2024 - 2025

Introduction to Neuroscience: Systems Neuroscience
Lecturers: Prof. Nachum Ulanovsky, Prof. Rony Paz, Prof. Michal Rivlin, Prof. Rafael Malach, Prof. Noam Sobel, Prof. Ilan Lampl, Prof. Ehud Ahissar, Prof. Yadin Dudai, Dr. Takashi Kawashima, Prof. Ofer Yizhar, Dr. Yarden Cohen
(Course id: 15134)
Methods in Neuroscience- Theoretical
Lecturers: Dr. Takashi Kawashima, Prof. Nachum Ulanovsky, Prof. Ilan Lampl, Prof. Yaniv Ziv, Dr. Ivo Spiegel, Dr. Yarden Cohen, Dr. Rita Schmidt, Dr. Michal Ramot, Prof. Ofer Yizhar, Dr. Yoav Livneh
(Course id: 15109)
Past courses
Human Neuroscience
Lecturers: Dr. Michal Ramot, Prof. Rony Paz, Dr. Rita Schmidt, Ms. Meytal Wilf, Prof. Simone Shamay-Tsoory
Year: 2024
(Course id: 14866)
Methods in Neuroscience- Theoretical
Lecturers: Dr. Takashi Kawashima, Prof. Nachum Ulanovsky, Prof. Ilan Lampl, Prof. Yaniv Ziv, Dr. Ivo Spiegel, Dr. Yarden Cohen, Dr. Rita Schmidt, Dr. Michal Ramot, Prof. Ofer Yizhar, Dr. Yoav Livneh
Year: 2024
(Course id: 14786)
Methods in Neuroscience- Practical
Lecturers: Dr. Takashi Kawashima, Dr. Inbar Saraf Sinik, Dr. Kushinsky Dahlia, Dr. Ivo Spiegel, Prof. Yaniv Ziv, Dr. Rita Schmidt, Dr. Edna Furman-Haran, Dr. Yonatan Katz, Ms. Katayun Cohen Kashi
Year: 2023
(Course id: 14604)
Methods in Neuroscience- Theoretical
Lecturers: Dr. Takashi Kawashima, Prof. Nachum Ulanovsky, Prof. Ilan Lampl, Prof. Yaniv Ziv, Dr. Oren Forkosh, Dr. Ivo Spiegel, Dr. Yarden Cohen, Dr. Rita Schmidt, Dr. Michal Ramot, Prof. Ofer Yizhar, Dr. Yoav Livneh
Year: 2023
(Course id: 14603)
Introduction to Neuroscience: Systems Neuroscience
Lecturers: Prof. Nachum Ulanovsky, Prof. Rony Paz, Prof. Michal Rivlin, Prof. Rafael Malach, Prof. Noam Sobel, Prof. Shabtai Barash, Prof. Ilan Lampl, Prof. Ehud Ahissar, Prof. Yadin Dudai, Dr. Takashi Kawashima, Prof. Ofer Yizhar, Dr. Yarden C
Year: 2023
(Course id: 14608)
NMR: Hands-on Approach
Lecturers: Dr. Tali Scherf, Dr. Liat Avram-Biton
Year: 2023
(Course id: 14461)
Methods in Neuroscience- Practical
Lecturers: Dr. Takashi Kawashima, Prof. Ofer Yizhar, Prof. Menachem Segal, Dr. Ivo Spiegel, Prof. Ilan Lampl, Prof. Yaniv Ziv, Dr. Rita Schmidt, Prof. Michal Rivlin, Dr. Edna Furman-Haran, Dr. Asaf Benjamin, Dr. Yonatan Katz, Ms. Katayun Cohen
Year: 2022
(Course id: 14304)
Methods in Neuroscience- Theoretical
Lecturers: Dr. Takashi Kawashima, Prof. Nachum Ulanovsky, Prof. Ilan Lampl, Prof. Yaniv Ziv, Dr. Ivo Spiegel, Prof. Assaf Tal, Dr. Yarden Cohen, Dr. Rita Schmidt, Dr. Michal Ramot, Prof. Ofer Yizhar, Dr. Yoav Livneh
Year: 2022
(Course id: 14305)
Imaging the Brain using MRI: From Physics to Applications
Lecturers: Prof. Assaf Tal
Year: 2022
(Course id: 14202)
NMR: Hands-on Approach
Lecturers: Dr. Tali Scherf, Dr. Liat Avram-Biton
Year: 2021
(Course id: 14007)
Methods in neuroscience- theoretical
Lecturers: Prof. Ofer Yizhar, Prof. Nachum Ulanovsky, Prof. Ilan Lampl, Prof. Yaniv Ziv, Dr. Takashi Kawashima, Dr. Ivo Spiegel, Prof. Assaf Tal, Dr. Michael Tsoory, Dr. Rita Schmidt, Prof. Dov Sagi, Dr. Asaf Benjamin
Year: 2021
(Course id: 13995)
Introduction to Neuroscience: Systems Neuroscience
Lecturers: Prof. Nachum Ulanovsky, Prof. Rony Paz, Prof. Ofer Yizhar, Prof. Michal Rivlin, Prof. Rafael Malach, Prof. Noam Sobel, Prof. Ilan Lampl, Prof. Ehud Ahissar, Prof. Shabtai Barash, Prof. Yadin Dudai, Dr. Eyal Cohen, Dr. Takashi Kawashi
Year: 2021
(Course id: 13987)
NMR of proteins
Lecturers: Dr. Tali Scherf, Prof. Rina Rosenzweig, Prof. Philipp Selenko, Dr. Sabine Ruth Akabayov
Year: 2020
(Course id: 13616)
Methods in neuroscience- Theory and Practical
Lecturers: Prof. Ofer Yizhar, Prof. Assaf Tal
Year: 2020
(Course id: 13706)
Methods in neuroscience- Theory
Lecturers: Prof. Ofer Yizhar, Prof. Ilan Lampl, Prof. Nachum Ulanovsky, Prof. Yaniv Ziv, Prof. Assaf Tal, Dr. Ivo Spiegel, Prof. Menachem Segal, Dr. Yonatan Katz, Dr. Ana Parabucki, Dr. Rita Schmidt, Dr. Edna Furman-Haran, Prof. Dov Sagi
Year: 2019
(Course id: 13387)
Introduction to Neuroscience: Systems Neuroscience
Lecturers: Prof. Nachum Ulanovsky, Prof. Rony Paz, Prof. Michal Rivlin, Prof. Rafael Malach, Prof. Noam Sobel, Prof. Ilan Lampl, Prof. Ehud Ahissar, Prof. Shabtai Barash, Prof. Yadin Dudai, Dr. Eyal Cohen
Year: 2019
(Course id: 13382)
NMR: Hands-on Approach
Lecturers: Dr. Tali Scherf, Dr. Liat Avram-Biton
Year: 2019
(Course id: 13526)
NMR of proteins
Lecturers: Prof. Jacob Anglister, Dr. Tali Scherf, Prof. Rina Rosenzweig
Year: 2018
(Course id: 13123)
Classic papers in visual Neuroscience
Lecturers: Prof. Rafael Malach, Prof. Dov Sagi, Prof. Michal Rivlin
Year: 2018
(Course id: 13176)