As part of its activities, the Clore Institute is issuing a pilot call for research proposals in all areas of magnetic resonance. This call is aimed at attracting new users to these facilities that, either working with staff scientists or with MR-oriented research groups from the Institute, want to incorporate advanced high field EPR/NMR/MRI measurements into their research. Senior Scientists or higher rank are eligible for this call, and ultiple coPIs are encouraged to collaborate on a given proposal. An applicant can submit up to one proposal per calendar year.
Particular attention will be given to researches that have already proved a need for the Institute’s state-of-the-art instrumentation – either by the collection of lower field MR data, by existing preclinical/biological data, or by proofs backing up a solid hypothesis. 50% or more of the requested amount should be devoted to defray the use of the MR scanners/ spectrometers.
The rest should be allotted to materials and supplies related to the project. All publications arising from this funding should state in their acknowledgment that “Support for this work was received from the Clore Institute for High Field MR Imaging and Spectroscopy (Weizmann Institute)” – or an equivalent formulation. This call will remain open year round until the Clore Institute’s fund allocation for any given calendar year has been exhausted.
Please contact Lucio Frydman for further questions regarding this program.