The Brazilian Friends of Weizmann Institute of Science
The Brazilian Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science (Amigos do Weizmann do Brasil) aims to promote and support scientific, cultural, and educational links between the Weizmann Institute and Brazilian students and scientists.
The Friends runs bi-national projects via a cooperation agreement with FAPESP, a public foundation in São Paulo State. They have also promoted the cooperation of Weizmann Institute researchers with clinical scientists at the Albert Einstein Jewish Hospital. The Brazilian Friends develops new relationships through organizing scientific symposia, mainly in neuroscience and oncology.
The Brazilian Friends became engaged in the Moross Integrated Cancer Center (MICC) project, and believe in its potential, which led to its establishment of the Weizmann-Brazil Tumor Bank.
Every year, they recruit funding for and provide fellowships for outstanding high school graduates to attend the Bessie F. Lawrence International Summer Science Course.
Following the Weizmann Institute’s lead in hosting “Science on Tap” events in Tel Aviv, the Brazilian Friends hosts its own Science on Tap events, as well as informal Weizmann Talks by Weizmann Institute scientists, which involves engaging with local Jewish community associations and private companies.
The Brazilian Friends is headed by Mario Fleck (Picture on the right), a longtime friend of the Weizmann Institute.

Caption (Left to right): Charles Rothschild, Raquel Zivov, Claudia Issler Faiguenboim, Sonia Lozinsky, Roxana Tabakman, Sergio Lozinsky, Yardena Samuels, Moshe Oren, Dany Schmit, Mario Fleck and Angela Brandão.