Pre-clinical mouse model development
The tumor bank supports the scientific activity of multiple groups developing pre-clinical cancer models. Patient derived xenografts (PDX) are models of cancer where the tissue or cells from a patient's tumor are implanted into an immunodeficient or humanized mouse. Facilities at the Weizmann-Brazil Tumor Bank are used by Institute researchers to create specialized PDX animal models for their cancer-related experiments. This in-house development of PDX models offers a significant savings over the costs of purchasing study-specific animal models from commercial biotech firms. Here are two examples of recent projects that were heavily dependent of the use of PDX models:
A project led by Prof. Yosef Yarden and related to non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) used the Tumor Bank’s PDX facility and resources, as well as cell-derived xenografts, to examine mutations that can lead to the emergence of drug resistance in patients who initially responded well to treatment. This research, the continuation of a project published in 2021 in Embo Molecular Medicine, suggest that a large fraction of lung cancer patients whose tumors express EGFR mutations might benefit from the addition of an EGFR monoclonal antibodies like cetuximab, which was shown to be effective in preventing tumor relapses in PDX models
A study, led by Dr. Efrat Shema of the Department of Immunology and Regenerative Biology and published in Molecular Cell, describes the analysis of two epigenetically distinct subpopulations of a lethal glioma called Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma, or DIPG. DIPG is an aggressive brain tumor that occurs in an area of the brainstem (the lowest, stem-like part of the brain) called the pons, which controls many of the body’s most vital function such as breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate. Because of its location in the brain and how rapidly it progresses, DIPG is a “high-grade” malignant brain tumor. Using cytometry by time-of-flight (CyTOF) to analyze a wide panel of histone modifications in primary tumor-derived lines or mice tumors, Dr. Shema and her team established new concepts for the analysis of epigenetic heterogeneity in cancer that could be applied to future improved treatments.
The tumor bank model collection
The tumor bank is in the process of establishing a large repository of human and mouse cell lines for the use of the Weizmann cancer research community. The cell lines are collected from various labs in Weizmann, validated (by DNA fingerprinting), quality assured (by mycoplasma test and growth validation), and characterized (by RNA sequencing). The generated resource will allow labs to easily share cell lines and collaborate on different projects.
In addition, the tumor bank will host a collection of well-characterized mouse tumors, stored frozen and as paraffin blocks (FFPE). This will be accompanied by a comprehensive database recording tumor characteristics, H&E staining, growth rate curve, and RNA sequencing results. Together with the cell line repository, we hope to generate a Weizmann-based powerful resource to empower the Weizmann cancer research community.