Dipolar-order-based broadband adiabatic inversion as cross- polarization alternative in solid state Wideline NMR
Hostguest geometry in paramagnetic cavitands elucidated by 19F electron-nuclear double resonance
The role of spin diffusion in endogenous metal ions DNP
A new approach for multislice spatiotemporal encoding MRI in a portable low-field system
Principles and Progress in ultrafast 2D spatiotemporally encoded MRI
Considerations and recommendations from the ISMRM Diffusion Study Group for preclinical diffusion MRI: Part 3Ex vivo imaging: Data processing, comparisons with microscopy, and tractography
Voices of Nanomedicine: Blueprint Guidelines for Collaboration in Addressing Global Unmet Medical Needs
TIR signaling activates caspase-like immunity in bacteria
Deuterated Nanopolymers for Renal and Lymphatic Imaging via Quantitative Deuterium MRI
Robustness and Sensitivity of Gd(III)Gd(III) Double ElectronElectron Resonance (DEER) Measurements: Comparative Study of High-Frequency EPR Spectrometer Designs and Spin Label Variants
Rigid and stable nitroxide spin label for high-resolution distance measurements on proteins by DEER experiments
Enhanced spectral reconstruction of ultrafast spatiotemporal encoded 2D NMR spectroscopy
Brainmachine convergent evolution: Why finding parallels between brain and artificial systems is informative
Early excitatory-inhibitory cortical modifications following skill learning are associated with motor memory consolidation and plasticity overnight
MRI Motion Correction Through Disentangled CycleGAN Based on Multi-Mask K-Space Subsampling
A Metamaterial-like Structure Design Using Non-uniformly Distributed Dielectric and Conducting Strips to Boost the RF Field Distribution in 7 T MRI
A practical guide to metal ions dynamic nuclear polarization in materials science
Endogenous metal-ion dynamic nuclear polarization for NMR signal enhancement in metal organic frameworks
Extending the Range of Distances Accessible by 19F Electron-Nuclear Double Resonance in Proteins Using High-Spin Gd(III) Labels
A Genetically Engineered Reporter System Designed for 2H-MRI Allows Quantitative In Vivo Mapping of Transgene Expression
Meet the authors: Guy Zoltsman and Rina Rosenzweig
Exploring spin multiplicity in MoS2
Humans without a sense of smell breathe differently
Improving Microstructural Estimation in Time-Dependent Diffusion MRI With a Bayesian Method
Single-Scan Heteronuclear 13C-15N J-Coupling NMR Observations Enhanced by Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
The differential regulation of placenta trophoblast bisphosphoglycerate mutase in fetal growth restriction: preclinical study in mice and observational histological study of human placenta
Proteolytic Vesicles Derived from Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium-Infected Macrophages: Enhancing MMP-9-Mediated Invasion and EV Accumulation
A pH-Dependent Phase Separation Drives Polyamine-Mediated Silicification from Undersaturated Solutions
Investigating the effective temporal resolution in a task-based functional MRI experiment at 7 T MRI using a dynamic phantom
Cryogenic and Dissolution DNP NMR on γ-Irradiated Organic Molecules
An electronic nose can identify humans by the smell of their ear
A unique chaperoning mechanism in class A JDPs recognizes and stabilizes mutant p53
Phase-Incremented Steady-State Free Precession as an Alternate Route to High-Resolution NMR
Shaping the RF Transmit Field in 7T MRI Using a Nonuniform Metasurface Constructed of Short Conducting Strips
Discriminating Parkinsons disease patients from healthy controls using nasal respiratory airflow
Reducing blood flow pulsation artifacts in 3D time-of-flight angiography by locally scrambling the order of the acquisition at 3 T and 7 T
Spatiotemporal encoding MRI in a portable low-field system
Real-time adaptive estimation of decoherence timescales for a single qubit
Animals and the iterative natural kind strategy
Tests for consciousness in humans and beyond
Spin labels for 19F ENDOR distance determination: resolution, sensitivity and distance predictability
Sensitivity Enhancement of Ultra-Wideline NMR by Progressive Saturation of the Proton Reservoir Under Magic-Angle Spinning
Heteronuclear Polarization Transfer under Steady-State Conditions: The INEPT-SSFP Experiment
Molecular imaging of tumor metabolism: Insight from pyruvate- and glucose-based deuterium MRI studies
d-Glutamate production by stressed Escherichia coli gives a clue for the hypothetical induction mechanism of the ALS disease
Paramagnetic MgF2 Nanocrystals for 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Core-shell model of the clusters of CPEB4 isoforms preceding liquid-liquid phase separation
Exploring the dynamics and structure of PpiB in living Escherichia coli cells using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
Exploring Metabolic Aberrations after Intracerebral Hemorrhage In Vivo with Deuterium Metabolic Spectroscopy Imaging
Roadmap on nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging
Tracking dendrites and solid electrolyte interphase formation with dynamic nuclear polarizationNMR spectroscopy
Fast T1 mapping MRI in preclinical and clinical settings using subspace-constrained joint-domain reconstructions
Advanced Molecular Layer Deposition of SixZnyOz Thin Film Coatings for Improved Electrochemical Performance of NMC811
The neuronal basis of human creativity
Composition and Structure of the solid electrolyte interphase on Na-Ion Anodes Revealed by Exo- and Endogenous Dynamic Nuclear Polarization─NMR Spectroscopy
Hybrid carboxylate-Schiff-bases as electroactive anode materials for potassium-ion batteries
Efficient Orthogonal Spin Labeling of Proteins via Aldehyde Cyclization for Pulsed Dipolar EPR Distance Measurements
A Reactive and Specific Sensor for Activity-Based 19F-MRI Sensing of Zn2+
Nanofluorides: Inorganic fluoride nanocrystals for 19F MRI
Simultaneous multi-transient linear-combination modeling of MRS data improves uncertainty estimation
Correction to: d-Glutamate production by stressed Escherichia coli gives a clue for the hypothetical induction mechanism of the ALS disease (Scientific Reports, (2024), 14, 1, (18247), 10.1038/s41598-024-68645-8)
Enhancing uterine receptivity for embryo implantation through controlled collagenase intervention
Glucagon-like peptide-1 analogs activate AMP kinase leading to reversal of the Warburg metabolic switch in breast cancer cells
The chemokines CCL5 and CXCL12 exhibit high-affinity binding to N-terminal peptides of the non-cognate receptors CXCR4 and CCR5, respectively
Increased cortical inhibition following brief motor memory reactivation supports reconsolidation and overnight offline learning gains
High-sensitivity deuterium metabolic MRI differentiates acute pancreatitis from pancreatic cancers in murine models
Microwave-free J -driven dynamic nuclear polarization: A proposal for enhancing the sensitivity of solution-state NMR
C-terminal domain dimerization in yeast Hsp90 is moderately modulated by the other domains
Adaptive model-based Magnetic Resonance
A chemical signal in human female tears lowers aggression in males
Room Temperature Relaxometry of Single Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Proximity to α-RuCl3 Nanoflakes
High-field ex vivo and in vivo two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in murine brain: Resolving and exploring the molecular environment
Probing lipids relaxation times in breast cancer using magnetic resonance spectroscopic fingerprinting
Could potassium-ion batteries become a competitive technology?
Magnetic resonance in Latin America
Stabilizing Nitroxide Spin Labels for Structural and Conformational Studies of Biomolecules by Maleimide Treatment
Vaccinations in pregnancy against TORCH pathogens
Bacterial adaptation to cold: Conservation of a short J-domain co-chaperone and its protein partners in environmental proteobacteria
Novel molecular architectures for \u201cmulticolor\u201d magnetic resonance imaging
Spin-strain coupling in nanodiamonds as a unique cluster identifier
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Structural Biology
Protein and peptide engineering for chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging in the age of synthetic biology
RelaxationDiffusion T2ADC Correlations in Breast Cancer Patients: A Spatiotemporally Encoded 3T MRI Assessment
DNAJB6 mutants display toxic gain of function through unregulated interaction with Hsp70 chaperones
CEST-based detection of labile protons by ultrafast 2D NMR
Understanding aliasing effects and their removal in SPEN MRI: A k-space perspective
NMR exchange dynamics studies of metal-capped cyclodextrins reveal multiple populations of host-guest complexes in solution
Cooperative Doping in Ultrasmall BaF2 Nanocrystals for Multimodal 19F-MRI and CT Applications
Messing up to clean up: Semi-randomized frequency selective space-filling curves to suppress physiological signal fluctuations in MRI
Quantum sensing of electric field distributions of liquid electrolytes with NV-centers in nanodiamonds
A reference-free calibration for ultrafast spatiotemporally encoded 2D NMR spectroscopy
Diffusion-weighted MR spectroscopy: Consensus, recommendations, and resources from acquisition to modeling
Deuterium imaging of the Warburg effect at sub-millimolar concentrations by joint processing of the kinetic and spectral dimensions
Indirectly detected satellite-transition quadrupolar NMR via progressive saturation of the proton reservoir
Dynamic nuclear polarization in inorganic solids from paramagnetic metal ion dopants
Short and long range 2D 15N15N NMR correlations among peptide groups by novel solid state dipolar mixing schemes
Scaling the mountains: what lies above 7 Tesla magnetic resonance?
Perceptual stability reflected in neuronal pattern similarities in human visual cortex
The Effect of Disorder on Endogenous MAS-DNP: Study of Silicate Glasses and Crystals
Parallel evolution of cannabinoid biosynthesis
Identifying and Overcoming Artifacts in 1 H-Based Saturation Transfer NOE NMR Experiments
Relaxation-Assisted Magnetization Transfer Phenomena for a Sensitivity-Enhanced 2D NMR
Protein disaggregation machineries in the human cytosol
Metal ions based dynamic nuclear polarization: MI-DNP
Gd III- 19F Distance Measurements for Proteins in Cells by Electron-Nuclear Double Resonance
High-resolution multi-shot diffusion-weighted MRI combining markerless prospective motion correction and locally low-rank constrained reconstruction
Real-time frequency estimation of a qubit without single-shot-readout
Cross polarization from dipolar-order under magic angle spinning: The ADRF-CPMAS NMR experiment
Author Correction: Functional MRI of murine olfactory bulbs at 15.2 T reveals characteristic activation patterns when stimulated by different odors (Scientific Reports, (2023), 13, 1, (13343), 10.1038/s41598-023-39650-0)
Cross-Polarization Schemes for Improved Heteronuclear Transfers Involving Labile Protons in Biomolecular Solution NMR
Boosting maternal and neonatal antiSARS-CoV-2 humoral immunity using a third mRNA vaccine dose
Frontiers in 19F-MR imaging: nanofluorides and 19F-CEST as novel extensions to the 19F-MRI toolbox
Lithium exchange across a lithium-less coating for high energy cathodes
Frequency swept pulses for the enhanced resolution of ENDOR spectra detecting on higher spin transitions of Gd(III)
The future is 2D: spectral-temporal fitting of dynamic MRS data provides exponential gains in precision over conventional approaches
Functional MRI of murine olfactory bulbs at 15.2T reveals characteristic activation patters when stimulated by different odors
Autonomous animal heating and cooling system for temperature-regulated magnetic resonance experiments
Prostate lesions characterization using diffusion-weighted spatiotemporal encoded MRI: Feasibility and initial assessment
Steady state effects introduced by local relaxation modes on J-driven DNP-enhanced NMR
Structural study of UFL1-UFC1 interaction uncovers the role of UFL1 N-terminal helix in ufmylation
Coherent manipulation of nuclear spins in the strong driving regime
An automated multi-order phase correction routine for processing ultra-wideline NMR spectra
Durable Lithium-Sulfur Batteries Based on a Composite Carbon Nanotube Cathode
Proton-detected solution-state NMR at 14.1 T based on scalar-driven 13C Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization
Peptide-RNA Coacervates as a Cradle for the Evolution of Folded Domains
The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex in Conscious Perception The Localist Perspective
Novel materials in magnetic resonance imaging: high permittivity ceramics, metamaterials, metasurfaces and artificial dielectrics
3D relaxation-assisted separation of wideline solid-state NMR patterns for achieving site resolution
Hyperpolarized water as universal sensitivity booster in biomolecular NMR
Making Progress on the Prefrontal Debate
PerBrain: a multimodal approach to personalized tracking of evolving state-of-consciousness in brain-injured patients: protocol of an international, multicentric, observational study
Spatiotemporal encoding MRI using subspace-constrained sampling and locally-low-rank regularization: Applications to diffusion weighted and diffusion kurtosis imaging of human brain and prostate
DEER experiments reveal fundamental differences between calmodulin complexes with IQ and MARCKS peptides in solution
Dynamic nuclear polarization enhancement of 13C in glucose using electrical discharge induced radicals as polarizing agents
Zero-field magnetometry using hyperfine-biased nitrogen-vacancy centers near diamond surfaces
Site-selective generation of lanthanoid binding sites on proteins using 4-fluoro-2,6-dicyanopyridine
A denoising method for multidimensional magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging based on compressed sensing
NudC guides client transfer between the Hsp40/70 and Hsp90 chaperone systems
Exploring protein conformations in vitro and in cell with EPR distance measurements
Anti-Zeno purification of spin baths by quantum probe measurements
Magnetic resonance in India - Today
A consensus statement on detection of hippocampal sharp wave ripples and differentiation from other fast oscillations
Time- and site-resolved kinetic NMR for real-time monitoring of off-equilibrium reactions by 2D spectrotemporal correlations
HORRENDOUS NMR: Establishing correlations in solution-state NMR by reinstating non-secular J-coupling terms
The Extended Hadamard Transform: Sensitivity-Enhanced NMR Experiments Among Labile and Non-Labile 1Hs of SARS-CoV-2-derived RNAs
Self-assembly of an MRI responsive agent under physiological conditions provides an extended time window for in vivo imaging
1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignment of the stem-loops 5b + c from the 5-UTR of SARS-CoV-2
Diffusion 19F-NMR of Nanofluorides: In Situ Quantification of Colloidal Diameters and Protein Corona Formation in Solution
Multiple Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Mechanisms in Carbonaceous Materials: From Exogenous to Endogenous 13C Dynamic Nuclear Polarization-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance up to Room Temperature
MRI reporter genes in the era of gene transfer
J -Driven dynamic nuclear polarization for sensitizing high field solution state NMR
2-Oxoglutarate-Dependent Dioxygenases Drive Expansion of Steroidal Alkaloid Structural Diversity in the Genus Solanum
Genetically Engineered MRI-Trackable Extracellular Vesicles as SARS-CoV-2 Mimetics for Mapping ACE2 Binding in Vivo
An olfactory self-test effectively screens for COVID-19
The effect of spin-lattice relaxation on DEER background decay
Retrospective behavioral sampling (RBS): A method to effectively track the cognitive fluctuations driven by naturalistic stimulation
Direct Detection of Lithium Exchange across the Solid Electrolyte Interphase by 7Li Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer
There is chemistry in social chemistry
Boosting maternal and neonatal humoral immunity following SARS-CoV-2 infection using a single mRNA vaccine dose
Artifact suppression in readout-segmented consistent K-t space EPSI (RS-COKE) for fast 1H spectroscopic imaging at 7 T
On the potential of Fourier-encoded saturation transfers for sensitizing solid-state magic-angle spinning NMR experiments
Computationally designed dual-color MRI reporters for noninvasive imaging of transgene expression
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy for Materials Research
Monitoring electron spin fluctuations with paramagnetic relaxation enhancement
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in battery materials
Phase-based fast 3D high-resolution quantitative T2 MRI in 7 T human brain imaging
Mapping Single Electron Spins with Magnetic Tomography
SARS-CoV-2 IgG Antibody Levels in Women with IBD Vaccinated during Pregnancy
Quantifying the excitatory-inhibitory balance: A comparison of SemiLASER and MEGA-SemiLASER for simultaneously measuring GABA and glutamate at 7T
Quadrupolar Isotope-Correlation Spectroscopy in Solid-State NMR
Hsp104 N-terminal domain interaction with substrates plays a regulatory role in protein disaggregation
Neural networks in pulsed dipolar spectroscopy: A practical guide
MR spectroscopic imaging at 3 T and outcomes in surgical epilepsy
Parallel nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Prediction of Ovarian Follicular Dominance by MRI Phenotyping of Hormonally Induced Vascular Remodeling
Identification of variable stages in murine pancreatic tumors by a multiparametric approach employing hyperpolarized 13C MRSI, 1H diffusivity and 1H T1 MRI
Cation-Ligand Complexation Mediates the Temporal Evolution of Colloidal Fluoride Nanocrystals through Transient Aggregation
Improving deuterium metabolic imaging (DMI) signaltonoise ratio by spectroscopic multiecho bSSFP: A pancreatic cancer investigation
Protein folding | Protein disaggregases - molecular chaperones that resolubilize protein aggregates
Substrate binding in the multidrug transporter MdfA in detergent solution and in lipid nanodiscs
Proof of concept for real-time detection of SARS CoV-2 infection with an electronic nose
Odor Canopy: A Method for Comfortable Odorant Delivery in MRI
Diffusion is directional: Innovative diffusion tensor imaging to improve prostate cancer detection
Multiple binding modes of an Nterminal CCR5peptide in complex with HIV1 gp120
Characteristics of Gd(III) spin labels for the study of protein conformations
Structure and Functionality of an Alkylated LixSiyOz Interphase for High-Energy Cathodes from DNP-ssNMR Spectroscopy
Single-spin resonance in a van der Waals embedded paramagnetic defect
Evolution of CPEB4 Dynamics across its Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation Transition
Steady-State Free Precession and Solid-State NMR: How, When, and Why
The surprising role of the default mode network in naturalistic perception
Global waves synchronize the brain's functional systems with fluctuating arousal
Efficient maternal to neonatal transfer of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 and BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine
Sniffing the human body volatile hexadecanal blocks aggression in men but triggers aggression in women
Oxygen Vacancy Distribution in Yttrium-Doped Ceria from 89Y89Y Correlations via Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Solid-State NMR
Glyconanofluorides as Immunotracers with a Tunable Core Composition for Sensitive Hotspot Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Inflammatory Activity
Face-Selective Units in Human Ventral Temporal Cortex Reactivate during Free Recall
Resting-State Fluctuations Underlie Free and Creative Verbal Behaviors in the Human Brain
Single Fluorinated Agent for Multiplexed 19F-MRI with Micromolar Detectability Based on Dynamic Exchange
The Incorporation of Labile Protons into Multidimensional NMR Analyses: Glycan Structures Revisited
The decay of the refocused Hahn echo in double electronelectron resonance (DEER) experiments
Cell-Free Synthesis of Selenoproteins in High Yield and Purity for Selective Protein Tagging
Hsp40s play complementary roles in the prevention of tau amyloid formation
Reducing SAR in 7T brain fMRI by circumventing fat suppression while removing the lipid signal through a parallel acquisition approach
Tetramerization of Phosphoprotein Is Essential for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Budding while Its N-Terminal Region Mediates Direct Interactions with the Matrix Protein
Quantum Sensing and Control of Spin-State Dynamics in the Radical-Pair Mechanism
High-field solution state DNP using cross-correlations
Versatile non-luminescent color palette based on guest exchange dynamics in paramagnetic cavitands
Simultaneous multi-banding and multi-echo phase encoding for the accelerated acquisition of high-resolution volumetric diffusivity maps by spatiotemporally encoded MRI
Elucidating dissociation activation energies in host-guest assemblies featuring fast exchange dynamics
Heteronuclear transfers from labile protons in biomolecular NMR: Cross polarization, revisited
Ultrafast 2D1H-1H NMR spectroscopy of DNP-hyperpolarised substrates for the analysis of mixtures
α-Synuclein plasma membrane localization correlates with cellular phosphatidylinositol polyphosphate levels.
Structural basis for UFM1 transfer from UBA5 to UFC1
In situ NMR reveals real-time nanocrystal growth evolution via monomer-attachment or particle-coalescence
3D Heteronuclear Magnetization Transfers for the Establishment of Secondary Structures in SARS-CoV-2-Derived RNAs
Deuterium Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the Discrimination of Fetoplacental Metabolism in Normal and L-NAME-Induced Preeclamptic Mice
Fast Ion-Chelate Dissociation Rate for In Vivo MRI of Labile Zinc with Frequency-Specific Encodability
Benchmark Test and Guidelines for DEER/PELDOR Experiments on Nitroxide-Labeled Biomolecules
Sensitivity Enhancement by Progressive Saturation of the Proton Reservoir: A Solid-State NMR Analogue of Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer
Hippocampal ripples and their coordinated dialogue with the default mode network during recent and remote recollection
How do the blind 'see'? The role of spontaneous brain activity in self-generated perception
Local neuronal relational structures underlying the contents of human conscious experience
Monitoring the Conformation of the Sba1/Hsp90 Complex in the Presence of Nucleotides with Mn(II)-Based Double ElectronElectron Resonance
Deuterium MRSI characterizations of glucose metabolism in orthotopic pancreatic cancer mouse models
Fast, regional three-dimensional hybrid (1D-Hadamard 2D-rosette) proton MR spectroscopic imaging in the human temporal lobes
Endogenous Dynamic Nuclear Polarization for Sensitivity Enhancement in Solid State NMR of Electrode Materials
Bimodal magnetic resonance and optical imaging of extracellular matrix remodelling by orthotopic ovarian tumours
High-Resolution 3D in vivo Brain Diffusion Tensor Imaging at Ultrahigh Fields: Following Maturation on Juvenile and Adult Mice
Improving MRI's slice selectivity in the presence of strong, metal-derived inhomogeneities
Prestimulus Activity in the Cingulo-Opercular Network Predicts Memory for Naturalistic Episodic Experience
Local Targeted Memory Reactivation in Human Sleep
An Efficient, Robust New Scheme for Establishing Broadband Homonuclear Correlations in Biomolecular Solid State NMR
In Search of the Cultural Engram
A 300-fold enhancement of imino nucleic acid resonances by hyperpolarized water provides a new window for probing RNA refolding by 1D and 2D NMR
Alkylated LixSiyOz Coating for Stabilization of Li-rich Layered Oxide Cathodes
Structural and Biochemical Properties of Hsp40/Hsp70 Chaperone System
Sensitivity enhancement of homonuclear multidimensional NMR correlations for labile sites in proteins, polysaccharides, and nucleic acids
Study of electron spectral diffusion process under DNP conditions by ELDOR spectroscopy focusing on the 14N solid effect
An NMR-Based Biosensor to Measure Stereospecific Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase Activities in Vitro and in Vivo
In-cell destabilization of a homodimeric protein complex detected by DEER spectroscopy
Enabling Natural Abundance O-17 Solid-State NMR by Direct Polarization from Paramagnetic Metal Ions
High-resolution diffusion MRI studies of development in pregnant mice visualized by novel spatiotemporal encoding schemes
Effect of IV Administration of a Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agent on Breast Diffusion-Tensor Imaging
In-Cell Trityl-Trityl Distance Measurements on Proteins
Altered conformational sampling along an evolutionary trajectory changes the catalytic activity of an enzyme
Diffusion-weighted breast MRI of malignancies with submillimeter resolution and immunity to artifacts by spatiotemporal encoding at 3T
Spin-Phonon Interfaces in Coupled Nanomechanical Cantilevers
Multiparametric classification of sub-acute ischemic stroke recovery with ultrafast diffusion, 23Na, and MPIO-labeled stem cell MRI at 21.1 T
Diffusivity in breast malignancies analyzed for b>1000s/mm 2 at 1mm inplane resolutions: Insight from Gaussian and nonGaussian behaviors
Allovalency observed by transferredNOE: Interactions of sulfated tyrosine residues in the Nterminal segment of CCR5 with the CCL5 chemokine
Are humans constantly but subconsciously smelling themselves?
HSP40 proteins use class-specific regulation to drive HSP70 functional diversity
Optimal echo times for multi-gradient echo-based B-0 field-mapping
Intravital imaging of vascular anomalies and extracellular matrix remodeling in orthotopic pancreatic tumors
Unexplained repeated pregnancy loss is associated with altered perceptual and brain responses to mens body-odor
Dynamic T2 mapping by multispinecho spatiotemporal encoding
Polyamines Mediate Folding of Primordial Hyperacidic Helical Proteins
Realistic head-shaped phantom with brain-mimicking metabolites for 7 T spectroscopy and spectroscopic imaging
Readout and control of an endofullerene electronic spin
Human Olfaction without Apparent Olfactory Bulbs
Sensitivity-enhanced three-dimensional and carbon-detected two-dimensional NMR of proteins using hyperpolarized water
Relationship Between Odor Intensity Estimates and COVID-19 Prevalence Prediction in a Swedish Population
Increased Glutamate concentrations during prolonged motor activation as measured using functional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 3T
Hyaluronan control of the primary vascular barrier during early mouse pregnancy is mediated by uterine NK cells
Studying the precuneus reveals structure-function-affect correlation in long-term meditators
Two closed ATP- and ADP-dependent conformations in yeast Hsp90 chaperone detected by Mn(II) EPR spectroscopic techniques
Potential clinical impact of multiparametric quantitative MR spectroscopy in neurological disorders: A review and analysis
Diffusion and perfusion MRI of normal, preeclamptic and growth-restricted mice models reveal clear fetoplacental differences
Assessing site-specific enhancements imparted by hyperpolarized water in folded and unfolded proteins by 2D HMQC NMR
Olfactory sniffing signals consciousness in unresponsive patients with brain injuries
Inducing defects in 19 F-nanocrystals provides paramagnetic-free relaxation enhancement for improved in-vivo hotspot MRI
Novel multimodal molecular imaging of Vitamin H (Biotin) transporter activity in the murine placenta
Diffusion tensor distribution imaging of an in vivo mouse brain at ultrahigh magnetic field by spatiotemporal encoding
Secondary structure determination of conserved SARS-CoV-2 RNA elements by NMR spectroscopy
The methyl 13C-edited/13C-filtered transferred NOE for studying protein interactions with short linear motifs
A measure of smell enables the creation of olfactory metamers
Google maps for tissues: Multiscale imaging of biological systems and disease
Megadalton-sized Dityrosine Aggregates of α-Synuclein Retain High Degrees of Structural Disorder and Internal Dynamics
Keeping the magnetic resonance community in touch in times of pandemic, and beyond
Plant terpenoid metabolism co-opts a component of the cell wall biosynthesis machinery
BACH family members regulate angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis by modulating VEGFC expression
Inter-participant consistency of language-processing networks during abstract thoughts
DEER distance measurements on trityl/trityl and Gd(III)/trityl labelled proteins
A regularized reconstruction pipeline for high-definition diffusion MRI in challenging regions incorporating a per-shot image correction
Endogenous Dynamic Nuclear Polarization for Natural Abundance O-17 and Lithium NMR in the Bulk of Inorganic Solids
Tracking Conformational Changes in Calmodulin in vitro, in Cell Extract, and in Cells by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Distance Measurements
The Noisy Brain: Power of Resting-State Fluctuations Predicts Individual Recognition Performance
Pathways to defense metabolites and evading fruit bitterness in genus Solanum evolved through 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases
Quo Vadis Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy?
Hippocampal sharp-wave ripples linked to visual episodic recollection in humans
Probing the solution structure of the E. coli multidrug transporter MdfA using DEER distance measurements with nitroxide and Gd(III) spin labels
In-Cell EPR Distance Measurements on Ubiquitin Labeled with a Rigid PyMTA-Gd(III) Tag
Atomic surface reduction of interfaces utilizing vapor phase approach: High energy LiNixMnyCoz oxide as a test case
Resting-State Activity in High-Order Visual Areas as a Window into Natural Human Brain Activations
Where Does Time Go When You Blink?
Dynamic Interactions in Synthetic Receptors: A Guest Exchange Saturation Transfer Study
Quantitative multivoxel proton MR spectroscopy for the identification of white matter abnormalities in mild traumatic brain injury: Comparison between regional and global analysis
Molecular pathways of senescence regulate placental structure and function
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Distinct Roles for Tissue Transglutaminase and Factor XIII in Maternal Angiogenesis during Early Mouse Pregnancy
Mitigating Structural Instability of High-Energy Lithium- and Manganese-Rich LiNixMnyCoz Oxide by Interfacial Atomic Surface Reduction
Women Have Reduced Ability to Discriminate Body Odors During the Withdrawal Period of Oral Contraception
Correlates of taste and taste-aversion learning in the rodent brain
Electroporated recombinant proteins as tools for in vivo functional complementation, imaging and chemical biology
Inhibitory and excitatory mechanisms in the human cingulate-cortex support reinforcement learning: A functional Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy study
The effects of sample conductivity on the efficacy of dynamic nuclear polarization for sensitivity enhancement in solid state NMR spectroscopy
Pulse EPR in biological systems - Beyond the expert's courtyard
The Journal of Magnetic Resonance Golden Jubilee: Looking forward to our next 50\u202fyears
Experimental quantification of electron spectral-diffusion under static DNP conditions
Large volume liquid state scalar Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization at high magnetic field
Combining multiband slice selection with consistent k-t-space EPSI for accelerated spectral imaging
Analysis of magnetization transfer (MT) influence on quantitative mapping of T-2 relaxation time
Convergent evolution of face spaces across human face-selective neuronal groups and deep convolutional networks
The Hsp70 chaperone network
Function, evolution, and structure of J-domain proteins
Brain sugar consumption during neuronal activation detected by CEST functional MRI at ultra-high magnetic fields
Cells, drugs and NMR
rDEER: A Modified DEER Sequence for Distance Measurements Using Shaped Pulses
Enhanced hyperpolarized chemical shift imaging based on a priori segmented information
Human non-olfactory cognition phase-locked with inhalation
What is the optimal schedule for multiparametric MRS?: A magnetic resonance fingerprinting perspective
Strategic research agenda for biomedical imaging
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy | solid-state
Huntingtin's N-Terminus Rearrangements in the Presence of Membranes: A Joint Spectroscopic and Computational Perspective
Natural Abundance, Single-Scan 13C- 13C-Based Structural Elucidations by Dissolution DNP NMR
F-19-GEST NMR: studying dynamic interactions in host-guest systems
SmellSpace: An Odor-Based Social Network as a Platform for Collecting Olfactory Perceptual Data
Tunable microsecond dynamics of an allosteric switch regulate the activity of a AAA+ disaggregation machine
Quantitative evaluation of breast cancer response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy by diffusion tensor imaging: Initial results
The Synthesis of Sulfated CCR5 Peptide Surrogates and their Use to Study Receptor-Ligand Interactions
Time-Resolved NMR Analysis of Proteolytic α-Synuclein Processing in vitro and in cellulo
Astrocyte disruption of neurovascular communication is linked to cortical damage in an animal model of multiple sclerosis
Quantification and tracking of genetically engineered dendritic cells for studying immunotherapy
Looped-PROjected SpectroscopY (L-PROSY): A simple approach to enhance backbone/sidechain cross-peaks in 1H NMR
High-Resolution 2D NMR of Disordered Proteins Enhanced by Hyperpolarized Water
Quenching of spontaneous fluctuations by attention in human visual cortex
A quasi-optical and corrugated waveguide microwave transmission system for simultaneous dynamic nuclear polarization NMR on two separate 14.1\u202fT spectrometers
The solution structure of monomeric CCL5 in complex with a doubly sulfated N-terminal segment of CCR5
Small neutral Gd(III) tags for distance measurements in proteins by double electron-electron resonance experiments
Altered responses to social chemosignals in autism spectrum disorder
Multiple-coil k-space interpolation enhances resolution in single-shot spatiotemporal MRI
Small Gd(III) Tags for Gd(III)-Gd(III) Distance Measurements in Proteins by EPR Spectroscopy
An NMR Confirmation for Increased Folded State Entropy Following Loop Truncation
Motion cues modulate responses to emotion in movies
Application of phase rotation to STRESS localization scheme at 3 T
Paramagnetic Metal-Ion Dopants as Polarization Agents for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization NMR Spectroscopy in Inorganic Solids
Knowledge acquisition is governed by striatal prediction errors
Conserved conformational selection mechanism of Hsp70 chaperone-substrate interactions
Investigation of Rechargeable Poly(ethylene oxide)-Based Solid Lithium-Oxygen Batteries
A Mechanistic Study of Phase Transformation in Perovskite Nanocrystals Driven by Ligand Passivation
Role of annealing temperature on cation ordering in hydrothermally prepared zinc aluminate (ZnAl2O4) spinel
Placental physiology monitored by hyperpolarized dynamic 13C magnetic resonance
What Can We Learn from Solid State NMR on the Electrode-Electrolyte Interface?
Bifunctional Role of LiNO3 in Li-O-2 Batteries: Deconvoluting Surface and Catalytic Effects
Assessing protein conformational landscapes: integration of DEER data in Maximum Occurrence analysis
Imaging Insulin Secretion from Mouse Pancreas by MRI Is Improved by Use of a Zinc-Responsive MRI Sensor with Lower Affinity for Zn2+ Ions
Broadband adiabatic inversion cross-polarization phenomena in the NMR of rotating solids
Low-rank magnetic resonance fingerprinting
Smelling Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections using a whole-cell biosensor - An alternative for the gold-standard culturing assay
Editorial: The Sackler International Prize in Biophysical Sciences
Partial Fourier techniques in single-shot cross-term spatiotemporal encoded MRI
Whole Organ Blood and Lymphatic Vessels Imaging (WOBLI)
Defining specific residue-to-residue interactions between the gp120 bridging sheet and the N-terminal segment of CCR5: applications of transferred NOE NMR
Brain-Voyant: A General Purpose Machine-Learning Tool for Real-Time fMRI Whole-Brain Pattern Classification
Sensitivity-enhanced detection of non-labile proton and carbon NMR spectra on water resonances
Phase-encoded xSPEN: A novel high-resolution volumetric alternative to RARE MRI
Identification and Rationalization of Kinetic Folding Intermediates for a Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Ligand-Binding Module
Triple resonance EPR spectroscopy determines the Mn2+ coordination to ATP
Perspectives: MRI of angiogenesis
Calcium Fluoride Nanocrystals: Tracers for In Vivo 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Identification of dopant site and its effect on electrochemical activity in Mn-doped lithium titanate
The application of magnetic resonance fingerprinting to single voxel proton spectroscopy
Brain investigations of rodent disease models by chemical exchange saturation transfer at 21.1T
High Sensitivity In-Cell EPR Distance Measurements on Proteins using an Optimized Gd(III) Spin Label
Detection of intermolecular transferred-NOE interactions in small and medium size protein complexes: RANTES complexed with a CCR5 N-terminal peptide
Immunofocusing using conformationally constrained V3 peptide immunogens improves HIV-1 neutralization
High Performance in Brain-Computer Interface Control of an Avatar Using the Missing Hand Representation in Long Term Amputees
Current Landscape of diaCEST Imaging Agents
Surface-Sensitive NMR Detection of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase Layer on Reduced Graphene Oxide
Direct Spectroscopic Detection of ATP Turnover Reveals Mechanistic Divergence of ABC Exporters
A molecular quantum spin network controlled by a single qubit
A discrete Fourier-encoded, diagonal-free experiment to simplify homonuclear 2D NMR correlations
Tuning Face Perception with Electrical Stimulation of the Fusiform Gyrus
Invariant Temporal Dynamics Underlie Perceptual Stability in Human Visual Cortex
Internal gradient distributions: A susceptibility-derived tensor delivering morphologies by magnetic resonance
Generic tags for Mn(II) and Gd(III) spin labels for distance measurements in proteins
1H-2H cross-polarization NMR in fast spinning solids by adiabatic sweeps
Adiabatic sweep cross-polarization magic-angle-spinning NMR of half-integer quadrupolar spins
A macrocyclic 19F-MR based probe for Mn2 + sensing
Promiscuous binding by Hsp70 results in conformational heterogeneity and fuzzy chaperone-substrate ensembles
Double-Arm Lanthanide Tags Deliver Narrow Gd3+-Gd3+ Distance Distributions in Double Electron-Electron Resonance (DEER) Measurements
Gd3+-Gd3+ distances exceeding 3 nm determined by very high frequency continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance
Eldor-detected NMR
Hyaluronan Nanoparticles Selectively Target Plaque-Associated Macrophages and Improve Plaque Stability in Atherosclerosis
Quadrature Operation of Segmented Dielectric Resonators Facilitated With Metallic Connectors
Monitoring In-Vivo the Mammary Gland Microstructure during Morphogenesis from Lactation to Post-Weaning Using Diffusion Tensor MRI
Using a Sniff Controller to Self-Trigger Abdominal Functional Electrical Stimulation for Assisted Coughing Following Cervical Spinal Cord Lesions
Metamaterial Combining Electric-and Magnetic-Dipole-Based Configurations for Unique Dual-Band Signal Enhancement in Ultrahigh-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Neuronal baseline shifts underlying boundary setting during free recall
Nuclear quantum-assisted magnetometer
Emerging Nanomedical Solutions for Angiogenesis Regulation Preface
Polyubiquitin-Photoactivatable Crosslinking Reagents for Mapping Ubiquitin Interactome Identify Rpn1 as a Proteasome Ubiquitin-Associating Subunit
A Reactive, Rigid Gd-III Labeling Tag for In-Cell EPR Distance Measurements in Proteins
Efficient spectroscopic imaging by an optimized encoding of pretargeted resonances
Spontaneously Emerging Patterns in Human Visual Cortex Reflect Responses to Naturalistic Sensory Stimuli
Flexible and compact hybrid metasurfaces for enhanced ultra high field in vivo magnetic resonance imaging
Time domain simulation of Gd3+-Gd3+ distance measurements by EPR
Improved sensitivity for W-band Gd(III)-Gd(III) and nitroxide-nitroxide DEER measurements with shaped pulses
When are metabolic ratios superior to absolute quantification? A statistical analysis
Rates and equilibrium constants of the ligand-induced conformational transition of an HCN ion channel protein domain determined by DEER spectroscopy
Quantum Light in Curved Low Dimensional Hexagonal Boron Nitride Systems
EPR interactions - nuclear quadrupole couplings
Selective Distance Measurements Using Triple Spin Labeling with Gd3+, Mn2+, and a Nitroxide
Olfaction and Sleep
The embodiment of connotations: A proposed model
Increasing suppression of saccade-related transients along the human visual hierarchy
Transverse relaxation of selectively excited metabolites in stroke at 21.1T
A step-wise approach for analysis of the mouse embryonic heart using 17.6 Tesla MRI
Diffusion MRI measurements in challenging head and brain regions via cross-term spatiotemporally encoding
Distinguishing neuronal from astrocytic subcellular microstructures using in vivo Double Diffusion Encoded H-1 MRS at 21.1 T
Quantifying Guest Exchange in Supramolecular Systems
Conformational heterogeneity in the Hsp70 chaperone-substrate ensemble identified from analysis of NMR-detected titration data
Revisiting the revisit: added evidence for a social chemosignal in human emotional tears
Robust Diffusion Tensor Imaging by Spatiotemporal Encoding: Principles and In Vivo Demonstrations
Significance of symmetry in the nuclear spin Hamiltonian for efficient heteronuclear dipolar decoupling in solid-state NMR: A Floquet description of supercycled rCW schemes
Structure and Dynamics of the Huntingtin Exon-1 N-Terminus: A Solution NMR Perspective
Representation of Multiple Body Parts in the Missing-Hand Territory of Congenital One-Handers
Highly Reversible Conversion-Type FeOF Composite Electrode with Extended Lithium Insertion by Atomic Layer Deposition LiPON Protection
Single-scan MRI with exceptional resilience to field heterogeneities
MRI-based Sensors for In Vivo Imaging of Metal Ions in Biology
A fast approach to 3D HSQC-based spectroscopy based on a Fourier phase encoding of pre-targeted resonances
Proton MR spectroscopy of lesion evolution in multiple sclerosis: Steady-state metabolism and its relationship to conventional imaging
Effect of electron spectral diffusion on static dynamic nuclear polarization at 7 Tesla
Relaxation-Assisted Separation of Overlapping Patterns in Ultra-Wideline NMR Spectra
Thiolate Spin Population of Type I Copper in Azurin Derived from33S Hyperfine Coupling
Reducing SAR requirements in multislice volumetric single-shot spatiotemporal MRI by two-dimensional RF pulses
Heteronuclear 1D and 2D NMR Resonances Detected by Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer to Water
Nuclear hyperpolarization comes of age
Optimizing water hyperpolarization and dissolution for sensitivity-enhanced 2D biomolecular NMR
On The Potential of Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Enhanced Diamonds in Solid-State and Dissolution 13C NMR Spectroscopy
Synthesis and extensive characterisation of phosphorus doped graphite
Imaging the DNA alkylator melphalan by CEST MRI: An advanced approach to theranostics
Simulation of mental disorders: II. computer models, purposes and future directions
Trained to silence: Progressive signal inhibition during short visuo-motor training
Data for default network reduced functional connectivity in meditators, negatively correlated with meditation expertise
Solution NMR Spectroscopy Provides an Avenue for the Study of Functionally Dynamic Molecular Machines: The Example of Protein Disaggregation
Removing silicone artifacts in diffusion-weighted breast MRI by means of shift-resolved spatiotemporally encoding
A new approach for electrical properties estimation using a global integral equation and improvements using high permittivity materials
Hsp70 biases the folding pathways of client proteins
Hypo-metabolism of the rostral anterior cingulate cortex associated with working memory impairment in 18 cases of schizophrenia
Personal memory: Is it personal, is it memory?
Erratum: Passive or Active Immunization with Myelin Basic Protein Promotes Recovery from Spinal Cord Injury Contusion (vol 20, pg 6421, 2000)
Amplifying undetectable NMR signals to study host-guest interactions and exchange
Relative merits of rCW(A) and XiX heteronuclear spin decoupling in solid-state magic-angle-spinning NMR spectroscopy: A bimodal Floquet analysis
Structural disorder of monomeric α-synuclein persists in mammalian cells
Fluoroethylene Carbonate and Vinylene Carbonate Reduction: Understanding Lithium-Ion Battery Electrolyte Additives and Solid Electrolyte Interphase Formation
MR Imaging-derived Oxygen- Hemoglobin dissociation curves and Fetal-Placental Oxygen- Hemoglobin affinities
Overcoming artificial broadening in Gd3+-Gd3+ distance distributions arising from dipolar pseudo-secular terms in DEER experiments
Measuring and characterizing the human nasal cycle
Unraveling the Complex Delithiation Mechanisms of Olivine-Type Cathode Materials, LiFexCo1-xPO4
Introduction to the special issue on functional selectivity in perceptual and cognitive systems - a tribute to Shlomo Bentin (1946-2012)
Improvements in RF Shimming in High Field MRI Using High Permittivity Materials With Low Order Pre-Fractal Geometries
Estrogen receptor-targeted contrast agents for molecular magnetic resonance imaging of breast cancer hormonal status
The Default Mode Network Differentiates Biological from Non-Biological Motion
Sculpting 3D spatial selectivity with pairs of 2D pulses: A comparison of methods
Toward 20 T magnetic resonance for human brain studies: opportunities for discovery and neuroscience rationale
Simulation of mental disorders: I. concepts, challenges and animal models
Alterations in task-induced activity and resting-state fluctuations in visual and DMN areas revealed in long-term meditators
Prof. Luis Diaz and the Early Days of Solid State NMR in Argentina - Recollections from his First Graduate Student
Single spin magnetic resonance
Low Rank Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Solid Electrolyte Interphase Growth and Capacity Loss in Silicon Electrodes
Gd(III) complexes as paramagnetic tags: Evaluation of the spin delocalization over the nuclei of the ligand
Genetic and pharmacological modulation of Akt1 for improving ovarian graft revascularization in a mouse model
Following Metabolism in Living Microorganisms by Hyperpolarized 1H NMR
Covert neurofeedback without awareness shapes cortical network spontaneous connectivity
Voltage Dependent Solid Electrolyte lnterphase Formation in Silicon Electrodes: Monitoring the Formation of Organic Decomposition Products
Genetic manipulation of iron biomineralization enhances MR relaxivity in a ferritin-M6A chimeric complex
Fibroblast recruitment as a tool for ovarian cancer detection and targeted therapy
Metabolic Abnormalities in the Hippocampus of Patients with Schizophrenia: A 3D Multivoxel MR Spectroscopic Imaging Study at 3T
Acquiring and processing ultrafast biomolecular 2D NMR experiments using a referenced-based correction
Detection of intermolecular transferred NOEs in large protein complexes using asymmetric deuteration: HIV-1 gp120 in complex with a CCR5 peptide
Interleaved multishot imaging by spatiotemporal encoding: A fast, selfreferenced method for highdefinition diffusion and functional MRI
Detection of intermolecular NOE interactions in large protein complexes
What Happens to LiMnPO4 upon Chemical Delithiation?
Can diffusion tensor anisotropy indices assist in breast cancer detection?
Astrocyte morphology is confined by cortical functional boundaries in mammals ranging from mice to human
Multidimensional J-driven NMR correlations by single-scan offset-encoded recoupling
Organizing Brain Science on an International Scale
Gender balance: Supporting women postdocs in Israel
From Nose to Brain: Un-Sensed Electrical Currents Applied in the Nose Alter Activity in Deep Brain Structures
Human intracranial recordings link suppressed transients rather than 'filling-in' to perceptual continuity across blinks
Odors enhance slow-wave activity in non-rapid eye movement sleep
Pulse EPR-enabled interpretation of scarce pseudocontact shifts induced by lanthanide binding tags
Cover Picture: On The Potential of Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Enhanced Diamonds in Solid-State and Dissolution 13C NMR Spectroscopy (ChemPhysChem 17/2016)
Increased number of volatile organic compounds over malignant glottic lesions
Diminished Auditory Responses during NREM Sleep Correlate with the Hierarchy of Language Processing.
Ferritin Iron Mineralization and Storage: From Structure to Function
Characterization of an HEM-Mode Dielectric Resonator for 7-T Human Phosphorous Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Multimodal Correlative Preclinical Whole Body Imaging and Segmentation
Yadin Dudai
Structural Attributes and Photodynamics of Visible Spectrum Quantum Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride