1000 MHz NMR
Equipped with three customized cryoprobeheads, this flagship of the Clore Institute serves as one of the world's most advanced platforms for biomolecular and in-cell NMR research.

7 T Human MRI magnet
This 16-transmit / 128-receive Siemens 7 T Terra system uses advanced ultra-high-field (UHF) technologies serving as another flagship of the Institute as well as supporting Israel's Azrieli Center for Brain Imaging.

3 T Human MRI scanner
This state-of-the-art Siemens Prisma 3 Tesla magnet serves as development and application platform in cancer, brain, functional and neurobiological research.

11.75 T / 3.35 T Dual Center NMR / DNP System
Equipped with customized electronics, shuttling system and cryogenics, this is part of a development project for enhancing the sensitivity of DNP-based of solution-state NMR.

DNP and Dissolution DNP setups
The Institute supports two Hypersense dissolution DNPs and one customized multiple-resonance 1K DNP setup for researches in biochemistry, chemistry and physics.

Solids 9.4T DNP NMR
This MAS NMR system provides an ideal platform for high sensitivity materials research.

18.8T (800 MHz 1H) NMR
18.8T (800 MHz 1H) NMR spectrometer equipped with a cryoprobe for biomolecular NMR, as well as with solid state MAS and 12mm microimaging accessories.

15.2T (650 MHz) preclinical MRI
Equipped with the latest cryocoil and multiple-resonance volume and surface coil technologies, this flagship imaging system provides multinuclear access for frontier biological researches.

600 MHz solution NMR
Interfaced to a Hypersense® dissolution DNP polarizer and equipped with a cold probehead, this spectrometer provides a unique platform for sensitivity-enhanced biomolecular NMR.

Metabolomics-oriented 600 MHz NMR
Equipped with automatic sample changer and cryoprobeheads accomodating 5mm and 1.7mm samples, this instrument provides support for the growing metabolomics/metabonomics consitutency at the Weizmann Institute.

600 MHz widebore NMR
Equipped with double- and triple-resonance probes spinning upwards of 60 kHz as well as with microimaging 1H and 1H/13C setups, this platform provides an ideal setup for high field experiments and applications in solids and other systems.