All Publications

Phenome-wide associations of sleep characteristics in the Human Phenotype Project
Metagenome-informed metaproteomics of the human gut microbiome, host, and dietary exposome uncovers signatures of health and inflammatory bowel disease
Dust storm-driven dispersal of potential pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes in the Eastern Mediterranean
International consensus statement on microbiome testing in clinical practice
From big data and experimental models to clinical trials: Iterative strategies in microbiome research
Unraveling Cross-Organ Impacts of Airborne Pollutants: A Multiomics Study on Respiratory Exposure and Gastrointestinal Health
Plasmid-encoded toxin defence mediates mutualistic microbial interactions
Competitive fungal commensalism mitigates candidiasis pathology
Faecal Transplantation for Ulcerative Colitis From Diet Conditioned Donors Followed by Dietary Intervention Results in Favourable Gut Microbial Profile Compared to Faecal Transplantation Alone
Embracing cancer complexity: Hallmarks of systemic disease
Rab7-dependent regulation of goblet cell protein CLCA1 modulates gastrointestinal homeostasis
The potential importance of the built-environment microbiome and its impact on human health
Gingival spatial analysis reveals geographic immunological variation in a microbiota-dependent and -independent manner
Microbiome modulation of antigen presentation in tolerance and inflammation
Complement(ing) the microbiome in infants through breastmilk
Bacterial Skin Dysbiosis in Darier Disease
Integrated Metabolomics and Proteomics of Symptomatic and Early Presymptomatic States of Colitis
Cryptic diversity of cellulose-degrading gut bacteria in industrialized humans
Identification of gut microbiome features associated with host metabolic health in a large population-based cohort
d-Glutamate production by stressed Escherichia coli gives a clue for the hypothetical induction mechanism of the ALS disease
A microbial iron fist to fight tumors
Diagnosis and Risk Factors of Prediabetes and Diabetes in People Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Evaluation of Clinical and Microbiome Parameters: Evaluation of Clinical and Microbiome Parameters
Pangenomes of human gut microbiota uncover links between genetic diversity and stress response
Mechanisms by which microbiome-derived metabolites exert their impacts on neurodegeneration
Melanoma and microbiota: Current understanding and future directions
Fine-tuning the gut ecosystem: the current landscape and outlook of artificial microbiome therapeutics
Modeling cancermicrobiome interactions in vitro: A guide to co-culture platforms
Antibiotic-induced loss of gut microbiome metabolic output correlates with clinical responses to CAR T-cell therapy
Diet-omics in the Study of Urban and Rural Crohn disease Evolution (SOURCE) cohort
Bacterial SNPs in the human gut microbiome associate with host BMI
Microbiome-phage interactions in inflammatory bowel disease
TET2 and TET3 loss disrupts small intestine differentiation and homeostasis
A non-antibiotic-disrupted gut microbiome is associated with clinical responses to CD19-CAR-T cell cancer immunotherapy
Dietary fibers & immunitymore than meets the eye
Microbiota-dependent and -independent postnatal development of salivary immunity
Impact of caloric restriction on the gut microbiota
Aerial transport of bacteria by dust plumes in the Eastern Mediterranean revealed by complementary rRNA/rRNA-gene sequencing
Utilization of the microbiome in personalized medicine
Intestinal B cells license metabolic T-cell activation in NASH microbiota/antigen-independently and contribute to fibrosis by IgA-FcR signalling
Engineering bacteria to modulate host metabolism
Ex vivo intestinal permeability assay (X-IPA) for tracking barrier function dynamics
Questioning the fetal microbiome illustrates pitfalls of low-biomass microbial studies
Impact of dietary interventions on pre-diabetic oral and gut microbiome, metabolites and cytokines
Daily turnover of active giant virus infection during algal blooms revealed by single-cell transcriptomics
Gut microbiome modulates the effects of a personalised postprandial-targeting (PPT) diet on cardiometabolic markers: a diet intervention in pre-diabetes
CAR-T Cell Therapy and the Gut Microbiota
Tissue-specific macrophage immunometabolism
Immunometabolism at the crossroads of obesity and cancera Keystone Symposia report
Intracellular bacteria in cancerprospects and debates
Circadian regulation of liver function: from molecular mechanisms to disease pathophysiology
Viral infection switches the balance between bacterial and eukaryotic recyclers of organic matter during coccolithophore blooms
Fungi and cancer
Langerhans cells shape postnatal oral homeostasis in a mechanical-force-dependent but microbiota and IL17-independent manner
Mucosal transcriptomics highlight lncRNAs implicated in ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and celiac disease
Epithelial Nlrp10 inflammasome mediates protection against intestinal autoinflammation
Phage-display immunoprecipitation sequencing of the antibody epitope repertoire in inflammatory bowel disease reveals distinct antibody signatures
Blood coagulation and beyond: Position paper from the Fourth Maastricht Consensus Conference on Thrombosis
Small Intestinal Microbiota Oscillations, Host Effects and RegulationA Zoom into Three Key Effector Molecules
Lactation-associated macrophages exist in murine mammary tissue and human milk
Human microbiome research: Growing pains and future promises
TRAF3 suppression encourages B cell recruitment and prolongs survival of microbiome-intact mice with ovarian cancer
Short-term dietary changes can result in mucosal and systemic immune depression
Diversity of the Pacific Ocean coral reef microbiome
Host transcriptome signatures in human faecal-washes predict histological remission in patients with IBD
An expanded reference map of the human gut microbiome reveals hundreds of previously unknown species
Urbanization comprehensively impairs biological rhythms in coral holobionts
Cancer microbiome
Systemic antibody responses against human microbiota flagellins are overrepresented in chronic fatigue syndrome patients
Antibody signatures in inflammatory bowel disease: current developments and future applications
Effects of personalized diets by prediction of glycemic responses on glycemic control and metabolic health in newly diagnosed T2DM: a randomized dietary intervention pilot trial
An Integrated View of Diatom Interactions
Functional Genes Profile of Atmospheric Dust in the East Mediterranean Suggests Widespread Anthropogenic Influence on Aerobiome Composition
Orphan gene in Littorina: An unexpected role of symbionts in the host evolution
BREAst Cancer Personalised NuTrition (BREACPNT): dietary intervention in breast cancer survivors treated with endocrine therapy - a protocol for a randomised clinical trial
Prediction of Personal Glycemic Responses to Food for Individuals With Type 1 Diabetes Through Integration of Clinical and Microbial Data
Mechanisms of immune activation and regulation: lessons from melanoma
Use of Faecal Transplantation with a Novel Diet for Mild to Moderate Active Ulcerative Colitis: The CRAFT UC Randomised Controlled Trial
Molecular genetics for probiotic engineering: dissecting lactic acid bacteria
Phenotypic correlates of the working dog microbiome
Recording bacterial responses to changes in the gut environment
Glucosylated nanoparticles for the oral delivery of antibiotics to the proximal small intestine protect mice from gut dysbiosis
Smoking-induced microbial dysbiosis in health and disease
Metaproteomic comparison of cryoconite communities from Caucasian and Novaya Zemlya glaciers
A RORγt+ cell instructs gut microbiota-specific Treg cell differentiation
Personalized microbiome-driven effects of non-nutritive sweeteners on human glucose tolerance
Microbiome and metabolome features of the cardiometabolic disease spectrum
Compartmentalization of the host microbiome: how tumor microbiota shapes checkpoint immunotherapy outcome and offers therapeutic prospects
Precision Nutrition for Type 2 Diabetes
Macrophage metabolism in the intestine is compartment specific and regulated by the microbiota
The Gut Microbiome of Adults With Type 1 Diabetes and Its Association With the Host Glycemic Control
Metabolomic and microbiome profiling reveals personalized risk factors for coronary artery disease
Local and systemic effects of microbiomederived metabolites
Loss-of-function SLC30A2 mutants are associated with gut dysbiosis and alterations in intestinal gene expression in preterm infants
Metaproteome plasticity sheds light on the ecology of the rumen microbiome and its connection to host traits
Context-dependent differences in the functional responses of Lactobacillaceae strains to fermentable sugars
A dynamic rhizosphere interplay between tree roots and soil bacteria under drought stress
Protozoa populations are ecosystem engineers that shape prokaryotic community structure and function of the rumen microbial ecosystem
Targeted suppression of human IBD-associated gut microbiota commensals by phage consortia for treatment of intestinal inflammation
Research gaps and opportunities in precision nutrition: an NIH workshop report
Gut biofilms: Bacteroides as model symbionts to study biofilm formation by intestinal anaerobes
Gastrointestinal microbiome: Evaluation of testing technologies
Utilization of Host and Microbiome Features in Determination of Biological Aging
Plantmicrobe interactions in the rhizosphere via a circular metabolic economy
An atlas of robust microbiome associations with phenotypic traits based on large-scale cohorts from two continents
Erratum: Severe Dysbiosis and Specific Haemophilus and Neisseria Signatures as Hallmarks of the Oropharyngeal Microbiome in Critically Ill Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Patients (Clin Infect Dis DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciab902)
Time-limited diets and the gut microbiota in cardiometabolic disease
Clinical efficacy of fecal microbial transplantation treatment in adults with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis
New Approaches to Profile the Microbiome for Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disease
Protocol for studying microbiome impact on host energy and reproduction in Drosophila
Severe Dysbiosis and Specific Haemophilus and Neisseria Signatures as Hallmarks of the Oropharyngeal Microbiome in Critically Ill Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Patients
The gut metabolite indole-3 propionate promotes nerve regeneration and repair
Evidence for cutaneous dysbiosis in dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
The microbiome and human cancer
Remembering past infections: training exercise for gut microbes
Gut microbiome and its potential link to personalized nutrition
The gut microbiome: a key player in the complexity of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Personalized Postprandial Glucose ResponseTargeting Diet Versus Mediterranean Diet for Glycemic Control in Prediabetes
Diversity and functional landscapes in the microbiota of animals in the wild
Potential role of indolelactate and butyrate in multiple sclerosis revealed by integrated microbiome-metabolome analysis
10 K: a largescale prospective longitudinal study in Israel
Bacillus subtilis Colonization of Arabidopsis thaliana Roots Induces Multiple Biosynthetic Clusters for Antibiotic Production
Population-wide diversity and stability of serum antibody epitope repertoires against human microbiota
The hygiene hypothesis, the COVID pandemic, and consequences for the human microbiome
New Approaches to Profile the Microbiome for Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disease
Size-Resolved Community Structure of Bacteria and Fungi Transported by Dust in the Middle East
Erratum: The hygiene hypothesis, the COVID pandemic, and consequences for the human microbiome (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2021) 118 (e2010217118) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2010217118)
Melatonin alleviates titanium nanoparticles induced osteolysis via activation of butyrate/GPR109A signaling pathway
Designer fibre meals sway human gut microbes
Dietary suppression of MHC class II expression in intestinal epithelial cells enhances intestinal tumorigenesis
Commensal inter-bacterial interactions shaping the microbiota
The long-term genetic stability and individual specificity of the human gut microbiome
Redundant cytokine requirement for intestinal microbiota-induced Th17 cell differentiation in draining lymph nodes
Breakthroughs and Bottlenecks in Microbiome Research
Gut microbiota modulates weight gain in mice after discontinued smoke exposure
Generation of caudal-type serotonin neurons and hindbrain-fate organoids from hPSCs
Basic Biology of Rhythms and the Microbiome
Maturation of the neonatal oral mucosa involves unique epithelium-microbiota interactions
Probiotics impact the antibiotic resistance gene reservoir along the human GI tract in a person-specific and antibiotic-dependent manner
Reporting guidelines for human microbiome research: the STORMS checklist
Microbiome and cancer
Systemic Regulation of Host Energy and Oogenesis by Microbiome-Derived Mitochondrial Coenzymes
The NLRP6 inflammasome
The Response of Airborne Mycobiome to Dust Storms in the Eastern Mediterranean
Large-scale association analyses identify host factors influencing human gut microbiome composition
Dietary fiber and probiotics influence the gut microbiome and melanoma immunotherapy response
Our Microbiome: On the Challenges, Promises, and Hype
Phages and their potential to modulate the microbiome and immunity
The microbiome and cytosolic innate immune receptors
Are noncommunicable diseases communicable?
Diatoms are selective segregators in global ocean planktonic communities
A reference map of potential determinants for the human serum metabolome
Niche rather than origin dysregulates mucosal Langerhans cells development in aged mice
Moving from probiotics to precision probiotics
Using multi-organ culture systems to study Parkinsons disease
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and intestinal microbiota-toward establishing cause and effect
The role of sweat in the composition of skin microbiome: lessons learned from patients with congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis
Microbiome genomics for cancer prediction
Assembly Mechanism of Mucin and von Willebrand Factor Polymers
Probiotics in the next-generation sequencing era
Emerging roles of ECM remodeling processes in cancer
The evolution of universal adaptations of life is driven by universal properties of matter: energy, entropy, and interaction
The human tumor microbiome is composed of tumor type-specific intracellular bacteria
The gut microbiome and individual-specific responses to diet
The intestinal microbiota fuelling metabolic inflammation
Harvesting the complex pathways of antibiotic production and resistance of soil bacilli for optimizing plant microbiome
Links between airborne microbiome, meteorology, and chemical composition in northwestern Turkey
Deep microbial analysis of multiple placentas shows no evidence for a placental microbiome
Diet Diurnally Regulates Small Intestinal Microbiome-Epithelial-Immune Homeostasis and Enteritis
Rhizosphere microbiome mediates systemic root metabolite exudation by root-to-root signaling
High-Throughput Screen Identifies Host and Microbiota Regulators of Intestinal Barrier Function
The gut microbiome switches mutant p53 from tumour-suppressive to oncogenic
Harnessing the gut microbiota to promote metabolic health
Characterization of the human tumor microbiome reveals tumor-type specific intra-cellular bacteria
Peptide-based quorum sensing systems in Paenibacillus polymyxa
Acute liver failure is regulated by MYC- and microbiome-dependent programs
Identifying gut microbes that affect human health
Longitudinal Multi-omics Reveals Subset-Specific Mechanisms Underlying Irritable Bowel Syndrome
The microbiota programs DNA methylation to control intestinal homeostasis and inflammation
Longitudinal Multi-omics Reveals Subset-Specific Mechanisms Underlying Irritable Bowel Syndrome (vol 182, pg 1460, 2020): Longitudinal Multi-omics Reveals Subset-Specific Mechanisms Underlying Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Cell (2020) 182(6) (14601473.e17), (S0092867420309983), (10.1016/j.cell.2020.08.007))
Global landscape of phenazine biosynthesis and biodegradation reveals species-specific colonization patterns in agricultural soils and crop microbiomes
Interaction between microbiota and immunity in health and disease
Erratum to Skin Microbiome Compositional Changes in Atopic Dermatitis Accompany Dead Sea Climatotherapy (vol 95, pg 1446, 2020)
Circadian Influences of Diet on the Microbiome and Immunity
Immune-Microbiota Interplay and Colonization Resistance in Infection
Evaluation of B Cell Proliferation in vivo by EdU Incorporation Assay
Nutrition Regulates Innate Immunity in Health and Disease
Switching on the furnace: Regulation of heat production in brown adipose tissue
Potential roles of gut microbiome and metabolites in modulating ALS in mice
The cancer microbiome
Intestinal Gel-Forming Mucins Polymerize by Disulfide-Mediated Dimerization of D3 Domains
Personalized Nutrition: Are We There Yet?
The role of the microbiome in NAFLD and NASH
The Microbiome Mediates Environmental Effects on Aging
Epigenetics and the microbiome
Structural variation in the gut microbiome associates with host health
Vaginal microbiome transplantation in women with intractable bacterial vaginosis
Skin Microbiome Compositional Changes in Atopic Dermatitis Accompany Dead Sea Climatotherapy
Diet-microbiota interactions and personalized nutrition
A Significant Expansion of Our Understanding of the Composition of the Human Microbiome
Microbiome diurnal rhythmicity and its impact on host physiology and disease risk
The Immune System Computes the State of the Body: Crowd Wisdom, Machine Learning, and Immune Cell Reference Repertoires Help Manage Inflammation
The Plant Host Induces Antibiotic Production To Select the Most-Beneficial Colonizers
The pros, cons, and many unknowns of probiotics
When Cultures Meet: The Landscape of "Social" Interactions between the Host and Its Indigenous Microbes
Fecal Microbial Transplantation and Its Potential Application in Cardiometabolic Syndrome
You are what you eat: diet, health and the gut microbiota
Transmissible inflammation-induced colorectal cancer in inflammasome-deficient mice
DNA-catching BM macrophages set hematopoiesis
Mutual interplay between IL-17producing γδT cells and microbiota orchestrates oral mucosal homeostasis
Harnessing the microbiota for therapeutic purposes
Tumor Microbiome Diversity and Composition Influence Pancreatic Cancer Outcomes
Transforming medicine with the microbiome
Phytobiome metabolism: Beneficial soil microbes steer crop plants' secondary metabolism
The gut microbiota regulates white adipose tissue inflammation and obesity via a family of microRNAs
Helminth-Based Product and the Microbiome of Mice with Lupus
Tracking Root Interactions System (TRIS) Experiment and Quality Control
Environment dominates over host genetics in shaping human gut microbiota
Carrying capacity and colonization dynamics of Curvibacter in the hydra host habitat
Loss of MicroRNA-21 Influences the Gut Microbiota, Causing Reduced Susceptibility in a Murine Model of Colitis
Sequential BMP7/TGF-beta 1 signaling and microbiota instruct mucosal Langerhans cell differentiation
Microbiome-Germline Interactions and Their Transgenerational Implications
Intratumoral bacteria may elicit chemoresistance by metabolizing anticancer agents
Darwinian selection of host and bacteria supports emergence of Lamarckian-like adaptation of the system as a whole
Bile acids in glucose metabolism in health and disease
Role of the gut microbiota in nutrition and health
Temporal Stability of the Healthy Human Skin Microbiome Following Dead Sea Climatotherapy
Post-Antibiotic Gut Mucosal Microbiome Reconstitution Is Impaired by Probiotics and Improved by Autologous FMT
Microbiome Influences Prenatal and Adult Microglia in a Sex-Specific Manner
Towards utilization of the human genome and microbiome for personalized nutrition
Hyperglycemia drives intestinal barrier dysfunction and risk for enteric infection
Combining 16S rRNA gene variable regions enables high-resolution microbial community profiling
Assembly of Synthetic Functional Cellulosomal Structures onto the Cell Surface of Lactobacillus plantarum, a Potent Member of the Gut Microbiome
Spatial Reconstruction of Single Enterocytes Uncovers Broad Zonation along the Intestinal Villus Axis
Sporulation capability and amylosome conservation among diverse human colonic and rumen isolates of the keystone starch-degrader Ruminococcus bromii
The Citrobacter rodentium type III secretion system effector EspO affects mucosal damage repair and antimicrobial responses
Host genetics and microbiome associations through the lens of genome wide association studies
Meta-analysis of human genome-microbiome association studies: The MiBioGen consortium initiative
Microbiome facilitated pest resistance: potential problems and uses
Translating microbiome futures
High Levels of CO2 Induce Spoilage by Leuconostoc mesenteroides by Upregulating Dextran Synthesis Genes
The anti-inflammatory IFITM genes ameliorate colitis and partially protect from tumorigenesis by changing immunity and microbiota
Personalized Gut Mucosal Colonization Resistance to Empiric Probiotics Is Associated with Unique Host and Microbiome Features
Sieving through gut models of colonization resistance
Potential role of intratumor bacteria in mediating tumor resistance to the chemotherapeutic drug gemcitabine
The path towards microbiome-based metabolite treatment
Live imaging of root-bacteria interactions in a microfluidics setup
Ectopic colonization of oral bacteria in the intestine drives TH1 cell induction and inflammation
Inflammasomes and intestinal inflammation
Microbiome, metabolites and host immunity
Broad phylogeny and functionality of cellulosomal components in the bovine rumen microbiome
How holobionts get sick-toward a unifying scheme of disease
NLRP6: A Multifaceted Innate Immune Sensor
Irf4-dependent CD103(+) CD11b(+) dendritic cells and the intestinal microbiome regulate monocyte and macrophage activation and intestinal peristalsis in postoperative ileus
Tuftsin-phosphorylcholine maintains normal gut microbiota in collagen induced arthritic mice
The microbiome in anti-cancer therapy
Personalized microbiome-based approaches to metabolic syndrome management and prevention
GAS6 is a key homeostatic immunological regulator of host-commensal interactions in the oral mucosa
Involvement of a gut-retina axis in protection against dietary glycemia-induced age-related macular degeneration
Origin-Dependent Variations in the Atmospheric Microbiome Community in Eastern Mediterranean Dust Storms
Quinones are growth factors for the human gut microbiota
Post-dieting weight gain: The role of persistent microbiome changes
Dysbiosis and the immune system
The gut microbiome and hypertension
Perspective: Improving nutritional guidelines for sustainable health policies: Current status and perspectives
Impact of cystic fibrosis disease on archaea and bacteria composition of gut microbiota
The remedy within: will the microbiome fulfill its therapeutic promise?
The Role of the Immune System in Metabolic Health and Disease
Microbiome at the Frontier of Personalized Medicine
Computational prediction of regulatory, premature transcription termination in bacteria
Our Gut Microbiome: The Evolving Inner Self
Bread Affects Clinical Parameters and Induces Gut Microbiome-Associated Personal Glycemic Responses
Microbiome-modulated metabolites at the interface of host immunity
Microglia development follows a stepwise program to regulate brain homeostasis
Biological causal links on physiological and evolutionary time scales
Circulating Monocytes in between the Gut and the Mind
Impact of gut microbiota on the fly's germ line
Talking about cross-talk: The immune system and the microbiome
Metabolites: messengers between the microbiota and the immune system
Bioaerosols in the Earth system: Climate, health, and ecosystem interactions
Microbiota Diurnal Rhythmicity Programs Host Transcriptome Oscillations
Use of metatranscriptomics in microbiome research
Non-alcoholic fatty liver and the gut microbiota
Persistent microbiome alterations modulate the rate of post-dieting weight regain
It's in the milk: Feeding the microbiome to promote infant growth
Taking it Personally: Personalized Utilization of the Human Microbiome in Health and Disease
In Vivo Analysis of Intestinal Mononuclear Phagocytes
The microbiome and innate immunity
The Microbiota and Its Modulation in Immune-Mediated Disorders
The gut microbiome in human immunodeficiency virus infection
Type i interferons and microbial metabolites of tryptophan modulate astrocyte activity and central nervous system inflammation via the aryl hydrocarbon receptor
The Spectrum and Regulatory Landscape of Intestinal Innate Lymphoid Cells Are Shaped by the Microbiome
Role of the microbiome in the normal and aberrant glycemic response
Updating Darwin: Information and entropy drive the evolution of life
Role of the microbiome in non-gastrointestinal cancers
Ribosomal antibiotics: Contemporary challenges
Term-seq reveals abundant ribo-regulation of antibiotics resistance in bacteria
Effect of Dust Storms on the Atmospheric Microbiome in the Eastern Mediterranean
A principle of organization which facilitates broad Lamarckian-like adaptations by improvisation
Growth dynamics of gut microbiota in health and disease inferred from single metagenomic samples
Microbiota-Modulated Metabolites Shape the Intestinal Microenvironment by Regulating NLRP6 Inflammasome Signaling
A day in the life of the meta-organism: Diurnal rhythms of the intestinal microbiome and its host
Epithelial IL-18 Equilibrium Controls Barrier Function in Colitis
Personalized Nutrition by Prediction of Glycemic Responses
Unique organization of extracellular amylases into amylosomes in the resistant starch-utilizing human colonic firmicutes bacterium ruminococcus bromii
Non-caloric artificial sweeteners and the microbiome: Findings and challenges
Inflammasomes and the microbiotapartners in the preservation of mucosal homeostasis
Time for food: The intimate interplay between nutrition, metabolism, and the circadian clock
Ruminococcal cellulosome systems from rumen to human
Guardians of the gut - murine intestinal macrophages and dendritic cells
Functional phylotyping approach for assessing intraspecific diversity of Ruminococcus albus within the rumen microbiome
Metagenomic cross-talk: The regulatory interplay between immunogenomics and the microbiome
Inflammatory mechanisms of infection-associated cancer
Artificial Sweeteners Induce Glucose Intolerance by Altering the Gut Microbiota: Editorial comment
The interplay between the innate immune system and the microbiota
The axis of tolerance
Artificial sweeteners induce glucose intolerance by altering the gut microbiota
A simple cage-autonomous method for the maintenance of the barrier status of germ-free mice during experimentation
The fire within: Microbes inflame tumors
Transkingdom control of microbiota diurnal oscillations promotes metabolic homeostasis
Environmental disruption of host-microbe co-adaptation as a potential driving force in evolution
The cross talk between microbiota and the immune system: Metabolites take center stage
NLRP6 inflammasome orchestrates the colonic host-microbial interface by regulating goblet cell mucus secretion
Biomass Utilization by Gut Microbiomes
Zooplankton may serve as transmission vectors for viruses infecting algal blooms in the ocean
Exploring new horizons in microbiome research
Microbiota-induced activation of epithelial IL-6 signaling links inflammasome-driven inflammation
Role of the intestinal microbiome in liver disease
Analysis of microbiota alterations in inflammasome-deficient mice
IL-22 deficiency alters colonic microbiota to be transmissible and colitogenic
Holding a grudge: Persisting anti-phage CRISPR immunity in multiple human gut microbiomes
The Intestinal Microbiota in Chronic Liver Disease
Luminal Bacteria Recruit CD103+ Dendritic Cells into the Intestinal Epithelium to Sample Bacterial Antigens for Presentation
In vitro microbiotic fermentation causes an extensive metabolite turnover of rye bran phytochemicals
CRISPR targeting reveals a reservoir of common phages associated with the human gut microbiome
Phage-bacteria relationships and CRISPR elements revealed by a metagenomic survey of the rumen microbiome
Detecting Novel Associations in Large Data Sets
Cellulosomics, a gene-centric approach to investigating the intraspecific diversity and adaptation of ruminococcus flavefaciens within the rumen
Securing the immune tightrope: Mononuclear phagocytes in the intestinal lamina propria