MPS connected to Leco BT tof MS detector
The MPS is a multifunctional autosampler and sample preparation robot for GC and GC/MS. The MPS provides modern analytical laboratories high throughput, high performance and unparalleled flexibility.

Vion IMS QTof Mass Spectrometer
High resolution benchtop QTof mass spectrometer that delivers the selectivity of ion mobility.

Xevo TQ-XS
An advanced benchtop tandem quadrupole mass spectrometer which expands the scope of ultimate sensitivity analysis. It features StepWave XS™ ion transfer optics delivering enhanced sensitivity, robustness, and reliability; passively removing gas load and undesirable neutral contaminants while actively transferring ions into the mass analyzer.

Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer. Please contact us for complete refurbished/used Thermo Q Exactive mass spectrometer system, warranty and service contract details. (Q-Exactive).

high resolution MS/MS complete with ion max source, ESI, Powervar, Windows XP PC with XCalibur software, chiller and roughing pump. OPTIONAL: HESI source, Nano Spray Probe, Nano Source Housing with Pulnix Camera (p/n 31012584), XCalibur 2.2 with Windows 7, & Bioworks software. The LTQ Orbitrap XL is the comprehensive proteomics solution for protein ID, characterization and quantitation. The Orbitrap XL supports a wide range of applications from routine compound identification to analysis of low-level components in complex mixtures.

4000 QTRAP LC-MS/MS System
SCIEX linear ion trap (LIT) technology enables unmatched quantitative and qualitative performance within a single LC-MS/MS system. It's use of a quadrupole mass spectrometer as a linear ion trap significantly enhances ion trap performance by increasing ion capacity, improving injection and trapping efficiencies, and increasing duty cycle.

Atmospheric Pressure Gas Chromatography (APGC) connected to Vion Qtof
Waters Atmospheric Pressure Gas Chromatography (APGC) adds GC capability to today’s advanced MS technologies.
This provides GC users with:
- High performance, ease of use allowing quick reaction to meet demands and increase throughput
- Access to ultra-trace quantification
- Comprehensive qualitative MS & MS/MS
- High-resolution ion-mobility separations.