement of RNA Folding Energies
Discovery through gossip
Inferring divergence of context-dependent substitution rates in drosophila genomes with applications to comparative genomics
Sub-Pixel Tracking of sub-Wavelength Elements from Fourier Intensity Measurements
Hierarchy Theorems for Property Testing
System, Method, and Circuitry for Blind Timing Mismatch Estimation of Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
Semi-supervised single- and multi-domain regression with multi-domain training
Earliest record of Platychoerops (Primates, Plesiadapidae), a new species from Mouras Quarry, Mont de Berru, France
Recurrence of the ℤ d-valued infinite snake via unimodularity
Compressed Beamforming in Ultrasound Imaging
A Software Engineering Framework for Switched Fuzzy Systems
SINR Diagrams: Convexity and its applications in wireless networks
Universal factor graphs
MIMO Radar Spatial Compressive Sensing with Unknown Parameters
Consequences of the littelmann path theory for the structure of the Kashiwara B(∞) Crystal
Manipulating nucleosome disfavoring sequences allows fine-tune regulation of gene expression in yeast
Erratum: Riemannian geometric approach to human arm dynamics, movement optimization, and invariance (Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (2012) 85 (019907))
A theory of goal-oriented communication
Correction: Programmable In Vivo Selection of Arbitrary DNA Sequences
Reduced-dimension multiuser detection: detectors and performance guarantees
A programmable NOR-based device for transcription profile analysis
Locally testable codes and expanders
Spherical pairs over close local fields
Three-dimensional folding and functional organization principles of the Drosophila genome
Santa claus meets hypergraph matchings
GPS signal acquisition via compressive multichannel sampling
f-sensitivity distance oracles and routing schemes
Super-resolution spectroscopy by compact representation
Snake representation of a superprocess in random environment
Local distributed decision
Pricing commodities
Sketching in adversarial environments
Elementary Acquaintance With Multigrid
Primate CpG islands are maintained by heterogeneous evolutionary regimes involving minimal selection
The topology of wireless communication
Sub-Nyquist Sampling
Using the FGLSS-reduction to prove inapproximability results for minimum vertex cover in hypergraphs
Wideband Spectrum Sensing at Sub-Nyquist Rates
On the regularization mechanism for the periodic Korteweg-de Vries equation
Une marche excité équilibrée
Probabilistic modeling of Hi-C contact maps eliminates systematic biases to characterize global chromosomal architecture
Aperiodic subtraction games
Buffer Management for Colored Packets with Deadlines
The projected GSURE for automatic parameter tuning in iterative shrinkage methods
Causal signal recovery from U-invariant samples
Preface to Multigrid Techniques
On complete reducibility for infinite-dimensional Lie algebras
Quantum one-way communication can be exponentially stronger than classical communication
Entangled games are hard to approximate
High nucleosome occupancy is encoded at X-linked gene promoters in C. elegans
Acceleration of randomized Kaczmarz method via the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma
Sub-Nyquist sampling of short pulses
Efficient Sampling Schemes for Pulse Streams with Application to Ultrasound Imaging
Growth and isoperimetric profile of planar graphs
Space-Time Super-Resolution from a Single Video
Full Approximation Scheme (FAS) and Applications
Model-checking behavioral programs
Interior Relaxation and Smoothing Factors
An algebraic slice in the coadjoint space of the Borel and the Coxeter element
Approaching the Capacity of Sampled Analog Channels
Hardness results for approximating the bandwidth
C-HiLasso: A Collaborative Hierarchical Sparse Modeling Framework
Remez-type inequality for discrete sets
Compressed sensing with coherent and redundant dictionaries
On the identification of parametric underspread linear systems
Interior Two-Level Cycles
Efficient Fully Homomorphic Encryption from (Standard) LWE
Instability of Set Recurrence and Green's Function on Groups with the Liouville Property
On Yao's XOR-Lemma
Fault-tolerant spanners: Better and simpler
Basing non-interactive zero-knowledge on (Enhanced) trapdoor permutations: The state of the art
Identification of Parametric Underspread Linear Systems and Super-Resolution Radar
Performance of eigenvalue-based signal detectors with known and unknown noise level
Multigrid Techniques 1984 Guide with Applications to Fluid Dynamics Revised Edition Preface to the Classics Edition
Chains of Problems. Frozen tau
On tracing reactive systems
Cutpoints and resistance of random walk paths
Derandomized Parallel Repetition via Structured PCPs
Parallel repetition of entangled games
A note on exact distance labeling
Compressible Navier-Stokes and Euler Equations
Algorithms to automatically quantify the geometric similarity of anatomical surfaces
Detection of multiple disease indicators by an autonomous biomolecular computer
Many-Level Cycles
Multigrid Techniques 1984 Guide with Applications to Fluid Dynamics Revised Edition Introduction
A compiler for multimodal scenarios: Transforming LSCs into aspectJ
Dealgebraization of Multigrid
Relaxation-based coarsening and multiscale graph organization
Biology as reactivity
On proximity-oblivious testing
Discrete data assimilation in the Lorenz and 2D Navier-Stokes equations
Characterization of non-matrix varieties of associative algebras
Sparsity based sub-wavelength imaging with partially incoherent light via quadratic compressed sensing
Hard edge tail asymptotics
Efficient Sampling and Reconstruction of Sparse Multiband Signals
Practical Role of Rigorous Analysis and Quantitative Predictions
Is the critical percolation probability local?
Computational Prediction of RNA Structural Motifs Involved in Post-Transcriptional Regulatory Processes
Global Regularity Criterion for the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations Involving One Entry of the Velocity Gradient Tensor
Boundary Conditions and Two-Level Cycling
Generic Sensing Hardware and Real-Time Reconstruction for Structured Analog Signals
Modeling Statistical Dependencies in Sparse Representations
Vectorial phase retrieval for linear characterization of attosecond pulses
Denoising of image patches via sparse representations with learned statistical dependencies
The Complexity of Entangled Games: A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Poisson asymptotics for random projections of points on a high-dimensional sphere
Does ignorance of the whole imply ignorance of the parts? Large violations of noncontextuality in quantum theory
Certifiable Quantum Dice - Or, testable exponential randomness expansion
Global Methods for Compressive Sensing in MIMO Radar with Distributed Sensors
Proximity oblivious testing and the role of invariances
Compensation for differences in gene copy number among yeast ribosomal proteins is encoded within their promoters
On probabilistic versus deterministic provers in the definition of proofs of knowledge
Finding the shortest move-sequence in the graph-generalized 15-puzzle is NP-hard
The GGM construction does NOT yield correlation intractable function ensembles
Low-rate sampling of pulse streams
Uniqueness conditions for low-rank matrix recovery
Maximizing non-monotone submodular functions
On security preserving reductions - Revised terminology
On the average-case complexity of property testing
An Experimentally Verified Attack on Full Grain-128 Using Dedicated Reconfigurable Hardware
Algorithmic aspects of property testing in the dense graphs model
3D face reconstruction from a single image using a single reference face shape
Xampling Of Unknown Pulses
Muscle-bound primordial stem cells give rise to myofiber-associated myogenic and non-myogenic progenitors
Tight bounds for distributed MST verification
On the complexity of computational problems regarding distributions
On the circuit complexity of perfect hashing
Simplified derandomization of BPP using a hitting set generator
Cyclostationary feature detection from sub-Nyquist samples
Full Multi-Grid (FMG) Algorithms
Noise Folding in Compressed Sensing
Fluxomers: a new approach for C-13 metabolic flux analysis
Proximity oblivious testing and the role of invariances
Weyl denominator identity for affine Lie superalgebras with non-zero dual Coxeter number
Understanding the transcriptome through RNA structure
Three XOR-Lemmas - An exposition
Collision-free hashing from lattice problems
Steady-State Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations
Approximately gaussian marginals and the hyperplane conjecture
Standard polynomials are characterized by their degree and exponent
How hard is it to approximate the best nash equilibrium?
A Note About Critical Percolation on Finite Graphs
I knew i should have taken that left turn at albuquerque
Randomness and computation
Near-Oracle Performance of Greedy Block-Sparse Estimation Techniques From Noisy Measurements
An integral test for the transience of a Brownian path with limited local time
Mixing times for random k-cycles and coalescence-fragmentation chains
Basic-level categorization of intermediate complexity fragments reveals top-down effects of expertise in visual perception
Applications to Fluid Dynamics
True Role of Relaxation
Shannon meets Nyquist: Capacity limits of sampled analog channels
Many random walks are faster than one
Xampling: analog to digital at sub-Nyquist rates
Invariant and dual subtraction games resolving the Duchêne-Rigo conjecture
Bravely, moderately: A common theme in four recent Works
Local Refinements and Grid Adaptation
PCP Characterizations of NP: Toward a Polynomially-Small Error-Probability
Remarks On Solvers For Transonic Potential Equations
Adaptive behavioral programming
Higher-Order Techniques
Viewpoint-Aware Object Detection and Pose Estimation
Candidate one-way functions based on expander graphs
RFID Authentication Efficient Proactive Information Security within Computational Security
Arm exponents in high dimensional percolation
On the distribution of the ratio of the largest eigenvalue to the trace of a Wishart matrix
On Approximating the d-Girth of a Graph
Xampling in Ultrasound Imaging
A computational model reveals that the face domain of macaque inferotemporal cortex (IT) represents multiple visual features
From absolute distinguishability to positive distinguishability
Model selection for sinusoids in noise: Statistical analysis and a new penalty term
A candidate counterexample to the easy cylinders conjecture
Distributed discovery of large near-cliques
U-Invariant Sampling: Extrapolation and Causal Interpolation From Generalized Samples
Another motivation for reducing the randomness complexity of algorithms
Notes on Levin's theory of average-case complexity
Recursive Construction and Error Correction of DNA Molecules and Libraries from Synthetic and Natural DNA
Grating-Enhanced Coherent Imaging
Coarsening Guided By Discretization
Steady-State Stokes Equations
The triangle and the open triangle
Short locally testable codes and proofs
Proving computational ability
Testing graph blow-up
Cauchy-Riemann Equations
Pontryagin maximum principle revisited with feedbacks
Moment vanishing problem and positivity: Some examples
Sensing Matrix Optimization for Block-Sparse Decoding
Internal Statistics of a Single Natural Image
Basic facts about expander graphs
Programming with the User in Mind
More nonlocality with less entanglement
Dense locally testable codes cannot have constant rate and distance
Black-Box Circular-Secure Encryption beyond Affine Functions
On constructing 1-1 one-way functions
Reactive animation: From piecemeal experimentation to reactive biological systems
On limits of graphs sphere packed in Euclidean space and applications
Average case complexity, revisited
Colon stem cell and crypt dynamics exposed by cell lineage reconstruction
Contour-Based Joint Clustering of Multiple Segmentations
On testing expansion in bounded-degree graphs
Percolation on a product of two trees
Multichannel Sampling of Pulse Streams at the Rate of Innovation
Slices for biparabolics of index 1
Live Demonstration: MWC for Real-Time Application
On visualization and comprehension of scenario-based programs
Signal recovery in shift-invariant spaces from partial frequency data
Riemannian geometric approach to human arm dynamics, movement optimization, and invariance
Time Dependent Problems
Approximate Nearest Subspace Search
Hidden Relationships: Bayesian Estimation With Partial Knowledge
Vectorial phase retrieval for linear characterization of attosecond pulses
Stabilizing isomorphisms from ℓp (ℓ2) into lp [0, 1]
From logarithmic advice to single-bit advice
Contemplations on testing graph properties
In a world of P=BPP
Mechanism Design with Uncertain Inputs (to Err is Human, to Forgive Divine)
Robust exponential acceleration in time-dependent billiards
Sub-Nyquist sampling and identification of LTV systems
A brief introduction to property testing
Stieltjes Functions and Hurwitz Stable Entire Functions
Bernoulli equilibrium states for surface diffeomorphisms
A Nonlinear Approach to Dimension Reduction
Advanced Techniques and Insights
Bacteria-phagocyte dynamics, axiomatic modelling and mass-action kinetics
Blind Compressed Sensing
Limits on the Power of Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Cryptographic Constructions
Distributed power control in the SINR model
Computer-aided high-throughput cloning of bacteria in liquid medium
Sparsity-based subwavelength optical imaging
Xampling: Signal Acquisition and Processing in Union of Subspaces
On the diameter of the set of satisfying assignments in random satisfiable k-CNF formulas
Strong proofs of knowledge
25 Years of Schur Analysis in Leipzig: Introduction
Structured Compressed Sensing: From Theory to Applications
Directed Spanners via Flow-Based Linear Programs
Stable Discretization
Geodesics and almost geodesic cycles in random regular graphs
A sample of samplers: A computational perspective on sampling
Recursions and tightness for the maximum of the discrete, two dimensional Gaussian free field
Shannon meets Nyquist: The interplay between capacity and sampling
Bridging a small gap in the gap amplification of assignment testers
The single ring theorem
Low complexity acquisition of GPS signals
Introduction to testing graph properties
Innovation Rate Sampling of Pulse Streams With Application to Ultrasound Imaging
Tight embedding of subspaces of Lp in ℓnp for even p
Unbiased Estimation of a Sparse Vector in White Gaussian Noise
Analysis and computation of a discrete kdv-burgers type equation with fast dispersion and slow diffusion
Natural Image Denoising: Optimality and Inherent Bounds
How Transcription Factors Identify Regulatory Sites in Genomic Sequence
Exponential Riesz Bases, Discrepancy of Irrational Rotations and BMO
Dynamic combinatorial interactions of RUNX1 and cooperating partners regulates megakaryocytic differentiation in cell line models
Another proof that BPP ⊆ PH (and more)
Set invariance under output feedback: A set-dynamics approach
Consistent minimal displacement of branching random WALKS
Programming Coordinated Behavior in Java
Entropy of random walk range
Amir Pnueli: A Gentle Giant, Lord of the Phi's and the Psi's
Periodic optimization suffices for infinite horizon planar optimal control
A fast multigrid algorithm for energy minimization under planar density constraints
The de-Rham theorem and Shapiro lemma for Schwartz functions on Nash manifolds
Long noncoding RNA as modular scaffold of histone modification complexes
Basing cryptographic protocols on tamper-evident seals
Circular and Leakage Resilient Public-Key Encryption under Subgroup Indistinguishability (or: Quadratic Residuosity Strikes Back)
Super-resolution and reconstruction of sparse sub-wavelength optical images
Complementary iterated floor words and the flora game
Extensions and restrictions of Wythoff's game preserving its P positions
Modeling long memory eye gaze data
Improved Single-Key Attacks on 8-Round AES-192 and AES-256
Regenerative morphing
Expander: From expression microarrays to networks and functions
From classification to full object interpretation
Structured Total Maximum Likelihood: An Alternative to Structured Total Least Squares
Time delay estimation: Compressed sensing over an infinite union of subspaces
Constructing Labeling Schemes through Universal Matrices
Probabilistically checkable proofs and codes
The privacy of tracing traitors
The Program of the Mini-Workshop
Blind Compressed Sensing: Theory
On the number of zeros of Abelian integrals: A constructive solution of the infinitesimal Hilbert sixteenth problem
Public-key encryption in the bounded-retrieval model
Sparsity-Based Reconstruction of Subwavelength Images from their Optical Far-Field
Sampling Over Infinite Unions: Towards Compressive Ultrasonic Imaging
Forbidden-set distance labels for graphs of bounded doubling dimension
Average Case Analysis of Multichannel Sparse Recovery Using Convex Relaxation
Comparative analysis of DNA replication timing reveals conserved large-scale chromosomal architecture
Center conditions at infinity for Abel differential equations
On the higher-order global regularity of the inviscid voigt-regularization of three-dimensional hydrodynamic models
A preemptive algorithm for maximizing disjoint paths on trees
Sampling of pulse streams: Achieving the rate of innovation
A minimax approach to Bayesian estimation with partial knowledge of the observation model
The schur algorithm in terms of system realizations
On expected probabilistic polynomial-time adversaries: A suggestion for restricted definitions and their benefits
From enmity to amity
Vertex sparsifiers: New results from old techniques
Time resolved extraction of receptive fields
Rigid and competitive fault tolerance for logical information structures in networks
Reconstructing sub-wavelength features from the optical far-field of sparse images
Efficient cache attacks on AES, and countermeasures
Multiscale wavelets on trees, graphs and high dimensional data: Theory and applications to semi supervised learning
On The randomness complexity of property testing
Deducing an upper bound to the horizontal eddy diffusivity using a stochastic Lagrangian model
Localized spanner construction for Ad Hoc networks with variable transmission range
Coherence-Based Performance Guarantees for Estimating a Sparse Vector Under Random Noise
Time-Efficient Broadcast in Radio Networks
Sub-Nyquist acquisition hardware for wideband communication
Detecting high log-densities - An O(n1/4) approximation for densest k-subgraph
Structure and Algorithms in the SINR Wireless Model
Motion Blur Removal in Nonlinear Sensors
Comparative Power Analysis of Modular Exponentiation Algorithms
On the connectivity threshold for general uniform metric spaces
Modeling biology using generic reactive animation
Super-resolution and reconstruction of sparse images carried by incoherent light
Strategic behavior in financial markets
Differential privacy under continual observation
Convex optimization in signal processing
Unique ergodicity for infinite measures
Super-resolved spatially encoded single-scan 2D MRI
Nucleosome sequence preferences influence in vivo nucleosome organization
Neuronal Encoding of Human Kinematic Invariants during Action Observation
The Cramr-Rao Bound for Estimating a Sparse Parameter Vector
PlayGo: Towards a comprehensive tool for scenario based programming
A systematic approach to understand the functional consequences of non-protein coding risk regions
Relaxed spanners for directed disk graphs
Co-clustering of image segments using convex optimization applied to EM neuronal reconstruction
Backyard Cuckoo Hashing: Constant Worst-Case Operations with a Succinct Representation
Tree composition condition and moments vanishing
The chains model for detecting parts by their context
Some thoughts on the semantics of biocharts
Xampling: Analog Data Compression
Erratum to Super-resolution and reconstruction of sparse sub-wavelength images (Vol 17, Pg 23920, 2009): Super-resolution and reconstruction of sparse sub-wavelength images (Opt. Express (2009) 17: 26 (23920-23946)
On information rates of the fading Wyner cellular model via the Thouless formula for the strip
Structural cryptanalysis of SASAS
Some regular symmetric pairs
Large deviations of empirical measures of zeros of random polynomials
Sub-Nyquist processing with the modulated wideband converter
Responsive Lotteries
Efficient classification for metric data
Recovering Signals From Lowpass Data
Contribution of histone sequence preferences to nucleosome organization: Proposed definitions and methodology
Xampling: Analog-to-digital at sub-Nyquist rates
Exceeding the inherent resolution limit of photo-detectors in pulse-shape measurements by implementing sparseness-based algorithms
Xampling: Analog-to-digital at Sub-Nyquist rates
Fast exhaustive search for polynomial systems in F2
Exponential energy growth in a Fermi accelerator
A near-linear-time algorithm for computing replacement paths in planar directed graphs
Block-Sparse Signals: Uncertainty Relations and Efficient Recovery
From Theory to Practice: Sub-Nyquist Sampling of Sparse Wideband Analog Signals
Low-Port Tree Representations
Detecting and Sketching the Common
A Brief Introduction to Property Testing
An efficient multigrid method for the simulation of high-resolution elastic solids
Covariance Estimation in Decomposable Gaussian Graphical Models
Polylogarithmic approximation for edit distance and the asymmetric query complexity
Dictionary Optimization for Block-Sparse Representations
On unbiased estimation of sparse vectors corrupted by Gaussian noise
Nonlinear and Nonideal Sampling Revisited
Symmetry Factored Embedding and distance
Public-key encryption schemes with auxiliary inputs
The structure of winning strategies in parallel repetition games
Invariant measures for the 3D navier-stokes-voigt equations and their navier-stokes limit
On the finite cyclicity of open period annuli
Collaborative hierarchical sparse modeling
Approximating Sparsest Cut in Graphs of Bounded Treewidth
Performance bounds for the estimation of finite rate of innovation signals from noisy measurements
Learning to classify by ongoing feature selection
Averaging of ordinary differential equations with slowly varying averages
Parametric joint detection-estimation of the number of sources in array processing
Equal-area locus-based convex polygon decomposition
Proximity Algorithms for Nearly-Doubling Spaces
Stochastic Attractors for Shell Phenomenological Models of Turbulence
Modulated wideband converter with non-ideal lowpass filters
Integrative analysis of the Caenorhabditis elegans genome by the modENCODE project
On the convergence rate of the Euler-α, an inviscid second-grade complex fluid, model to the Euler equations
Noninvertible Gabor Transforms
Using body-anchored priors for identifying actions in single images
Polynomiality of invariants, unimodularity and adapted pairs
Fault tolerant spanners for general graphs
On the compressibility of n p instances and cryptographic applications
On the power of play-out for scenario-based programs
Method and Apparatus for Reconstructing Digitized Distorted Signals
Random planar metrics
Loss of smoothness and energy conserving rough weak solutions for the 3D euler equations
Robust fault tolerant uncapacitated facility location
Coherence-based near-oracle performance guarantees for sparse estimation under Gaussian noise
More constructions of lossy and correlation-secure trapdoor functions
Global regularity and convergence of a Birkhoff-Rott-α approximation of the dynamics of vortex sheets of the two-dimensional Euler equations
Erratum: On basing one-way functions on NP-hardness (Proceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing DOI:
Efficient trace and revoke schemes
Balanced coloring of bipartite graphs
Multichannel blind compressed sensing
Realtime classification for encrypted traffic
Toward textbook multigrid efficiency for fully implicit resistive magnetohydrodynamics
Robust downlink beamforming for cognitive radio networks
Proof labeling schemes
Key recovery attacks of practical complexity on AES-256 variants with up to 10 rounds
The UGC Hardness Threshold of the L-p Grothendieck Problem
Overlapping codes within protein-coding sequences
Random paths with bounded local time
High-dimensional distributions with convexity properties
On the statistical properties of the 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes-Voigt model
Generic analysis of small cryptographic leaks
Nonparametric detection of signals by information theoretic criteria: Performance analysis and an improved estimator
Composition of Low-Error 2-Query PCPs Using Decodable PCPs
On the conditional hardness of coloring a 4-colorable graph with super-constant number of colors
Differing averaged and quenched large deviations for random walks in random environments in dimensions two and three
Processing DNA molecules as text
p53 binds preferentially to genomic regions with high DNA-encoded nucleosome occupancy
Overcoming the Hole in the Bucket: Public-Key Cryptography Resilient to Continual Memory Leakage
Accelerating Smart Play-Out
Semantic navigation strategies for scenario-based programming
Super-resolution and reconstruction of sub-wavelength images using incoherent light
Shrinkage Algorithms for MMSE Covariance Estimation
Clustering of high-dimensional gene expression data with feature filtering methods and diffusion maps
Predicting odor pleasantness with an electronic nose
The symmetric parabolic resonance
Every minor-closed property of sparse graphs is testable
Hypoxia causes connexin 43 internalization in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes
Genome-wide measurement of RNA secondary structure in yeast
A Lower Bound on the Estimator Variance for the Sparse Linear Model
Polylogarithmic approximation for edit distance and the asymmetric query complexity
Split-ballot voting: Everlasting privacy with distributed trust
Hardness of finding independent sets in almost 3-colorable graphs
The horocycle flow and the Laplacian on hyperbolic surfaces of infinite genus
Time-Delay Estimation From Low-Rate Samples: A Union of Subspaces Approach
Bistability and bacterial infections
Computational complexity
f-Sensitivity Distance Oracles and Routing Schemes
Möbius transformations for global intrinsic symmetry analysis
Sparse Reliable Graph Backbones
beta-spread of Sets in Metric Spaces and Critical Values of Smooth Functions
Reconstruction of Sparse Sub-Wavelength Images
Signal Recovery from Low Frequency Components
Detecting Faint Curved Edges in Noisy Images
Global features of neural activity in the olfactory system form a parallel code that predicts olfactory behavior and perception
On the implementation of huge random objects
Hierarchy Theorems for Property Testing
Widespread compensatory evolution conserves DNA-encoded nucleosome organization in yeast
Derandomized Parallel Repetition of Structured PCPs
A Direct Reduction from k-Player to 2-Player Approximate Nash Equilibrium
Multiplicity one theorems
Algorithmic Aspects of Property Testing in the Dense Graphs Model
High nucleosome occupancy is encoded at human regulatory sequences
On optimal strategies for a hat game on graphs
Biocharts: A visual formalism for complex biological systems
A Practical-Time Related-Key Attack on the KASUMI Cryptosystem Used in GSM and 3G Telephony
Efficient multilevel eigensolvers with applications to data analysis tasks
On nearly radial marginals of high-dimensional probability measures
Classification of solutions of the forced periodic nonlinear Schrödinger equation
The computational hardness of estimating edit distance
Introduction to Testing Graph Properties
Super-resolution of images using incoherent light
Amir Pnueli a gentle giant: Lord of the φ's and the ψ's
H2A.Z maintenance during mitosis reveals nucleosome shifting on mitotically silenced genes
On Testing Computability by Small Width OBDDs
How efficient can memory checking be?
Functional anatomy of polycomb and trithorax chromatin landscapes in Drosophila embryos
A network-based method for predicting gene-nutrient interactions and its application to yeast amino-acid metabolism
Robust recovery of signals from a structured union of subspaces
The DNA-encoded nucleosome organization of a eukaryotic genome
Dimension reduction for hyperbolic space
Public-Key Cryptosystems Resilient to Key Leakage
Weak Verifiable Random Functions
Visibility to infinity in the hyperbolic plane, despite obstacles
Parabolic movement primitives and cortical states: Merging optimality with geometric invariance
Diffusion interpretation of nonlocal neighborhood filters for signal denoising
On the left and right brylinski-kostant filtrations
Visibility constraints on features of 3D objects
Multiplicity one theorem for (GLn+1(ℝ),GLn(ℝ))
Motor Sequences
Proteome-wide prediction of acetylation substrates
On teaching visual formalisms
A hierarchical non-parametric method for capturing non-rigid deformations
Sampling Shift-Invariant Signals with Finite Rate of Innovation
Remembering Philip Rabinowitz
On smoothed k-CNF formulas and the Walksat algorithm
Complex unconstrained three-dimensional hand movement and constant equi-affine speed
Global attractors and determining modes for the 3D Navier-Stokes-Voight equations
Broadcasting in UDG radio networks with unknown topology
Cube Attacks on Tweakable Black Box Polynomials
Rotation of trajectoriesof lipschitz vector fields
Central limit theorem and large deviations of the fading Wyner cellular model via product of random matrices theory
Nearly automatic motion capture system for tracking octopus arm movements in 3D space
A Littelmann path model for crystals of generalized Kac-Moody algebras
Derandomized constructions of k-wise (almost) independent permutations
Conditional hardness for approximate coloring
High-order processing of singular data
KPZ in one dimensional random geometry of multiplicative cascades
Beyond Bandlimited Sampling
Combinatorial games: Selected bibliography with a succinct gourmet introduction
Molecular implementation of simple logic programs
Trajectory of the index finger during grasping
Analog compressed sensing
Generalized SURE for Exponential Families: Applications to Regularization
A Berry-Esseen type inequality for convex bodies with an unconditional basis
Nonsomatotopic Organization of the Higher Motor Centers in Octopus
The vector hybrid Wiener filter: Application to super-resolution
Functional enhancers at the gene-poor 8q24 cancer-linked locus
Polynomial bounds for the oscillation of solutions of Fuchsian systems
Solitonets: complex networks of interacting fields
Labeling schemes for tree representation
Low-rate Wideband Receiver
Fitting a Cm-smooth function to data I
Partitioning Graphs into Balanced Components
Poly(dA:dT) tracts: major determinants of nucleosome organization
Uniqueness of Shalika functionals:: the archimedean case
Spectrum-Blind Sampling And Reconstruction Of Multi-Band Signals
A Non-Archimedean Interpretation of the Weight Zero Subspaces of Limit Mixed Hodge Structures
Gevrey regularity for the attractor of the 3D Navier-Stokes-Voight equations
A tight upper bound on the probabilistic embedding of series-parallel graphs
Semi-supervised learning with the graph laplacian: The limit of infinite unlabelled data
Lower bounds on quantum multiparty communication complexity
On the complexity of differentially private data release :Efficient algorithms and hardness results
On Proximity Oblivious Testing
Interior distance using barycentric coordinates
A new method to record and control for 2D-movement kinematics during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
Lower Bounds for Local Versions of Dimension Reductions
Super-Resolution from a Single Image
Biomechanics: Hydroskeletal
On maximizing welfare when utility functions are subadditive
A direct proof of Gromov's theorem
Cognitive neuroscience of drawing: Contributions of neuropsychological, experimental and neurofunctional studies
Proceedings of the Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity: Preface
Local computation of nearly additive spanners
Graded tensor products
Improved lower bounds for embeddings into l 1
Predicting neuroendocrine tumor (carcinoid) neoplasia using gene expression profiling and supervised machine learning
On the Constrained Cramer-Rao Bound With a Singular Fisher Information Matrix
Gene expression divergence in yeast is coupled to evolution of DNA-encoded nucleosome organization
Efficient k-Shot Broadcasting in Radio Networks
Another bridge between NIM and Wythoff
Bayesian Filtering in Spiking Neural Networks: Noise, Adaptation, and Multisensory Integration
Tightness for a family of recursion equations
Brief announcement: Distributed discovery of large near-cliques
O(V ⊕ F), O(V)) is a Gelfand pair for any quadratic space v over a local field F
Statecharts in the making: A personal account
Spatial Clustering of Multivariate Genomic and Epigenomic Information
On the hyperplane conjecture for random convex sets
Generalized Harish-Chandra descent, Gelfand pairs, and an Archimedean analog of Jacquet-Rallis's theorem
A pentagonal crystal, the golden section, alcove packing and aperiodic tilings
Branching Random Walk with exponentially decreasing steps, and stochastically self-similar measures
Parabolic resonance: A route to Hamiltonian spatiotemporal chaos
Distributed algorithms for partitioning a swarm of autonomous mobile robots
Computational model and the human perception of emotional body language (EBL)
Cortical circuitry implementing graphical models
Quantitative assessment of image segmentation quality by random walk relaxation times
Robust and consistent sampling
An analytical formulation of the law of intersegmental coordination during human locomotion
Spacings and pair correlations for finite Bernoulli convolutions
Incorporating nucleosomes into thermodynamic models of transcription regulation
Computing the fault tolerance of multi-agent deployment
An example related to Whitney extension with almost minimal Cm norm
Average Case Analysis of Multichannel Basis Pursuit
Principal component analysis, hierarchical clustering, and decision tree assessment of plasma mRNA and Hormone levels as an early detection strategy for small intestinal neuroendocrine (Carcinoid) tumors
Hierarchy Theorems for Property Testing
A Domain Decomposition Approach for Calculating the Graph Corresponding to a Fibrous Geometry
Global existence and uniqueness of weak solutions of three-dimensional euler equations with helical symmetry in the absence of vorticity stretching
Approximate hierarchical facility location and applications to the bounded depth Steiner tree and range assignment problems
Shape based detection and top-down delineation using image segments
DNA methylation programming and reprogramming in primate embryonic stem cells
Geometry of obstructed equisingular families of algebraic hypersurfaces
Commutation relations and Vandermonde determinants
Multipath Medium Identification Using Efficient Sampling Schemes
Non-parametric detection of the number of signals: Hypothesis testing and random matrix theory
Economical toric spines via Cheeger's inequality
Random Walks in Random Environments in the Perturbative Regime
Exact solutions and branching of singularities for some hyperbolic equations in two variables
Super-resolution and reconstruction of sparse sub-wavelength optical images
Automatic Segmentation and Classification of Multiple Sclerosis in Multichannel MRI
Pontryagin maximum principle for coupled slow and fast systems
Hedged public-key encryption: How to protect against bad randomness
Super-resolution and reconstruction of sparse sub-wavelength images
As Good as It Gets: Competitive Fault Tolerance in Network Structures
Robust downlink beamforming using covariance channel state information
Approximating the bandwidth of caterpillars
Constructing Implicit 3D Shape Models for Pose Estimation
Non-linear factorization of linear operators
On H. Weyl and J. Steiner polynomials
Buffer management for colored packets with deadlines
The game of End-Wythoff
Probabilities in the (k, ℓ) hook
How hard is it to approximate the best Nash equilibrium?
Learning model complexity in an online environment
Odorant concentration dependence in electroolfactograms recorded from the human olfactory epithelium
Quenched limits for transient, zero speed one-dimensional random walk in random environment
Cube testers and key recovery attacks on reduced-round MD6 and trivium
Principles of systematic upscaling
Expected RIP: Conditioning of The Modulated Wideband Converter
Modeling interactions between adjacent nucleosomes improves genome-wide predictions of nucleosome occupancy
Fault-Tolerant Spanners for General Graphs
Encoding of speed and direction of movement in the human supplementary motor area: Laboratory investigation
From DNA sequence to transcriptional behaviour: A quantitative approach
Three-dimensional arm movements at constant equi-affine speed
What controls nucleosome positions?
Compressed Sensing of Analog Signals in Shift-Invariant Spaces
Uncertainty Relations for Shift-Invariant Analog Signals
Unsupervised Feature Optimization (UFO): simultaneous selection of multiple features with their detection parameters
Simple movement imitation: Are kinematic features sufficient to map perceptions into actions?
Cryptography without (Hardly Any) secrets ?
On the power of two, three and four probes
Universal kernel-based learning with applications to regular languages
Sparse source separation from orthogonal mixtures
Pseudo-abelian integrals: Unfolding generic exponential case
Simulations de l'écoulement turbulent marin avec un modèle de déconvolution
Odorant concentration dependence in electroolfactograms recorded from the human olfactory epithelium (Journal of Neurophysiology (2009) 102, (2121-2130) DOI:10.1152/jn.91321.2008)
Composition of low-error 2-query PCPs using decodable PCPs
Algorithmic Bioprocesses
Fitting a Cm-Smooth Function to Data II
A compact representation of drawing movements with sequences of parabolic primitives
Approximate line nearest neighbor in high dimensions
Distributed Discovery of Large Near-Cliques
On the Annealed Large Deviation Rate Function for a Multi-Dimensional Random Walk in Random Environment
Multilevel algorithms for linear ordering problems
Performance bounds for sparse estimation with random noise
A general framework for approximate nearest subspace search
Generating Executable Scenarios from Natural Language
Movement timing and invariance arise from several geometries
A decision problem for ultimately periodic sets in nonstandard numeration systems
Overcoming the ℓ1 non-embeddability barrier: Algorithms for product metrics
Block-sparsity: Coherence and efficient recovery
De-amortized cuckoo hashing: Provable worst-case performance and experimental results
Extinctions in heterogeneous environments and the evolution of modularity
Intersecting families are essentially contained in Juntas
Block sparsity and sampling over a union of subspaces
A Lower Bound on the Bayesian MSE Based on the Optimal Bias Function
Optimization techniques in modern sampling theory
CAMSAP 2009 - 2009 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing: Welcome from the general chairs
Convex Optimization in Signal Processing and Communications
PASS Approximation A Framework for Analyzing and Designing Heuristics
The complexity of online memory checking
Beyond Nyquist: Compressed Sensing of Analog Sensing
Games for extracting randomness
SINR diagrams: Towards algorithmically usable SINR models of wireless networks
Algorithmic Aspects of Property Testing in the Dense Graphs Model
Tribute to Betty S. Adelman
Cryptographic and physical zero-knowledge proof systems for solutions of sudoku puzzles
On using divide and conquer in modeling natural systems
On limit cycles appearing by polynomial perturbation of darbouxian integrable systems
Blind Multiband Signal Reconstruction: Compressed Sensing for Analog Signals
High-Rate Interpolation of Random Signals From Nonideal Samples
Modulation theory for self-focusing in the nonlinear schrodinger-helmholtz equation
An Optimally Fair Coin Toss
Entire solutions of hydrodynamical equations with exponential dissipation
Diamond graphs and super-reflexivity
The Alexander-orbach conjecture holds in high dimensions
Refined perturbation bounds for eigenvalues of hermitian and non-hermitian matrices
GemCell: A generic platform for modeling multi-cellular biological systems
A preemptive algorithm for maximizing disjoint paths on trees
Selected papers from the 10th RANDOM conference (2006) - Preface
Beyond Bandlimited Sampling
Uniform approximation of near-singular surfaces
Some results on the expressive power and complexity of LSCs
In defense of Nearest-Neighbor based image classification
Probabilistic Preliminaries and Advanced Topics in Randomization
Recursive construction of perfect DNA molecules from imperfect oligonucleotides
A metric for odorant comparison
Summarizing visual data using bidirectional similarity
A Quenched Invariance Principle for Certain Ballistic Random Walks in i.i.d. Environments
Geometric constraints on neuronal connectivity facilitate a concise synaptic adhesive code
A (De)constructive approach to program checking
Improved approximation algorithms for minimum weight vertex separators
Finite sample approximation results for principal component analysis: A matrix perturbation approach
Many random walks are faster than one
(GLn+1(F), GLn(F)) is a Gelfand pair for any local field F
Second preimage attacks on dithered hash functions
Cell lineage analysis of a mouse tumor
Cell biology: RNA computing in a living cell
Transient transcriptional responses to stress are generated by opposing effects of mRNA production and degradation
A comment on the Weiss-Weinstein bound for constrained parameter sets
Finding a maximum independent set in a sparse random graph
Class information predicts activation by object fragments in human object areas
On Allocations that Maximize Fairness
Diffusion limited aggregation on a cylinder
A two-frame theory of motion, lighting and shape
Green coordinates
Bug attacks
Reconstruction of Cell Lineage Trees in Mice
Preferentially Quantized Linker DNA Lengths in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Nonlinear and Nonideal Sampling: Theory and Methods
Predicting expression patterns from regulatory sequence in Drosophila segmentation
The Bright Side of Hardness
Games For Exchanging Information
Some Computational Problems
Distinctive and compact features
What Is a Good Image Segment? A Unified Approach to Segment Extraction
On the locality of distributed sparse spanner construction
Facilitated variation: How evolution learns from past environments to generalize to new environments
Rejoinder of: Treelets-an adaptive multi-scale basis for spare unordered data
Sieve algorithms for the shortest vector problem are practical
Statistical aspects of the Chebyshev center estimate
Independent sets in graph powers are almost contained in juntas
Approximating average parameters of graphs
Localized spanner construction for ad hoc networks with variable transmission range
Slices for biparabolic coadjoint actions in type A
Locally Testing Direct Products in the Low Error Range
Equal-area locus-based convex polygon decomposition
Computational Complexity A Conceptual Perspective Epilogue
From aardvark to zorro: A benchmark for mammal image classification
Decodability of group homomorphisms beyond the Johnson bound
On the effect of the deployment setting on broadcasting in Euclidean radio networks
Recursive blind minimax estimation: improving mse over recursive least squares
A feature-based approach to modeling protein-DNA interactions
Computational Complexity A Conceptual Perspective Introduction and Preliminaries
More Resources, More Power?
Compact separator decompositions in dynamic trees and applications to labeling schemes
The damped-driven 2D Navier-Stokes system on large elongated domains
Degree-constrained subgraph problems: Hardness and approximation results
Uniform almost sub-Gaussian estimates for linear functionals on convex sets
Nonuniform sampling of periodic bandlimited signals
Nonlinear Schrödinger-Helmholtz equation as numerical regularization of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Monoubiquitinated H2B is associated with the transcribed region of highly expressed genes in human cells
Randomness and Counting
A computational model of perceptual fill-in following retinal degeneration
On estimation algorithms versus approximation algorithms
Collision-based power analysis of modular exponentiation using chosen-message pairs
Global regularity for a Birkhoff-Rott-α approximation of the dynamics of vortex sheets of the 2D Euler equations
Determining modes and Grashof number in 2D turbulence: A numerical case study
Time efficient k-shot broadcasting in known topology radio networks
Submean variance bound for effective resistance of random electric networks
A combinatorial allocation mechanism with penalties for banner advertising
Generic reactive animation: Realistic modeling of complex natural systems
Regularization modeling for large-eddy simulation of homogeneous isotropic decaying turbulence
Modeling and verification of a telecommunication application using live sequence charts and the Play-Engine tool
Linear regression with Gaussian model uncertainty: Algorithms and bounds
Treelets-an adaptive multi-scale basis for sparse unordered data
A neural network implementing optimal state estimation based on dynamic spike train decoding
Image interpretation by a single bottom-up top-down cycle
Excited random walk against a wall
Predicting the receptive range of olfactory receptors
Tight bounds for unconditional authentication protocols in the manual channel and shared key models
Glossary of Complexity Classes
Games played by Boole and Galois
Approximating minimum max-stretch spanning trees on unweighted graphs
Four-dimensional realistic modeling of pancreatic organogenesis
A scenario-based approach to modeling development: A prototype model of C. elegans vulval fate specification
Prediction models for the pleasantness of binary mixtures in olfaction
Pseudorandom Generators
Unsupervised Classification and Part Localization by Consistency Amplification
How to protect yourself without perfect shredding
An inviscid regularization for the surface quasi-geostrophic equation
Spectrum-blind reconstruction of multi-band signals
Some Omitted Proofs
Regularity criterion for solutions of three-dimensional Turbulent channel flows
Using expression profiles of Caenorhabditis elegans neurons to identify genes that mediate synaptic connectivity
Schwartz functions on nash manifolds
Distinct modes of regulation by chromatin encoded through nucleosome positioning signals
Module Map of Stem Cell Genes Guides Creation of Epithelial Cancer Stem Cells
Trust-based recommendation systems: An axiomatic approach
Santa claus meets hypergraph matchings
Efficient sampling of sparse wideband analog signals
Rethinking biased estimation
Long-range percolation mixing time
Program obfuscation and one-time programs
08491 Executive Summary Theoretical Foundations of Practical Information Security
MSE bounds with affine bias dominating the Cramer-Rao bound
Revealing targeted therapy for human cancer by gene module maps
Feedback and invariance under uncertainty via set-iterates
Foliations of isonergy surfaces and singularities of curves
Determining the number of components in a factor model from limited noisy data
A two-parameter family of an extension of Beatty sequences
Probabilistic proof systems: A primer
Regularity criteria for the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations
Universal weighted MSE improvement of the least-squares estimator
Application of motor algebra to the analysis of human arm movements
Delegating computation: Interactive proofs for Muggles
Relaxing the Requirements
Object composition in scenario-based programming
eQED: an efficient method for interpreting eQTL associations using protein networks
Edge Coloring and Decompositions of Weighted Graphs
Inverse Laplace transforms of products of Whittaker functions
Assert and negate revisited: Modal semantics for UML sequence diagrams
Spectral scaling of the Leray-α model for two-dimensional turbulence
SQUASH - A New MAC with Provable Security Properties for Highly Constrained Devices Such as RFID Tags
The ReMBo algorithm: Accelerated recovery of jointly sparse vectors
Sketching in adversarial environments
Compatible adapted pairs and a common slice theorem for some centralizers
De novo DNA synthesis using single molecule PCR.
Clustering of high-dimensional gene expression data with feature filtering methods and diffusion maps
Blind minimax estimation
Systematic functional characterization of cis-regulatory motifs in human core promoters
Neuronal correlates of "free will" are associated with regional specialization in the human intrinsic/default network
On stabilization of switched linear systems
A minimax Chebyshev estimator for bounded error estimation
Dynamic routing schemes for graphs with low local density
Chaotic scattering by steep repelling potentials
Linear versus non-linear acquisition of step-functions
Reversal of aging by NFκB blockade
Combined top-down/bottom-up segmentation
Proceedings - 23rd Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, CCC 2008: Preface
A Near-Linear Time Algorithm for Computing Replacement Paths in Planar Directed Graphs
Analytic reparametrization of semi-algebraic sets
PCPs with small soundness error
Complex Networks of Interacting Solitons: Noise-Enhanced Memory and Self-Synchronization
On the strength of the concatenated hash combiner when all the hash functions are weak
Network: Computation in Neural Systems: Editorial
Uncertainty relations and sparse decompositions of analog signals
The lymph node B cell immune response: Dynamic analysis In-Silico
Space Complexity
Convergence of autonomous mobile robots with inaccurate sensors and movements
Towards molecular computers that operate in a biological environment
On the Quest for Lower Bounds
A pre-test like estimator dominating the least-squares method
Multiplication operators on L(LP) and lp -strictly singular operators
Searching for a trail of evidence in a maze
Class-based feature matching across unrestricted transformations
Asymptotic behaviour of codimensions of p. i. algebras satisfying capelli identities
Amplification of multiple genomic loci from single cells isolated by laser micro-dissection of tissues
Length-based cryptanalysis: The case of Thompsons group
Probabilistic Proof Systems
Improved related-key attacks on DESX and DESX+
Crafting game-models using reactive system design
Novel strategies for granulocyte colony-stimulating factor treatment of severe prolonged neutropenia suggested by mathematical modeling
Frequent switching of polycomb repressive marks and DNA hypermethylation in the PC3 prostate cancer cell line
Diffusion maps, reduction coordinates, and low dimensional representation of stochastic systems
On information rates of the fading Wyner cellular model via the thouless formula for the strip
Traitor tracing with constant size ciphertext
The UGC hardness threshold of the l p Grothendieck problem
The Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic model for a single junction
State Estimation and Prediction Based on Spike Train Decoding: Noise, Adaptation, and Multisensory Integration
Variations on P and NP
On volume distribution in 2-convex bodies
A Beale-Kato-Majda breakdown criterion for an Oldroyd-B fluid in the creeping flow regime
A fast and flexible method for the segmentation of aCGH data
Reduce and boost: Recovering arbitrary sets of jointly sparse vectors
Informational overhead of incentive compatibility
Label-guided graph exploration by a finite automaton
Measuring smells
Concurrency in Biological Modeling: Behavior, Execution and Visualization
On the Foundations of Modern Cryptography
La somme des faux degrés-un mystère en théorie des invariants
Programming be liberated, period?
Constrained nonlinear minimum MSE estimation
Pricing commodities, or how to sell when buyers have restricted valuations
Computational prediction of RNA structural motifs involved in posttranscriptional regulatory processes
Diffusion maps - A probabilistic interpretation for spectral embedding and clustering algorithms
Evolution and selection in yeast promoters: Analyzing the combined effect of diverse transcription factor binding sites
History-independent cuckoo hashing
Computational Complexity: A Conceptual Perspective
Cryptanalysis of the SFLASH signature scheme
The isoperimetric constant of the random graph process
Exponential clogging time for a one dimensional DLA
Visualizing Inter-Dependencies Between Scenarios
Greedy list intersection
Local spreading algorithms for autonomous robot systems
Explicit Constructions
Combination can be hard: Approximability of the unique coverage problem
Zero-forcing precoding and generalized inverses
A young measures approach to averaging
Stability in high dimensional steep repelling potentials
3D shape reconstruction of Mooney faces
Giant component and vacant set for random walk on a discrete torus
Long-time limit for a class of quadratic infinite-dimensional dynamical systems inspired by models of viscoelastic fluids
P, NP, and NP-Completeness
Using the Statecharts paradigm for simulation of patient flow in surgical care
Anomalous heat-kernel decay for random walk among bounded random conductances
Nonparametric detection of the number of signals and random matrix theory
Sequence context affects the rate of short insertions and deletions in flies and primates
Analytic continuation and fixed points of the Poincaré mapping for a polynomial Abel equation
Chaotic scattering by steep repelling potentials (Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (2008) 77 (016207))
Automatic parameter setting for iterative shrinkage methods
Pointwise estimates for marginals of convex bodies
Universal arguments and their applications
Cryptography and game theory: Designing protocols for exchanging information
Stemness, cancer and cancer stem cells
Estimating cell depth from somatic mutations
Toward verified biological models
A Fast and Flexible Method for the Segmentation of aCGH Data
Maximizing non-monotone submodular functions
Approximate nearest subspace search with applications to pattern recognition
Minimax Reconstruction from Noisy Samples
Minimum MSE estimation with convex constraints
Recurrence of random walk traces
Sharp lower bounds for the dimension of the global attractor of the Sabra shell model of turbulence
Statistical properties of nonlinear shell models of turbulence from linear advection models: Rigorous results
On the range of the simple random walk bridge on groups
Biotechnology: Logic goes in vitro
Reducing human interactions in web directory searches
On semi-invariants and index for biparabolic (seaweed) algebras, II
Beyond the gene
Secure computation from random error correcting codes
Towards trace visualization and exploration for reactive systems
An L-1-method for the design of linear-phase FIR digital filters
Mix-to-mimic odor synthesis for electronic noses
A feature-based approach to modeling protein-DNA interactions
Regularization in regression with bounded noise: A Chebyshev center approach
Non-backtracking random walks mix faster
Compact separator decompositions in dynamic trees and applications to labeling schemes
Maximal projective degrees for strict partitions
Planar earthmover is not in L1
On simplicity of vacuum modules
A posteriori regularity of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations from numerical computations
Euler equations for incompressible ideal fluids
Parameterization-free projection for geometry reconstruction
Shy couplings
Characters of highestweight modules over affine lie algebras aremeromorphic functions
17 A theory for complex systems: reactive animation
An improved approximation ratio for the minimum linear arrangement problem
Emergent dynamics of thymocyte development and lineage determination
On the Gaussian MIMO wiretap channel
A computational model for redundant human three-dimensional pointing movements: Integration of independent spatial and temporal motor plans simplifies movement dynamics
Semantic hierarchies for recognizing objects and parts
Object recognition and segmentation by a fragment-based hierarchy
The PCP theorem by gap amplification
Planned and traversable play-out: A flexible method for executing scenario-based programs
A module of negative feedback regulators defines growth factor signaling
Understanding parallel repetition requires understanding foams
Neural representations of kinematic laws of motion: Evidence for action-perception coupling
Cryptographic and physical zero-knowledge proof systems for solutions of Sudoku puzzles
Distributed models and algorithms for mobile robot systems
Matching local self-similarities across images and videos
Treelets - A tool for dimensionality reduction and multi-scale analysis of unstructured data
Asynchronous resource discovery in peer-to-peer networks
Random graph-homomorphisms and logarithmic degree
Time-efficient broadcasting in radio networks: A review
Global well-posedness of the three-dimensional viscous primitive equations of large scale ocean and atmosphere dynamics
Implementing huge sparse random graphs
Approximation algorithms for the Label-CoverMAX and Red-Blue Set Cover problems
Percolation, perimetry, planarity
Average stretch analysis of compact routing schemes
Prior knowledge driven multiscale segmentation of brain MRI
The role of site accessibility in microRNA target recognition
Faster communication in known topology radio networks
On expected probabilistic polynomial-time adversaries: A suggestion for restricted definitions and their benefits
Poisson PI algebras
Complexity measures of sign matrices
Novel architectures for P2P applications: The continuous-discrete approach
Task-dependent selection of grasp kinematics and stiffness in human object manipulation
Optimal generalized inverses for zero forcing precoding
Optimal encoding of classical information in a quantum medium
Routing complexity of faulty networks
The continuous joint sparsity prior for sparse representations: Theory and applications
Statecharts in the making: A personal account
Distributed algorithms for partitioning a swarm of autonomous mobile robots
On the convergence of solutions of the Leray-/alpha model to the trajectory attractor of the 3D Navier-Stokes system
Space-time completion of video
Bounded error estimation: A Chebyshev center approach
Mean-squared error estimation for linear systems with block circulant uncertainty
A competitive mean-squared error approach to beamforming
A constructive inversion framework for twisted convolution
GeneChip, geNorm, and gastrointestinal tumors: Novel reference genes for real-time PCR
Regularity of coupled two-dimensional nonlinear fokker-planck and navier-stokes systems
Expected lengths and distribution functions for Young diagrams in the hook
Analytical study of certain magnetohydrodynamic- α models
Special issue on worst-case versus average-case complexity editors' foreword
Remote password extraction from RFID tags
Performance Tradeoffs Among Adaptive Beamforming Criteria
Fundamental limitations of spectral clustering
Environmental variability and modularity of bacterial metabolic networks
Variable-free exploration of stochastic models: A gene regulatory network example
Photometric stereo with general, unknown lighting
Practical cryptanalysis of SFLASH
Approximation algorithm for hotlink assignment in the greedy model
Affine differential geometry analysis of human arm movements
Using LSCs for scenario authoring in tactical simulators
Split-ballot voting: Everlasting privacy with distributed trust
Cryptanalysis of group-based key agreement protocols using subgroup distance functions
Parabolic actions in type a and their eigenslices
Functional Demarcation of Active and Silent Chromatin Domains in Human HOX Loci by Noncoding RNAs
A phase transition for the metric distortion of percolation on the hypercube
Marginals of Geometric Inequalities
Optimization of the MIMO compound capacity
Uncovering shared structures in multiclass classification
Split-Ballot Voting: Everlasting Privacy With Distributed Trust
The Relaxed Chebyshev Center for Bounded Error Estimation
Zinc-ion binding and cytokine activity regulation pathways predicts outcome in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
A transcriptional program mediating entry into cellular quiescence
Labeling schemes for weighted dynamic trees
The scaling limit of loop-erased random walk in three dimensions
G-CSF control of neutrophils dynamics in the blood
Deterministic distributed construction of linear stretch spanners in polylogarithmic time
The random version of dvoretzky's theorem in l(infinity)(n)
Averaging of time-varying differential equations revisited
Power-law estimates for the central limit theorem for convex sets
A feature extraction algorithm for multi-peak signals in electronic noses
InSite: A computational method for identifying protein-protein interaction binding sites on a proteome-wide scale
Remembering Philip Rabinowitz
Maximal arithmetic progressions in random subsets
One cannot hear the winding number
C^1 extensions of functions and stabilization of Glaeser refinements
Direct visibility of point sets
Special issue on foundations of computer science
Multiscale edge detection and fiber enhancement using differences of oriented means
Young measure approach to computing slowly advancing fast oscillations
Mutual information of image fragments predicts categorization in humans: Electrophysiological and behavioral evidence
Space-time behavior-based correlation - OR - How to tell if two underlying motion fields are similar without computing them?
Maximum a-posteriori estimation in linear models with a Gaussian model matrix
Koblitz article misleading
Actions as space-time shapes
Minimax approximation of representation coefficients from generalized samples
Broadcasting in UDG Radio Networks with Unknown Topology
On the domain of analyticity and small scales for the solutions of the damped-driven 2D Navier-Stokes equations
High Rate Reconstruction of Random Signals from Generalized Samples
Towards trace visualization and exploration for reactive systems
Zaps and their applications
On a generic Verma module at the critical level over affine Lie superalgebras
Deterministic history-independent strategies for storing information on write-once memories
A study of the Navier-Stokes-α model for two-dimensional turbulence
Detecting irregularities in images and in video
Optimal multi-modal state estimation by neural networks based on recursive spike train decoding
A universal mechanism ties genotype to phenotype in trinucleotide diseases
Explaining a complex living system: Dynamics, multi-scaling and emergence
Rediscovering secondary structures as network motifs - An unsupervised learning approach
On convergence of trajectory attractors of the 3D Navier-Stokes-α model as a approaches 0
On approximating the average distance between points
Small ball probability and Dvoretzky's Theorem
S2A: A compiler for multi-modal UML sequence diagrams
A Bayesian estimation bound based on the optimal bias function
The acquisition and implementation of the smoothness maximization motion strategy is dependent on spatial accuracy demands
Decoding global gene expression programs in liver cancer by noninvasive imaging
Doubly constrained robust capon beamformer with ellipsoidal uncertainty sets
Approximating multi-dimensional Hamiltonian flows by billiards
Analyzing octopus movements using three-dimensional reconstruction
Viscosity versus vorticity stretching: Global well-posedness for a family of Navier-Stokes-alpha-like models
Rethinking biased estimation: Improving maximum likelihood and the Cramér-Rao bound
A slice theorem for truncated parabolics of index one and the Bezout equation
A unified approach to dual Gabor windows
A Central Limit Theorem for Convex Sets
Consistent Solutions for Some Linear and Nonlinear Sampling Problems
On the randomness complexity of property testing
Motif module map reveals enforcement of aging by continual NF-κB activity
Energy and time efficient broadcasting in known topology radio networks
Slow observables of singularly perturbed differential equations
The hardness of approximating spanner problems
Image segmentation by probabilistic bottom-up aggregation and cue integration
Regularity of inviscid shell models of turbulence
Improvement of least-squares under arbitrary weighted MSE
Maternal positive skin prick test results and asthma prediction after early childhood wheezing
Feasibility and complexity of broadcasting with random transmission failures
Maximal Poisson Commutative subalgebras for truncated parabolic subalgebras of maximal index in sln
Refuting smoothed 3CNF formulas
On the Fourier tails of bounded functions over the discrete cube
Generic singularities of surfaces
Weakly null sequences in L 1
Mystery of point charges
Session-key generation using human passwords only
Maximum likelihood estimation in random linear models: Generalizations and performance analysis
Tight bounds for unconditional authentication protocols in the manual channel and shared key models
Demand properties of concavifiable preferences
Patterns of motor activity in the isolated nerve cord of the octopus arm
Robust Power Allocation for Maximizing the Compound Capacity
On semi-invariants and index for biparabolic (seaweed) algebras, I
A modified-Leray-alpha subgrid scale model of turbulence
Analytic representation of functions and a new quasi-analyticity threshold
Statistical analysis of dynamic actions
Trivial stationary solutions to the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky and certain nonlinear elliptic equations
An expected least-squares beamforming approach to signal estimation with steering vector uncertainties
Octopuses Use a Human-like Strategy to Control Precise Point-to-Point Arm Movements
Waiting for a bat to fly by (in polynomial time)
ℤ2-graded number theory
Parameter estimation in linear models based on outage probability minimization
Accuracy properties of the wave-ray multigrid algorithm for helmholtz equations
Oblivious polynomial evaluation
A multilevel algorithm for the minimum 2-sum problem
Polling with physical envelopes: A rigorous analysis of a human-centric protocol
Tapping the computing power of biological molecules gives rise to tiny machines that can speak directly to living cells.
Complete convergence of message passing algorithms for some satisfiability problems
Isomorphic and almost-isometric problems in high-dimensional convex geometry
Strong duality in nonconvex quadratic optimization with two quadratic constraints
On convex perturbations with a bounded isotropic constant
Example based 3D reconstruction from single 2D images
Goldie rank ratios and quaternionic extensions
Distributed algorithms for systems of autonomous mobile robots
Planar earthmover is not in L1
A minimum squared-error framework for generalized sampling
Statistics on wreath products and generalized binomial-stirling numbers
Aligning sequences and actions by maximizing space-time correlations
Witnesses for non-satisfiability of dense random 3CNF formulas
Concurrent zero-knowledge with timing, revisited
Completeness in two-party secure computation: A computational view
Molekularny komputer lekarzem komórek
Cache attacks and countermeasures: The case of AES
Computadores de ADN
Approximating average parameters of graphs - In memory of Shimon Even (1935-2004)
Approximating Average Parameters of Graphs: In Memory of Shimon even (1935-2004)
Contemplations on Testing Graph Properties
An integrated segmentation and classification approach applied to multiple sclerosis analysis
Approximating representation coefficients from non ideal samples
On teaching the basics of complexity theory
Learning to classify by ongoing feature selection
Feature-based sequence-to-sequence matching
Modules with a Demazure flag
Nim is easy, chess is hard - But why?
Combination can be hard: Approximability of the unique coverage problem
Convergence of autonomous mobile robots with inaccurate sensors and movements
Similarity by Composition
Deformations of fuchsian systems of linear differential equations and the schlesinger system
Constructing labeling schemes through universal matrices
Reproduction of self-rotation duration
Satellite features for the classification of visually similar classes
Visual classification by a hierarchy of extended fragments
On the hardness of approximating Max-Satisfy
Shape representation and classification using the poisson equation
Challenges for modeling and simulation methods in systems biology
A Tight Upper Bound on the Probabilistic Embedding of Series-Parallel Graphs
Integration of one-forms on p-adic analytic spaces
Distributed MST for constant diameter graphs
Linear transmitter design for the MISO compound channel with interference
On the similarities between the perception and production of elliptical trajectories
Approximate hierarchical facility location and applications to the shallow steiner tree and range assignment problems (Extended abstract)
Graph minimum linear arrangement by multilevel weighted edge contractions
Probabilistically-constrained estimation of random parameters with unknown distribution
Locally testable codes and PCPs of almost-linear length
Mean-squared error, sampling, and reconstruction in the presence of noise
Oscillation of linear ordinary differential equations: On a theorem of A. Grigoriev
Comparing between estimation approaches: Admissible and dominating linear estimators
On basing one-way functions on NP-hardness
Minimax estimation of deterministic parameters in linear models with a random model matrix
Receipt-free universally-verifiable voting with everlasting privacy
Rigorous bounds on cryptanalytic time/memory tradeoffs
Multilevel summation and Monte Carlo simulations
Dynamic routing schemes for general graphs
Hierarchy and adaptivity in segmenting visual scenes
Special issue on randomness and complexity
Robust PCPs of proximity, shorter PCPs, and applications to coding
Shapovalov determinants of Q-type Lie superalgebras
A sharp threshold for random graphs with a monochromatic triangle in every edge coloring
Comprehensive and realistic modeling of biological systems
Linear precoding via conic optimization for fixed MIMO receivers
Learning to impersonate
Theoretical Computer Science: Essays in Memory of Shimon Even
Nonideal sampling and interpolation from noisy observations in shift-invariant spaces
Exact propagators for some degenerate hyperbolic operators
Simulating discrete and rhythmic multi-joint human arm movements by optimization of nonlinear performance indices
Sharp estimates for the number of degrees of freedom for the damped-driven 2-D Navier-Stokes equations
Proof of an intersection theorem via graph homomorphisms
Average probe complexity in quorum systems
Two observations regarding embedding subsets of Euclidean spaces in normed spaces
Uniformly improving the Cramer-Rao bound and maximum-likelihood estimation
Multi-body factorization with uncertainty: Revisiting motion consistency
Analytic study of shell models of turbulence
Lower bounds for linear locally decodable codes and private information retrieval
How to leak a secret: Theory and applications of ring signatures
Minimum-weight spanning tree construction in O(log log n) communication rounds
Minimax Regression with Bounded Noise
The RPR2 rounding technique for semidefinite programs
Assert and negate revisited: Modal semantics for uml sequence diagrams
A theory for complex systems: reactive animation
Automatic three-dimensional segmentation of MR images applied to the rat uterus - art. no. 61430R
Least-squares orthogonalization using semidefinite programming
Molding face shapes by example
Random walks with k-wise independent increments
Atlas guided identification of brain structures by combining 3D segmentation and SVM classification
On everlasting security in the hybrid bounded storage model
Dominating and admissible MSE-bounds using saddle-point methods
Fault-tolerant gathering algorithms for autonomous mobile robots
The design of optimal L-1 linear phase FIR digital filters
Automatic Depth-Map Colorization
Robust mean-squared error estimation of multiple signals in linear systems affected by model and noise uncertainties
Performance tradeoffs among beamforming approaches
Fundamental Limitations of Spectral Clustering
Minmax Approximation with Constraints
On promise problems: A survey
Diffusion maps, spectral clustering and reaction coordinates of dynamical systems
The cyclic butler university game
Three types of chaos in the forced nonlinear Schrödinger equation
On the compressibility of N P instances and cryptographic applications
Bringing DNA computers to life
A Chebyshev Center Estimator in Regularized Regression with Bounded Noise
Recent advances on approximation algorithms for minimum energy range assignment problems in ad-hoc wireless networks
Online multiclass learning by interclass hypothesis sharing
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes): Preface
InterPlay: Horizontal scale-up and transition to design in scenario-based programming
Graph drawing by high-dimensional embedding
Bijections for identities of multisets of hook numbers
Breaking the ICE - Finding multicollisions in iterated concatenated and expanded (ICE) hash functions
Intrinsic joint kinematic planning. I: Reassessing the Listing's law constraint in the control of three-dimensional arm movements
Maximum likelihood estimation in linear models with a Gaussian model matrix
On sums of independent random variables with unbounded variance and estimating the average degree in a graph
Minimax MSE estimation of deterministic parameters with noise covariance uncertainties
Robust competitive estimation with signal and noise covariance uncertainties
Assignment testers: Towards a combinatorial proof of the PCP theorem
A genomic code for nucleosome positioning
Message from the general chairs [Foreword]
Fast multiscale clustering and manifold identification
Characterization of oblique dual frame pairs
Laboratory for Biomolecular Computers
From multi-modal scenarios to code: Compiling LSCs into aspectJ
Intrinsic joint kinematic planning. II: Hand-path predictions based on a Listing's plane constraint
Our data, ourselves: Privacy via distributed noise generation
Nonergodicity of the motion in three-dimensional steep repelling dispersing potentials
On single-sequence and multi-sequence factorizations
Local algorithms for autonomous robot systems
Geometry of intensive scalar dissipation events in turbulence
On a Leray-α model of turbulence
Resistance to interference and the emergence of delayed gains in newly acquired procedural memories: Synaptic and system consolidation?
The dynamic and-or quorum system
Routing complexity of faulty networks
The hardness of 3-uniform hypergraph coloring
Systematic upscaling for multiscale modeling of multifunctional polymer nanocomposites
Minimax subspace sampling in the presence of noise
Dynamic model of the octopus arm. I. Biomechanics of the octopus reaching movement
On mappings between electronic noses
Improved recommendation systems
Energy surfaces and hierarchies of bifurcations - Instabilities in the forced truncated NLS.
Oversampling of the Generalized Multiwindow Gabor Scheme
Diffusion maps, spectral clustering and eigenfunctions of Fokker-Planck operators
Reconstruction from Finitely Many Samples in the Presence of Noise
Proof labeling schemes
Pebbling and proofs of work
On predicting responses to mixtures in quartz microbalance sensors
Orbital variety closures and the convolution product in Borel-Moore homology
Large-scale preparation of human anti-third-party veto cytotoxic T lymphocytes depleted of graft-versus-host reactivity: A new source for graft facilitating cells in bone marrow transplantation
Computer simulations at the fixed point using an inverse renormalization group transformation
Predicting grasp inertia with a geometric model
Cryptanalysis of skipjack reduced to 31 rounds using impossible differentials
Motor primitives in vertebrates and invertebrates
Faster communication in known topology radio networks
Polynomial time approximation schemes for base station coverage with minimum total radii
Analysis of the non-linear part of Mugi
Scalable and dynamic quorum systems
Space-time Behavior based correlation
Semidefinite Relaxation of the 16-QAM maximum likelihood detector
A hierarchical non-parametric method for capturing non-rigid deformations
A new multilayered PCP and the hardness of hypergraph vertex cover
Scalable hardware for sparse systems of linear equations, with applications to integer factorization
Mixing times of the biased card shuffling and the asymmetric exclusion process
An isomorphic version of the slicing problem
Improved approximation of the minimum cover time
Continuum robot arms inspired by cephalopods
Maximum set estimators with bounded estimation error
Minimax estimators dominating the least-squares estimator
Trajectory attractor approximation of the 3D navier-stokes system by a leray-α model
Blind minimax estimators: Improving on least-squares estimation
Geometry of log-concave functions and measures
Some challenges for system development: Reactive animation, smart play-out and olfaction
Optimal squared-error signal recovery from nonideal samples
Detecting irregularities in images and in video
Mean-Squared Error Beamforming for Signal Estimation: A Competitive Approach
Probability-constrained approach to estimation of random Gaussian parameters
Indexing with unknown illumination and pose
On the impossibility of obfuscation with auxiliary input
Some methodological observations resulting from experience using LSCs and the play-in/play-out approach
Eradication of B-CLL by autologous and allogeneic host nonreactive anti-third-party CTLs
On the Clark-α model of turbulence: Global regularity and long-time dynamics
Computational insights into Caenorhabditis elegans vulval development
Spectral techniques applied to sparse random graphs
Generalized shift-invariant systems and frames for subspaces
Identifying semantically equivalent object fragments
Labeling schemes for tree representation
Beamforming Maximizes the MISO Compound Capacity
Efficiently constructible huge graphs that preserve first order properties of random graphs
General framework for consistent sampling in Hilbert spaces
Separating transparent layers of repetitive dynamic behaviors
New applications of T-functions in block ciphers and hash functions
MSE estimation of multichannel signals with model uncertainties
On comprehensive and realistic modeling: Some ruminations on the what, the how and the why
Labeling schemes for flow and connectivity
Dynamic model of the octopus arm. II. Control of reaching movements
The complexity of online memory checking
Broadcasting with locally bounded Byzantine faults
Convergence properties of the gravitational algorithm in asynchronous robot systems
Secure multi-party computation without agreement
Cross-generalization: learning novel classes from a single example by feature replacement
CD11chigh dendritic cell ablation impairs lymphopenia-driven proliferation of naive and memory CD8+ T cells
Computationally secure oblivious transfer
Modeling and verification of a telecommunication application using live sequence charts and the play-engine tool
Immune regulatory activity of CD34+ progenitor cells: Evidence for a deletion-based mechanism mediated by TNF-α
Feature hierarchies for object classification
Synthesis revisited: Generating statechart models from scenario-based requirements
Generalized statistics on Sn and pattern avoidance
Proceedings of the Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity: Preface
A covariance shaping framework for linear multiuser detection
Multiscale solvers and systematic upscaling in computational physics
Combining state-based and scenario-based approaches in modeling biological systems
Generalized Sampling with Structural Constraints
Distance labeling schemes for well-separated graph classes
Balanced Boolean functions that can be evaluated so that every input bit is unlikely to be read
A minimax approach for mean square denoising
Neuroscience: Rewiring the adult brain
Remarks concerning concave utility functions on finite sets
Finding a maximum independent set in a sparse random graph
Space-time super-resolution
MSE bounds dominating the Cramer-Rao bound
An L1 Method for Bandlimiting Discrete-Time Signals
Reconstruction of manifolds and subsets of normed spaces from subgroups of their homeomorphism groups
Robust mean-squared error estimation in the presence of model uncertainties
On robust combiners for Oblivious Transfer and other primitives
Informative labeling schemes for graphs
A Turing-like test for biological modeling
ω-Periodic graphs
Derandomized constructions of k-wise (almost) independent permutations
Semi-centre de l'algèbre enveloppante d'une sous-algèbre parabolique d'une algèbre de Lie semi-simple
Distributed coordination algorithms for mobile robot swarms: New directions and challenges
Rapid Steiner symmetrization of most of a convex body and the slicing problem
Separating the contribution of translational and rotational diffusion to protein association
State nullification by memoryless output feedback
Robust deconvolution of deterministic and random signals
A resistance bound via an isoperimetric inequality
On the hardness of approximating minimum vertex cover
Minimal-cut model composition
Bang-bang controls in the singular perturbations limit
One-dimensional layout optimization, with applications to graph drawing by axis separation
Object - Action abstraction for teleoperation
Hidden convexity based near maximum-likelihood CDMA detection
Velocity and curvature in human locomotion along complex curved paths: A comparison with hand movements
Feasibility and complexity of broadcasting with random transmission failures
Motor control of flexible octopus arms
Semidefinite relaxation for detection of 16-QAM signaling in MIMO channels
Foundations of cryptography - A primer
Rigorous analysis of heuristics for NP-hard problems
Single-example learning of novel classes using representation by similarity
Basing cryptographic protocols on tamper-Evident seals
Label-guided graph exploration by a finite automaton
Short PCPs verifiable in polylogarithmic time
Dual gabor frames: Theory and computational aspects
On fairness in the carpool problem
Dissipativity and Gevrey regularity of a Smoluchowski equation
Hierarchy of bifurcations in the truncated and forced nonlinear Schrödinger model
Actions as space-time shapes
Loop-erased random walk on a torus in dimensions 4 and above
Quantum detection with uncertain states
Robust deconvolution of noisy signals
Multiscale segmentation by combining motion and intensity cues
Approximating k-spanner problems for k>2
Empirical processes and random projections
Retinotopic axis specificity and selective clustering of feedback projections from V2 to V1 in the Owl monkey
Graph exploration by a finite automaton
Virtual path layouts optimizing total hop count on ATM tree networks
Temporal logic for scenario-based specifications
Noise and the two-thirds power law
Genomic variability within an organism exposes its cell lineage tree
General framework for consistent sampling in Hilbert spaces
Semialgebraic complexity of functions
Cluster formation in complex multi-scale systems
Minimax MSE-ratio estimation with signal covariance uncertainties
Proof of plaintext knowledge for the Ajtai-Dwork cryptosystem
Z2-graded tensor products of p.i. algebras
Adaptive collaboration in peer-to-peer systems
Reactive animation: Realistic modeling of complex dynamic systems
Trajectory attractor approximation of the 3D Navier-Stokes system by a Leray α-model
Beamforming maximizes the rank one Ricean MIMO compound capacity
A 'horizontal' hyper-diffusion three-dimensional thermocline planetary geostrophic model: Well-posedness and long-time behaviour
Molecular Computing Machines
Geometrically aware communication in random wireless networks
Convergence properties of the gravitational algorithm in asynchronous robot systems
A general framework for unambiguous detection of quantum states
Optimal quantum detectors for unambiguous detection of mixed states
Oblique dual frames and shift-invariant spaces
Recognition invariance obtained by extended and invariant features
Graphs with tiny vector chromatic numbers and huge chromatic numbers
Approximating Minimum Max-Stretch spanning Trees on unweighted graphs
Random homeomorphisms and Fourier expansions the pointwise behaviour
On the value function of singularly perturbed optimal control systems
A fast algorithm for calculating the dual Gabor window with integer oversampling
Combining top-down and bottom-up segmentation
Smart play-out extended: Time and forbidden elements
Detection of an ensemble mixed with unknown states: 2004 annual meeting of the Israel Physical Society
The shattering dimension of sets of linear functionals
Combining hierarchy and energy for drawing directed graphs
Distance labeling in graphs
Completeness in two-party secure computation - A computational view
Traveling salesmen in the presence of competition
Symmetrization and isotropic constants of convex bodies
Approximation algorithm for hotlink assignment in the greedy model
A robust maximum likelihood multiuser detector in the presence of signature uncertainties
On energy surfaces and the resonance Web
Efficient Gabor expansion, using non minimal dual gabor windows
Orthogonal and projected orthogonal matched filter detection
Tame geometry with application in smooth analysis
Rational solutions of the Schlesinger system and isoprincipal deformations of rational matrix functions I
Interpolation with nonuniform B-splines
Geometry of the uniform spanning forest: Transitions in dimensions 4,8,12...
Cryptographic applications of T-functions
A negative answer to Nevanlinna's type question and a parabolic surface with a lot of negative curvature
The pi-calculus as an abstraction for biomolecular systems
Robust PCPs of proximity, shorter PCPs and applications to coding
Axis-by-axis stress minimization
Local Mode Analysis of Multicolor and Composite Relaxation Schemes
Uniformly robust mean-squared error beamforming
View-invariant recognition using corresponding object fragments
Collaboration of untrusting peers with changing interests
On removing one point from a compact space
Statistical symmetric shape from shading for 3D structure recovery of faces
(1 + εΒ)-spanner constructions for general graphs
Efficient algorithms for low-energy bounded-hop broadcast in ad-hoc wireless networks
Minimum variance in biased estimation: Bounds and asymptotically optimal estimators
A Sense of Life: Computational and Experimental Investigations with Models of Biochemical and Evolutionary Processes
Sampling Without Input Constraints: Consistent Reconstruction in Arbitrary Spaces
BioAmbients: An abstraction for biological compartments
On impulses induced by singular perturbations
InterPlay: Horizontal scale-up and transition to design in scenario-based programming
Cauchy-type integrals of algebraic functions
Robust Mean-Squared Error Estimation of Multiple Signals in Linear Systems Affected by Noise and Model Uncertainties
Fault-tolerant storage in a dynamic environment
The random oracle methodology, revisited
Erratum: Toward rigorous comprehension of biological complexity: Modeling execution, and visualization of thymic T-cell maturation (Genome Research (2003) (2485-2497))
Separating transparent layers through layer information exchange
The enigma of the missing invariants on the nilradical of a Borel
Space-time video completion
Energy-optimal online algorithms for broadcasting in wireless networks
Reconstruction of nonuniformly sampled periodic signals: Algorithms and stability analysis
The kac construction of the centre of for lie superalgebras
Asymptotic States of a Smoluchowski Equation
Multiuser precoders for fixed receivers
Linear MIMO precoders for fixed receivers
Immunizing encryption schemes from decryption errors
A novel high-resolution kinetic method for visual field mapping of scotoma in age-related macular degeneration
Know thy neighbor's neighbor: Better routing for skip-graphs and small worlds
Robust peak distortion equalization
When practice leads to co-articulation: The evolution of geometrically defined movement primitives
Temporal factorization vs. spatial factorization
Labeling Schemes for Dynamic Tree Networks
Transformation of digital signature schemes into designated confirmer signature schemes
Fault analysis of stream ciphers
Learning to segment
Invited Talk: Injecting Life with Computers
Minimax regret estimation in linear models
Theory of Cryptography: First Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2004 Cambridge, MA, USA, February 19-21, 2004 Proceedings
Competitive Mean-Squared Error Beamforming
The inapproximability of lattice and coding problems with preprocessing
Several remarks concerning the local theory of L-p spaces
Permutation statistics on the alternating group
Minimax sampling with arbitrary spaces
On sums of independent random variables with unbounded variance, and estimating the average degree in a graph
Algorithmic Program Debugging
Estimation with maximum error requirements
Graph drawing by high-dimensional embedding
Easily refutable subformulas of large random 3CNF formulas
Robot convergence via center-of-gravity algorithms
Number-theoretic constructions of efficient pseudo-random functions
Is the G72/G30 locus associated with schizophrenia? Single nucleotide polymorphisms, haplotypes, and gene expression analysis
Graph products, fourier analysis and spectral techniques
Know thy neighbor's neighbor: The power of lookahead in randomized P2P networks
Graph exploration by a finite automaton
MSE-ratio regret estimation with bounded data uncertainties
Approximating min sum set cover
An autonomous molecular computer for logical control of gene expression
Fault-Tolerant Gathering Algorithms for Autonomous Mobile Robots
Stochastic computing with biomolecular automata
New cryptographic primitives based on multiword T-functions
Formal modelling of C-elegans development. A scenario-based approach
Special orthogonal splittings of L12κ
On systems of linear equations with two variables per equation
Shape representation and classification using the poisson equation
Meaningful modeling: What's the semantics of "semantics"?
The RHAPSODY semantics of statecharts (or, on the executable core of the UML)
On the hardness of approximating label-cover
The santaló point of a function, and a functional form of the santaló inequality
Nonuniform sampling in polar coordinates with applications to computerized tomography
Optimal detection of symmetric mixed quantum states
Vector uniform Cramer-Rao lower bound
Distributional convergence in planar dynamics and singular perturbations
Linear minimax regret estimation of deterministic parameters with bounded data uncertainties
Rate of convergence of geometric symmetrizations
An efficient method for demosaicing
Concurrent zero-knowledge
Orlicz-Young Structures of Young Measures
On John-Type Ellipsoids
A competitive minimax approach to robust estimation of random parameters
Approximating maximum clique by removing subgraphs
Boundary trace of reflecting Brownian motions
Remarks on a Smoluchowski equation
Optimal Maximum-Control Strategies
When is individual demand concavifiable?
Class-based matching of object parts
Pinched exponential volume growth implies an infinite dimensional isoperimetric inequality
Transversally elliptic operators
A geometric inequality and a low M-estimate
On the random-oracle methodology as applied to length-restricted signature schemes
Accuracy of spherical harmonic approximations for images of lambertian objects under far and near lighting
Covariance shaping multiuser detection
Geometrically uniform frames
Constructing signals with prescribed properties
Filterbank Reconstruction of Periodic Signals and Sampling in Polar Coordinates
Inertial manifolds and gevrey regularity for the moore-greitzer model of an axial-flow compressor
Approximating the domatic number
Factoring estimates for a 1024-bit RSA modulus
Unambiguous quantum state discrimination and the equal probability measurement
Costly Nash paths
Drawing huge graphs by algebraic multigrid optimization
Spectral biclustering of microarray data: Coclustering genes and conditions
Approximating CVP to within almost-polynomial factors is NP-hard
Lambertian reflectance and linear subspaces
Moderately hard functions: From complexity to spam fighting
Which properties of a random sequence are dynamically sensitive?
The postprocessing Galerkin and nonlinear Galerkin methods - A truncation analysis point of view
On the (in)security of the Fiat-Shamir paradigm
Maximal l(p)(n)-structures in spaces with extremal parameters
Cells as computation
First passage percolation has sublinear distance variance
An eNose algorithm for identifying chemicals and determining their concentration
An optimal whitening approach to linear multiuser detection
Finite-time singularity versus global regularity for hyper-viscous Hamilton-Jacobi-like equations
Proving hard-core predicates using list decoding
The probable value of the Lovász-Schrijver relaxations for maximum independent set
A semidefinite programming approach to optimal unambiguous discrimination of quantum states
Cells as computation (Reprinted from Nature, vol 419, pg 343, 2002)
Comments on "On object systems and behavioral inheritance" (multiple letters)
Protecting cryptographic keys: The trace-and revoke approach
Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for studying large scale phenomena in fluids
Random Menshov spectra
Dielectric boundary force and its crucial role in gramicidin
On the security of modular exponentiation with application to the construction of pseudorandom generators
Reactive animation
On the asymptotic performance of the decorrelator
Convexity and the natural best approximation in spaces of integrable young measures
On the mixing time of a simple random walk on the super critical percolation cluster
A feature extraction method for chemical sensors in electronic noses
Local properties of maps of the ball
Deterministic Resource Discovery in Distributed Networks
A decomposition theorem for Demazure crystals
On cutting a few vertices from a graph
Hotlink enhancement algorithms for web directories (extended abstract)
The control of motor behaviour in health & disease: Combining behavioral and computational approaches
Structered Group Frames
Multiple shifts in the representation of a motor sequence during the acquisition of skilled performance
Multiscale computation: from fast solvers to systematic upscaling
On the graded injectivity of th Conze embedding
Quantization of hypersurface orbital varieties in sln
Labeling schemes for weighted dynamic trees (Extended abstract)
On cryptographic assumptions and challenges
Bounds on 2-query codeword testing
A null series with small anti-analytic part
Module networks: Identifying regulatory modules and their condition-specific regulators from gene expression data
The power of small coalitions in graphs
Scalable and Dynamic Quorum Systems
Harmonic and analytic functions on graphs
Approximation algorithm for hotlink assignments in web directories
Compact routing schemes with low stretch factor
Deterministic Approximation of the Cover Time
A grand challenge: Full reactive modeling of a multi-cellular animal
Convergence to convex compact sets in infinite dimensions
A two-way visualization method for clustered data
In memory of Chaim Leib Pekeris 1908-93
On the implementation of huge random objects
On a class algebras defined by partitions
Smart play-out
Magic functions
MMSE whitening and subspace whitening
Formal Modeling of C. elegans development: A scenario-based approach
Controlled Switching in Singularly Perturbed Systems
Erratum: "Sheets and topology of primitive spectra for semisimple Lie algebras" (Journal of Algebra (2001) vol. 244 (1) (76-167) S002186930198874X)
Dense shape reconstruction of a moving object under arbitrary, unknown lighting
Optimal aggregation algorithms for middleware
Robust linear estimation with covariance uncertainties
Excited random walk
Frequency spanning homoclinic families
Isomorphic Steiner symmetrization
von Neumann measurement is optimal for detecting linearly independent mixed quantum states
Compact and localized distributed data structures
Nonmalleable cryptography
Determining modes for continuous data assimilation in 2D turbulence
Sampling with arbitrary sampling and reconstruction spaces and oblique dual frame vectors
Soft Billiards with Corners
Curve matching using the fast Marching Method
On the implementation of huge random objects
Block bases of the Haar system as complemented subspaces of Lp, 2 < p < ∞
Towards an odor communication system
On the gaps between zeros of trigonometric polynomials
From play-in scenarios to code: Capturing and analyzing reactive behavior
Degeneracies, dependencies and their implications in multi-body and multi-sequence factorizations
Mixed-quantum-state detection with inconclusive results
Three Theorems Regarding Testing Graph Properties
N roots of the secular equation in O(N) operations
Geometrical Interpretation of Consistent Sampling
Object recognition with informative features and linear classi cation pound
Factoring large numbers with the TWIRL device
Designing optimal quantum detectors via semidefinite programming
Toward rigorous comprehension of biological complexity: Modeling, execution, and visualization of thymic T-cell maturation
Textbook multigrid efficiency for fluid simulations
Novel architectures for P2P applications: The continuous-discrete approach
Cryptography and cryptographic protocols
Directed virtual path layouts in ATM networks
Filling-in of retinal scotomas
Very tight embeddings of subspaces of Lp, 1 ≤ p < 2, into lpn
Proceedings of the Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity: Preface
Composition of secure multi-party protocols - A comprehensive study
MST construction in O(log log n) communication rounds
Chapter 37 Concentration, results and applications
Covariance shaping least-squares estimation
Texture segmentation by multiscale aggregation of filter responses and shape elements
Singularly perturbed control systems with one-dimensional fast dynamics
On memory-bound functions for fighting spam
A simple fault tolerant distributed hash table
On the complexity of finding balanced oneway cuts
Global Well-Posedness and Finite-Dimensional Global Attractor for a 3-D Planetary Geostrophic Viscous Model
DNA molecule provides a computing machine with both data and fuel
Random walks that avoid their past convex hull
Inferring region salience from binary and gray-level images
Minimum mean-squared error covariance shaping
A reduction of the slicing problem to finite volume ratio bodies
Novel architectures for P2P applications
Revealing information while preserving privacy
Multigrid for atmospheric data assimilation: Analysis
A-codimensions and a-cocharacters
Almost k-wise independence versus k-wise independence
A new class of invertible mappings
Multi-frame correspondence estimation using subspace constraints
Property testing in bounded degree graphs
Pseudorandom functions and factoring
A multi-scale algorithm for the linear arrangement problem
Comparing smooth arm movements with the two-thirds power law and the related segmented-control hypothesis
Exact algorithms and approximation schemes for base station placement problems
Bounded decomposition in the Brieskorn lattice and Pfaffian Picard-Fuchs systems for Abelian integrals
Direct recovery of planar-parallax from multiple frames
Faster exact solutions for some NP-hard problems
Improved approximation of Max-Cut on graphs of bounded degree
On characterization of two-sample U-statistics
A fast multi-scale method for drawing large graphs
Visual features of intermediate complexity and their use in classification
Vertex Cover on k-Uniform Hypergraphs is Hard to Approximate within Factor (k-3-\epsilon)
How to move with no rigid skeleton?
Approximating maximum edge coloring in multigraphs
Approximating min-sum set cover
Real time cryptanalysis of A5/1 on a PC
Are black boxes transparent? - High school students' strategies of using abstract data types
Quantum signal processing
Zero-knowledge: Abstract of a tutorial
Optimal tight frames and quantum measurement
Parabolic resonances in 3 degree of freedom near-integrable Hamiltonian systems
SecureClick: A web payment system with disposable credit card numbers
Ergodicity and mixing via young measures
On object systems and behavioral inheritance
Orthogonal multiuser detection
Annihilation theorem and separation theorem for basic classical lie superalgebras
Drawing directed graphs using one-dimensional optimization
Tolerance induction by megadose hematopoietic progenitor cells: Expansion of veto cells by short-term culture of purified human CD34+ cells
The LSD broadcast encryption scheme
Universal arguments and their applications
Lower bounds for linear locally decodable codes and private information retrieval
Factorization with uncertainty
On the quantum KPRV determinants for semisimple and affine Lie algebras
Class-specific, top-down segmentation
The inapproximability of lattice and coding problems with preprocessing
Synthesizing state-based object systems from lsc specifications
Resonant tori and instabilities in Hamiltonian systems
On geometric properties of the decorrelator
Improved bounds for acyclic job shop scheduling
Graphs with tiny vector chromatic numbers and huge chromatic numbers
Derandomization that is rarely wrong from short advice that is typically good
On the complexity of verifying concurrent transition systems
A fast multi-scale method for drawing large graphs
Spatio-temporal alignment of sequences
Cells as computation
On the behavioral inheritance of state-based objects
Constructing pseudo-random permutations with a prescribed structure
On interactive proofs with a laconic prover
Planning movements in a simple redundant task
5n Minkowski symmetrizations suffice to arrive at an approximate Euclidean ball
An algorithm for blob hierarchy layout
Drawing graphs with non-uniform vertices
Survival of the weak in hyperbolic spaces, a remark on competition and geometry
The compactness of interval routing for almost all graphs
Analysis of neural cryptography
How to be an efficient snoop, or the probe complexity of quorum systems
A generic Schur function is an inner one
Covariance shaping approach to linear least squares estimation
What does the scene look like from a scene point?
Locally testable codes and PCPs of almost-linear length
Almost Frechet differentiability of Lipschitz mappings between infinite-dimensional Banach spaces
Graph drawing by high-dimensional embedding
Low stretch spanning trees
Labeling schemes for flow and connectivity
Station layouts in the presence of location constraints
Aligning non-overlapping sequences
Least-squares inner product shaping
Relaxation in singularly perturbed control systems
Correlation shaping multi-signature receiver
Revealing modular organization in the yeast transcriptional network
Continuum approach to discreteness
Secure computation without agreement
A practical attack on broadcast RC4
Lipschitz quotients from metric trees and from Banach spaces containing ℓl1
Nonuniform polar grid algorithm for fast field evaluation
An occupational measure solution to a singularly perturbed optimal control problem
Analysis of Bernstein's factorization circuit
Concurrent zero-knowledge with timing, revisited
Viceroy: A scalable and dynamic emulation of the butterfly
Wave kernels related to second-order operators
Multiple instances and symbolic variables in executable sequence charts
Increasing space-time resolution in video
Weyl modules for the Schur algebra of the alternating group
Measuring and modeling filling-in effects in retinal AMD scotomas
Strongly typical representations of the basic classical lie superalgebras
Inverse Monte Carlo Renormalization Group Transformations for Critical Phenomena
Zaps and their applications
ACE: A fast multiscale eigenvectors computation for drawing huge graphs
Double centralizing theorems for the alternating groups
Asynchronous resource discovery in peer to peer networks
Correlation shaping matched filter receiver
Local majorities, coalitions and monopolies in graphs: A review
Shuffle invariance of the super-RSK algorithm
Smart play-out of behavioral requirements
Shape-selective stereo processing in human object-related visual areas
Remarks on non linear type and Pisier's inequality
On the drift of short schedules
Playing with time: On the specification and execution of time-enriched LSCs
Labeling schemes for dynamic tree networks
Modeling biological reactivity: Statecharts vs. Boolean logic
On the Optimality of the Random Hyperplane Rounding Technique for MAX CUT
Multigrid analysis of scattering by large planar structures
Deniable ring authentication
Special issue: Taurine: Discovered 185 years ago and still intrigues the scientific community
Error reduction by parallel repetition - A negative result
A polylogarithmic approximation of the minimum bisection
Multiview constraints on homographies
Evaluation of the quantum affine PRV determinants
A six generalized squares theorem, with applications to polynomial identity algebras
Distributed MST for constant diameter graphs
Generalized submodular cover problems and applications
Heuristics for semirandom graph problems
A fragment-based approach to object representation and classification
Exact Inference in Networks with Discrete Children of Continuous Parents
Guaranteeing the diversity of number generators
Efficient trace and revoke schemes
Rank aggregation methods for the web
On the (Im)possibility of obfuscating programs
Chapter 19 Finite dimensional subspaces of L p
Numerical criterion for the stabilization of steady states of the Navier-Stokes equations
Annual Symposium on Foundation of Computer Science - Proceedings: Foreword
Redundant Picard-Fuchs system for Abelian integrals
On an affine quantum KPRV determinant at q=1
Projections on Convex Sets in the Relaxed Limit
Projective alignment with regions
Nonredundant and Redundant Sampling with Arbitrary Sampling and Reconstruction Spaces
Exponential growth for codimensions of some p.i. algebras
Computational approaches to motor control
Special invited paper uniform spanning forests
Affine invariant edge completion with affine geodesics
Sur les semi-invariants d'une sous-algèbre parabolique d'une algèbre enveloppante quantifiée
Mental and motor switching in Parkinson's disease
Session-key generation using human passwords only
The wakeup problem in synchronous broadcast systems
Rank-1 phenomena for mapping class groups
Textbook multigrid efficiency for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations: High Reynolds number wakes and boundary layers
An extension of the periodicity lemma to longer periods
Percolation in the hyperbolic plane
The center of a simple P-type Lie superalgebra
Estimating the size of the olfactory repertoire
Embedding subspaces of Lp into ℓNp, 0 < p < 1
Alignment of non-overlapping sequences
Renormalization multigrid (RMG): Statistically optimal renormalization group flow and coarse-to-fine Monte Carlo acceleration
Approximating k-spanner problems for k>2
From play-in scenarios to code: an achievable dream
Application of a stochastic name-passing calculus to representation and simulation of molecular processes
Segmentation and boundary detection using multiscale intensity measurements
The compactness of interval routing for almost all graphs
Finite-memory denoising in impulsive noise using Gaussian mixture models
Sparse communication networks and efficient routing in the plane
Average probe complexity in quorum systems
Communication preserving protocols for secure function evaluation
Lambertian reflectance and linear subspaces
Multilevel approach in statistical physics of liquids
Assigning labels in an unknown anonymous network with a leader
Synthesizing state-based object systems from LSC specifications
On the integrality ratio of semidefinite relaxations of MAX CUT
On clustering using random walks
Control of octopus arm extension by a peripheral motor program
Virus versus mankind
On interactive proofs with a laconic prover
How to leak a secret
The RPR2 rounding technique for semidefinite programs
Generic representations for the unitary group in three variables
Sheets and topology of primitive spectra for semisimple lie algebras
On the decisional complexity of problems over the reals
Clustering spatial data using random walks
On approximating the achromatic number
Boundedness of automorphic L-functions in vertical strips
Small k-dominating sets in planar graphs with applications
Right and left joint system representation of a rational matrix function in general position: (System representation theory for dummies)
Online server allocation in a server farm via benefit task systems
S∞ representations and combinatorial identities
Private approximation of NP-hard functions
The geometry and cohomology of some simple Shimura varieties
Weaknesses in the key scheduling algorithm of RC4
The dense k-subgraph problem
On singularly perturbed retarded functional differential equations
On the Kostant-Parthasarathy-Ranga Rao-Varadarajan determinants II. Construction of the KPRV determinants
Orthogonal matched filter detection
The average hop count measure for virtual path layouts
A note on approximating max-bisection on regular graphs
On quantum detection and the square-root measurement
A Chevalley-Kostant presentation of basic modules for sl(2) and the associated affine KPRV determinants at q = 1
Revocation and tracing schemes for stateless receivers
Recurrence of distributional limits of finite planar graphs
Three theorems regarding testing graph properties
Representation and simulation of biochemical processes using the pi-calculus process algebra.
Renormalization multigrid (RMG): Coarse-to-fine Monte Carlo acceleration and optimal derivation of macroscopic descriptions
Distance labeling in graphs
Efficient oblivious transfer protocols
Approximate distance labeling schemes (Extended abstract)
New directions in croptography
Anti-persistence: History independent data structures
On the Kostant-Parthasarathy-Ranga Rao-Varadarajan determinants III. Computation of the KPRV determinants
Rotation rate of a trajectory of an algebraic vector field around an algebraic curve
Protecting smart cards from passive power analysis with detached power supplies
Structural cryptanalysis of SASAS
Approximate distance labeling schemes
Textbook Multigrid efficiency for computational fluid dynamics simulations
Approximation Algorithms for Maximization Problems Arising in Graph Partitioning
Center and composition conditions for Abel differential equation, and rational curves
A real-time trajectory modification algorithm
Low complexity variants of the arrow distributed directory
A multi-scale algorithm for drawing graphs nicely
Programmable and autonomous computing machine made of biomolecules
Deterministic resource discovery in distributed networks
Compact convergence of σ-fields and relaxed conditional expectation
Bone marrow transplantation across major genetic barriers: The role of megadose stem cells and nonalloreactive donor anti-third party CTLS
(1 + εΒ)-spanner constructions for general graphs
LSCs: Breathing life into message sequence charts
Photometric stereo with general, unknown lighting
On the Kostant-Parthasarathy-Ranga Rao-Varadarajan determinants I. Injectivity and multiplicities
Improved online/offline signature schemes
Event-based analysis of video
The singular perturbation limit of an elastic structure in a rapidly flowing nearly inviscid fluid
The immune system as a reactive system: Modeling T cell activation with statecharts
Resettably-sound zero-knowledge and its applications
Upper bounds on the height difference of the Gaussian random field and the range of random graph homomorphisms into ℤ
Object classification using a fragment-based representation
Tracing traitors
Further extension of the KKMS theorem
Finding and certifying a large hidden clique in a semirandom graph
Cryptanalytic time/memory/data tradeoffs for stream ciphers
Testing monotonicity
Filter bank interpolation and reconstruction from generalized and recurrent nonuniform samples
On the Brylinski-Kostant filtration
Algorithm for blob hierarchy layout
Fast multi-scale method for drawing large graphs
The value function of singularly perturbed control systems
Polylogarithmic approximation of the minimum bisection
Separation of transparent layers using focus
Filterbank reconstruction of bandlimited signals from nonuniform and generalized samples
Distance labeling schemes for well-separated graph classes
From formal numerical solutions of elliptic PDE's to the true ones
Certificate revocation and certificate update
The exponential growth of codimensions for Capelli identities
Remarks on minkowski symmetrizations
Approximation algorithms for the label-coverMAX and red-blue set cover problems (Extended abstract)
The admissibility of simple bounded modules for an affine Lie algebra
Multi-frame estimation of planar motion
On Random Graph Homomorphisms into Z
Strong inapproximability of the basic k-spanner problem (Extended abstract)
Informative labeling schemes for graphs
Parabolic resonances in near integrable Hamiltonian systems
An Analog of Tate's Conjecture over Local and Finitely Generated Fields
The hardness of approximating spanner problems
Center Conditions III: Parametric and Model Center Problems
Finding OR in a noisy broadcast network
Resettable zero-knowledge (extended abstract)
Efficient algorithms for solving overdefined systems of multivariate polynomial equations
The chattering limit of singularly perturbed optimal control problems
Distributed oblivious transfer
Approximating SVPinfty to within Almost-Polynomial Factors Is NP-Hard
Approximating the domatic number
Timed commitments
Two-prover protocols - low error at affordable rates
Assigning labels in unknown anonymous networks
Nonlinear multigrid solver for a semi-Lagrangian potential vorticity-based shallow-water model on the sphere
A proposed adiabatic formulation of 3-dimensional global atmospheric models based on potential vorticity
Fast multiscale image segmentation
Completion energies and scale
Anti-third party CD8+ CTLs as potent veto cells: Coexpression of CD8 and FasL is a prerequisite
Approximating the minimum bisection size (extended abstract)
On zeros of functions from Bernstein classes
A large wiener sausage from crumbs
Visual cryptography for grey level images
Distributed algorithms for english auctions
Coping with the NP-hardness of the graph bandwidth problem
Station layouts in the presence of location constraints
Center Conditions II: Parametric and Model Center Problems
On the cost of recomputing: Tight bounds on pebbling with faults
Chinese remaindering with errors
Robotic melon harvesting
On the ghost centre of Lie superalgebras
Generalized Hook and Content Numbers Identities - The Projective Case
Computational sample complexity
An approximation algorithm for minimum-cost network design
Direct recovery of planar-parallax from multiple frames
Networks on which hot-potato routing does not livelock
The wakeup problem in synchronous broadcast systems
On the limits of nonapproximability of lattice problems
Generalized Hook and Content Numbers Identities
Pseudo-random functions and factoring (extended abstract)
Factorization with uncertainty
Bubbles: Adaptive routing scheme for high-speed dynamic networks
Combinatorial consistency lemma with application to proving the PCP theorem
On the hardness of approximating NP witnesses
The method of ascent and cos(√A2+B2)
A fast and accurate multilevel inversion of the radon transform
Uniform generation of script N℘-witnesses using an script N℘-oracle
Nonmalleable cryptography
Proximity-preserving labeling schemes
Analysis and optimization of the TWINKLE factoring device
A near-tight lower bound on the time complexity of distributed minimum-weight spanning tree construction
Simple and semisimple Lie algebras and codimension growth
Invariant measures of set-valued maps
Value function of singularly perturbed control systems
Chaotic kinetics and transport (Overview)
Approximating the bandwidth via volume respecting embeddings
Variational limits constrained by measure-valued multifunctions
Learning polynomials with queries: The highly noisy case
From play-in scenarios to code: An achievable dream
On the behavioral inheritance of state-based objects (Extended abstract)
Tight fault locality
About direct methods
Sparse communication networks and efficient routing in the plane
Approximation algorithms for the Label-Cover(MAX) and Red-Blue Set Cover problems (Extended abstract)
Integrality of exponents of some abelian-by-nilpotent varieties of Lie algebras
Uniform quotient mappings of the plane
General highly accurate algebraic coarsening
Rigorous time/space trade-offs for inverting functions
On the effect of adding ∈-Bernoulli percolation to everywhere percolating subgraphs of ℤd
Feedback vertex set in hypercubes
Chinese remaindering with errors
Trajectories of polynomial vector fields and ascending chains of polynomial ideals
Multi-view subspace constraints on homographies
Oblivious transfer with adaptive queries
The annihilation theorem for the completely reducible Lie superalgebras
The superposition strategy for arm trajectory modification in robotic manipulators
Comparing entropies in statistical zero knowledge with applications to the structure of SZK
Noise sensitivity of Boolean functions and applications to percolation
Thermodynamic formalism for countable Markov shifts
Fast calculation of multiple line integrals
Invariant measures of differential inclusions applied to singular perturbations
Exact fundamental solutions for a class of degenerate elliptic operators
Percolation perturbations in potential theory and random walks
When is it possible to identify 3D objects from single images using class constraints?
Factoring large numbers with the TWINKLE device (Extended abstract)
A variant of the arrow distributed directory with low average complexity (extended abstract)
Fault-Local Distributed Mending
Image-based robot navigation under the perspective model
The role of convexity in perceptual completion: Beyond good continuation
Big islands in dispersing billiard-like potentials
Improved testing algorithms for monotonicity
A multi-scale algorithm for drawing graphs nicely
Volume, Cheeger and Gromov
Group-invariant percolation on graphs
Multicast security: A taxonomy and some efficient constructions
Distributed relaxation multigrid and defect correction applied to the compressible navier-stokes equations
Induction of donor-type chimerism and transplantation tolerance across major histocompatibility barriers in sublethally irradiated mice by Sca- 1+Lin- Bone marrow progenitor cells: Synergism with non-alloreactive (host x donor) F1 T cells
Privacy preserving auctions and mechanism design
Multigrid solvers for nonaligned sonic flows
A characterization of P.I. algebras with bounded multiplicities of the cocharacters
Approximating the weight of shallow steiner trees
PCP characterizations of NP: towards a polynomially-small error-probability
Gains and costs of information in stochastic programming
Synthesizers and their application to the parallel construction of pseudo-random functions
Initial observations on Skipjack: Cryptanalysis of Skipjack-3XOR
Affine approximation of Lipschitz functions and nonlinear quotients
Tangential hilbert problem for perturbations of hyperelliptic hamiltonian systems
Playing 'hide and seek' with stored keys
Projective alignment with regions
The penta-coordinated vanadium formed on binding of ADP-vanadate-Mg(II) to CF1-ATPase functions as a transition-state inhibitor
Cut sets and normed cohomology with applications to percolation
Distributed pseudo-random functions and KDCs
The compactness of interval routing
Multi-frame optical flow estimation using subspace constraints
Nonmonotonic phenomena in packet routing
Randomized rounding for semidefinite ProgramsVariations on the MAX CUT example
Visual homing: surfing on the epipoles
How to copyright a function?
A near-tight lower bound on the time complexity of distributed MST construction
Curriculum and course syllabi for a high-school cs program
Computational indistinguishability: A sample hierarchy
Can statistical zero knowledge be made non-interactive? Or on the relationship of SZK and NISZK
Cryptanalysis of the HFE public key cryptosystem by relinearization
3-D to 2-D pose determination with regions
Improved derandomization of BPP using a hitting set generator
Islands of accelerator modes and homoclinic tangles
Critical percolation on any nonamenable group has no infinite clusters
Distributed probabilistic polling and applications to proportionate agreement
On the construction of pseudorandom permutations: luby-rackoff revisited
On the behavior of complex object-oriented systems
Cryptanalysis of skipjack reduced to 31 rounds using impossible differentials
Approximating shortest lattice vectors is not harder than approximating closest lattice vectors
Graph clustering problem has a perfect zero-knowledge interactive proof
Oblivious transfer and polynomial evaluation
Generalized centre conditions and multiplicities for polynomial Abel equations of small degrees
Smooth p-adic analytic spaces are locally contractible
Singularly perturbed ordinary differential equations with nonautonomous fast dynamics
On the Codimension Growth of Finite-Dimensional Lie Algebras
Proximity-preserving labeling schemes and their applications
On the mock Peter-Weyl theorem and the Drinfeld double of a double
Periods of automorphic forms
Generic representations for the unitary group in three variables
Noncryptographic selection protocols (extended abstract)
Asymptotics of multinomial sums and identities between multi-integrals
Computation paths logic: An expressive, yet elementary, process logic
Multigrid solution of an elliptic boundary-value problem with integral constraints
Center conditions, compositions of polynomials and moments on algebraic curves
Quantifying knowledge complexity
Multigrid solvers for the non-aligned sonic flow: The constant coefficient case
Universal properties of chaotic transport in the presence of diffusion
A completion of the quantized enveloping algebra of a Kac-Moody algebra
Computation of pattern invariance in brain-like structures
Stateless evaluation of pseudorandom functions: Security beyond the birthday barrier
Multi-frame alignment of planes
Asymptotics of degrees of some Sn-sub regular representations
Multiple noninteractive zero knowledge proofs under general assumptions
A sublinear bipartiteness tester for bounded degree graphs
On the lie and associative codimensions growth
Comments on "From the tropics to the poles in forty days" - Reply
Miss in the middle attacks on IDEA and Khufu
Faster exact solutions for some NP-hard problems (extended abstract)
A geometric interpretation of weak-perspective motion
Relaxed Multifunctions and Young Multimeasures
Fast distributed construction of small k-dominating sets and applications
Secure accounting and auditing on the Web
Abstract data types as a project development organiser
Towards a theory of recursive structures
Computational indistinguishability: Algorithms vs. circuits
Elliptic islands appearing in near-ergodic flows
Deterministic polylog approximation for minimum communication spanning trees (Extended abstract)
Optimal broadcast with partial knowledge
The compactness of interval routing for almost all graphs
Approximating the bandwidth via volume respecting embeddings
Video Indexing Based on Mosaic Representations
On the limits of non-approximability of lattice problems
Directed virtual path layouts in ATM networks - (Extended abstract)
Access control and signatures via quorum secret sharing
Statecharts in use: Structured analysis and object-orientation
Improved bounds for acyclic job shop scheduling
Determining the similarity of deformable shapes
Computational indistinguishability: A sample hierarchy
Robust diffusion approximation for nonlinear filtering
From unpredictability to indistinguishability: A simple construction of pseudo-random functions from MACs
Cryptanalysis of the oil and vinegar signature scheme
Compact routing schemes with low stretch factor
Optimal Estimation of a Gaussian Random-Variable in Gaussian-Mixture Noise and Associated Error Analysis
Multi-View modeling & synthesis
A sublinear time distributed algorithm for minimum-weight spanning trees
Three-dimensional object recognition based on the combination of views
Development, implementation and evaluation of a course in expert systems for high-school students (poster)
Recognizing novel 3-D objects under new illumination and viewing position using a small number of example views or even a single view
Orbital varieties of the minimal orbit
Asymptotics of the number of k-words with an l-descent
Approximate maxima finding of continuous functions under restricted budget
The load, capacity, and availability of quorum systems
Oscillation of analytic curves
From reference frames to reference planes: Multi-view parallax geometry and applications
Phase Separation of the Slightly Viscous Cahn-Hilliard Equation in the Singular Perturbation Limit
Robust multi-sensor image alignment
Secure and efficient metering
Multilevel evaluation of integral transforms with asymptotically smooth kernels
Computational complexity and knowledge complexity
Tolerances induction by 'megadose' hematopoietic transplants
Averages of norms and quasi-norms
Visual homing: Surfing on the epipoles
An algorithm for straight-line drawing of planar graphs
Visual cryptanalysis
On the Gaussian measure of the intersection
Efficient determination of shape from multiple images containing partial information
Self-delegation with controlled propagation - or - What if you lose your laptop
Oscillation and boundary curvature of holomorphic curves ℂn
Conformal invariance of Voronoi percolation
Size bounds for dynamic monopolies
Property Testing and Its Connection to Learning and Approximation
Learning visually guided grasping: A test case in sensorimotor learning
Generating low-degree 2-spanners
Topology of Generic Multijet Preimages and Blow-Up via Newton Interpolation
The Bautin ideal of the Abel equation
Hypercontractivity and comparison of moments of iterated maxima and minima of independent random variables
Finite-Memory Suboptimal Filtering of Gaussian Signals in Correlated Gaussian-Mixture Noise
An efficient existentially unforgeable signature scheme and its applications
Fairness in Scheduling
On the aesthetics of diagrams
Fast multigrid solution of the advection problem with closed characteristics
Generalization to Novel Views: Universal, Class-based, and Model-based Processing
From ordinal to euclidean reconstruction with partial scene calibration
Sublinear bipartiteness tester for bounded degree graphs
Perfect zero-knowledge arguments for NP using any one-way permutation
Maximal degrees for young diagrams in the (k, l) hook
Motor switching abilities in Parkinson's disease and old age: Temporal aspects
Abstract data types as a project development organiser
Certificate revocation and certificate update
Threshold traitor tracing
Free Bits, PCPs, and Nonapproximability-Towards Tight Results
Zero Knowledge and the Chromatic Number
Le thérème d'annulation pour la super-algèbre de Lie osp(1,2ℓ)
Patterns of arm muscle activation involved in octopus reaching movements
Multivision: An intractable impartial game with a linear winning strategy
Annihilator of a Verma module L
On twists of cuspidal representations of GL (2)
Stability in the presence of singular perturbations
A Threshold of ln n for Approximating Set Cover
Fault-tolerant computation in the full information model
Extracting salient curves from images: An analysis of the Saliency Network
The Minimal Realization from Deformation Theory
Poincaré center-focus problem
Clustering appearances of 3D objects
A unified approach to moving object detection in 2d and 3d scenes
Asymptotic Estimates Using Probability
Effect of a non-linear boundary layer on the radiation from earthquakes and underground nuclear explosions
A formal treatment of remotely keyed encryption (Extended abstract)
Codimensions of products and of intersections of verbally prime T-ideals
When is it possible to identify 3D objects from single images using class constraints?
On the complexity of interactive proofs with bounded communication
Honest-verifier statistical zero-knowledge equals general statistical zero-knowledge
Structure function relationship of vanadate bound to a single site in chloroplast CF1-ATPase as determined by X-ray absorption
Exceptional planes of percolation
Unpredictable paths and percolation
Efficient approximation of product distributions
Expanders are not hyperbolic
Paths leading to the Nash set for nonsmooth games
Private information retrieval
Near-Linear Time Construction of Sparse Neighborhood Covers
The steganographic file system